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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;652312]Unhinged or not, if the other guy's unarmed and way smaller than you I'd figure taking a swing for the first option.[/QUOTE] He was armed with a camera. If I was armed with a camera and Bull Wrecker took a swing at me, I'd lash out and potentially behead him. Maybe Wrecker didn't want to take the chance :D
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[QUOTE=UkWrestleFan;652316]He was armed with a camera. If I was armed with a camera and Bull Wrecker took a swing at me, I'd lash out and potentially behead him. Maybe Wrecker didn't want to take the chance :D[/QUOTE] The chance that, in fact, Wrecker is not an insanely strong badass? Why does this not strike me as something Wrecker would consider?
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;652303]If we're just throwing out numbers, how many people die each year in car and motorcycle related incidents? But from Taker to Eddie to JBL, they are all over wrestling. What about alcohol related stuff and Austin? He stole the beer truck. The plethora of bad messages there is amazing. Did he use it for its worst purpose? No. Did Wrecker? No. The idea is there, even the allusion, but there is no act.[/quote] But... I didn't just throw out numbers? I established that pulling a gun on someone is an easily imitable act. I have no idea where you're comparing that to Undertaker slowly riding around on a motorcycle. I guess Undertaker could wear a helmet?? Is Bull Wrecker going to teach weapon safety? [QUOTE=NoNeck;652303]Perhaps it should've been one of those"Bang!" flag jobs that Austin pulled on Vince. That was acceptable enough that they played it during Stone Cold's HOF clip montage.[/quote] That is more acceptable in the mainstream because it means it's not a real weapon and Austin did not have intent to commit a crime. It probably wouldn't fly today and assuredly got plenty of complaints despite being on cable, but it's less of a stretch. [QUOTE=NoNeck;652303]And your theory abut the workplace is correct, if it's seperated from pro wrestling logic. In the world of wrestling, it doesn't work. If someone pointed a gun at you at your workplace, he's got to be fired for your sanity, but throwing you into a flaming dumpster or into a spotlight would see you punching in the next morning?[/quote] It's been established since forever that if somebody gets into the ring, they have to be ready to fight. That boundary has been pushed in the past decade and a half to where even backstage attacks are commonplace (remember, Nash throwing Rey into the production truck was such a big deal they "interrupted" the regular show just to show the severity of the attack). But even if your job includes taking physical risks, that's not the same as murder. Again, I thought I already made this point??? It pushes suspension of disbelief beyond acceptable levels. [quote]The ideas are not mutually exclusive. They are either both in play or both out. Wrestling may call itself "anything goes," but there are still "rules," and among those is "don't kill anybody." Again, there's a BIG difference between being a stuntman and being hunted for sport. One job entails risk: one entails death. Wrestlers' contracts stipulate that they have to go out and wrestle: nowhere does it say assault with a deadly weapon or other major felonies are par for the course. Also, in addition to my complaints, I agree with Phantom Stranger that a big 300 pound psycho beast needing a gun to intimidate a cruiserweight lower midcarder makes Wrecker look like a pretty huge *****. To go back to the Pillman angle, Pillman was injured and dealing with one of the biggest names on the roster: he needed a gun to be an equalizer. Wrecker's just really stupid.
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Well, here's my thoughts on it... As both a writer and a fan of wrestling, I'm not particularly fond of weapons of in wrestling. I prefer weapons to be small (brass knuckles, etc) and/or "weapons of opportunity" (title belt, ring bell, etc). That said, I understand and appreciate the reasoning behind the use of weapons in wrestling. To me, introducing weapons of various sorts is escalating things. Its taking it from your standard "I want to beat you" approach to "I want to hurt you". Its possible to get the escalation without the weapons, but introducing weapons is the fatest way. I can appreciate the use of weapons if it fits the storyline and is done properly. Done for the sake of shock value and I'm not so much a fan. Introducing guns is escalating things another step further, to "I could kill you". That's dangerous territory. Only the use of large bladed weapons comes close, but a gun is a step beyond those. Pointing a gun at someone really adds a "your life is my hands" thought to it. I think it has to be done carefully and rarely, as its starting to get away from I think wrestling, at its heart, should be. If I felt NoNeck what had done it here without any real reason or just for shock value, I don't think I would like it. However, I do think the escalation - and subsequent shock value - were done very intentionally here, and I think that NN is going somewhere with this. Which is really why I'm okay with it.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;652374]Wrestling may call itself "anything goes," but there are still "rules," and among those is "don't kill anybody."[/QUOTE] When did this become a rule? There have been countless "death" angles in pro-wrestling history. If not for the Benoit incident the Vince death angle would have kept going. And what about casket matches, isent putting some one in a casket just a symbol for killing them? What about Undertaker and Kane's old feuds where Kane "killed" their family? And on the Undertaker his gimmick IS a Dead Man. All of those are just in recent history too. Im sure there are many, many more if I thought about it more.
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[QUOTE=TheBrockLock;652397]When did this become a rule? There have been countless "death" angles in pro-wrestling history. If not for the Benoit incident the Vince death angle would have kept going. And what about casket matches, isent putting some one in a casket just a symbol for killing them? What about Undertaker and Kane's old feuds where Kane "killed" their family? And on the Undertaker his gimmick IS a Dead Man. All of those are just in recent history too. Im sure there are many, many more if I thought about it more.[/QUOTE] If you think a symbol = an action, you need more schooling. Undertaker and Kane were talking about something off-camera that happened over a decade ago to non-wrestlers and Kane had apparently been committed as a consequence. That's not to say the rule isn't without exceptions, but it exists because it lampshades the reality of the show. The audience buys that Orton put Batista in the hospital, even though all the dirtsheets were predicting Batista taking time off days before the pay per view. But if Orton murders Batista, you're dealing with a whole different kettle of fish because everybody goes "Jesus, this is really, really fake." And even though WWE has admitted to being scripted for over a decade, wrestling still tries to maintain a simulacrum of reality, and fake killing somebody crosses that line. Even the car-bombing angle, which I grant you is the best support you have, had the next day headline on WWE.com read "Mr. McMahon presumed dead!" Note that it's qualified and it's distinguished from using his actual name. When Eddie Gilbert ran over Jerry Lawler to kayfabe injure the star, the Memphis police received multiple calls reporting an attempted murder. This was only 20 years ago. I'm telling you: it crosses a line.
