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WWWE: World Wide Wrestling of Europe (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/Skysportsbreaking.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]SKY SPORTS:[/U][/B] [B][I]BREAKING NEWS[/I][/B] [B]________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Sky Sports Newsperson[/B]: We interrupt this SKY Sports newscast to bring you breaking news from London. We will now transfer our viewers live to The Durley House Hotel where our Sky Sports team is on hand for this most unusual press conference. As we understand it, colorful millionaire sports enthusiast Toby Woxholt is present and is prepared to share some.... information with the public regarding some sort of sporting venture. A caricature to be certain, this press conference should be entertaining if nothing else. Immediately following, we will return to our preview of the weekends oncoming football matches. [B][CENTER]________________________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/durleyhouse.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In the spacious basement of the Durley House a small gathering of press and television cameras assembled around a short wooden podium. The press sat anxiously as they had been called from their normal tasks to sit upon this press coneference with no prior knowledge of its purpose or existence. The power that brought them here was nothing short of the influence of Toby Woxholt. The eccentric English millionaire from Essex had always been a fixture in the English tabloids but most of his life in the past 15 years bore little substance. England and Europe collectively recognized that the man was nothing more than a playboy, dating models and actresses and flashing about his monterous fortune. Sure, there had been countless rumors of Woxholt's interest in pursuing the sports world. Woxholt had always found himself front row for Londons largest sporting affairs. Be it Football matches, Formula 1 or anything else. One thing, however, that was synonymous with Toby Woxholt, was fighting. The fight game. Mixed Martial Arts, professional boxing and even, when the SWF or TCW crossed the pond, professional wrestling. Woxholt was subject of countless rumors in recent years. Many believed he'd been poised to become a sponsor in stock car racing, that or the purchase of a football club within Europe. It seemed a certainty that Woxholt would begin promoting boxig or mixed martial arts shows and the certainty was laid to uncertainty only at the last minute. In each case, however, nothing was ever confirmed. The rumors were just that and no press conference or legitimate commentary of the matter was ever publicly spoken of. That was, until now. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TobyWoxholt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Toby Woxholt[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][B]Toby Woxholt:[/B] Hello everyone. Hello England. Hello Europe and Hello to my fellow Winos enjoying a sip of something sweet in the lonely London streets. Hello, hello, hello! Cheers, let's get to business now, shall we?[/CENTER] Several cameras in the front row of seats before the podium flashed and clicked as they went to work. [CENTER][B]Toby Woxholt:[/B] Wonderful... It's been some time since the British press has been able to flash their little toys in my face. I've missed it and that brings me to why I am back and here now. I'm sure the tabloids were salivating over my whereabouts. Was The Wino out on the prowl, perhaps dating some gorgeous Venezuelan supermodel in some remote location? Perhaps saving starving sloths in the depths of Africa? While both the former and the latter are extremely similar circumstances I am guilty of neither. No, I was quite busy with, believe it or not, business these past few months. [/CENTER] The comment drew more photographs and laughter from the press. [B][U][CENTER]Toby Woxholt:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Joyous. Joyous. Well, in a moment I am going to hand over control of the podium to the true star of the show today but for now let me speak briefly of the past months events. Now let's see. About six months ago I'd been speaking with some friends. Yes, there were rumors of me taking over some football clubs, forming a mixed martial arts organization and all of those things were highly appealing but not quite as appealing as what I have, in fact, done. You see, there was a genius out there. A cunning, calculating, creative creature. A man who shared many things in common with myself. Fine women, fine pasta and the omnipotent ability to tell the two apart. Yes, this gentleman is a visionary. The issue was, he had a lucrative career. Highly lucrative, highly promising and the man made a great deal of money where he worked. However, it came to my attention that this gentleman was under a written contract with the organization he served. Six months ago that contract expired and I flew to Mexico to insure that this man would not renegotiate a further deal with his prior employer. While I stayed in Mexico..... Did I say Mexico? I think I meant Los Angeles of the States, my apologies to the Mexican community, I surely wouldn't want to compare them to the population of Los Angeles. Anyway. [/CENTER] The camera men chuckled and clicked their cameras some more. [B][CENTER]Toby Woxholt:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]If I wanted to do what I have done there would be no better man for the job. This man is the only man for the job and any other person to be involved with me in this project would be utterly useless. The mission of my new venture would be entirely futile without this one particular man, that man is a mister Ramaeno Ramaelli, please Ramaeno, if you would. [/CENTER] Toby stepped aside from the podium as the television cameras spun towards an emerging figure. The flash photography proceeded as the white haired young man from New York by way of Venice proceeded towards the podium microphone. