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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [I][CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Disc Two: Back in the Studio With Peter Michaels[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/I] [I]V: “That’s six months you’ve been running things, Peter. What are your general thoughts about the period? PM: “As you probably guessed, we spent the last half-year building to “The Supreme Challenge” and for me that would have to be the high point of everything; having everything come together like that was a fabulous, fabulous feeling.” V: “So, you were satisfied with ‘TSC’?” PM: “What’s not to be satisfied with? Our pay-per-view buyrate has been steadily climbing for the last five months, and this show saw it nearly double.” V: “…..” PM: “Did you hear me? It doubled.” V: “…..” PM: "Nearly." V: "Crazy." PM: “Crazy indeed. We’re in business, no question. Nipping at the heels of TCW and running ahead of NOTBPW in six months time, when we were a clear cut third, is astounding and, to be honest, is a bit further ahead than I thought we’d be.” V: “Why has it been working so well?” PM: “I think we’re giving the fans the best blend of everything. We’ve always had the best stories, but now we’ve got the best wrestling, too; the best high flying, the best tag team division….everything.” V: “What are some of your favorite things from this period; favorite matches, favorite moments, you know….” PM: “Well, for one, right off the top, I’m really happy with the way things played out with Eric Eisen and Darryl Devine. As you probably noticed, I slowly scrapped every single thing that the previous regime had laid out, choosing to go my own way instead of following an easier short term plan……everything, that is, except for the Eisen and Devine thing. I knew straight away that I wanted to get Eric out of the ring. It might not be the best for his ego, but I think he helps the show so much more now as a heel authority figure instead of trying to get over as a wrestler; it’s not even close. But his story was so intertwined with Darryl Devine’s for so long, and it was such a recurring theme on SWF programming for so long, that I felt I had to see it through to an end. And by ‘to the end’ I mean, having them face off, in the ring, with everything at stake. But wow, what a match. One of the most violent and dramatic matches I have ever had the pleasure of calling.” V: “I’ll be honest; a lot of people didn’t see Eric coming out of that one with the victory……” PM: “…..which is a good thing, in my opinion. We started the Big Smack Scott as the GM storyline just to support it; letting perceptive fans think ‘They can take Eisen off-screen because they’ve set it up by testing another authority figure. Scott has gotten over, so they can afford to do it’. The whole thing was born as nothing more than a red herring for the fans.” V: “That’s true, isn’t it?” PM: “I’m proud of it, to be honest. Scott has gotten over as an authority figure, but, as with many of our storylines, there is always something deeper, more longer-term, going on. That’s really how booking evolved during this period; I really started sticking to my guns with making sure everything fit my long term plans. The web is getting thick, but I’m sure that as you watch it play out, you’ll be excited by its depth and how it all fits together as a story.” V: "Where is Darryl?" PM: "Gone." V: "Gone?" PM: "Gone." V: “ Ok then, what else? What else are you proud of?” PM: “I like the Jack Bruce/Valiant feud. I read a post on the promotion’s website by a fan who noted that the two have been booked in a manner where it is very hard to decide who to cheer for, which is an astute comment because that’s exactly what we were trying to do. I wanted to give both wrestlers more depth than their cookie-cutter gimmicks and I think that it is working at this point. Plus, I was really interested in putting Valiant in a long term storyline with someone that could wrestle as well as cut promos, hoping that it might accelerate his learning.” V: “Has it?” PM: “I’d say that we’re really playing to his strengths right now. He’s doing a good job with everything that’s asked of him. He’s a good kid, too.” V: “What are your plans going forward?” PM: “Booking wise or overall business plan wise?” V: “Either.” PM: “Well, just from a personnel standpoint, I will tell you that we are going to take a good, hard look at every single wrestler in TCW with an expiring contract. I’m a firm believer in playing hardball when it comes to dealings with your direct competition. In this case, taking anyone with any amount of overness and signing them to a contract, whether we intend to use them or not, is a smart strategy.” V: “So, who are we talking about? Specifically?” PM: “You’ll see. (chuckles) Actually, in some cases you might not. We’ve got an active relationship with two promotions that we use to develop talent and, I’ll bet, a lot of TCW castoffs that I can’t find anything for will end up spending time at one or both.” V: “That’s pretty dirty.” PM: “That’s the business. I will say that our roster might expand a little bit more as we shed a few contracts and make a few call-ups. Nothing too huge; I think Christian Faith was a big enough surprise and we don’t want to go to the “huge shocking surprise” direction too often, you know. Just like you can burn out a crowd with too many ladder matches or stuff like that, you can burn them out by overusing the same types of angles.” V: “How did you convince Christian Faith to come back to the SWF?” PM: “Well, if you remember correctly, I’m the one that convinced him to jump from SWF to TCW in the first place. And I did so by stating the obvious then just as I did this time; the SWF is the place to be and you (Christian) are a superstar among stars. Do you want to be with a second rate outfit, or back on the biggest stage in the industry where I believe you belong?" V: “So you worked him?” PM: (laughs) “I wouldn’t call it ‘working’ him, per se. I just appealed to him in a way that I knew to be successful. Christian is one of the biggest stars in the history of the sport and he is quite aware of that standing.” V: “Alright, who are we going to see getting bigger pushes? Who’s moving up the card?” PM: (chuckles) “You want me to spoil the story? Why did the people buy these DVD’s again? To learn about booking a wrestling promotion, right?” V: “Right.” PM: “Lesson number one, straight from my lips to your ears, is that you need to take your time letting the story play out. Enjoy the ride; every up and every dip, enjoy the ride.” V: “…….” PM: “What?” V: “Just a hint…….anything?” PM: “I will tell you that the COTGD are going to have their story split into a new direction that I think will capture the interest of the fans. I’m really having fun with the Jett/Skye part of it, but have a great new idea for the rest of them. Sports entertainment, baby.” V: “That’s awesome. I love the Cult.” PM: “We know. We aimed them at dorks like you.” V: “…..” PM: “You’re welcome for it.” V: “…….” PM: “You also love Tom Gilmore, too, don’t you?” V: “How’d you know?” PM: “It’s my job to tell you who you like and who you don’t like. There are a lot of different types of wrestling fans and I try to include as many of them as I can in my booking plans. That’s another lesson, I’d suppose. Unless you’re an idiot, you can’t make a real big time go of it catering to just one small group, no matter how rabid they are. Look at how it worked out for DAVE. Their fans were about as rabid as any this industry has ever seen at any point in history, and what do they have to show for it? Bought out by TCW and turned into a watered down second brand? That’s sad, I think. I used to mean something to someone’s career to have had a run with DAVE. Now, it’s almost a black mark. But even before, at their nest, their peak was as a third promotion. Anyone who tells you that DAVE was going to crack the top two doesn’t know a thing about the business. We’re drawing fifteen thousand in their backyard and they’re struggling to draw five? That’s the whole story, right there.” V: “But there are still fans that hold DAVE in the highest regard and…..” PM: “…..and they will always think that nothing can touch that period of time in wrestling, which is on one hand quite admirably loyal, but on the other hand, is very, very sad. What it is serving to do is ruin their experience watching wrestling today. How many times can you watch an old DAVE DVD and enjoy it like you’re supposed to enjoy wrestling?” V: “Alright, we’ll save this DAVE discussion for another time, I think.” PM: “That’s fine with me.” V: “What else are you proud of from this period of your booking?” PM: “I’m quite pleased about the way I’ve set things up for the next six month period, booking wise.” V: “How so?” PM: “Well, once we get through this next pay per-view, we’ll be five or six strong at the main event level, with every single one being viable challengers and viable potential champions.” V: “Hmm. That smells like a gimmick match….” PM: (winks) “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” V: “I’ll bet.” PM: “Also, what about our tag team scene? How many good, solid tag teams do we have? I’ll bet at least two times the amount of TCW, and they’re supposed to be the ‘traditional’ company. Pfffft. Whatever.” V: “Hold a grudge much?” PM: “Call it what you want, they are my direct competition and they are fighting the type of fight that’ll only end when one of us is out of business, leaving the other alone atop the business. I have to treat them accordingly.” V: “But you sound like you hate them. You’re ready to take a shot at them at any opportunity….” PM: “……” V: “Do you hate TCW?” PM: “……” V: “No answer?” PM: “I didn’t say I wouldn’t answer, I just didn’t say anything.” V: “There’s a difference?” PM: “I was thinking….” V: “Alright, I’ll ask again. Do you hate TCW?” PM: “….” V: “You do, don’t you?” PM: “Yes, I do. I really, really do; is that what you want to hear?” V: “….and I really, really believe you.” PM: “….” V: “But what about the prospect of working for TCW again in the future. It’s not as though you haven’t moved around before. We’re talking about your second tenure in the SWF right now.” PM: “True.” V: “So, how can you simultaneously loathe TCW; hate TCW and still entertain the notion of, maybe, someday, having to go back to work there?” PM: (pauses) “Because that’s the business.”