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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Big Smack Scott [I]Can't see Scott going over in the main event. I suppose stranger things have happened, but if Bruce is going to give the rub to someone, I wouldn't think it would be Scott.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn [I]I think COTGD get the win back here. Jett is presumably still out there somewhere, and he may have fallen under the Grey Dragon's spell. Maybe he'll get involved.[/I] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. Tana/Robbie Retro [I]Yeah, I don't see the job-tastic duo of Tana/Retro putting up too much of a fight here.[/I] [B]CLM[/B] vs. Ryan Powell vs. John Greed [I]Just a guess. Logic would seem to suggest Powell going over here, and Greed would be my sentimental favorite, but I'll go with CLM.[/I]
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[B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Big Smack Scott [I]BSS is a jobber to the stars- All talk and bluster with no end result, he often gets protected by losing via DQ's to keep him looking a threat, and that may well be the case here but at the end of the day Jack will be one with the mark in the win column[/I] [B]COTGD [/B]vs. Minnesota/Glenn [I]I think the COTGD losing twice in a row to Minnesota/Glenn would be a mistake, and what was once a hot act would lose some of it's lustre. I personally thought jobbing them to the student/teacher combo was a mistake the first time round, but I understand why you did it. (swerving the Minnesota/Glenn tandem into a new direction, after making us think they were on the verge of a break up for weeks).[/I] Sexual Aggression vs. [B]Tana/Robbie Retro[/B] [I]Booking 101- the debutants (re: in this case) go over the glorified job boys, especially to a tandem comprising a goofy fat samoan and a dancing fool , that looks a like a reject from Saturday Night Fever.[/I] CLM vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] vs. John Greed [I]CLM just doesn't quite seem ready for a push and Greed has been quietly brought up from RIPW and is probably just going to be a jobber for the foreseeable future, Powell on the other hand has come in with a bit of fan-fare and I expect him to follow up his debut victory.[/I]
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Guest Bolton
Jack Bruce vs. [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] [I]I'll be against everyone and jump on the BS Scott Bangwagon. Big Smack Scott 4 Life![/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn [I]The Cult rocks and although Minnesota/Glenn have a victory over them, they will bounce back.[/I] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. Tana/Robbie Retro [I]SA need momentum to get into the Tag title picture.[/I] CLM vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] vs. John Greed [I]I digs this new Ryan Powell. Although I like both CLM and John Greed. Expect Bulldozer to make an appearance here.[/I]
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Show 17 "Think Big" [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]Show Seventeen[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Think Big”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] As Jack Bruce and Valiant, arriving together, make their way into the backstage area, Tommy Townsend runs up with a cameraman, trying to get the first words from Valiant since he lost the North American title to Bull Wrecker last week on Supreme TV. But Valiant and Bruce are already having a conversation and don’t even seem to notice Tommy or the cameraman as they tag along. JB: “What I’m telling you V is simple. Stop thinking about that ‘small potatos’ North American belt, baby, and start thinking bigger; start thinking really big. The biggest, baby!” He fits in an air guitar solo as the two weave around two security guards holding down the VIP entrance. V: “The biggest huh?” JB: “The [I]biggest[/I], man. The SWF World Heavyweight title. Forget Bull Wrecker, forget all about all of that. You were the North American champion for a long, long time and I’ll bet your win loss record is just as good as anybodies around here…” Valiant shrugs. V: “Yeah, I’ve been pretty good……Training hard…..all that.” JB: “So why don’t you do it? Think big, baby! Challenge Gregory Keith for the World Title! Think big!” As they slowly disappear from sight, behind the closing dressing room door, Bruce’s air guitar solo includes a swing-around-the-neck move that would’ve been fairly impressive…had it been a real guitar and not an air guitar. Valiant is nodding. V: “Why not?” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sexual Aggression vs. Robbie Retro/Tana the Mighty[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Sexual Aggression wins via pinfall @ 5:52[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The fans are on their feet for the rebirth of an SWF staple from nearly four years ago, former tag team champions Joe Sexy and Tom Gilmore, Sexual Aggression. And as they make their way through the pyro raining around them, the crowd is shocked when Joe Sexy appears from behind manager Queen Emily and Gilmore. Nothing has changed with Angry’s attire: plain trunks, knee pads, and hand wraps. Sexy on the other hand is doing a one-eighty. Gone are the feather boas and pink tights with heart cut outs. Instead, Sexy is wearing what appears to be a tear away polyester tuxedo, complete with bow tie, and is sporting a painted on beard to boot. As he throws his head back to laugh, Gilmore just shakes his head, and the two get to the ring. From there, they dominate and it’s a pretty simple equation. Sexy may be the butter, but Gilmore is most certainly the bread, the foundation on which this team’s many successes have been based. Simply put, he is a fabulous wrestler who can do just about anything. There is always room for one of those on your roster. And you know, when you’re in the ring against Robbie Retro and Tana the Mighty, a varied skill set comes in handy. This one’s end comes around fairly quickly and treads on squash territory. With Tana and Gilmore battling on the floor, Sexy ducks under a Retro clothesline and applies a cobra-clutch. Tana, back turned, has no idea, and continues trading punches with Gilmore as his partner fades, and, finally, falls unconscious, ending the match. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] As the bell rings and Sexual Aggression celebrate with Queen Emily in the ring, the camera pans to one of the luxury boxes in the upper level of the arena. Standing on the balcony, each with a pair of opera glasses, Golden and Jenny applaud the combatants, nodding at each other and whispering. Among the still and semi silent boxes on either side, Golden’s box is flashing with a strobe light and is full of bodies pulsing along with a bass heavy beat pumping from the speakers. After taking a bow when they notice they are on TV, Golden and Jenny are approached by a beautiful woman who whispers something in Jenny’s ear. She laughs and grabs both Golden and the woman by the hand and leads them back into the box. As they are about to disappear into the mass, Golden turns back to blow the camera a kiss. Grade: (match) B (post) B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Tommy Townsend is backstage on the interview set looking tiny and intimidated standing next to Bulldozer Brandon Smith. He snatches the microphone away from Tommy and then glares at him until Townsend leaves the set entirely. BBS: “My name is Bulldozer Brandon Smith. I am everything that is right about professional wrestling. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke, and I don’t do drugs. While the other wannabes are out partying, I spend all day in the gym, getting stronger; getting hungrier. Remmy Skye, you waste of space, this thing between us isn’t over. I deserved to be the Shooting Star champion at ‘Nowhere To Run’, but you took that away from me. So, now, I’m going to start taking things away from you. And I’m going to start with your little pal California Love Machine. Up until now, I’ve only been slapping him around to get under your skin a little. The next time I cross paths with CLM…..I’m going to put him in the hospital.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]John Greed vs. California Love Machine vs. Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via pinfall @ 4:49[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Whoa, got a little ahead of myself here. This one is a stinker and I should’ve thought about the fact that there’s not one among them that can call something on the fly. Luckily we only gave them five minutes. John Greed recovers nicely from his poor-ish first outing to show some of the skills we saw on his RIPW compilation. He is a born ‘sports entertainer’, so to speak, with a repertoire of subtle heelisms that would make many longtime workers jealous. His wrestling is alright, and certainly has bright spots, but there is room for improvement. CLM is sound, but is working his gimmick a bit too much for my taste. However, the announcers really went to work selling it, as well as his skittish fear that Bulldozer Brandon Smith is lurking around every corner waiting to annihilate him. Here, Powell gets in all of the spotty type things in this match as CLM and Greed are considerably more conservative offensively. During his rally at the end, after being bent in two by a John Greed half crab, Powell hits both CLM and Greed with moves out of the rebounding handspring, most impressively spiking CLM with a swinging DDT. The finish comes when Powell has cleared Greed out of the ring