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/RamaenoRamaelli.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ramaeno Ramaelli[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Ramaeno Ramaelli:[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Thank you mister Woxholt for the introduction and good day to everyone. I am, as implied, Ramaeno Ramaelli. Six months ago I was employed by an organization you may be familiar with. Total Championship Wrestling. While working in that organization I was the head writer, senior producer and director of the creative division. It had always been my dream to work with that wonderful company so you can imagine how I felt when I was approached by Mr. Woxholt. But as he said, he would not allow me to say no and that is why I am priveledged to say that Mr. Woxholt and Woxholt productions has funded what will undoubtedly become the greatest professional wrestling organization in Europe, the WWWE. World Wide Wrestling of Europe.[/CENTER] The cameras began snapping at double the speed while chatter broke out amongst the press persons. [B][CENTER]Ramaeno Ramaelli: [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Over the past six months, Mr. Woxholt and I have been busy. We have travelled every inch of this Earth in search of the worlds greatest warriors and we are confident that we've found said warriors. We are introducing a brand of wrestling that some may consider lost. In an era of flash and pizazz, outrage and sex, the WWWE will strive to bring you the best competition possible. Europe has been starved of truy great wrestling for far too long and as President and Vice CEO of the WWWE I will promise to satisfy this hunger at any cost. [B]Press Member:[/B] Professional Wrestling? But...but, is that even a sport? Is this some kind of joke?[/CENTER] Ramaeno turned towards Woxholt with a nervous eyebrow arched, Woxholt chuckled and nodded, the nod was in a manner that implied some form of unspoken communication. Like the confirmation of a detail previously discussed. [CENTER] [B]Ramaeno:[/B] I understand that there are probably a multitude of questions that you would like to ask and I am regretfully unable to provide you with the forum for a question and answer session. This organization has debuted today and is now entirely operational. This being our first day of complete business I am extremely short on what time I can offer you. I will simply run through some essential details and then I will give you some direction and information regarding a future question and answer session. Firstly, when I say that we have searched the Earth for the worlds top talent, I am entirely serious and we have asked some of the most brutal and notorious talents in the world to join the WWWE crusade. I can confirm to you that former mixed martial artists [B]Marvin Stevens[/B], [B]Charles Stiles[/B], and [B]Duane Weatherly[/B] will be apart of our explosion. I can confirm that our initial roster is compromised of men who've signed their names to written contracts and are now legally obligated to compete in the WWWE ring. This roster will expand for certain but as of now, this roster is entirely complete. Lastly, I will confirm that the quest to crown Europes true champion will commence immediately. The WWWE is proud to announce that we will be scheduling the commencement of The WWWE European Cup. A championship tournament that will contain 16 men from across the world. After a round robin process 8 men will remain in a single elimination tournament with the finals to decide the tournament winner. Such winner will be recognized by the WWWE sanctioning committee and the European Unified Athletic Commissions as the official Wrestling Champion of Europe. Furthermore, I will leave you all by saying thank you for your time and please visit the official website of the WWWE, WWWE.EU. The website is fully operational and will provide you with every detail we could possibly provide you with, thank you.[/CENTER] Ramaeno Ramaelli then turned and began to exit in the direction of which he came. Toby Woxholt smiled and winked at the cameras despite a barrage of photographs and aggressive questioning. No questions were answered by either man as they made their way from the podium but one answer had been given throughout the speech of Ramaeno and Toby... Today marked the birth of............................. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WWWE2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WWWEBanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WWWEWeb.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Blue"]WWWE.EU[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/wwwesuperstars.