[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Business [I] Some business to get to before I get on with posting the next set of shows. First off, thanks to everyone that stopped to read “The Supreme Challenge” and also to those that left comments. It was great to have a show that I worked so hard on go over so well. Especially since I thought, for at least a day or two anyway, that all of my files were lost and that SOTR was done for. And secondly, before answering people individually, I wanted to let everyone know that the plans to split this diary into a four way battle between four different writers is officially a go. While I’m going to keep their identities under wraps now, rest assured that the scribes already on board are, in my opinion, among the best the boards have to offer. Now, to the messages:[/I] [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;523311]THAT WAS AWESOME *CLAP, CLAP, CLAP* THAT WAS AWESOME* CLAP, CLAP, CLAP :D So pleased to see you get the A* you deserve for that show, because not only was the show itself fantastic, the build you put into the feuds for this show was also superb. I actually liked the fact, that you made every match feel important on the PPV and that those who were on the show had really earned their spot on what is SWF's 'Marquee' PPV (it's Wrestlemania/Bound For Glory), instead of trying to cram everyone who's earning a paycheck from SWF onto the show.[/QUOTE] [I]I've never had a cyber chant break out for....well, anything before. Thanks a lot, TK. :) And concerning the show rating, I was very worried about the order of the matches and how they might effect the overall score if I had a match in the middle of the show blow the main event out of the water. I really lucked out that Keith/McFly is such a strong ratings getter.[/I] [QUOTE=James Casey;523318]Agreed. Tremendous show, NoNeck. Now, where to over the next 12 months? Will Keith and Eisen continue to reign, er, Supreme? Is DD really gone? Can Morpheus build on his momentum? And, of course, we need to know what's going to happen with Valiant, Raven and Jack Bruce![/QUOTE] [I] I could use this verbatim as a preview for the next six months of game time. If you had mentioned Christian Faith, I might have been guilty of plagiarism. [/I] [QUOTE=Astil;523465]Amazing show. Marking for Remmy and Sean both winning. Very, very nice.[/QUOTE] [I]Glad to hear it Astil, and if you're behind them now, wait until you see where their stories are going. Plus, I'm glad I've got fans of the babyfaces, at least as much as they are babyfaces, anyway. [/I] [QUOTE=lazorbeak;523699]Eh, I still feel a little ripped off. Where was the gimmick battle royale or the cross-promotion with playboy? ;) That said, all the matches were great and you've got a lot of storyline potential from here. Things could literally go almost anywhere from here, and that's a good thing.[/QUOTE] [I]The booking strategy going in was to set the table for the next year of game time by building to a point (TSC) where I could have everything set up for what I wanted to do, both backstory wise, roster wise, champions wise, etc....[/I] [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;523814]Great pay per view. I love the Bill Hicks reference as well.[/QUOTE] [I]Thanks Bigpapa42. Bill Hicks is the man. Peerless.[/I] [QUOTE=UkWrestleFan;523919]Just read this whole thread from start to finish, and it's brilliant. Totally inspired me to start up a game and get a dynasty going. The way you build the characters is stunning, I especially like the way the whole Jack Bruce/Valiant feud has gone. It's got me not knowing who to route for and who should be the heel. Great writing.[/QUOTE] [I]First, it's awesome that your first post on the board was to comment on my little story here; thanks a lot. And considering I was inspired by a few of the board's best of the past, it's an honor to pass along the favor. Monkeypox is becoming like the Bill Walsh of GDS diary writers. ;) I'm in love with the JB/Valiant thing too; it really has exceeded my expectations for how grey I could make both of their dispositions.[/I] [QUOTE=Astil;525365]Question: Does that mean you are in the "present" now?[/QUOTE] [I]Yes, it does. I know it's been a while, but way back when, at this diary's start, it began as a shoot interview with Peter Michaels, almost as if we were looking through his booking logs while watching the archived shows.[/I] [QUOTE=TheBrockLock;525363]Just classic and so completely true.[/QUOTE] [I]In reference to the last line of the Peter Michaels entry, I stopped writing when I wrote that line because it sounded like the end to me, even though there was plenty more to say. Thanks for digging it. [CENTER][B]And now, on with the show.[/I] :):)[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;525764][I] Some business to get to before I get on with posting the next set of shows. First off, thanks to everyone that stopped to read “The Supreme Challenge” and also to those that left comments. It was great to have a show that I worked so hard on go over so well. Especially since I thought, for at least a day or two anyway, that all of my files were lost and that SOTR was done for.[/I][/QUOTE] Let that be a lesson to us all - buy a back up drive just for TEW :p I've actually been doing periodic backups of my games, but it's not a bad idea for any writer to have an up-to-date save on a USB stick or something. [QUOTE=NoNeck;525764][I] And secondly, before answering people individually, I wanted to let everyone know that the plans to split this diary into a four way battle between four different writers is officially a go. While I’m going to keep their identities under wraps now, rest assured that the scribes already on board are, in my opinion, among the best the boards have to offer.[/I] [/QUOTE] NoNeck, Tigerkinney, J Silver and Monkeypox present... Sheesh, wanna leave something for the rest of us? ;)
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Show 36 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty Six Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [I]Only days removed from the most viewed pro wrestling pay-per-view of the year, “The Supreme Challenge”, the SWF will continue to raise the bar with the highest rated pro-wrestling show on television, “Supreme TV”, [B]expanding to a full two hours [/B]beginning this week with a huge show. Without question, we expect appearances from the new SWF World Champion, [B]“Mr. Wrestling” Sean McFly [/B]as well as the former champion [B]Gregory Keith[/B] and his victorious boss, the SWF’s interim CEO, [B]Eric Eisen[/B], who banished longtime rival Darryl Devine from the company at “The Supreme Challenge”. What is next for all of these men? Will Keith ask for a rematch? What now for Eisen, as Devine has been his sole focus for years? What of the Corporation as a whole? Tune in to find out. You want wrestling? How about this line-up? [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Golden COTGD vs. Grayson/Powell vs. MMW Gilmore/Sexy vs. Bulldozer/Minnesota Warlord Power vs. Dez Davidz John Greed vs. To Be Announced[/B] [B]Plus, a main event that will blow the other guys’ PPV stuff out of the water; no joke.[/B] [B]Remmy Skye [/B]won the Shooting Star title but was bitten by the vampiric [B]Jacob Jett[/B]? What could possibly be up next in this crazy story? [B]Valiant[/B] and [B]Jack Bruce’s[/B] unsanctioned match was entertaining but didn’t solve anything between the two men as it ended in a violent double stoppage. With Valiant still under suspension, officially, their situation will need to be addressed so that they may settle their differences. After taking the cash from [B]Futureshock [/B]and then taking the World Tag Team Titles from the [B]New Wave[/B] at “The Supreme Challenge”, we are on the verge of a an SWF first this week on Supreme TV, with the pending sale of said championships by the [B]Dirty White Boyz.[/B] Mr. Hayes has been on the trails of the titles under direct order of the team’s mysterious benefactor for weeks and seems to finally been successful in his attempt. Witness the coronation of new tag team champions this week on Supreme TV. And [B]Christian Faith[/B] is back in the SWF? And the first two inductees into the [B]SWF Hall of Fame [/B]will be announced? [CENTER][B]How can you possibly afford to miss this edition of “Supreme TV”? The short answer: You can’t. Supreme explodes with two full hours of live action this Tuesday night. Where will you be?[/B] Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Gilmore/Sexy vs. Bulldozer/Minnesota Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Golden COTGD vs. Grayson/Powell vs. MMW Warlord Power vs. Dez Davidz John Greed vs. To Be Announced[/I] :)
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Gilmore/Sexy vs. [B]Bulldozer/Minnesota[/B] I say the champ picks up the win, when Gilmore and Sexy come to blows. I think this will lead to a Gilmore/Sexy grudge match at the next pay per view. [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Golden AMM picks up the easy win, thinking that this may lead to a future Shooting Star shot, looking forward to what your plans are for the title. [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Grayson/Powell vs. MMW The cult recover from their poor performance at TSC with a victory on Supreme TV. Wondering if Remmy Skye will have anything to do with this match. Warlord Power vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] The younger, more talented Davidz picks up the win. John Greed vs. [B]To Be Announced[/B] Not sure on the opponent, but since Greed is nothing more than a jobber atm, I don't see him winning. I'm new to the board and have read through the entire diary, and have loved every show. The way you brought in the COTD was my favourite part of the diary so far, and the Keith and McFly feud as be great too, wondering what Keith will get up to now without the title, I don't see him falling to far down the card.