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Does it really matter that much? this is a diary about a promotion that doesn't actually exist ;) NoNeck wouldn't have used it if it didn't have a reason behind it which like Bigpapa says, the reasons for using it will become apparent.
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[QUOTE=benjacko;652438]Does it really matter that much? this is a diary about a promotion that doesn't actually exist ;) NoNeck wouldn't have used it if it didn't have a reason behind it which like Bigpapa says, the reasons for using it will become apparent.[/QUOTE] Suspension of disbelief is a fickle thing, and you never know what will trip it. I'm sure there's a reason for it, frankly, but I posted my immediate reaction because it's a point that strikes me as needing addressing. Actually, no, that's my immediate reaction as a Cornellverse mark. MY initial reaction was "PILLMAN'S GOT A GUN!"
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;652309]Honestly, my reaction to the gun was "Wrecker doesn't just punch the guy off his car... why?"[/QUOTE] That's the way I wrote it the first time and it seemed like it was every other attack and turn ever done in the history of wrestling. This is something that I looked forward to writing and wanted to have it be something altogether different from what wrestling tradition would expect; I've been referring to it as "my movie" and it began when they left the building and went to the parking lot. Also, I've been watching "The Wire", which is a fabulous show. Maybe that has something to do with it? :) [QUOTE=lazorbeak;652417]If you think a symbol = an action, you need more schooling.[/QUOTE] I think we're finally finding some common ground, Beak. ;) The gun [B]is[/B] a symbol. In the same way that standing over someone in a hole, casting shovelfuls of dirt onto them is or lying in wait for a groggy opponent with a sledgehammer is, the gun was a symbol of "I hold your life in my hands". He never fired it or shot at anyone either, it was just there setting the tone, which I think it accomplished. I wanted a serious moment, something with a little realism, and my options are limted to putting him through a table or hitting him with a chair? Not so. Maybe in the USPW. :rolleyes::D If this angle has actually offended anybody, I do apologize. This is meant to entertain not upset. That said, after spending some time thinking about it and discussing it, I'm going to continue the story as I planned before I even posted the last show. I hope that everyone continues to enjoy this as much as I do and I'm quite excited about having such an interesting discussion spring from one of the shows. Preview tonight, PPV to follow. :)
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;652417]If you think a symbol = an action, you need more schooling.[/QUOTE] sym⋅bol  –noun-something used for or regarded as representing something else –verb-(used with object) to symbolize. A symbol can be used as a verb (which is an action) when it is used with an object (like a coffin in a casket match). A symbol does not [I]have[/I] to be a object, 99% of the time it is an object and used as a noun. But the action of putting someone in the casket is symolizing the fact that they are dying. The person that losses the match does not really die, but they normally take time off and come back with a big "re-birth" story line.
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Show 50 Preview -PPV [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Fifty Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]It’s your hard earned money isn’t it? Shouldn’t you be demanding the very best; the very top of the line action that you deserve? Then we’re not going to insult you and try to sell you a show that won’t be worth the tape it’ll be recorded on. Instead, we’re just going to let the card itself do the talking. [CENTER][B]Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce vs. Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match Dirty White Boyz vs. Can-Am Blondes – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match Remmy Skye vs. Sammy Bach – Unsanctioned Match Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy[/B] Plus….[/CENTER] …….an update on the condition of Sam Strong and perhaps, the whereabouts of Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong after the horrific events of last week’s Supreme TV….. …… an important announcement from the Championship Committee…. …...and a loaded free internet pre-show that’ll feature a Shooting Star title match and this week’s International Challenge Match….. [CENTER]“Let the Games Begin” will truly live up to its name as it will be the dawn of a new era in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Put the kids to bed and look out for yourself; your own interests and cravings. We’ve got ‘em for you. And it happens this Sunday night on pay-per-view. [/CENTER] [/I] -Quick Picks- Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce vs. Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match Dirty White Boyz vs. Can-Am Blondes – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match Remmy Skye vs. Sammy Bach – Unsanctioned Match Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Joe Sexy [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce vs. Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]– North American Title Match [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Unsanctioned Match [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Joe Sexy
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I'm sorry BrockLock, but did you really need a dictionary definition to prove that a symbol symbolizes an action? That's what I was trying to tell you! A symbol is far less immediate and is far more open to interpretation then its actual referent. Seriously, don't get me started on symbols. I could talk about this stuff all day. Please don't respond to this unless you have something to say about the actual diary. Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce vs. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match Seems like the long-shot, but I love Faith and don't like that McFly is incapable of cutting a promo. I'd like a main event face that can actually carry a promotion without a manager carrying him. [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match The Tables match seems like it favors the DWB, and the Blondes haven't been pushed nearly as hard. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]– North American Title Match The corporation earns some gold; Gilmore's the man. Remmy Skye vs. [B]Sammy Bach[/B] – Unsanctioned Match Pick 'em. Shooter Sean Deeley vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] If Sexy loses here expect a "future endeavors" update. Otherwise he needs this win to justify staying on the roster.
