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Incredible WWE logic

Guest Ransik

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I thought this was hilarious on so many levels. It shows to me at least that Vince McMahon isn't the main reason why WWE is popular with the fans and that he handles basically nothing when it comes to booking. [quote]Apparently the Major Brothers (Edge Heads) came up in a recent booking meeting. Vince McMahon wasn't aware of the fact that they aren't really brothers, and asked why they were being pushed as such? It was this meeting that Vince told the creative team to come up with different ring names for the "brothers." Hornswoggle isn't really Vince's son, is he?[/quote]
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[QUOTE=Ransik;363106]I thought this was hilarious on so many levels. It shows to me at least that Vince McMahon isn't the main reason why WWE is popular with the fans and that he handles basically nothing when it comes to booking.[/QUOTE] that is kinda sad.... as he confirms or denies every sing angle and match, but doesnt take the time to get to know WHO his talent is.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;363275]See you would think that... only a few years ago Vince wasn't aware that Raven was on his roster and the Hardcore Champion.[/QUOTE] You really need to show a link or something, when you say this stuff. Mainly because, half the place's around I don't think know what they are talking about ALL OF THE TIME. There are some that seem to have a grasp though, so I would like a source or something. Otherwise I don't believe a word of it.
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The Raven thing has been going around for years... about the time Tori was dressing as the ninja. It was all over the net when Vince figured out Raven was on the roster. You're asking me to find something that happened 6 or 7 years ago and post a link... just can't do it. The Edgeheads is on gerweck and probably other sites.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;363281]The Raven thing has been going around for years... about the time Tori was dressing as the ninja. It was all over the net when Vince figured out Raven was on the roster. You're asking me to find something that happened 6 or 7 years ago and post a link... just can't do it. The Edgeheads is on gerweck and probably other sites.[/QUOTE] The only issue with both of those things is that they both came from dirt sites. There is never any thing to back it up and they will post crap that they know will get people to read. Which before anyone asks one would be a way to show that Vince doesn’t care about a worker net fans like (raven). It also does what the others goal is to do make Vince look foolish. Dirt rags have the journalistic integrity of the National Enquirer.
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Actually, dirtsheets seem to be run by anti-wrestling marks - but I digress. Why are people surprised by the Major Brothers lack of prominence to Vince? They were a bland, going-nowhere babyface tag team on ECW and SmackDown, and clearly not a priority to Vince, who mainly concerns himself with the big angles, his own appearances and, you know, the whole steroid investigation thing...
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