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Gilmore/Sexy vs. [B]Bulldozer/Minnesota[/B] [I]A partners who don't get along match, so.....sports entertainment ! Bigstarry's reasons for Bulldozer/Minnesota picking up the win seem pretty valid, so I wont disagree.[/I] [B]Antonio Maxi Marquez[/B] vs. Golden [I]AMM seems to be getting a pretty solid push, where as Golden is not much more than a jobber to the stars with a gimmick.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Grayson/Powell vs. MMW [I]Cult get back on track with a victory[/I] Warlord Power vs. [B]Dez Davidz[/B] [I]This ain't FCW[/I] John Greed vs. [B]To Be Announced[/B] [I]I'll take a guess at Greed's opponent being a returning Christian Faith, so therefore this will be a very quick squash match.[/I]
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Show 36 "Hair of the Dog" [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Thirty-Six-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Hair of the Dog”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed vs. Eddie Chandler[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: John Greed wins via pinfall @ 4:45[/B][/I] [I][I]Peter’s Notes: Greed picks up a win over the first member of our hired out job squad. Basically, we’re going to sign some folks to short term, sometimes single show deals, and get a look at what they have to offer. Tonight, Canadian star Eddie Chandler makes the first of his two appearances for us while we’re in his home country and does indeed open some eyes as to his potential value to the SWF, agent Steve Flash’s in particular. Nothing spectacular, just a quick match and a tidy finish, with Greed picking up what we believe to be his first clean win since his promotion from RIPW. Grade: C+[/I][/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] With the pre-show’s first match in the books, the cameras switch backstage where Futureshock, alongside Mr. Hayes, stand outside the building, having set up right outside the door. It is a cool night, and as KC Glenn blows into his hands for the third time in only a few seconds, he nudges Brett Starr. BS: “Hayes, man, this is stupid. I don’t….” Mr. Hayes pulls up his sunglasses, his eyes intense, burning a hole in Starr. I almost believe he might have growled a little bit. But when he answers his voice is even, almost calm sounding. MH: “I want to be right here so that when the Dirty White Boyz arrive, we won’t miss them.” Glenn just shakes his head. Starr acts too afraid of Hayes to do the same right in his face. KC: “Why can’t you just ree-lax ‘bout all that, man? We paid them boys for those belts…..” Hayes cuts him off, sounding just the slightest bit annoyed. MH: “…..no, WE didn’t pay for the World Tag Team titles, YOUR benefactor did. And he is of the opinion that we might have been had, so to speak, by the DWB, and that they have no intention of giving up the belts.” KC: “I don’t believe that’s true. Not at all.” Starr pipes in. BS: “And if they did…..” He pounds his fist into his hand, making a loud slapping sound. Glenn laughs and the camera pulls back leaving Glenn and Starr running their mouths at each other about nothing, Mr. Hayes in the foreground, shaking his head and letting out a long, slow breath; back to waiting. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Dez Davidz vs. Warlord Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dez Davidz wins via pinfall @ 1:27[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Dez wrecks Warlord Power, who may be on his last legs with the company. Since he was repackaged to be a Warlord and is now, with Warlord Idiot’s surprise retirement, without a partner, I think it might be best to just let him walk when he asks for his release. He does a solid job here, putting over a guy who I’m still not sure about, taking Dez’s full seven move arsenal before getting blown up with the street thug’s amazing belly-to-belly bomb, seeming to take flight awhile before landing. Danny B Bling and his girls get in their customary post match shimmy shake as Dez stands back, arms raised over his head; victorious, gold teeth catching the light. Grade: B-[/I] [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] . The show begins with its usual kaleidoscopic array of colored pyro popping just above the heads of another sell out crowd. Only this night is different, as Supreme TV is in the hometown of the man of the hour. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The roof nearly blows off of the place when the music of the new World Heavyweight Champion, “Mr. Wrestling” Sean McFly comes pouring out of the speakers, filling the arena and matching the volume of the ovation. And when he walks out onstage, flanked as always by superagent Phil Vibert, with the belt around his waist, trademark towel draped over his head, the fans erupt, really letting him hear it. “Sean Mc-Fly! Sean Mc-Fly! Sean Mc-Fly!” As they make their way down the ramp and around the ring, both Vibert and McFly take a bit of extra time to go around and glad-hand the fans, exchanging high fives and tussling hair for a good few minutes before getting into the ring, the well dressed Vibert pulling a wireless microphone from his suitjacket. PV: “Calgary, Alberta, Canada…….make some noise for the NEW SWF World Champion…….your hometown boy, Sean McFly!” McFly stops bouncing from side to side for a moment and rips away the towel, grinning at the fans and really getting them excited, running up a turnbuckle and holding up the World title belt, bringing up memories of when he won it days ago at “The Supreme Challenge”. PV: “Now that we’ve finally……” [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Vibert is cut off by the opening strains of Gregory Keith’s entrance music and squints his eyes, trying to spot him. And when the former World Champion walks out onto the stage alongside interim CEO Eric Eisen, the crowd launches into a very loud chorus of boos. GK: “Have some respect for a living legend, would you please?” They cheer a little bit, thinking he meant McFly, even if in a condescending manner. GK: “I meant ME, you stupid canucks!” Phil Vibert sighs. PV: “Eric, Greg, I thought we had kind of settled things Sunday night? Was I wrong?” Eisen laughs, but Keith is serious, chewing the absolute hell out of his piece of gum. EE: “Mr. Vibert, I’m sure you were hoping to be done with Gregory Keith.” The crowd boos. EE: “Unfortunately for your client Phil, that isn’t the case.” The crowd boos even louder. If there’s anyone they hate even more than Gregory Keith, it’s Eric Eisen. EE: “I would suspect that you especially, Mr. Vibert, being a superagent and all, would realize that every World Champion that loses their title is automatically granted a rematch by way of a contract provision.” Another round of boos as Eisen smiles. Keith does not. EE: “And as the interim CEO, I think that……” McFly steps up and takes the microphone from Vibert, looking up the ramp at Eisen and Keith. SM: “Fine. Let’s do it tonight. I’m ready Greg, are you? You want your rematch? You've got it!" Keith scowls and as he gets set to answer……. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……the sound of a loud, revving motorcycle halts everything. Keith and Eisen angrily step aside as Christian Faith rolls out onto the stage to a massive swell of crowd support. As they cheer the returning SWF superstar, he rides his long chopper around the ring and stops near the broadcast location, grabbing a microphone from the ring announcer. CF: “Now listen here. I can respect that you two still have some business to take care of between yourselves, but I want to make one thing very, very clear to both of you.” The crowd quiets. CF: “Which ever one of you comes out of your match tonight holding the SWF World championship, know that I am coming for you….. and I’m coming for your title.” Eric Eisen clears his throat, getting everyone’s attention again. EE: “Let me be the first to officially welcome you back to the SWF, Christian. And also, let me be the first…..to put you…in your place. Boos. EE: “And while, I can respect that you’re looking for a shot at the World Championship, the simple fact is………” Dramatic pause. After all, we are in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. EE: “…. that there is NOT going to be a World title match tonight.” McFly and Vibert are up in arms, with “Mr. Wrestling” wanting the rematch to happen tonight. EE: “No, McFly will make his first title defense against Gregory Keith….. at “Welcome to the Jungle” on pay-per-view in three weeks. Until then, Christian, you’re just going to have to bide your time.” Close up on Eisen. EE: “But not to worry. We’ll be sure to find plenty for you to do in the meantime.” The Corporation’s music hits leaving Sean McFly and Phil Vibert in the ring looking confused and Christian Faith sitting on his chopper looking disappointed. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]COTGD vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson vs. MMW[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: COTGD wins via pinfall @ 4:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Quite a good match to kick off the live telecast’s action as these three teams brought out the best in each other and got the crowd’s attention straight off. The Cult of the Grey Dragon really needed something positive to happen for them, what with their leader, Sammy Bach, unable to reclaim the Shooting Star Title at “Supreme Challenge” and Remmy Skye, with a wound in his neck, chasing Jacob Jett from the building, stake in hand, at the end of the same match. The action is very fast, as we expected, with five of the six men being among the most electric on the roster. There are several great three and four man spots with Acid’s awesome spinning hurancanrana on Powell coming after he was catapulted off of the second turnbuckle by Stevie Grayson being a highlight. Moments later, Fuerza snatches Plague springboarding in and plants him with a vicious powerslam. When Acid follows his partner in via the springboard, Fuerza catches him as well, powerbombing him on top of his downed partner. The finish comes with Emma again working her magic at ringside, using all of her assets to momentarily distract the now rallying Ryan Powell (and referee Baby Jamie) leaving him open for a blast of green mist and a vicious back elbow from Acid. Gino Montero tries to step in but gets a face-full of mist himself and tumbles out of the ring. After a quick rana and a tag from his partner, Plague is on the top turnbuckle like lightening, putting a boot into Fuerza’s mug before using the ringpost for an interesting launch point for the “New Jersey Turnpike”, (Twisting corkscrew springboard legdrop), nailing Powell flush with the move and getting a quick three count afterward. Emma climbs through the ropes and joins Acid, Plague and the late arriving Jacob Jett and Sammy Bach in the ring as the bell clangs repeatedly, signaling the match’s end, the COTGD victorious and posing devilishly. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Eric Eisen settles in backstage and calls for his assistant to bring him the television ratings numbers for the weeks he missed and left Big Smack Scott in charge of. Summoning BSS via intercom as the assistant sets a folder onto his desk, Eisen flips open the packet and begins running his eyes over it. By the time Scott makes his way into the office, Eisen is smiling broadly. EE: “Scott? Come in here, man. Have a seat.” BSS doesn’t really know what to make of Eisen’s goodwill, having been his whipping boy for months. EE: “Mr. Scott, I don’t know if you have any idea about the TV numbers while I was away….” Scott begins babbling; his SWF career flashing before his eyes. BSS: “Uh……no. I….uh….umm….I didn’t think that….” Eisen slaps the folder with the back of his hand. EE: “The numbers were fabulous, Scott. Off the charts. I’m……impressed.” The Smacker stops fidgeting feeling pretty good about himself again. Then, just as he begins to smile, it vanishes from his face. Eisen notices. EE: “What?” Scott puts his head down and wipes his nose. EE: “What is it, Scott?” He sighs. BSS: “I had a little help taking care of it, just so you know. Not much…..but some. I mean, I had ideas of my own and….” Eisen nods, almost knowingly. EE: “You had help booking the shows?” Scott nods. EE: “Who?” Scott gulps quickly and replies. BSS: “Abby.” A pause. EE: “Really?” BSS: “She had a lot of really good ideas and……” Eisen puts up his hand, cutting Scott off. EE: “Why don’t you go get Abby and the two of you can put together the rest of tonight’s show? Next week’s, too.” Disbelief. EE: “And keep those ratings coming, godammit.” Eric gets up and starts to walk past Scott, who is still acting timidly, expecting some sort of backlash, being so used to it. BSS: “I’ll just……you know, go get Abby……and we’ll take care of…..” Eisen is gone and Scott’s words trail off into oblivion. He finally smiles, looking relieved. A good review from the boss? How odd. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Golden [/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: AMM wins via pinfall @ 5:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Marquez bounces back from his loss at “The Supreme Challenge” with a match against the soon to be suspended Golden, stopping the face painted freak in a glorified squash match at just under the six minute mark. And while we’re surely going to continue on using AMM along with his Mexico’s Most Wanted mates in their battles with the Shooting Star division, Marquez has been elevated in our eyes. In this match, there is no drop off in his performance when wrestling a hoss like Golden even when comparing it to his performances against a speedster like Sammy Bach. Marquez takes his time celebrating the win and really gets the fans going; he’s gotten over even sooner than we thought. That’s a good thing; we’ve got big plans for him. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As AMM stands on the interview set backstage and cuts a promo for SWF.com after his match, Fuerza and Gino Montero quietly discuss something in Spanish on its edge. From the shadows……. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] …..Owen Love, Damian Carvill, and Frederique step out and blindside the Mexican superstars, nailing both Fuerza and Montero with Frederique’s workout bar and stomping them down, three on two. Marquez notices the goings on out of the corner of his eye and runs up, attempting to help, but falls victim to the Can-Am’s numbers as well, getting soundly beaten alongside his friends. The Guru walks up and surveys the damage, laughing his most sinister laugh and nodding his head at the trio approvingly. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack Bruce makes his way out to the ring, getting predictably showered in boos as he does so, alternating between his arrogant, condescending air-guitar and flat out yelling at the crowd. When he gets to the ring, he has to wait for almost a full minute for the crowd to subside before beginning as they shower him with their absolute worst. JB: “Listen up, sheep.” They start anew, letting it rain. JB: “That unsanctioned match between me and Valiant at “The Supreme Challenge” didn’t solve anything. I DEMAND that someone come out here and reinstate Valiant so we can do what we need to do…..” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The music for Big Smack Scott fills the arena and he walks out onto the stage alongside Abby Eisen to a mixed reception. After she whispers in his ear, he pulls out a microphone. BSS: “Jack, you know for a fact that I don’t have the power to reinstate Valiant, but I am going to make a point to ask MY boss about it the next time we meet. However…..” Bruce rolls his eyes and throws up his hands. BSS: “….since you seem to be so anxious, as usual, to get into the ring…….” The crowd pops. BBS: “….I want to see Christian Faith in the ring……” They pop again. Like mad. BBS: “….and these people want to see Christian Faith in the ring….” Pop squared. BBS: “…..so tonight, since I need an opponent, why don’t you get into your gear and dance on down to the ring…..” Pop cubed. BBS: “….and face Christian Faith in the tonight’s main event.” The house starts rocking and Scott and Abby soak in the adulation, noticing it for the first time. JB: “But I…..” Scott cuts him off. BSS: “But nothing, my friend. I’ll make sure that the Valiant thing is addressed. But you’ve got to scratch my back with this thing here, tonight. So……you know….. good luck.” Scott’s music hits and the crowd cheers, together, as he exits, leaving Jack Bruce standing in the ring shaking his head, wondering how he got put in a match against Christian Faith. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Tom Gilmore/Joe Sexy vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Joey Minnesota[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gilmore and Sexy win via pinfall @ 8:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I love this match-up, again courtesy of Big Smack Scott and Abby Eisen. Only this time there is a few more weeks of history behind each pair’s storyline and the evolution makes the bout all the more interesting. Sexy vs. Gilmore just keeps getting hotter and hotter and their brawl during the remote shoot as part of “The Supreme Challenge” has only made the two men even more hateful toward each other. Meanwhile, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Joey Minnesota have a completely new dynamic, with Joey being the heel for the first time. Yet with all of this in play, they still have an excellent match that has its fair share of ups and downs before the climax; each man gets in their full monty of offensive maneuvers to say the least. The finish comes with both teams arguing among themselves, Sexy and Gilmore on the floor, Bulldozer and Minnesota in the ring. Joey shoves Dozer and is too much for him to bear so he lifts Minnesota high above his head and, remembering there is still a match to win, walks over to the ropes and heaves Joey, military press style, over the top rope toward Gilmore and Sexy. I say ‘toward’ because, at the very last second both men moved, letting Minnesota take a horrible bump before getting back to the ring. Gilmore waits until Smith is focused on Sexy and not looking to blind tag himself in and catch the tattooed big man unaware with an “Anger Management” (front Russian leg sweep) from behind, hooking his leg and stealing a sneaky win from Bulldozer. Gilmore is quick to duck out of the ring at Queen Emily’s request, wagging his finger at his former partner who is still in the ring with the stirring and sure to be surly Bulldozer as he walks backward up the ramp. Joey, rolling around on the floor since his awkward landing, suddenly “powers-up” while on the concrete and jumps to his feet with an amazing amount of energy, letting out a yell and turning his face purple before climbing into the ring and jumping on the still dazed BBS. Sexy just puts his hands up and stands in the corner as the two men renew their fight only feet away from him. In seconds, SWF security has filled the ring and ringside area and have things under control separating the two men, Joey screaming at Bulldozer as they pull him away. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Sammy Bach sits cross legged on the roof of a burned out sedan in an alley behind the arena, the other members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon stand huddled around a nearby trash barrel. SB: “Can you feel it Remmy? Can you feel the evil in your veins?” Emma cackles. SB: “How do you like it? Does it suit you?” He leans forward. SB: “The short days. You'll start spending more time in bed; keep those shades drawn. Then night comes and you are awake…..” He smiles. SB: “….and growing hungry.” The whole Cult joins in a round of creepy laughter, Jacob Jett flashing the fangs that tore into the flesh of the new Shooting Star champion. SB: “It’s nowhere near what it will be soon. I know that now, you are probably resistant, but eventually…….eventually, you will have to eat.” They laugh again. SB: “And then you will be like us. One of the outsiders. But don’t worry. There is always room at my table for another dark soul. The Grey Dragon has said another would join us soon and now you are here.” He pulls an apple from his pocket and proceeds to cut a slice off of it with his bootknife, popping it in his mouth. SB: “I will welcome you to my family, Remmy.” Chewing. SB: “I will make you my dog.” Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Just as the show is about to go to its final commercial break, the cameras go backstage where KC Glenn, Brett Starr, and Mr. Hayes stand, still just outside of the talent entrance…..and still waiting for the Dirty White Boyz to arrive. Starr takes a long drag off of a cigarette which glows in the darkness but other than that there is no sound and hardly even any movement as all three members of the Futureshock entourage look deep in thought. Grade: B (commercial) A video plays, announcing the first two inductees in the Supreme Wrestling Federation Hall of Fame……..and they are......... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Richard Eisen and Sam Strong[/CENTER][/B] Grade: B+ [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce vs. Morpheus[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Christian Faith wins via countout @ 9:53[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: How about this for a main event? And how about the fact that it just becomes a three way? It’s good for the fans, which means it’s good for us. Both Bruce and Faith take their very long, very cinematic entrances and start to circle each other waiting for the bell when the lights flicker and go out. Suddenly, with a double clap of lightning signaling its beginning, Morpheus rises through the stage in a single green spotlight. The response is amazing and the level of intensity in the building triples as the mysterious masked man stands among the fog on the stage for a moment before making his huge, one-giant-floating-step entrance to the ring. Bruce and Faith head into opposing corners as he lands in the center of the ring on one knee, tearing back his hood and revealing his sinister looking mask to the crowd in a great moment of showmanship. Both Christian Faith and Jack Bruce just stand in their corners looking interested, if not awed, by Morpheus’ entrance and begin warming up, Faith shadow boxing and looking to referee Jay Fair for instructions. As he shrugs, unsure of what to do with the bonus participant, Big Smack Scott and Abby Eisen walk out onto the stage and signal to Fair to ring the bell… and away we go. Faith is the aggressor from the start and takes the fight right to Jack Bruce, leaving Morpheus to himself, standing in the corner and staring at the combatants, unmoving; stone still. JB absorbs a few of Faith’s trademark looping overhand rights and lefts before hitting the ropes and taking off, skying across the ring and nailing Faith with a flying forearm shiver that wobbles the big man. Faith comes back with a kick, but Bruce answers again with a running dropkick. The crowd loves it, watching two big name stars go back and forth, while another stands at the ready. Morpheus finally gets involved and the pace slows some, but the wrestlers each do a good job making their opponents look good, and the action stays interesting; kind of like moving from a boil to a simmer. Eventually, we move toward a finish. Faith has been knocked to the floor by a blind elbow from Jack Bruce and is slow to make it back into the ring. Bruce, meanwhile, is peppering the big masked man that remains in the ring with chops and kicks. He’s like a boxer; there is very little wasted motion as the lithe rock star hops from side to side continuing to score with spinning back kicks and jabs. Without warning, one of the cameramen that is working the match drops his camera and tears away his SWF crew shirt. [B]PM: “It’s Valiant!”[/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] SWF security, obviously put in place around the ring by management, are all over him, cutting him off before he even climbs through the ropes. But the momentary lapse in concentration changes the whole match dynamic. Morpheus flicks out his arm and grabs Bruce by the throat. JB is understandably freaked out, focusing his energy on trying to free himself from the cold grasp of his opponent instead of fighting him. In an instinctual move, he reaches up and claws Morpheus across the eyes and the big man lets him go, hands up to his face; momentarily blinded. Christian Faith climbs back into the ring and is looking for a target when one conveniently staggers into his field of vision. In a flash, Faith puts a boot into the side of Morpheus’ head, knocking him awkwardly over the top rope to the floor. But Faith is not done, taking another long step and putting a second boot into the mush of Jack Bruce, knocking him head-over-heels and flat onto his face, rolling him over and putting his fist in the air, covering him by putting his boot on Bruce’s chest. Grade: A[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Mr. Hayes and Futureshock are still outside, Starr surrounded by the filters of a dozen smoked cigarettes, when their limo pulls up, headlights shining brightly. The driver hops out and opens the door, noticing Starr and Glenn to be less than their normal jovial/obnoxious selves. Hayes just grinds his teeth together for a moment before taking a long last look around the parking area, making sure not to miss anything and ignoring the driver completely. But he is a personable fellow and persists. Driver: “Bad night, my friend?” His glare is intense, but then, it softens. MH: “Yes.” He sighs and climbs into the limo. MH: “It was a very bad night.” Grade: B Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Pw Hits [CENTER]Photobucket [I](AP) Newswire- The Supreme Wrestling Federation put this up on their website this afternoon. Check out the link.[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][url]www.SWF.com/not-a-real-link/futureshock[/url][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]Buffering....[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Futureshock, comprised of KC Glenn, Brett Starr, and Mr. Hayes, stand on the SWF.com set with Tommy Townsend and all three are seething. Hayes, the bodyguard/mouthpiece for the young duo, adjusts his form fitting black leather gloves as he begins. MH: “Dirty White Boyz! I thought…. we had…. a deal? You took our money, a most considerable sum, which to me signified a contract of sorts was in place. Instead, you left “The Supreme Challenge” with the tag team titles and the cash.” Starr punches his hand. MH: “Against my better judgment, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, figuring you had simply been caught up in the moment of winning the tag team titles…a moment Futureshock made happen for you…and that you would no doubt be at “Supreme TV" this past week to hold up your end of the deal.” KC Glenn holds a handful of his own hair and seems to be on the verge of combustion. MH: “But you never showed up, did you?” A close up of Hayes. MH: “So now, you leave me with no choice.” He grits his teeth. MH: “Our benefactor is very, very upset….and yet, as you might expect, still very, very well connected. This week on “Supreme TV” Dirty White Boyz, bring the tag team titles, because our connections with a pair of Championship Committee members has gotten us a shot at you, in the ring, for the belts.” Glenn puffs up, but Starr coolly holds him back, leaning in and becoming the focal point of the shot. BS: “Now we’re going to do it the old fashioned way. We’re going to take those titles, make no mistake, but we aren’t going to be cutting you rednecks another check. We’re going to beat the belts off of you; we’re going to make you bleed. And we're going to enjoy it.” Townsend looks a bit scared to even say anything but is a professional and tries to continue doing his job. But just as he raises the microphone to his lips and begins to speak, KC Glenn violently pie-faces him, knocking him down and off of the set. Hayes, who never seems to blink, doesn’t bat an eyelash toward Glenn and Tommy’s altercation, instead staying completely focused on the camera. MH: “We’re coming for OUR belts and OUR money. Bring both.” Hypothetical Grade: B- ;) [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 37 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Seven Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]This week’s Supreme TV figures to be another in the chain of great wrestling events that our loyal fans are used to. And with two title matches on tap, now is the time to jump on the bandwagon for the sports entertainment ride of a lifetime. Join us for the third of four SWF shows north of the border this Tuesday night. [B][CENTER]A tag team title match? [/CENTER][/B] Futureshock, feeling burned by the DWB who left “The Supreme Challenge” with the tag titles and the cash that they were paid for them by Mr. Hayes, has petitioned the Championship Committee and received a tag title match scheduled for this week. Can KC Glenn and Brett Starr top the new tag team champions in their first defense and win the belts they tried to buy from the team that apparently took them for a ride? [B][CENTER]Six man tag?[/CENTER][/B] An unprovoked attack by the Can-Am Blondes and Frederique after Antonio Maxi Marquez’ match last week on Mexico’s Most Wanted has led us to a three-on-three showdown between the two triads on this week’s “Supreme TV”. The Guru’s bunch has shown a newfound mean streak in recent weeks and has apparently set their sights on SWF newcomers Marquez, Montero, and Fuerza. [B][CENTER]A North American Title match?[/CENTER][/B] Their feuds have intersected on more than one occasion and now, this week on “Supreme TV”, Joey Minnesota finally defends his SWF North American title against the challenge of Queen Emily’s designated ass-kicker, Tom Gilmore, one-on-one. [B][CENTER]And how many more matches? And how many more appearances from your favorite superstars?[/CENTER][/B] Four, and more than any other prime-time wrestling show on television, respectively. Does it sound like we're full of ourselves? That's because we're the best on TV; it's OK to brag when you can back it up. [B][CENTER]That’s two hours of the best pro-wrestling anywhere, plus an action packed pre-show, free on SWF.com?[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]How can you miss it?[/CENTER][/B][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock – World Tag Team Title Match Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson Dez Davidz vs. Eddie Chandler Mainstream Hernandez vs. John Greed Can-Am Blondes/Frederique vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted :)
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;530297] -Quick Picks- [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Futureshock – World Tag Team Title Match [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match [B]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson [B]Dez Davidz[/B] vs. Eddie Chandler [B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. John Greed [B]Can-Am Blondes/Frederique[/B] vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted[/QUOTE] Man, I was so confident I would have my EWF pay per view up before the Supreme Challenge. Stupid real life. I don't think I've made a secret of my dislike for Futureshock. I expect sportz entertainment in what should be a great match in Minnesota/Gilmore. I also really want John Greed to have more personality. He has charisma and look, I think with a goofy sports entertainment gimmick (maybe he could get a winning streak!), he could go far.