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce vs. Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match Dirty White Boyz vs. [B]Can-Am Blondes[/B] – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Tom Gilmore – North American Title Match [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Unsanctioned Match Shooter Sean Deeley vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B]
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I'm very much of two minds about the use of a gun, I must say - but there's a lot of ways that NoNeck can go from here. Ignoring the 'Wrecker pulls the gun at every opportunity' route (would never happen), possibilities include: It's a fake - There's a great scene in [I]Snatch[/I] where two chancers with fake guns get talked out of pulling off a robbery by a guy who recognises their guns as replicas. Somewhere along the line, this scene gets pulled on Wrecker and he turns into a laughing stock - a wannabe who's seen True Romance once too often. The implicit threat - Wrecker's pulled a gun once. He never [I]needs[/I] to do so again. Opponents will be intimidated by the possibility until someone makes the step up and gives him a beating for 'crossing the line' or similar. As for Mainstream's reaction, well, he came down on one pint of the fight, flight or freeze triangle I guess. * Anyway, on with the show: [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jack Bruce vs. Christian Faith vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match [I]I can see this unfolding in a lot of directions, but the way I'd go would be to take one of Bruce/Keith out of the equation at this point, saving the inevitable conflict between them for a month or two until jealousy about the involvement of the one who wasn't eliminated boils over. In effect, a 4-way becomes a 3-way next month, and then the Corp. boys face off in two months time.[/I] [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match [I]Because you just don't argue with a team that replaces s with z[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] – North American Title Match [I]The time has come for Gilmore to regain the bet[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Sammy Bach[/B] – Unsanctioned Match [I]An unsanctioned match between these two should be intersting. Balcony dive for the win...[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]I continue to be baffled by the inclusion of Sexy in high-level diaries. Deeley's the real deal, anyway.[/I]
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Sean McFly vs. Jack Bruce vs. [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. Gregory Keith –World Title Fatal Four Way Match [I]The pair of corporate ****s will cancel one another out, leaving it as a toss up between McFly and Faith. I'm feeling a bit of a shake up here with Faith winning the title. [/I] [B]Dirty White Boyz[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes – Double Tables World Tag Team Title Match [I]Just feels more like the DWB's speciality.[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] – North American Title Match [I]Corporation need to hold some gold, and Gilmore can feel smug about holding a belt (even if it's not the big belt) amongst the rest of Eisen's chronies.[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Sammy Bach – Unsanctioned Match [I]This feud seems to be going on forever, I see Bach winning this one, as though it's being going on forever...it doesn't feel like it's about to end yet.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]Deeley's owning Sexy, who is slipping further and further into JTTS oblivion...Wouldn't surprise me if Sexy did get future endeavoured fairly soon.[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;654878]I'm very much of two minds about the use of a gun, I must say - but there's a lot of ways that NoNeck can go from here. Ignoring the 'Wrecker pulls the gun at every opportunity' route (would never happen), possibilities include: It's a fake - There's a great scene in [I]Snatch[/I] where two chancers with fake guns get talked out of pulling off a robbery by a guy who recognises their guns as replicas. Somewhere along the line, this scene gets pulled on Wrecker and he turns into a laughing stock - a wannabe who's seen True Romance once too often. [/QUOTE] Great minds, JC. Great minds. When I was trying to think of a way out of the angle and story (or at least a way to backpeadal a little bit) that was the most creative thing I could come up with, having Wrecker and Alicia share a laugh about getting away with using a fake. In fact, if I hadn't already decided to just go through with the storyline as planned, you writing something like that as a suggestion would've thrown me over the top. Glad to see the predictions coming in. Keep it up. Those participating will be PMed/polled with a very important set of booking decisions. And also, as I alluded to in the new diary (SOTR V3: Danny Jillefski ;)) this diary is about six game months from completion. That said, these shows are what I have been building to since I began this dynasty in January '08; I hope you are all ready to have some fun. If you've put in the time to read this (something I thank you for) I am ready to pay some things off storywise. Be ready. :)
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Last call for predictions for the PPV. Remember, anyone offering picks will be polled with some diary-steering booking decisions. [B][CENTER]Tomorrow night @ 9pm EST Real Time "Let the Games Begin"[/CENTER][/B] :)
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Got called into work, unscheduled, yesterday in the afternoon and I will be on the road until late tomorrow night. :( "Let the Games Begin" will be posted when I walk through the door Tuesday evening. Apologies.
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Show 50 "Let the Games Begin" (OOC: Sorry it took so long. I got called out to work when I wasn't scheduled and they wouldn't let me come home. :( ) [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-PWHits.com Insider-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] (NY) – After the controversial Bull Wrecker/Alicia Strong angle on last week’s Supreme TV, message boards have been alight with criticism, but a member of the SWF staff was so outraged by the content that he tendered his resignation hours after the episode aired. Road Agent Alex Braun gave word to the folks upstairs that the incident, which showed Bull Wrecker produce a small pistol and point it at Mainstream Hernandez (closely followed by Alicia Strong pointing it and pressing it against Hernandez’ face herself), was in such poor taste, that he couldn’t imagine being professionally associated with the promotion that allowed it any longer. Braun’s departure leaves the company with only one regular road agent, Robert Oxford, who only joined the promotion himself two months ago. Possible replacements include a pair of trainers from the SWF’s development territory, Chief Two Eagles and Pat Deacon, both of whom previously worked for the SWF before having their contracts expire in 2010. Neither man is said to be too excited to potentially be going back to a full time travel schedule. [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Fifty-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"] "Let the Games Begin"[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gino Montero vs. Nathan McKenzie[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Gino Montero wins via pinfall @ 3:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Our internet pre-show begins with a visit from a monster from down under, the four hundred plus pound Aussie beast Nathan McKenzie. And words cannot describe the look on Gino Montero’s face as he watches his opponent amble down the ramp, seemingly getting larger with every single step. McKenzie dominates the run of play in the first two and a half or three minutes, really putting over his massive power and size advantage while Gino once again got to play the sniveling heel, a role he is beginning to play to near perfection. But when the APW star takes his sweet old time getting to his feet after a backbreaking powerslam and a two and a half count, things go downhill quickly, with the big man taking three straight right hands from a somehow rejuvenated Montero. Gino hits the ropes and scores with a hurancanrana before squatting and waiting for the now disoriented McKenzie to wobble back to his feet. When he does, Gino strikes, shooting behind him and rolling him up with a schoolboy, taking a huge handful of McKenzie’s equally huge tights to keep the big man’s shoulders down for the three count. McKenzie is very angry and tries to explain to referee David Poker what just happened, but it is too late as Gino rolls to the floor, raising his arms in celebration ...... [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] ......as Antonio Maxi Marquez and Fuerza make their way down the ramp to join him for a little bit of pay-per-view face time. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] But as they turn around about halfway up the ramp, they are met by Jeremy and Dan Stone, The Calgary Bulldogs. They exchange words for a few seconds before Dan and Jeremy part and let Mexico’s Most Wanted walk through. PM: “The Calgary Bulldogs made their message heard without raising a hand to anybody in Mexico’s Most Wanted.” SS: “Although, after AMM spit in one of their faces, they had every reason to come out here and get some revenge.” PM: “But that’s not their way, Ana. They were brought up the right way in this business.” Grade: D+ (post) B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As the match ends, SWF cameras catch GM Big Smack Scott sneaking up to the back entrance, wearing a bad hat and a wrinkled raincoat trying to conceal his identity. He waits for some Japanese dignitaries to go through the security gate and ducks in with them as they push through the autograph seeking fans and get in the arena’s back door. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, sitting in with Sara Silver tonight, gets the story over. PM: “Scott’s been in exile for almost two weeks now, as per the orders of interim CEO Eric Eisen. What’s he doing here?” SS: “Do you really think someone’s been following him Peter, or do you think he’s just gone off the deep end.” PM: “I’m not sure, Sara, but I do know one thing. Paranoia is a very common side effect of guilt. If the Smacker hasn’t done anything, then he should have nothing to worry about, should he?” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Peter and Sara throw it over to Shawn Doakes who is doing a live poll in the streets of New York, asking the general public who they think is going to win tonight’s main event. To no one’s surprise, everyone has an unwavering opinion….and everyone has a different opinion. Groundbreaking. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]-Shooting Star Title Match-[/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Result: AFF wins via pinfall @ 3:34[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: An efficient title defense for the diminutive masked youngster from Mexico here; nothing to write home about, but done well enough that we are quite pleased with the decision to put the Shooting Star title on Amazing Fire Fly. Robert Oxford kept things short and sweet and let the two men cram as much of their stuff in as they could. The finish comes in harrying fashion. As Powell sits prone and half dangling on the bottom rope, completely botching a dropkick through the ropes to the floor, Amazing Fire Fly jumps back into the ring and runs by, grabbing his head, catching him, and twisting him over violently with a running neckbreaker. From there, the SS champion gets a three step start and leaps backward off of the middle cable himself, springboarding off with a sky high moonsault that nets him the victory. With the bell ringing, AFF takes a second to play to the fans, holding the title belt above his head and jumping from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, letting everyone get a look at his jubilation. Grade: C-[/I] [B][I][CENTER] (Start of Live PPV)[/CENTER][/I][/B] When the PPV open rolls, there is a disclaimer before footage of Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong’s heinous attack on Sam Strong plays, in black and white, with no musical accompaniment. There is no mention of the gun. But when the replay of the sequence gets to that particular part, it plays out as it did; however, the gun is blurred out. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] It ends and Eric Eisen appears, sitting behind a desk, trying to look and act as out of character as possible. EE: “Ladies and gentlemen, after the events that ended last week’s Supreme TV, we here at the SWF believe drastic action must be taken against Bull Wrecker and Alicia Strong, who perpetrated one of the most vile acts in the long history of this business.” EE: “Effective immediately, Bull Wrecker is suspended indefinitely, without pay. Alicia Strong’s appearance contract with the SWF has been terminated as of this morning and, whether she knows it or not wherever she is, she has strained our working relationship with the USPW to its breaking point.” The screen begins to flash, going in and out of focus and flipping onto a fuzzy snow channel before it realigns. The logo of Mainstream.com is in the corner of the screen. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] When it finally returns, everything is green and black; night vision. Eric Eisen is gone. Mainstream Hernandez’s face pops up front and center. He is out of breath and looking over his shoulder every second and a half. MH: “Listen.” MH: “I don’t have a load of time to explain.” He gulps. MH: “I’m right outside of Sam Strong’s house, around the back, near the patio. I’ve found a place to shoot from, but I’m not going to be able to say much.” There is the sound of some sort of commotion in the distance. MH: “You need to see this.” [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] He turns his camera toward the Strong house, orienting it so that while he stays out of sight, we get a clear look through the sliding glass doors that lead from Sam’s kitchen and dining area to his pool. Inside, there is a ghastly scene. As Alicia hovers around, waving her arms raving, Bull Wrecker repeatedly wallops the ring legend Strong who is tied securely to one of his kitchen chairs. Every time Wrecker hits Sam, he slumps a little bit more against his restraints. Mainstream pulls the camera back around to his blind spot, whispering to the camera again. MH: “Before I bailed out of the trunk at their motel, I heard them talking about some of the things they’re going to do.” The night is now quiet with the exception of the sounds of Wrecker’s punches and the groans that follow from Sam. MH: “Horrible, violent things.” All of a sudden, Alicia snaps out of her raving trance and begins screaming at her father’s semi-conscious form, holding his head up by the chin as he leans forward, beaten and exhausted. Mainstream turns the camera back on them. AS: “HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW YOU PIECE OF SH*T?!” With his head in her hand, it’s almost like hitting a ball off of a batting tee, and when she rears back and blasts him with a forearm it makes almost the same sound. AS: “AM I MAN ENOUGH FOR YOU NOW, DAD?!” She nails him again, sending the front legs of his chair up about an inch with the impact. After spitting out a small amount of blood, Sam tries to say something, but Alicia puts her hand over his mouth. AS: “Save it.” She looks at Wrecker. AS: “In fact, he can save all of it. Let him rot with it.” Alicia motions to Bull, nodding at him. AS: “Do it. He’s done.” Wrecker steps back and starts to lift the front of his shirt, reaching into his waistband, his back to the camera. Sam’s eyes get wide and he musters enough energy for a single syllable of communication. SS: “WHY?” Alicia and Bull look at each other for a second before both beginning to laugh obnoxiously in Sam’s face. BW: “Why, Sam?” He pulls his hand out of his waistband, empty. BW: “Why not?” With that he puts his foot on Sam’s chest and shoves the old man, rocking the chair once before tipping it over backward. BW: “Come on Alicia. Let’s go find some more fun. We can come back for this bag of bones any time we want.” Sam groans on the floor; he might even be crying. But before they leave, Alicia leans over her bloodied and battered father. AS: “Any time we want.” Then with one swift motion, she stands up and drills him in the head with a vicious kick, knocking him out. Mainstream snatches the camera and pulls it back around the corner, ducking into some shrubbery as Wrecker and Alicia laugh their way back to their car. As they throw it into gear, Hernandez turns the camera on himself. MH: “I’m going to stick with them as long as I can. I just pray that they don’t see me.” He gulps. MH: “Or catch me.” The screen scrambles again, going back and forth between several broadcast feeds before settling back on “Let the Games Begin”. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Tom Gilmore[/B] Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-North American Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Tom Gilmore wins via pinfall @ 11:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Head dropping? Check. Ultra-stiff strikes? Check. A big fight feeling set up by two of the toughest men in the sport? Check and checkmate. Tom Gilmore and Brandon Smith absolutely beat each other from pillar to post and have what is certain to be, a match-of–the-year candidate. The shame of the whole thing, however, is how the bout concludes. The action is hot from the outset. Perhaps underestimating Bulldozer’s strength, Gilmore goes for a swinging DDT right off the bat but gets thrown back to the center of the ring by the much stronger Smith. Dozer then tosses the disoriented Corporate member through the ropes to the floor and brings the crowd to their feet with a headfirst dive that leaves both men down at the foot of the ramp. Slowly, however, Gilmore weathers the Bulldozer’s assault and begins to put his own brand of hurt on the North American champion. Much like in their previous matches, Gilmore is more than willing to cut corners, using a huge crotch shot to steer the match his way, having the low blow lead to a wicked over-the-knee backbreaker, second turnbuckle elbowdrop combination. Rather than going for a quick cover, Gilmore begins going to work on Bulldozer’s extremities, ripping and clawing at the big man’s knee braces and pads to expose his obviously vulnerable joints. When he does so, he wastes no time in burying the larger man with a plethora of stomps and strikes, letting them rain onto every open area. Smith plays as much defense as he can but Gilmore’s attack is soon too much as he begins focusing on one of his knees, stomping it into oblivion. Many fans are surprised to see Bulldozer in such a bad position and taking so much punishment; their slow but steady support begins to rally the tattooed big man. Finally reaching his feet, much to the chagrin of Gilmore, Dozer eats a pair of punches to the face before lashing out and burying Gilmore with two swift gloved paw shots of his own. But when he secures his opponent in a tie up and begins to lift him up and over for a belly-to-belly suplex, his right knee seems to give way and the two fall to the mat. Gilmore tries to capitalize through his fog, but he is swatted away by Smith who goes between fighting him off and trying to straighten out his leg. With it being so obvious that he is nearly immobile, referee Eugene Williams goes to check on him, eventually calling to the back for some medical personnel. As Gilmore stands in the middle of the ring, now free and clear of cobwebs, jawing with both Bulldozer and Williams, a pair of physicians quickly try to assess the damage to his knee. In the span of about ten seconds, the doctors tell Bulldozer that it’s his decision as to whether or not he keeps going, to which he replies an obvious yes. As they begin to leave and referee Eugene Williams turns to the official’s table at ringside to tell them the he will be resuming the match........ [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ........Joey Minnesota pops out from under the ring brandishing what looks to be some sort of blackjack. Deftly, he stands up and blasts Bulldozer in the back of the head with it as the North American champion tries to steady himself on the ropes. He falls flat on his face, drawing a smile from Gilmore and a puzzled look from the now turned back around Williams. As Minnesota ducks down to avoid detection, Gilmore frantically rolls Smith onto his back and hooks his leg, getting the drawn out three count and cheaply winning the North American Championship. PM: “That’s an appropriate way for Gilmore to win the title if you ask me; cheating to win is on the very first page of the Corporation’s handbook.” AG: “But it does give them some gold, which has been their goal all along. Titles mean power.” PM: “And I have a feeling that they are going to go all out to make sure it’s not the only title they bring back to their offices tonight.” Grade: A[/I] A pretty impressive promo package rolls, taking fans through the entire run of the Remmy Skye/COTGD feud, a bloody rivalry which started several months ago. In fact, there is so much detail and time given to each different stage of the feud, it would appear as though this evening’s meeting between Skye and Bach will be the end of it all. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sammy Bach vs. Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B]-Unsanctioned Match-[/B][/CENTER] [B][I]Result: Stoppage @ 13:58[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The amount of violence and blood in this contest is only matched by the amount of monster pops from the sold out crowd. We knew this was the last step in the long, drawn-out storyline between these two and we let them have plenty of input as to how they wanted the match to go down. Some highlights: -Remmy Skye charges Bach, who is huddled, recovering near the ring steps. But he is a bit overzealous and can’t pull up when the leader of the COTGD suddenly moves out of the way, sending him disgustingly head over heels, blowing the steel steps apart in the process. -With the battle now moving from the ringside area into the audience, Remmy blocks Bach’s punch and lifts him up, taking a two step start and launching him into a cluster of freshly abandoned chairs. -At one point, as their tour of the arena continues, Bach slowly climbs a camera tower and, after turning around and perching himself precariously at the top, moonsaults Skye, leaving them both down on the concrete amidst a sea of “Holy Sh*t” chants. -In what has all the markings of a traditional finishing sequence, especially considering where the crowd is level wise, Remmy roots around under the ring and produces a small black bag filled with thumbtacks. Sammy, having just been sandwiched between two chairs on the stage, is in no condition to stop him as Remmy makes way back up the ramp, untying the strings on top of his most precious cargo. He opens the bag and lets them fly, scattering them everywhere. It sounds like rain on a tin roof. Bach begins to rise to his feet as Remmy prepares to throw him into the tacks, but at the last second, Sammy steps into Skye’s clothesline with one of his own and the two men both drop back first into the tacks. The finish is something that we took a lot of time with, not the least of which was the actual physical logistics of pulling it off. The brawl has now gone off to the side of the stage where the two men, both losing a steady amount of blood and showing the effects of it, fight in the mouth of the arena’s tunnel. It is just set back from the audience, so many in the sections bordering it can still see the action live in addition to looking up and watching it on the jumbotron. Sammy seems to be in control of