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Just for my own curiosity, how many people use the game world option of having randomly generated new workers appear in the game? If so, how good do they tend to be? Has anybody had one that has been a game changer, so to speak? I've tried it in a few games, mostly ones in which I've run a created company, and I haven't seen very much variation in the type of talent that the game generates. Also, surprisingly, precious few seem to actually come out of the in-game dojos (which, I believe, aren't active unless you turn the random workers feature on). However, I've never really played many of these games for any real length of time, so I'm not sure if the quality of the workers the game generates will improve as the game goes on to help replace workers who retire, die, etc.
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I always put it on Medium for all my games and I've picked up a couple of decent wrestlers so far, one technical and the other with awesome mic skills and charisma. That's in one year of game time as CGC :). I also sometimes put it upto high if alot of people retire, leaving the amounts low around the world.
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I usually play with this on, but you're right: Generally the level of talent is pretty low. I have had a couple of pretty good puroresu style hard hitters coming out of the Piledriver school and a couple of pretty good announcers with around C+ - B- skills. I also once had a color commentator debut who had I think like B+ or A in mic skills and cost next to nothing for some reason. Generally it seems that the best generated workers as far as in-ring skill goes debut, and are available in Japan. They generally have very little charisma or star potential, though. But to answer your question: No, never really had any breakout stars appear. Of course that would be pretty difficult with the averagely much more talented guys debuting from the "future workers" file.
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I always have them on but have never had a quote on quote breakout star as for the most part they tend to have fairly low overall skills but may be very good at one or two skills. However they are usually pretty young and with a few years in a training camp or on a roster some of them can become quite good.
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The dojos only generate workers if the generating feature is on... and lately I've taken to playing with auto-generate set to low. Non-dojo alligned workers tend to be pretty weak, although a lot of guys will show up with strong business skills or exceptional charisma/mic skills. PDW or ECA in the Cornellverse can generate some excellent talents. And of course, you get the odd former gymnast, MMA crossovers or football/rugby player coming through too. Some of them can be scarily skilled or over, but often have really poor performance skills. EDIT: and of course, a lot of these guys can develop over time into AWESOME talents. Guys from dojos seem to have higher potential than non-dojo guys as far as I can tell from my long term simulations.
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I always have it on Medium. It just adds a lot to game. However, it does sort of feel like cheating when you get a road agent or announcer with A* mic and charisma (which happens disturbingly regularly). I exploited that to hell in my LDW dynasty, but generally tend to edit them to lower grades.
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I have it on and set to high. Playing in Britain, I'm always interested to see if anyone good might come through. Plus, just having the future workers can make games seem a little repetitive. At least this keeps a random element. Main reason I have it on is because occasionally a guy will come through in the US or Japan (from a dojo or wrestling school) who has half decent wrestling skill, and because they have low overness, they tend not to wrestle the independents. Therefore they can become available after two years in the UK. Problem is that they usually suck at something rather important - like a couple of otherwise useful Japanese guys that have F stamina. I've also noticed on my current game (although it may just be bad luck) that most of the better new workers seem to be manipulative or jackasses.
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