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]WWWE Superstar Bio's[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/CharlesStiles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/CHThreepwood_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DuaneWeatherly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HarryWilson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HarleyNeill_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/MarvinStevens.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/JungleJack-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/FrankSimmons_alt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [B][CENTER]______________________________________________[/CENTER][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]BLACK NINJA[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Black Ninja [B]Nickname[/B]: Super Ninja [B]Signature[/B]: Ninja Strike [B]Title History[/B]: (5x) TCW Cruiserweight Champion (3x) TCW Cruiserweight Tag Champion [B]Notable Victory[/B]: Def. Harry Allen (January 2003) [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: Def. By Harry Allen and Steve Gumble (June 2003) [B]Bio[/B]: Black Ninja is unquestionably one of the worlds most decorated competitors. With a wealth of titles and title reigns to his credit, Black Ninja may be the finest cruiserweight competitor in the history of North America. Famed for his long tenure as a dominant competitor in the world renoun Total Championship Wrestling, Black Ninja is undoubtedly among the key signings for the WWWE. Bringing his wide array of devastating maneuvers, Black Ninja also brings a wealth of ring knowledge and experience, making him a consistent threat to any championship recognized throughout Europe. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/CharlesStiles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]CHARLES STILES[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Charles Stiles [B]Nickname[/B]: Stylish [B]Signature[/B]: Rear Naked Choke [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: "Stylish" Charles Stiles may be recognizable to many WWE fans for his tenure with the world famous Mixed Martial Arts organization GAMMA. Stiles is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous men in WWWE, capable of ending a match at any given moment. Not only does Stiles bring his MMA background into the ring but he also brings his colorful personality. At the press conference where Stiles announced his intentions to join the ranks of the WWWE, he was noted as saying he intended to "Spit in the face of people who don't have style." [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/CHThreepwood_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]THE DEBT COLLECTOR[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: C.H. Threepwood [B]Nickname[/B]: The Debt Collector [B]Signature[/B]: The Debt Collection [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio:[/B] Not much is known about the Debt Collector other than the fact that he was personally scouted by WWWE President Ramaeno Ramaelli. It is understood that he was in some way involved with the celebrated Canadian promotion NOTBPW but little can be made in the way of information regarding his stint there. What is known, however, is that The Debt Collector enters every contest with the full intention of collecting whatever debt he feels his opponent owes. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DuaneWeatherly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]DUANE WEATHERLY[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Duane Weatherly [B]Nickname[/B]: Dashing, Daunting [B]Signature[/B]: Dashing Drop Neckbreaker [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: An accomplished mixed martial artist, Duane Weatherly is one of the many MMA veterans to sign the dotted line for the WWWE. Like his MMA counterparts, Weatherly has also displayed a certain gnack for the wrestling business. According to reports, Weatherly is in the greatest shape of his life. Additionally, Weatherly displayed some cunning personality traits never before seen of the man at the press conference he held to announce his intentions to join the WWWE. At the press conference Weatherly unveiled his physique, a statuesque physique that could make other wrestlers (and their wives) envious! After proclaiming his intentions to join the ranks of the WWWE, Weatherly asked the press to "shut their fat, lazy, out of shape mouths" so that the "women in the audience can salivate over my daunting, dashing physique!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HarryWilson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]HARRY WILSON[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Harry Wilson [B]Nickname[/B]: The Black Heart [B]Signature[/B]: Descent into Eden [B]Title History[/B]: (1x) NOTBPW Unlimited Action (1x) NOTBPW Young Lion [B]Notable Victory[/B]: Def. Edd Stone (August 2006) [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: Def. By Edd Stone (September 2006) [B]Bio[/B]: Harry Wilson is a tough competitor that was born and raised in England however, he has spent the previous half decade in Canada, more specifically, under the tutelage of the famous Stone family. Wilson was an active competitor in Canada's world class NOTBPW for many years and even held his share of gold in that organization. Harry Wilson is also the younger brother of international wrestling sensation "Dark Angel" Cliff Wilson. Since returning to Europe after his tenure in Canada, Harry is looking to cement his own legacy and if it is even half the legacy of his brother than Harry may be the man to shoulder the load of the entire WWWE. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HarleyNeill_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]JAMES ROCKHARD[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: James Rockhard (Once used he alias "The Juicer, Harley Neill") [B]Nickname[/B]: The Iron Stone, The Juicer [B]Signature[/B]: East End Piledriver [B]Title History[/B]: (1x) MOSC Blood & Beer, (1x) MOSC UK Tag Team [B]Notable Victory[/B]: Def. Thug & Bruiser (w/ Ripper Lestast [August 2004]) [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: Def. By Adam Martinez (February 2006) [B]Bio[/B]: Under a previous alias, James Rockhard earned a reputation throughout England as one of pro wrestlings most dangerous brawlers. Since committing to the WWWE, however, the man who once went under the name The Juicer, has completely revamped his outlook on wrestling and life. James has completely revamped his image, sporting a long, intimidating goatee and cackling at any chance he gets. He appears to be in the same tough, rugged condition he's noted for and add to that his recently unveiled allegiance to his "Blood Brother" Stan Manna and we have a man who is capable of anything. Indeed, alongside Stan Manna the two leather jacket, pink sporting men have called themselves The Blood Donation. Their mission? To destroy their opponents and donate their blood to the canvas! [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/MarvinStevens.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]MARVIN STEVENS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Marvin Stevens [B]Nickname[/B]: The (New Jersey) Crusher [B]Signature[/B]: Crusher Bomb [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: The Crusher or rather, The "New Jersey" Crusher, Marvin Stevens is arguably the most recognizable presence within the entire WWWE. Stevens is an absolute monster, a beast of epic proportions. There is no doubting that Stevens is the strongest, thickest combatant within the WWWE ranks. Stevens is also a most unusual character. Firstly, Stevens was among Mixed Martial Arts most dominant heavyweights in the mid 1990's. His stint and devastating KO victories within the world class GAMMA MMA organization is stuff of myth. After leaving the world of no-holds barred fighting, Stevens announced his intentions to train in the world of pro wrestling, making him one of the worlds most sought after free agents. Despite offers from the colossal SWF, the epic TCW and organizations such as BHOTWG, GCG, CGC, NOTBPW, DAVE, Sam Strong's USPW, INSPIRE and PHGW, Stevens shocked everyone and signed an exclusive contract with the WWWE. At the press conference where Stevens announced his intentions, he puzzled reporters everywhere by roaring undecipherable screams and devouring raw meat. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/StanManna.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]STAN MANNA[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Stan Manna [B]Nickname[/B]: The Man [B]Signature[/B]: (Assassin's) Crosshair Clutch Leg Lock [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: Stan "The Man" Manna is a top prospect from Canada. His skills were considered so desirable that he was given a personal invitation to join the dojo of international wrestling legend Rip Chord. Manna accepted such invitation and quickly became a factor in Rip Chord's MAW promotion. Under the tutelage of the great Chord, Manna began showing signs of greatness and when WWWE president Ramaeno Ramaelli toured the States, scouting talent, Ramaeno asked Chord personally for permission to utilize the services of Manna. Chord gave his full blessing and Manna was brought to England where he became acquainted with his "Blood Brother" James Rockhard. Together, the Blood Donation tag team began holding open training sessions, destroying sparring partners and displaying a combination of power and precision. Manna has been bold since joining the WWWE, claiming he is the "Personification of Application, The Definition of Condition and the Blessing of Wrestling." [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/JungleJack-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]SICILIAN JACK COLUMBO[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: Jack Columbo [B]Nickname[/B]: Sicilian Jack [B]Signature[/B]: The Sicilian Super Kick [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: A native of Sicily, Sicilian Jack Columbo is one of the most traveled superstars within all of the WWWE. Columbo has wrestled all across the globe, making him a perfect fit for the multi-cultured contingent in the WWWE. Jack possesses the devastating Sicilian Super Kick, a move allegedly taught to him by secret agents within the Vatican. Furthermore it is known that Jack has a particular flair for bodybuilding and fashion. It is almost unthinkable to imagine Jack competing in anything other than his signature leopard skin attire. At the risk of prejudice, it has also been implied that Jack has certain "connections....." [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/FrankSimmons_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]THE TAXIDERMIST[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: The Taxidermist [B]Nickname[/B]: The Alligator Wrestler [B]Signature[/B]: Belly to Belly Suplex [B]Title History[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Victory[/B]: N/A [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: N/A [B]Bio[/B]: Do not allow the British accent to fool you. The Taxidermist claims to hail from deepest, darkest, Tasmania. The Taxidermist also claims to be the champion of an international underground Alligator wrestling ring. If these claims are true then The Taxidermist may be the most dangerous man in the WWWE. While the WWWE does not condone or support wrestling alligators they can no prevent a man from making a living outside of the ring and that is why they can not stop The Taxidermist from his other occupation; Taxidermy. The Taxidermist is certainly a trained animal skinner. Let us hope he can keep the materials outside of the ring and attempt to win bouts in other ways! [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]WAKA YUKIGUNI[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]Name[/B]: WAKA Yukiguni [B]Nickname[/B]: Yakuza Kid [B]Signature[/B]: Yukiguni Driver [B]Title History[/B]: (3x) TCW Cruiserweight Tag Team, (1x) World Level Streetfighting [B]Notable Victory[/B]: Def. Harry Allen and Steve Gumble (December 2003) [B]Notable Defeat[/B]: Def. By Harry Allen and Steve Gumble (April 2004) [B]Bio[/B]: WAKA Yukiguni is recognizable to fans due to his successful career stateside with TCW (then under the alias Kazuma Narato.) WAKA Yukiguni held TCW Cruiserweight championship gold alongside partner Black Ninja on three different occassions while competing in a burtal feud with Americans Harry Allen and Steve Gumble. WAKA Then took his career to his native land, Japan where he would capture gold in promising Japanese promotion WLW. WAKA was scouted at a WLW outing by WWWE president Ramaeno Ramaelli. Ramaelli, versed in wrestling throughout the world, recognized the potential in the former TCW cruiserweight standout and offered WAKA the opportunity to shine in Europe. WAKA accepted.
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Ha! Thanks. I did the edit work myself... I thought he looked similar to someone longtime wrestling fans may be familiar with :) I have a few more interesting surprises in terms of wrestlers and modified graphics. This should be a fun dynasty.... For those of you who don't know my stuff, you can have a look at a TCW diary that I was working a long while back. It was great fun but I burnt myself out with all the detail in graphics and writing and was too pooped to go on. I will say that I was quite glad that alot of people enjoyed it, particularly the Jim Force stuff.....Not too long after I put that stuff together the FORCE was unleashed and as a WITNESS to the FORCE I can say that I hope the MESSAGE continues to reach out from the depths of its life force in the pits of Area 51. I think this dynasty will be good and I have promised that I will take it slow and easy....That should ensure a long life span. I've always envied the consistency of others out there....It may be disappointing to some if I don't pump it out constantly but hopefully it'll make it easier on me to keep it going. Thanks a lot and remember to pay your debt!!!!
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Hey. To anybody reading... I have updated the superstars page but there is still work that needs to be done. I have direction and everything for the fed but I want to get the superstar bios done first so hang in there and be sure to check back for the updates because after I edit the superstar page there wont be any boost to show that this thread has been updated. Furthermore, as time goes on and the WWWE moves on, any new superstars will be mentioned in the appropriate post and on the superstar page their bios will be added. I also hope to add important stuff to those bios over time. (NOTE: Left the bio page a few days ago on The Debt Collector, today I added Duane Weatherly, Harry Wilson and James Rockhard. Coming soon: Marvin Stevens, Stan Manna, Sicilian Jack Columbo etc)
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Hey Ac, good to see you around here! Thanks for checking it out man... and yes, there is a crazy resemblance to Irwin R. Schyster, LOL....But it is intentional! So are the other "resemblances"... Beeker, I will definitely do so, are you referring to the Superstars banner it'self or the collection of worker pics?
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[QUOTE=Ramaeno;347148]Beeker, I will definitely do so, are you referring to the Superstars banner it'self or the collection of worker pics?[/QUOTE] The resemblances are obvious but fun. If Stan can becoming anything like the McMahonVerse character who totally stole his look... then he'll be in good company. I meant the banner across the top. On my laptop it roughly doubles the width of the screen on that one post. You could cut it in half and have half at the top and half at the bottom or simply a double row of superstars. And nice nod to history and continuity for your previous FORCEful dynasty.
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Hey MrOnu...I see what you're saying and I definitely thought of that. It is something I really want to do I just need to figure out how to make it work. If I can figure out something then don't be surprised if we see Matild...I mean a dynamite British tag team coming around! Also...the worker bios page is now finished! I am now going to put this diary into the next phase so stay tuned for updates.
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