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[B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Futureshock – World Tag Team Title Match [I]Don't think Futureshock are ready for these belts, unless you're going for the undeserving heel champions angle.[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match [I]Should be a good match, but I see Minnesota retaining..wouldn't be surprised if either BBS or Sexy got involved.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson [I]One pair's getting a fairly good push, the other pair are a pair of glorified jobbers.[/I] [B]Dez Davidz[/B] vs. Eddie Chandler [I]Chandler's not done alot and you seem to be gradually building up Davidz.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez vs. [B]John Greed[/B] [I]Mainstream's been more invisible than Greed, and Greed did manage a win last week, perhaps he can make it two in a row ![/I] [B]Can-Am Blondes/Frederique[/B] vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted [I]Overall the Mexican's have more talent, but I see the Can-Am's getting the win via cheating.[/I]
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Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] – World Tag Team Title Match [B] Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match [B]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson [B]Dez Davidz [/B]vs. Eddie Chandler [B] Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. John Greed Can-Am Blondes/Frederique vs. [B]Mexico’s Most Wanted[/B]
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Show 37 “The One Before The One That Everyone Will Be Talking About" [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Seven-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]“The One Before The One That Everyone Will Be Talking About”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dez Davidz vs. Eddie Chandler[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dez Davidz wins via pinfall @ 2:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Splat. Combine zero chemistry between opponents and Davidz being a near unknown in Canada and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a big ‘ol crapburger. Seconds anyone; there’s plenty? Eddie Chandler is a pretty solid talent, but I’m not sure that he’s the right fit for us right now, as he seems more interested in getting himself over rather than his opponent and, honestly, that’s not really what I’m looking for out of my undercard workers right now. Dez wins with his huge belly-to-belly; Hollas fo’ Dollas barely bothers with a post match dance, being back up the ramp less than a minute after the match ends. Grade: D+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] The feed scrambles for a second and when it returns, it is a webcam style shot of the young Mainstream Hernandez backstage, Mainstream.com logo pulsing in the bottom left corner of the screen. Once again, the brash Hernandez looks impeccably metrosexual, even in his ring attire. As he begins to stretch in the hallway outside of his dressing room, he addresses the cam. MH: “Welcome back everyone to Mainstream.com, your source for everything that’s anything to anyone who’s anyone.” He smiles. MH: “And because you’re watching……” A wink. MH: “…you’re someone.” Pleased with himself, he continues to stretch. His body is lean and his physique impressive for a man at just around the two hundred pound mark. MH: “Tonight, I make my SWF in ring debut, ironically on the show’s live webcast. However, I bet that Mainstream.com gets more hits during my match than SWF.com does all day, dude; no joke.” As backstage staffer walks by him in the hallway and Hernandez ceases stretching to stop him. MH: “Tell me, bro, what city is this?” Incredulously the staffer answers. Staffer: “Montreal.” He pats the staffer on the cheek. MH: “Montreal, huh? We’re not in LA?” The staffer shakes his head. S: “Nope. Sorry.” Mainstream goes back to stretching, now ignoring the staffer and addressing the camera. MH: “Montreal?” He is disappointed. MH: “It’s all good. If you’re somebody who’s somebody in Montreal tonight, send a PM to my page, Facebook me, whatever. Just get ahold of me if you want to hit some clubs while I do my best to pretend that it’s Los Angeles; ladies especially. BTW, no fatties.” He smiles again, devilishly handsome. MH: “And remember, all of the action, all of the drama, all of the debauchery that is a night with Mainstream Hernandez will be available for you to watch live on Mainstream.com…..” A close up to end the vignette. MH: “….your source for everything that’s anything to anyone who’s anyone.” He goes back to stretching but turns back over his shoulder to the camera. MH: “Are you someone?” Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER][B][CENTER]Mainstream Hernandez vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Mainstream Hernandez wins via pinfall @ 4:21[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: It’s a good thing that I’m enamored with Mainstream Hernandez’ character and long term potential, because this wasn’t exactly a “rush me onto the main show” match. That said there are a ton of positives about this bout, starting with John Greed’s seemingly increased confidence after his win last week. It has helped his morale backstage and it really seemed to give him a new level of focus, even when going out to do yet another job. And do the job he does, giving the Supreme TV audience a great look at some of Mainstream’s high flying offense including a particularly vicious sleeperhold neckbreaker. The finish comes when Greed reverses out of an Irish whip and attempts to backdrop Mainstream, but instead is caught by the brash blonde youngster with a leaping single arm DDT that lays him flat. Hernandez is quick to the top rope and proceeds to dazzle the fans with a tight, on-the-spot-perfect, shooting star press that nets him the uncontested three count. Mainstream has the look to be a big star in this business and he can really talk the talk. Our mission then, over the next six months or so, is to teach him the finer points of working a match which means Steve Flash gets a new project for the next little while. Grade: C-[/I] [B][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen walks around frantically backstage as the show goes live, pushing open locker room door after locker room door until finally finding Gregory Keith. Only, unlike usual, he is not interrupting the now former champion’s massage or a wine tasting, or a custom suit fitting, but instead, an apparent study session. When Eric flips on the light-switch, Keith rubs his red eyes and stands up, the monitor behind him playing his match from “The Supreme Challenge” against Sean McFly. EE: “You’re still watching that?” Keith nods and tries to shut it off but cannot seem to focus totally and fumbles with the machine. A few awkward seconds go by before he rips the cord out of the wall behind it. EE: “…..” Eisen can see that his man, his former champion is burnt out; to a crisp in fact. But instead of trying to perhaps get him some help, he decides to push him further, to egg him on just a bit more than he can handle. EE: “You know……..” Keith squints back toward him. EE: “……I still think that you could’ve won that match; that you should’ve won that match.” Keith sulks, lowering his head. GK: “I know…..I know, I should have.” Eisen puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder. EE: “But….you didn’t, did you?” Keith raises his eyes. EE: “And now, McFly isn’t even worried about you or his rematch with you.” A furrowed brow. GK: “What do you mean?” Eisen chuckles a bit. EE: “You didn’t hear him? How anxious he was to get you back in the ring? He’s looking past you now, to the next challenger.” Keith is steamed. GK: “Past me?” Eisen smiles. Mission accomplished. EE: “Past you.” He pats him again. EE: “Probably right now, in his locker room, Vibert’s got McFly watching tape too. Only it’s not of his match against you at “The Supreme Challenge”….it’s footage of the next guy….of Christian Faith, I bet.” Keith is very mad; his ego has been damaged. GK “He’d better not be looking past me! He’d better know I’m serious!” Eisen laughs. EE: “He’s NOT taking you seriously, Greg. I know he’s not.” Keith rips off his jacket and looks as though the color is starting to come back into him a bit, his eyes slowly losing their dark rings. EE: “I think that you need to show him how serious you are.” Keith nods. GK: “I’m going to go get a look around. I want to see what McFly is up to for myself.” And with that he storms off, leaving Eisen beaming, dreaming about bringing a World Championship back into the Corporate fold. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Can-Am Blondes/Frederique vs. Mexico’s Most Wanted[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Can-Am Blondes/Frederique win via DQ @ 4:45[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A bit of an awkward bout here, with too many people trying to do too many things. I really thought it would go better having Love, Carvill, Marquez, and Montero in the mix; there is a touch of bad chemistry here, I’m sure of it. It’ll just take some time to sniff out exactly who the offending pair are. Gino Montero has the spot of the match about a minute before the contest’s end, rolling over Damian Carvill’s back and nailing Love in the face with a dropkick all in the same fluid motion. The finish comes just a second later and goes along way in helping establish the new, more focused, more intent on winning, Can-Am Blondes attitude. With The Guru really earning his keep at ringside, drawing referee Baby Jamie into a conversation, Frederique hops down from his spot on the apron and grabs a chair from the announce position, tossing it into the ring for Love to use on Marquez. But seeing Baby Jamie begin to pull himself away from The Guru and turn back toward the action, Love pitches the chair to Marquez instead of hitting him with it, falling to the ground and cradling his head as AMM catches the weapon. Upon rejoining the action, Baby Jamie is greeted with Owen Love laying on the mat and Marquez standing over him, holding a chair…..and he immediately waves his arms and calls for the bell. There is a groan from those in attendance as the ring announcer reveals that Mexico’s Most Wanted has been disqualified. Love holds his head, smiling as the Can-Am posse retreats up the stage, The Guru grinning like a mad scientist alongside them.