things, ramming Remmy Skye into everything in sight, a stack of tables, some road cases, and about four different walls. When they work their way into the back further, toward the other side and the truck bay, Remmy reverses the course of action and slams Bach’s head into the side of an idling ambulance with a resounding thud. But Bach lashes out and punches Remmy in the throat, stopping him in his tracks before positioning him behind the ambulance’s open door and smashing it against his face. The force of the blow knocks Remmy half onto his back, leaning in the back of the meatwagon. It proves to be a bad spot; Bach rears back and swings the door again, bashing it into Skye, this time knocking him clear into the back, awkwardly onto the gurney, leaving a blood spot on the door’s glass. Sammy slams the two doors shut on Skye and runs to the front of the ambulance, pulling open the driver’s side door and yanking the scared paramedic who is in the driver’s seat to the concrete. He jumps in behind the wheel and revs the engine, opening it up wide, before releasing the emergency break and screaming down the ramp and toward the exit. The sirens come on and the driving becomes erratic, but the bus never stops gaining speed as it hammers down the ramp and cuts hard to the right as it leaves the building and goes toward the back parking lot leaving us with a shot of tail lights. The show actually cuts back to the broadcast location where a stunned Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia sit, watching and waiting for the action to unfold further before they begin to close the book on the match when it doesn’t. They even begin looking ahead, starting to sell the rest of the card. As they do though, the shot suddenly goes back outside. It is shaky; a lone cameraman runs, our eyes bouncing along with the eye of the camera. When he stops and refocuses his weapon, huffing and puffing like mad after his sprint, we can see the ambulance about five hundred feet up ahead, having come to an unplanned stop among about a dozen concrete posts. There is smoke pouring out of the hood and a smallish fire just beginning to come to life near the grill. The sirens still wail, but sound muted and there is broken glass everywhere, which we can hear crackling under the cameraman’s feet as he runs. But when he gets to the ambulance, he sticks his camera in the back bay. It is dark, so he flips on the light he has attached to his lens; the ambulance is empty. He sighs, unsure of what he sees before running around to the front of the smoking beast. There are now thick billows of smoke coming from the growing fire in the engine. He pulls open the driver’s side door and waits for the smoke to pour of the cabin before looking in. It is empty. He can’t believe it, and feels around for a second, reaching in as far as his arm will let him before backing away from the flaming thing, turning it into a full out sprint when he hears the ambulance become fully engulfed. Within seconds, it explodes. The cameraman stops and turns back, giving us a shot of it as it pulses with oranges and reds. PM: “If they weren’t in there Ana, where in the hell could they be?” AG: “They could be just about anywhere.” PM: “I have a feeling that their fight will never end.” Grade: B+[/I] Arizona Bay, the SWF's favorite band, returns to play the "Let the Games Begin" theme song. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Joe Sexy vs. Shooter Sean Deeley[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Joe Sexy wins via pinfall @ 5:58[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: This felt great and should have really refilled the fan’s sails following Sammy Bach and Remmy Skye's pseudo-finish. Deeley is without question the superior wrestler and with his character really starting to get some footing, he looks to be headed up the card. But on this night, the people were behind Joe Sexy from the start and seemed completely willing to will him to a victory. With Danny B Bling juking and jiving at ringside alongside his gaggle of ladies and Dez, Shooter Sean owns Sexy, turning him inside out and making the much loved SWF veteran look pretty bad. But his arrogance is amazing; he twice lifts Sexy’s shoulders off of the canvas in certain pinning situations to inflict more punishment instead. When he locks Sexy in a heel hold and pulls him toward the middle of the ring, it looks like his anklelock is imminent and Sexy’s end is near. But the crowd stays with him and urges him on as he makes it to the bottom rope. Deeley is livid and cannot believe that Sexy escaped the hold, turning to stare questioningly at both the official and Danny B Bling at ringside. Bling tries to warn him as he does so, but it is too late, Sexy climbs onto his back and locks in an impromptu (and very sloppy looking) sleeper hold, waking backward toward the middle of the ring again and cinching it in. The more the Shooter struggles, the faster his lights dim, and with DBB trying to get Dez’ attention off of the girls and onto the match to perhaps interfere, Deeley goes out. Referee Eugene Williams lifts and drops his arm three times in succession and calls for the bell as Sexy releases the hold, dropping the unconscious Deeley into a heap. PM: “This was about redemption, fans, no doubt about it.” AG: “Sexy got one back from the crown jewel tonight, Peter. Grade: B-[/I] A very cool music video rolls, chronicling some of the most violent table matches in SWF history. There are many in the archive and each body driven through the wood comes with its own snare shot during a drum break. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Dirty White Boyz vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Double Tables Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dirty White Boyz win via stipulation @ 8:02[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I’m not quite sure what happened out there, but this was a clusterf*ck from the opening bell. And not in the good, controlled chaos kind of way that we sometimes have our agents book, more like in the two-steps-from-a–trainwreck kind of way. In fact, we tried to keep the match intentionally on the short side because we thought that there might be a situation like this, not to mention there has already been a heaping helping of brutality for the fans on the show. We suspect that the Can-Am’s were upset with the outcome of the match and its finish and didn’t put in a full effort. That said, the finish is still pretty cool. The Guru barks orders from the floor as his team and their trainer Frederique go to work on both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg with steel chairs, really roughing them up and putting their title reign in serious jeopardy. When both bar fighters are down, looking sufficiently whooped, Frederique and Owen Love climb out of the ring and begin pulling tables from under the ring and sliding them in. They set up four or five tables, four traditionally, and one standing up in a corner, ominously leaning outward. There is a moment where it looks like Lead Belly is going to reverse the irish whip of Carvill and Frederique, but that moment doesn’t last as he gets hurled into the standing table, blowing it into a pile of barely recognizable wood. It is all but over as Frederique, Owen, and Damian walk Grease Hogg into a corner and begin to assemble a sort of table pyramid, constructing it quickly before Carvill climbs up the back of the turnbuckle and sits on the top, waiting for his partner and his trainer to lift Hogg onto his shoulders; they are looking to superbomb him. But in one of the greatest displays of strength we’ve seen in quite some time, the lone remaining member of the DWB pushes Frederique face first to the floor and armdrags Owen Love high overhead and spikes him through one of the tables before looking back up at the now wide-eyed Carvill and motioning to the crowd that he is going to superplex him. The Guru nearly comes out of his shoes as his team’s grip on the steering wheel slips. He hops up onto the apron and