but gets caught by CLM with a boot to the midsection and a quick snap hurancanrana. As he gets set for his finisher, he begins looking very paranoid and shifty, looking over his shoulder numerous times each in succession. Powell takes the opportunity to spring to his feet and drop CLM face first with a front russian leg sweep before climbing to the top turnbuckle and launching himself skyward, landing a very pretty senton bomb on Remmy’s little buddy before getting the three count. Seeing Bulldozer Brandon Smith rumble down to the ring cuts Powell’s celebration short and he wisely heads to higher ground, in this case bailing through the crowd, leaving the fallen CLM alone in the ring with Smith who has acquired a chair. Holding his ribs and rolling up to his knees, finally recovering from Powell's finisher, CLM lifts his head and is face to face with Bulldozer who scuffs his feet like a bull before charge from across the ring. As he raises the chair and begins his rush toward the prone CLM, Remmy Skye, as if he knew it was going to happen, slides into the ring in front of CLM with a chair of his own and cuts off Bulldozer, engaging him in a wicked chair fight. Finally, after four or five loud smacks of steel, Remmy connects with the sweet spot of his chair onto the bottom of Dozer’s, knocking it out of the big man’s hands. Remmy gestures to the crowd that he’s going to swat Bulldozer, but the retreating Smith hits the ropes and rolls to the floor, wagging his finger at Remmy. Grade: (match) D+ (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As Sexual Aggression finally make it through the last level of backstage well wishers welcoming them back into the fold in the SWF, Queen Emily gives both men a quick peck on the cheek and tells them she has some business to take care of in the main office before walking up the hall. Sexy and Gilmore nod and turn the corner into their dressing room. The camera catches up with them mid-conversation. JS: “Tribute gimmicks are huge.” TG: “They are?” JS: “Totally. They’re so over it’s unbelievable.” Gilmore sighs in the direction of Sexy. TG: “And who are you supposed to be again?” Sexy shakes his head incredulously. JS: “The Million Dollar Man” Ed Tibiase? Duh. Didn’t you watch wrestling when you were a kid?” TG: “Not really.” Sexy positions himself in front of the mirror. TG: “Well, I hope you know what you’re doing. I don’t want anything to screw this up. The Queen is paying us pretty well for this, you know? This is a solid gig." He sighs. TG: "And, you know what else? I feel a bit naked without wearing any gold around my waist, so we’ll have to take care of that sooner rather than later.” Sexy is still looking at himself in the mirror….and still answering the question from before, distracted by his own awesomeness. JS: “…and I’m going to have my guy make a bunch of different entrance costumes, and I’m going to wrestle like him and cut all my promos like him and….” Gilmore just shakes his head and begins unwrapping his hands. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Suddenly, however, Owen Love and Damian Carvill burst in and, after the Can-Am’s have the initial surprise advantage, it boils down to a straight up two on two backstage fight. As it makes its way out of the locker room and into the hallway, SWF security shows up to separate the two brawling squads. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Cult of the Grey Dragon vs. Joey Minnesota/KC Glenn[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Minnesota/Glenn win via countout @ 12:55[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: A step up match. Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn appear to be starting to really put it together, battling the COTGD back into the locker room and into the loss column. Glenn comes out looking especially strong, making many less “rookie mistakes” and showing another gear in keeping up with the frantic pace that Acid and Plague prefer. With the match going full throttle, Minnesota tags in and starts doling out suplex combos to both of his masked opponents. Both Acid and Plague end up on the floor where they are surprised by a KC Glenn body press from the top turnbuckle. From there, referee Baby Jamie starts to lose control of things with all four men battling on the outside. And, make no mistake; these guys really love to mix it up as opponents, with both teams volunteering pay-per-view type spots during the run through with Steve Flash, most especially for the final outside sequence. We actually settled upon a couple of the ideas from each team. Minnesota is destroyed by a double yakuza kick combo from Acid and Plague, who focus their attack on KC Glenn after rolling Joey to the floor. It gets pretty stiff and Baby Jamie ends up taking a spin kick to the back of the head trying to check on