[/I] [I]Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The cameras switch backstage coming into focus on Grease Hogg and Lead Belly, who are wearing the SWF World Tag Team titles and grinning. LB: “The joke is on you isn’t it, Futureshock?” He looks back over his shoulder at Hogg and they share a chuckle. LB: “Not only did we win the World Tag Team titles at “The Supreme Challenge”……but we up and decided to keep ‘em for ourselves after all. And incidentally, we decided to keep your money too.” They laugh again. LB: “People have been underestimating us for months, actin’ like we’re just a couple of idiots; a couple of smiling losers, right Hogg?” Grease Hogg nods. LB: “But who’s calling the shots now?” He grins. LB: “Who’s wearing the gold now?” A close up. LB: “Who’s got a case full of your money….” He holds it up. LB: “…..right now?” The camera pans up and sees that Hogg is still nodding right along. LB: “The answer to all three of those questions is the same. It’s The Dirty White Boyz, that’s who. We’re looking forward to seeing you in the ring; that’s where titles are really won boys.” They point to the belts and begin to walk off before Lead Belly stops with a thoughtful look on his face and comes back into the center of the shot. LB: “Oh and one more thing, Futureshock. You’re not the only ones with connections around here, you know. Our match tonight has been made into……a table match. Champions request.” They share a laugh before walking off, this time for good. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Morpheus vs. Warlord Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Morpheus wins via pinfall @ 3:42[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Solid even if unspectacular. We’re essentially just trying to capitalize on the momentum that Morpheus picked up last week following his surprise appearance in the main event against Jack Bruce and Christian Faith. PRP told me this afternoon that he’s going to opt out of his contract at the end of the month and go back to Puerto Rico permanently. I’m fine with it; I’ve even heard from some of the boys that he might open his own promotion. Granted I don’t know for a fact, but I have a feeling our relationship with said company could be quite favorable in the long run considering the way we’ve treated PRP over the years. This match is mostly about the entrances as it’ll go down as one of the final times the Lords of War’s signature “Yeeeeeeah, that’s a RUSH!” theme music will ever be played on “Supreme TV” as well as the first time our rigging and handling crew got Morpheus’ cable-aided giant leap-step entrance completely correct. This one really saw him get some huge air time and made him look like he was hovering in place toward the end. Kudos to those guys for finally having it go off without a hitch. The finish is quick and merciful with Morpheus burying the face painted Warlord with a running shoulder tackle that flipped him over ace deuce. The fans stand in awe as he is announced the winner and begins to float back up and take flight, vanishing among the thick green fog that has returned to the ring area. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia begin to sell the upcoming match featuring Sammy Bach and Jacob Jett by recounting the events that transpired at “The Supreme Challenge” culminating with the vampiric Jett sinking his teeth into the flesh of the just crowned Shooting Star Champion Remmy Skye. They conclude by rolling a portion of last week’s promo from the COTGD, where they taunted Remmy about his expected fate. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach/Jacob Jett vs. Ryan Powell/Stevie Grayson[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sammy Bach/ Jacob Jett win via pinfall @ 7:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: It’s feature time for the Shooting Star division, even without the belt on the line or the division begin expressly mentioned, with four of the highest flyers in the company hooking it up in a spotty, spot filled contest. Powell and Grayson are slowly turning into a pretty efficient tandem, becoming a fairly well-oiled machine in a relatively short amount of time. However, Bach and Jett are just better wrestlers overall and use this match to serve notice that they are both still forces to be reckoned with in the promotion, getting in all of their individual offense. Jacob Jett has the spot of the match, catching Ryan Powell in mid-backflip and planting him face first into the canvas with a sit-out facebuster in a jaw dropping display of flip-floppery. The finish comes at just past the seven minute mark when Grayson hits Jett with a shuffle-step superkick but walks backward right into Sammy Bach’s “BOYB” and quickly taps out. As the bell rings and Emma Chase climbs up onto the ring apron, the lights go out leaving the arena in complete darkness. Many fans pull cigarette lighters from their pockets and cast an eerie glow throughout the building. You can see that there is action in the ring, but nothing is discernable until the lights flash back on about ten seconds later. When they come back on Sammy Bach is down in the ring, laid out unconscious, Emma Chase still standing on the edge of the ring, her mouth agape. Jacob Jett however is pushing through people in the crowd, running terrified to a main exit and making tracks. PM: “What just happened Ana?” AG: “It looks to me like someone just put the fear of god into the servants of the devil.” Grade: B-[/I] [B][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When the show comes back from the commercial break, Big Smack Scott is in the ring with a legal pad. Oddly, for this announcement, Abby is nowhere to be seen. BSS: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that, per the orders of the CEO of the SWF and the SWF Championship Committee, the suspension keeping Valiant from competing in the Supreme Wrestling Federation has been lifted.” The crowd cheers. BSS: “Furthermore, while we sort out just exactly how Valiant will settle his differences with Jack Bruce, once and for all, he’ll get the opportunity to work off some of his ‘ring rust’, so to speak, taking on……former World Champion Gregory Keith in next week’s main event.” They cheer again and Scott soaks it up before clicking off his microphone, his business taken care of. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joey Minnesota vs. Tom Gilmore[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joey Minnesota wins via pinfall @ 7:02[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Tom Gilmore finally gets a shot at the North American title, one-on-one, and his rivalry with Joe Sexy rears its head and has an effect on the outcome. And as far as great match-ups go, these two were made to pair off and wrestle apparently, as there was an instant spark to start the contest. Gilmore is a phenomenal talent and shows off a few moves that we haven’t seen since his return from injury a couple of months back, a sure sign that he is finally feeling one-hundred percent. But Minnesota more than holds his own against Gilmore, being the aggressor throughout (as his character dictates) flipping Angry all over the ring with his seemingly endless suplex variations and bringing the workrate marks to their feet with an awesome gutwrench bomb from the second rope that nearly ends the match at about the four minute mark. The finish comes a minute or so later, with the tables turned, when it looks like Gilmore has Joey on the ropes and the North American title in his sights. He drops him throat first across the top rope before lifting him and slamming him to the mat and climbing to the top turnbuckle, looking for his “Sky High Elbow”. Suddenly as he prepares to fly…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] …….. Joe Sexy makes his way down the ramp. Queen Emily spots him before he is even half-way down and flips out, jumping onto the apron and trying to get Gilmore’s attention. But the only person’s attention she draws is referee Baby Jamie’s, and Jamie runs over to her side if the ring, away from Gilmore and away from Sexy, who is now up on the apron himself on the other side of the ring….and wielding sledgehammer. Even though Gilmore sees him at the last second, there is nothing he can do, taking a shot to the side of the head as he sits prone on the top turnbuckle, falling with a sickeningly hollow thud as he hits the mat. Joey sees the whole thing unfold as he gets to his feet and plays right along, rolling Angry over onto his back and yelling for Baby Jamie who scrambles away from the still b*tching Queen Emily and quickly counts out Gilmore and calls for the bell. Emily climbs into the ring and gets right into Jamie’s face, trying, unsuccessfully, to explain to him what just happened as Joey rolls to the floor, snatching up the North American Title as he makes his way toward the ramp. Joe Sexy is nowhere to be found, but as Gilmore comes to and Minnesota snickers at how things have transpired……. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……Bulldozer Brandon Smith drills him from behind with a clothesline, knocking him onto his face and sending the belt skittering down the ramp. Joey is a mess, completely blindsided and having trouble pulling himself together so Bulldozer forgoes the chance to pile on, instead stepping over Joey and picking up the NA title belt and looking at it for a second before stepping back over the downed champion and heading back to the locker room area with the belt hanging out of his huge paw. Grade: B+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Christian Faith stands head-and-shoulders above Tommy Townsend backstage in front of Faith’s dressing room door. He takes down his hood and adjusts his bandana before peering into the camera, eyes squinting a bit like they always do under the lights. CF: “So here I am, on the outside looking in once again, just like it was before I left. Apparently, I’m going to have to ‘bide my time’ and wait out the McFly/Keith rematch before I’ll get as much as a sniff of the World Heavyweight title.” The camera closes in. CF: “And I don’t like that.” The crowd cheers; he has always owned that ‘everyman’ demographic. CF: “And people don’t like me much when I get mad. Ask Jack Bruce what happens when I get mad. He made that mistake last week.” Tommy shifts his gaze, avoiding Faith’s eyes. TT: “So what’s the plan?” Faith shakes his head. CF: “The plan? The plan is to drink a few bottles of beer and wait this thing out, I guess. It’s out of my hands until after “Welcome to the Jungle””. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As it looks like Tommy Townsend is going to wrap up the interview, Big Smack Scott strolls up. BSS: “Christian, I understand that you want a World title shot, I do. But in order for me to be able to validate it in the eyes of the championship committee, I need to have a reason. You need to get some wins under your belt and show them you deserve a shot at the belt. Make my job easy.” Faith snorts and pulls up his sweatshirt hood. CF: “Just start sending ‘em to the ring, boss. Someone else can sort through ‘em after I’m done.” The big man walks off the set leaving Scott smiling next to a confused-as-usual looking Townsend. Just as it’s about to wrap, the camera turns and notices Phil Vibert and Sean McFly standing on the other side of the set, listening in on Faith’s interview. When they walk away, with the new champion meeting his sister Tamara, the cameraman refocuses and spots Gregory Keith peeking around the corner and fuming, having seen McFly and Vibert’s interest in Christian Faith with his own eyes. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Table Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Double Stoppage @ 9:44[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A really hot affair that is marred by a blown spot in its early going. Although the match was still pretty good, I had higher hopes for it and place the blame solely on the young shoulders of KC Glenn and Brett Starr. It just seemed to me that one or both of them was really off their game tonight and it affected their performance as a team. The Dirty White Boyz hold up their end of things however, and this type of match really puts them in their element especially considering our road agents told them to go out there and have fun. And since it was a match where, to win, only one person had to go through a table, there were false finishes aplenty. At one point in the bout, Grease Hogg is standing on the second rope with KC Glenn hoisted high above his head in a crucifix position as Lead Belly attempts to set up a table beneath him. But Brett Starr is somehow able to drop Lead Belly from behind and jump in front of the partially set up table just in time to ‘catch’ his partner and save him from being dropped through the wooden beast. The finish is absolute chaos with at least seven tables set up in and around the ring, including one balanced between the ring apron and the announce table, creating a bridge of sorts between the two areas. With so many of them around, each man is treading lightly knowing that one false move could see them driven through the nearest one costing their team the match. They pair off and begin battling, Hogg with Starr and Lead Belly with Glenn. Lead Belly battles his way out of a bodyslam position and almost just pushes Glenn through one on the floor, but the drawling young southerner puts on the brakes at the last second and saves himself. Back in the ring, Hogg and Starr battle for position on the top turnbuckle, each man with his eye on a different landing spot for his opponent. For a second, it seems as though both men have the advantage and are on the verge of tossing the other out. Then, just as Grease Hogg steadies himself and looks to be in control….. [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ….Barrowman and Finch of the New Wave barrel down the ramp and, with Jay Fair following the action on the floor, Finch shoves both Grease Hogg and Brett Starr from the top turnbuckle and they crash, simultaneously, through a pair of tables that were set upon the floor. The New Wavers duck behind the ring when Fair peers over, getting a quick look, before signaling for the bell and rendering a decision. The crowd cheers when a double stoppage is announced, as the jumbotron replay shows that the two men both went through their table at the same time. As the show fades, the camera catches a glimpse of a very pleased Barrowman and Finch sneaking away along the side of the ramp. Grade: B-[/I] Show Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Breaking News [CENTER] Photobucket [B][SIZE="4"]-Breaking News-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] (NY) - PWHits Insider is reporting that Frederique Antonio Garcia, currently employed by the Supreme Wrestling Federation has failed a company drug test as part of the promotion's newly enacted wellness policy. It is unclear at this time whether Garcia will face any sort of consequences imposed by the company or what the actual infraction was. An unnamed source in the corporate office said they don't expect it will affect Garcia's onscreen time as a part of the Can-Am Blondes entourage. [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Breaking News [CENTER]Photobucket [I](AP) Newswire- The Supreme Wrestling Federation put this up on their website this afternoon. Check out the link.[/I][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][url]www.SWF.com/notareallink/COTGD[/url][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] An SWF.com camera crew get out of a company van on a very cool night, the driver blowing in his hands as he walks around the back and pulls a camera out of the truck. When he starts rolling, we see through his vantage point, that we are at a playground, one that eerily sits at the base of a grassy hill, an old partially run down church up at the top. The swings squeak in cadence with the actions of the Cult of the Grey Dragon, Sammy sitting in one with Emma on his lap while Jacob Jett hangs upside down from the rusty bar. With Plague and Acid squatting beside them, their dark eyes trying to keep watch in every direction, Sammy pulls out his now trademarked bootknife and begins carving into an apple, dragging his boots in the cold dirt underfoot. SB: “Last week on Supreme TV, the entire Cult of the Grey Dragon came face-to-face with…” He pauses. SB: “Last week on Supreme TV, the Cult of the Grey Dragon was attacked under the cover of darkness by a coward. Remmy Skye…..” Jett interrupts him, a rarity. JJ: “That wasn’t Remmy Skye that knocked you out, Sammy. I’ve told you….” Bach, ever calm, turns toward Jett, the vampiric youngster’s head right beside him. SB: “If that wasn’t Remmy Skye, then who was it?” Jett snickers, but is wide eyed. JJ: “All I know is, when it grabbed me by the throat…..and I looked into his eyes….it’s eyes…” He swallows. JJ: “….it wasn’t human. It’s eyes…..” Emma hops off of Bach’s lap as he throws his apple, watching it explode when it hits the steels siding of a nearby slide. SB: “WHOEVER IT WAS….” He pulls himself back. SB: “Whoever it was made the biggest mistake of their mortal lives. Ask yourself, who lives to tell about attacking the devil himself from behind? Ask yourself what kind of otherworldly pain you have now brought onto yourself; take the time to contemplate what I’m saying, for it has all been foretold.” Acid springs to his feet, thinking he has heard something and the entire Cult scrambles to alert. He and Plague scan the area and see nothing. False alarm. But it has shaken them a bit, you can tell. Bach turns back to the camera. SB: “Time’s up. Interview over.” Hypothetical Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 38 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Thirty-Eight Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] With only a pair of episodes of “Supreme TV” left before “Welcome to the Jungle” on pay-per-view the tension is so thick, you can cut it with……well, whatever you’re supposed to cut tension with. Last week’s two-hour “Supreme TV” was the highest rated SWF television show in almost two years. With everything going on in the SWF right now, this week’s will undoubtedly top it, in fact it has been dubbed [B]“The One That People Will Be Talking About” [/B]by the network, so ice some adult beverages, find the most comfortable spot available and plan to spend one hundred and twenty minutes in a veritable wrestling heaven. That is all. This show sells itself. Don’t miss out.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith vs. Valiant Sammy Bach vs. Joe Sexy Christian Faith vs. Golden AMM vs. Frederique New Wave vs. Powell/Grayson Warlord Power vs. John Greed [I](OOC: Going to re-open the Championship Committee idea for a few decisions I need made about the diary. Putting in a round of predictions grants one access to said committee, which is a very big deal indeed. :rolleyes:;) C'mon readers, get involved, have a voice, your vote counts, be prepared, and knowing is half the battle.)[/I]
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Gregory Keith vs. Valiant - DRAW SCHMOZZ ENDING! [B]Sammy Bach[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Sammy's on more of a roll. Look for interference after the match. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Golden Golden has lost some steam, though I'm sure it'll return. AMM vs. [B]Frederique[/B] Heels start with upper hand [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Powell/Grayson C'mon, man. They're the New Wave. Warlord Power vs. [B]John Greed[/B] POWAH FAILURE!
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[B]Gregory Keith[/B] vs. Valiant - A tough call, as Valiant is returning... but I expect shenanigans in what looks like your main event Sammy Bach vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] - I had Bach to start, but I think that the Fear Of The Devil will strike once more. And Sexy's cool, anyway. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Golden - As much as I love Golden, he'll not win this one [B]AMM[/B] vs. Frederique - It's a lock. One of them's drug free and talented, the other... isn't [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Powell/Grayson - You need a name for the generic pretty boys. No part time team should beat a full-time one. Warlord Power vs. [B]John Greed[/B] - Power's on his way to the door, Greed should be someone you put your faith in in the coming months as he's just waiting to have faith put in him.
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[B]Gregory Keith[/B] vs. Valiant He's already got the rematch, so Keith wins here to build momentum. Sammy Bach vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] Sexy's a charismatic heavyweight; he looks bad jobbing to a runt. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Golden In a few years this won't be such a no-brainer. [B]AMM[/B] vs. Frederique Frederique [I]is[/I] talented, but I'm thinking he's in the dog-house. Plus AMM is a hoss. [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Powell/Grayson New Wave is a pretty easy call here. Warlord Power vs. [B]John Greed[/B] Greed goes back on a winning streak of one.
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Eye caught. Now let go of mah goddamn eye [B]Gregory Keith[/B] vs. Valiant - Needs it. Sammy Bach vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] - Because he's surprisingly good [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Golden - Because he's Faith [B]AMM[/B] vs. Frederique - Is that a 3 on 1? Is it? [B]New Wave[/B] vs. Powell/Grayson - Stacked! That is tag division right now. Warlord Power vs. [B]John Greed[/B] - may the Greed Push begin
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