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My SWF game in January 2009 - [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LN32Y37I[/url] I've been promising to upload this for ages but kept saying I was updating notes... well, I'm giving up on updating those notes because I can't remember everything I want to remember and it's dull to do them. :) So without further ado, here's my SWF game after two full years of play. I've largely tried to stay loyal to SWF style guys but obviously I've adapted the promotion to my own style after a couple of years of playing. That's just natural. :) SWF World Champion: Jack Bruce SWF North American Champion: Eric Eisen SWF World Tag Team Champions: The New Wave SWF Shooting Star Champion: American Elemental NEO Champion: Zimmy Bumfhole The important storylines of the moment.... [b][u]Sean McFly vs Marc DuBois[/u][/b] DuBois has continued his quest to beat every SWF World champion he possibly can, but only holds one win over McFly (due to outside interference). He has repeatedly tried to get a clean win but has ben unable to do so, while McFly has been getting many title shots. At When Hell Freezes Over, DuBois claimed he "wanted a fair fight" between Jack Bruce (with Dermot O'Logical on his side) and McFly, leading to him becoming guest referee... McFly had the match won before DuBois and Emma Chase screwed McFly out of the belt. This fued continues on.... [b][u]Jack Bruce vs Angry Gilmore vs Chris Rockwell[/b][/u] After being eliminated by Gilmore during a battle royale for a title shot, Rockwell had finally had enough. Since November he has attacked Gilmore and made him tap out repeatedly to the Lobster Trap, causing Gilmore's frustration to build up and make him more angry than ever. The two men clashed at When Hell Freezes Over but Rockwell walked out of the match... Gilmore is next in line for a title match but with Rockwell's unpredictable behaviour, what does he have planned? Jack Bruce himself is on a downward slope. With Squeeky McClean, Dermot O'Logical and Persephone working over-time to keep him straight edge, Jack was almost invincible. He won the Iron Man Tournament (June) and went on to win the World Title back at the Supreme Challenge (July). But injury to Squeeky meant that there wasn't enough support for Jack to stay on the wagon... Dermot has done whatever he could to help Jack, even after being fired (repeatedly), told to go away, warned that he'd have a restraining order taken against him and more... but Dermot just keeps helping, often throwing himself to the lions to protect Jack before a big title match. Jack is trying to score with Persephone (is she interested?) but is also realising that he isn't in such good shape now without Squeeky... but his old rock star persona is coming back and the fans are starting to get behind him. Can Jack keep a hold of the belt? Will he FINALLY get a date with Persephone? Will Dermot ever realise that he'd be better off without Jack? You decide! :p [b][u]New Wave vs Dirty White Boys[/b][/u] The New Wave debuted with a lot of hype, scouting their future opponents in military fashion before challenging High Concept to a match on the biggest PPV of them all, The Supreme Challenge, having identified them as the best team in the promotion. High Concept won that but the two teams had a brutal series of 5 tag matches over the next 4 months that saw The New Wave walk out the winners... barely. They went on to beat Des Davids and Valiant for the World Tag belts and ths far in their SWF career, have still only had two blemishes in their loss column, both against High Concept. The Dirty White Boys have been picking up momentum lately... for months fans have been giving them mixed reactions as they ride to the ring on motorcycles and leave the ring on them too, often stopping to have a beer celebration in the ring before doing so. Their no-nonsense style has seen them become one of the top teams and they recently turned fully face when they came out to brawl with The New Wave. With The New Wave looking almost unbeatable as a team, the Dirty White Boys look to step up to the plate and show the world they are the biggest, baddest team around. [b][u]The Beginnings Of Evolution[/b][/u] I suck at names. :p Faith's skills may be fading somewhat but he's taken the last few months off to brush up his skills and scout for talent. His goal? To put together the greatest group of superstars in the history of wrestling, a group who will go down in history as an elite unit who ran roughshod over anyone who stood in their path. Faith has been seen talking to many people backstage but no-one knows who is going to join his new super-group. Well... except me. Joseph Lewis Knight (Joe Sexy) recently seperated from the disbanded Models group (himself, Frederique, Zeus Maxmillion and Jenny Playmate) has been identified as a great talent and will be Faith's first revealed member soon. The youngster Nuclear Templeton (Nevada Nuclear) has shown a lot of promise and is set to be taken under Faith's wing and learn from the best as he begins his rise to stardom.... with this threat gathering, the All-Star Team (Jesse Christian, Des Davids, Valiant, Primus Allen, Bulldozer Brandon Smith) are looking