begins shouting at Grease Hogg trying to get his attention. But Hogg has gone down that road before and pays him no mind, climbing up the turnbuckles and hooking Carvill for the ‘plex. The Guru is quite determined to have his say however and begins climbing up the back of the buckles, latching himself onto Carvill hoping that the added leverage is going to be too much for Hogg to lift. But it isn’t. The Guru is a very little man and when he lets go of the top rope, any leverage advantage he was giving to his man is lost. And with the crowd on their feet, Grease Hogg stands straight legged and rocks backward, dropping both Damian Carvill and The Guru through the table pyramid to surprisingly win the match. Grade: B-[/I] The jumbotron chortles and chugs to life as the remnants of the double tables match is cleaned up by some staffers and a few members of the building’s crew. When it finally focuses, it is a face that is unrecognized by the fans. RKT: “Hello. My name is RK Teddy and I am the chairman of the SWF Championship Committee.” The fans give him a pretty respectable round of applause. RKT: “After conducting a very thorough and exhaustive investigation of the General Manager of Supreme TV, Big Smack Scott, that included twenty four hour surveillance over the last three and a half weeks, we have come to the following conclusion.” He pauses to look at his notes. It is obvious that he is not a professional public speaker. RKT: “Mr. Scott has been involved in some very shady dealings backstage, not limited to bribe taking and collusion with other top operating officials in the company.” This draws a cheer from the crowd. They know what he’s been up to all along. RKT: “We also have reason to believe that he may have been involved in altering the results of the first round of testing as part of the SWF heralded new drug policy, which is inexcusable.” The cameras catch a shot of a “Joey Stole My Meds” sign being waved in the crowd. RKT: “That said, it is my duty to inform Mr. Scott that, wherever he is…..” Close up. RKT: “….he is fired.” There is some wild applause now. RKT: “We will be making an announcement as to who will be replacing Mr. Scott on SWF.com right before the start of this week’s upcoming Supreme TV. Thank you and enjoy the rest of “Let the Games Begin”.” Grade: B+ A final hype package for the main event doubles as a re-cap of the entire event up to this point. Nothing special, nothing short of essential, either. Overselling is a problem for some wrestlers; never is it the problem of our production department. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce vs. Gregory Keith[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Heavyweight Title Fatal Four Way Match- [/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sean McFly wins via pinfall @ 18:59[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Another in the line of successful pay-per-view main events here; we’re really riding a high crest right now and this story is only beginning to play itself out. I have a feeling that when all is said and done, this match will be looked back upon as the real start of all of it. There is serious tension from the outset between everybody, but they pair off as expected almost immediately, Faith and Keith making for each other while Bruce and McFly lock up as hotly as they did on our last pay-per-view. There are quite a few great wrestling sequences. Faith is running Gregory Keith around, really taking it to him with his high impact offense but Keith elevates over his attempted backdrop and hits the ropes himself, going downstairs with dropkick that nearly blows Faith’s leg off. Meanwhile, as Keith follows up by working Faith over on the mat, Bruce connects with a right hand that knocks McFly over the top rope and all the way to the floor at the feet of his agent Phil Vibert. And when Bruce slingshots himself over the top rope and tries to hit McFly with a cross body, Vibert ends up being caught in the crossfire as he tries to revive his man, taking the brunt of the blow from the rock star and landing hard on his back to boot. Keith really puts Faith through the wringer, unleashing the entirety of his mat arsenal, taking his time in doing so as Bruce and McFly begin brawling outside the ring. But the former World Heavyweight Champion is a deviant heel of the worst kind and, after taking numerous glances at the action on the floor, can’t help but throw Faith out as well for a little extra curricular activity of his own. Referee Eugene Williams could’ve drank five energy drinks and still not had the giddy-up or focus to keep up with the action. As Keith sets Faith in a chair in the ringside barricade’s corner and backs up a few feet, Jack Bruce, stepping away from the downed McFly, puts his hand on his Keith and motions him toward “Mr. Wrestling” before sprinting toward Faith and drilling him with a backflip bomb, landing hard in the front row himself. Williams goes to check on the two men sprawled among a few overwhelmed fans in the pricey seats as Keith, shaking his head at Bruce, lifts the troubled McFly to his feet before slamming his head against the ring apron and walking him over toward the announce position. He begins pulling up monitors, first Ana’s then Peter’s, before slugging McFly in the gut a few times and setting him up near the cleared table. But as Garcia and Michaels flee, “Mr. Wrestling” spins out of Keith’s grip and goes behind him, smacking his head against the announce table six times with the crowd counting along. When he turns to get a look at Bruce pulling Faith back over the barricade however, Keith connects with the most standard of heel fare: the crotch shot. McFly staggers a few feet before Keith winds up beside him and drives him backward into the ring post with a Russian leg sweep, drawing a huge “OOOOOOH!” from the fans. The cameras go backstage, splitting the action down the middle of the screen, so as to catch Eric Eisen hustling out to the ring from his luxury box. As he pushes through various security checkpoints trying to get to the ring area, he is stopped by Big Smack Scott. He looks frazzled and yammers at Eric wide-eyed. [CENTER] Photobucket[/CENTER] BSS: “They fired me, Eric. They fired me. Can you believe it?” Eisen shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something, but instead he just turns away and begins heading toward the ring again. Scott tries to follow, but is quickly swallowed up by a few security guards who are checking credentials. He yells out as they realize who he is and detain him. BSS: “Eric? I think they are going to kick me out! ERIC?” Eisen doesn’t look back. Meanwhile, as the interim CEO speeds past agents and backstage staff, Keith puts McFly in the “Proton Lock” on the floor. Phil Vibert, still holding his ribs and walking funny after taking JB’s flying cross body earlier on, stomps Keith’s midsection repeatedly to try to get him to release the hold, but comes up short. Eric Eisen runs right by him and, upon getting to ringside, starts jawing with referee Williams as he throws up his hands and begins counting all four men out. Predictably, Eisen’s words stop his count and the two Corporate “investments” continue to go to work on Faith and McFly. The World Champion is notably hurt and seems to fall by the wayside when Eisen turns his attention to Faith, a man who he has a serious grudge with since the biker snubbed his invitation to join The Corporation last month. He orders Keith and Bruce to team up, which Keith is slow to do. But when Bruce begins putting the boots to Faith, Keith joins in. And even though he fights back valiantly, Faith begins feeling the effects of the brutal contest and falls under the wave of offense from his pair of attackers. Feeling that Faith is the most beaten, due to the fact that Bruce and Keith just finished stomping him silent and pushed him to the floor, Eisen directs his pair of main eventers toward McFly, rolling him back into the ring and trading off offense. Bruce nails him with his “Welcome to NYC” triad before giving way for