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MMA Terminology

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Hey, I love this game and the Play by Plays, but I'm a complete newbie when it comes to MMA. Can someone please explain to me the following terminology?: -Harvey sneaks a jab [B]through the guard[/B] -Harvey storms back in almost immediately and takes Manu'a down, [B]into guard[/B] -Harvey [B]tries to pass the guard [/B]but can't, with Manu'a [B]employing a rubber guard [/B]now -Hinchcliffe is forced into action to defend [B]a kimura attempt[/B] -Carsley isn't allowing it though, and gets a couple more punches in before [B]settling back into half guard[/B] -but McFadden uses his leg strength and leverage to flip Chekhov over, almost [B]getting a mount[/B], but getting [B]shrugged off into guard[/B] -Chekhov [B]has the guard held very high[/B] -Chekhov moves [B]to butterfly guard[/B] Probably some stupid things in there, but any help would be nice :)
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'Guard' is a possition/technique in Jiu-Jiutsu, popularised by the Gracie family in the late 80's early 90's on their 'Gracies in Action' shows and later through themselfves and thier students in MMA. Fighter 1 is on his back, with fighter 2 on top of him. Fighter one has his legs wrapped around his opponants waist. If he crosses his ankles behind his opponants back, this is 'closed guard'. It makes it very hard for the opponant to sit up and strike, stand up or 'pass the guard'. So If I am fighter 1 and you are fighter 2, you would be in my guard. 'Passing the guard' means for fighter 2 to improve his possition by getting past fighter 1's legs into a side mount or a full mount. Side mount would mean fighter 2 is on top of fighter 1 at a 90 degree angle, chest to chest. This is a strong position for controlling fighter ones arms, using armlocks, elbows and knees to the head. 'Full mount', commonly known as just mount, is fighter 2 sitting on fighter 1's chest. This is a dangerous position, as it leaves the bottom fighter very little attacking options. Guard used to be seen as a defensive position, as Jui Jitsu players would trap less skilled fighters in it. However as people became more accustomed to escaping guard, we started seeing it used offensivly as well. There are many transitions to chokes, armbars, leglocks etc from the guard.
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Half guard: This is when the top fighter is halfway through passing the guard. Fighter one is on his back with fighter 2 on top of him. instead of having his legs arround fighter 1's waist, he has them arround the top of one leg. Obviously this allows the top fighter more movement, and is easier to escape or 'pass'. High guard: This is when the fighter on his back moves his legs from arround the waist further up the oppoants body. The higher up he goes, the more control he has, but it can be risky as it is easier to power out of. It the guard is very high, the bottom fighter can work for a straight armbar or triangle choke, by throwing one leg arround and over the top fighter's neck and appling either hold.
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Butterfly is really hard to explain without pictures....its a variation of the guard whereby the bottom fighter doenst have his legs wrapped arround the top fighter. Sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together. Lay onto your back in this position. This is butterfly guard...the other fighter would be on top of you, your feet would be between his legs beneath the crotch and you would controll his upper body with your hands. Rubber guard is a trademark of Eddie Bravo, possibly the best no-gi grappler in the world and is ever harder to explain! [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_%28grappling%29[/url] Thats a wikipedia page on the guard, it also explains lots of variations like butterfly, rubber, spider, x and so on. Hope that helps.
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Assuming you have access to UFC on television, you'd be amazed at how quickly you'll pick up the terms and what they mean just by watching the shows. The announcers do a great job in trying to make it accessible to new fans, while not degrading their already installed fanbase. There's UFC shows on throughout the week on Spike TV.
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Here is a nice youtube that shows the guard being used. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdAgx-jRHo8"]Youtube video[/URL] It's at a tournament and it's a Jiu-jitsu fighter vs. a judo black belt. The jiu-jitsu fighter tries for a takedown and the judo guy blocks it, but the jiu-jitsu fighter is able to wrap his legs around the judo guy into a closed guard, and from there is able to wrap his legs around in some kind of choke and wins by KO it looks like.
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