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F1RST Wrestling


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hello hello, I have a question for you guys. Have you ever gone to an indy show and had a current WWE superstar show up? That happened to me today. I went to F1RST Wrestling, at First Avenue tonight. There was Shawn Daivari, ODB, NSE, Arik Cannon, Joey Envy, etc. But the best part was during the Cannon vs. Joey Envy match, I hear someone behind me say "I have to watch this match, as I am going to correspond to the headquarters." I look behind me and who do I see but none other than MINNESOTA'S OWN "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR KEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNEEEEEDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYY...............KEENNEEDDYY!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that was so COOL!!!!!!!!
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Weird, I thought Kennedy was billed as being from Green Bay, Wisconsin. :p Mind you... that could just be where he's billed as being from. Pretty cool to see him hanging out on the indy scene, that truly is awesome. From the sounds of what you say he said, it looks like he was doing some scouting... which seems odd but could be pretty cool in it's own right too.
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Kennedy moved to Minnesota but he's from Green Bay. I remember the first time he was in Wisconsin with the WWE the crowd was all behind him as he went to say "Hail from Green Bay", but he said "Nah, I moved to Minnesota" which was a good way to keep his heel heat. Awesome that you met him, Nick!
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One of the things I miss about living in the Twin Cities was the indy scene there along with the kinds of sightings that Nick describes. I can remember sitting across the aisle from Jim Neidhart on a flight from Newark to Minneapolis -- I was heading home from a business trip, he was heading back to Calgary after resigning with the E in late '99. Caught glimpses of other locals that made good at the airport as well (at that point in my career I was flying somewhere pretty much every week).
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