Keith’s running knee drop; both moves get booed heartily by the crowd. When Keith goes for the pin, however, JB takes offense, and breaks it up, drawing a long run of bleepable words from the former World Champ. Eisen yells at them when they both stand up and look to be on the verge of facing off, telling them to take turns. Bruce quickly responds with an “I’m first!” and quickly leapfrogs the apron, apparently looking to go to the top rope. But with the egomaniac rocker pausing on the apron to run his mouth at some loud ringside fans, Phil Vibert sneaks onto the edge of the ring and climbs through the ropes onto the other side of the turnbuckles and digs down, finding a way to reach over the top turnbuckle and hook Bruce with a chokehold, battered ribs and all. Gregory Keith laughs at Bruce’s predicament and motions to Eric not to worry, that he is going to close the deal and bring the gold back to The Corporation. Pulling some reserve strength from somewhere, when Keith leans in to apply the “Proton Lock” McFly nips up and springs over Keith’s back, in prime position for the “Delorean Driver”. But Keith squats a bit and locks his legs, blocking it. McFly, however, is “Mr. Wrestling” and pulls another counter from his bag of tricks, turning the whole thing into a backslide. 1 . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . 3!!! The bell rings furiously as McFly lets the backslide go and tries to roll out of the ring, but he is stopped by Jack Bruce’s boot. The rock star is furious and glares at the stunned Keith who holds two handfuls of his bleached-blonde hair in total disbelief, but when McFly tries to get to his feet, Bruce knees him in the gut and lifts his arm, driving McFly face first into the mat with a “New York Minute”. Keith just keeps on shaking his head as Bruce lifts McFly again at the behest of Eric Eisen, pulling him onto wobbly legs to deliver another “NYM” before casting referee Williams over the top rope to the floor. Christian Faith gets up from his spot on the floor and hops up onto the apron, processing what happened while drawing a look from both Keith and Bruce. But, after taking a second or two, Faith drops back onto the floor and walks back up the ramp, disgustedly turning his back to what is about to take place in the ring. Bruce sneers watching Faith head to the locker room before turning his attention back to McFly, spiking him once again into the mat with a vicious “NYM”. Keith is still blown away by the match’s ending and leads the way out of the ring for The Corporation with his eyes still wide; shocked. Bruce, getting patted on the shoulder by Eric Eisen, follows, but is clearly upset at Keith and disregards him by taking center stage and posing, noticeably bumping him out of the way on the ramp to posture as the show comes to a close. The final shot, of the battered superagent crawling into the ring to check on the status of McFly who hasn’t moved a muscle since the second “New York Minute”, is voiced over by the announce team. PM: “People, believe me when I tell you that Sean McFly dodged a huge bullet tonight in keeping his World Title. But he looks vulnerable for the first time since his title reign began at The Supreme Challenge!” Grade: B+ Show Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;662198] Sad to see Big Smack Scott fired, though.[/QUOTE] Well, the Smacker is "fired" from being the GM of Supreme TV, Bigpapa. He'll still be available, just not in a position of power. Does that mean he's off TV? Hmmm...;) I'll be sending out a PM to those who predicted on the PPV following show 52 with some poll questions concerning my major storylines and characters. Thanks for being part of it everyone. :)
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Show 51 Preview and News [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Breaking News-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I](NY)- The SWF Championship Committee revealed moments ago that they were putting off the announcement of the next General Manager of Supreme TV until the live show’s open, as they are currently preparing to conduct another round of interviews today and tomorrow. Our backstage insider tells us that the second round of interviews doesn’t bode well for the in-house candidates as this search is said to be now expanding its circle outside the company. Many people are pointing to former DAVE visionary Phil Vibert and calling his ascension to the role a “natural progression”. However in a recent interview, Vibert pointed to his role as agent for the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Sean McFly as a reason why accepting the role would be difficult. However, when the first round of interviews were completed and the candidates were leaving the Supreme Towers, Vibert was one of the first outside to hail a cab and head to the airport. If the speculation about the expanded search is true, the list of names that could be under consideration from other promotions is truly endless.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]-Show Fifty One Preview-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I] A new General Manager for Supreme TV? The rumors are running rampant as to who the Championship Committee could’ve unearthed to run the highest rated wrestling program on television. An announcement will be made and the new GM introduced when Supreme TV kicks off. Don’t miss it. The fatal four way match at “Let the Games Begin” saw Sean McFly escape with his World Championship, but the manner in which he retained did nothing to clear up the already muddy title scene. With Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, and Gregory Keith still breathing down his neck, “Mr. Wrestling” looks to be in trouble. How will the new GM sort it all out? Antonio Maxi Marquez spit in the face of one of The Calgary Bulldogs on the last episode of Supreme TV. This week Dan and Jeremy Stone get Marquez and his partner Gino Montero in the ring. No doubt, as is their custom, the Stones will serve their revenge cold. Check out this international superbout. Joe Sexy finally topped Shooter Sean Deeley at “Let the Games Begin”, but this week, he’ll have to deal with both his newly motivated rival and Thom Barrowman in a three way dance. This match is also said to have North American Title #1 Contendership implications, so each of the three men will be looking to put their best foot forward…and they’ll be looking to stick it straight up the ass of the other two. The Corporation sends their newest goldholder, North American Champion Tom Gilmore, to the ring alongside Joey Minnesota to square off with the man he stole the belt from at “Let the Games Begin”, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, and the Shooting Star Champion, the diminutive masked man, Amazing Fire Fly. There are rivalries, first time meetings, experience and raw talent, and some serious wrestling chops all mixing together into this one to create a fabulous stew courtesy of the SWF. Grab a bowl and a spoon and step on up. Plus, on the newly revamped internet pre-show, John Greed purchases the services of the Samoan Wrecking Crew and turns them loose on his rivals Ryan Powell and Stevie Grayson. And Brett Starr returns to action under the guidance of a new advisor; find out who it is when the internet pre-show kicks off.[/I] [B][I][CENTER]All of this plus a main event that will threaten to blow the roof off of The Biloxi Civic Center. Supreme TV. [/CENTER][/I][/B] [B][I][CENTER]Tuesday night at 9pm.[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. Calgary Bulldogs Samoan Wrecking Crew vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson
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[B]Tom Gilmore/Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith/Amazing Fire Fly Joe Sexy vs. Thom Barrowman vs.[B] Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] Mexico’s Most Wanted vs. [B]Calgary Bulldogs[/B] [B]Samoan Wrecking Crew[/B] vs. Ryan Powell & Stevie Grayson
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