to prevent it, knowing it will spell trouble for all.... little do they know that Primus Allen is the last member of Faith's Evolution. Primus is a rookie monster with an uncomfortable crush on his Bulldozer's girlfriend (Blonde Bombshell), and as the only youngster in the group without a Cheerleader on his arm, he is finally ready to show why he is called "The Rookie Monster". And.... Well, if you want to know more then download the damn thing!! :p Find out what is happening in the continuous saga of The Bumfhole Brothers... tune in to the blossoming SWF Women's division starring Alicia Strong... watch the expanding Shooting Star division featuring global talents such as American Elemental, Enygma, Fumihiro Ota, Frankie Perez, El Demonio, Mr Lucha III and more!!... don't miss your favourite dancing heroes Robbie Retro, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Too Hot... and watch as Barry Kingman brainwashes Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine and Jay Chord as he bids to bring down Sports Entertainment in favour of real wrestling!! For all this and more, tune into the SWF now!!! My SWF game in January 2009 - [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LN32Y37I[/url]
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I'm downloading it right now. Not 100% sure what to think of some of your creative decisions, but there's some really cool and original stuff you've done as well. And I love the idea that High Concept is the only team able to beat The New Wave. I could never find a proper use for Benson or Bling in any of my games.
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Groucho and Elmo are the rocks in my upper-midcard, able to switch between the North American or Tag divisions whenever I need them to. It was Elmo that actually took the North American belt from Rich Money at the start of the game so that I could push Rich up to the main event. :) As far as my creative goes... it's a long term game with some long term plans. Some of them have worked (Sam Keith vs Lobster Warrior/Chris Rockwell) and some have failed (Joey Poison and Jack Giedroyc as a tag team) and some have just happened (Kurt Laramee's feud with Christian Faith getting him precisely nowhere). In fact... if anyone noses around, you should be able to work out exactly why I still have Kurt Laramee and T-Rex on my roster. It's not cos they have skills, but they are at least slowly getting better.... And of course... if anyone has any other games they want to share, I want to be nosy and look! Specially Cornellverse games... and especially TCW or USPW because I've got an interest in both of those promotions. I've tried booking TCW but I just don't like many of their characters so I find myself not enjoying them. And USPW is a fun challenge but I've not played them for a while. :)
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First off, Derek, I'm glad you started this thread. I was considering bumping the older one to see if anyone would post some games. Also, is this the same file you uploaded then or have you played it further along (I really enjoyed the first one)?
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It's six months further along, the original was from Jul 2008, this is from January 2009. From the day after When Hell Freezes Over and Marc DuBois' heel turn on Sean McFly, along with everything else. Also... there is a pending decision for Andre Jones. I'm planning to push him as an Eric Young type of character (he keeps getting fired from SWF/RIPW) so I figured it could be fun. :)
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Iv got a saved game from a real world mod im playing on my reputation is now greatest im playing as TNA and have built them up to a global size promotion, my mainevents are kurt angle, brock lesnar, sting, christian cage, the rock, steve austin, edge, randy orton, shawn michaels, booker t and the undertaker and im into my 18th month. incause any1s woundering how i signed all the big names i have from the WWE they droped down to a cult size promotion but recently went back up to global around 3 months before i did! im running 4 1 hour shows a week TNA New Impact, TNA WAR, TNA Xplosion and TNA Sunday's. As you can tell from my roster i hardly use midcarders or lower they just bring down my ratings!! If you want more info just ask!
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;367082]Iv got a saved game from a real world mod im playing on my reputation is now greatest im playing as TNA and have built them up to a global size promotion, my mainevents are kurt angle, brock lesnar, sting, christian cage, the rock, steve austin, edge, randy orton, shawn michaels, booker t and the undertaker and im into my 18th month. incause any1s woundering how i signed all the big names i have from the WWE they droped down to a cult size promotion but recently went back up to global around 3 months before i did! im running 4 1 hour shows a week TNA New Impact, TNA WAR, TNA Xplosion and TNA Sunday's. As you can tell from my roster i hardly use midcarders or lower they just bring down my ratings!! If you want more info just ask![/QUOTE] Can you upload it?
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