Glenn, freeing the COTGD to go outside and pull a table from under the ring, setting it up on the floor. After stopping Glenn with a reverse hurancanrana that looked like it dimmed his lights, Acid joins Plague in dragging Minnesota from his pile on the floor over onto the table. With Joey in position and Acid holding him down, Plague begins to climb the turnbuckle post. But before he can get to the top, KC Glenn is on him, throwing punches and getting on the second rope, hooking him for a superplex. As they precariously battle for position, Glenn joins Plague standing on the top turnbuckle, still hooked for the superplex. Minnesota rallies, punching Acid on the floor and, after a wicked kick to the face from his laying position, manages to switch places with him, putting the groggy masked man onto the table. Glenn, sensing he is going to get suplexed out of the ring, smartly steps back onto the second rope and shoves Plague, who flips over completely before landing on his partner and smashing them both through the table. As Joey climbs back into the ring, Glenn revives Baby Jamie who makes the mandatory count and calls for the bell, awarding the match to Joey and KC via countout. As Minnesota and Glenn celebrate another improbable win, Acid and Plague begin to stir among the pile of splinters they have been laying in, unaware of the decision. The camera pans to the crowd as we go to a commercial break, showing Jacob Jett sitting in the second or third row in his street clothes looking like death. Pale, arms crossed across his chest, teeth chattering; he doesn’t even appear to be paying attention to the show. Grade: B[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Eric Eisen has the corporation assembled when Gregory Keith arrives at Supreme TV and they all applaud him as he makes his way into the office. He takes a seat right next to Eisen’s desk and puts his feet up. The interim CEO brushes them off as he walks behind the desk and sits down, but Keith puts them right back up, blatantly crossing them for effect. EE: “As we all get set to wish Gregory Keith well on his sabbatical, I’d like to address some corporate business so that we’re all on the same page. Is that alright with everyone?” Everyone nods. EE: “Good. First thing’s first, Bull Wrecker won the North American title last week, so as of now, the corporation has all of the gold here in the SWF. Gentlemen, be proud of your accomplishments.” Everyone exchanges nods and pats on the back. A frustrated Lead Belly tries to get in a word with Eisen. LB: “So, boss, about….” Eric cuts him off. EE: “Lead Belly, you and your partner are free to go now; the rest of the meeting doesn’t concern you.” Lead Belly stops; confused. The meeting just started. LB: “Huh?” EE: “There’s a barrel of beer in the hospitality area with your name on it, literally. Now run along and have one….or thirteen.” The World Tag Team Champions can’t believe what they are hearing and shake their heads at each other as they walk out. Eisen sighs and turns his attention to Big Smack Scott. EE: “Mr. Scott, I feel like you are always putting me in the same situation. Are you testing me, hmm? Do you set out to mess up everything you touch? Is that the plan?” Scott is upset, as he thought he might be back in the good graces of the corporation. BSS: “What about last week? I helped your gorilla over there win the North American title. What about that?” Eisen stands up suddenly, leaning across the desk, getting right in Scott’s face. EE: “You didn’t help him do ANYTHING! He earned that title. In fact, your showing up at ringside could very well have cost him the match…..” Scott cuts in. BSS: “But…” EE: “…..but nothing. You’re lucky that you still have a job after the way that you’ve behaved over the last month or so. Damn lucky. I own you, Mr. Scott. You belong to the corporation more than you are a part of it. Consider yourself an asset. And realize that when an asset outlives its usefulness, it is disposed of. Do you understand?” Scott nods. For a bigger man, he looks particularly small right now. Keith pulls out the toothpick he’s been chewing on and flicks it toward BSS. GK: “Go get my bags, man. I’m almost ready to go. Jamaica’s calling.” Scott looks incredulously at Keith and then at Eric Eisen. EE: “Well? Go on." He smiles. EE: "And win your match tonight.” Keith and Eisen keep grinning at each other as Big Smack Scott walks off in search of the champ’s luggage. Suddenly, the fax machine on Eisen’s rear desk comes to life, furiously printing and spitting out a document. Eisen grabs it and reads it quickly, the look on his face telling the tale as he passes it to Keith, who laughs when he reads it. GK: “Who does that punk think he is, getting the championship committee involved?” Keith shakes his head and runs his hand through his golden tresses. GK: “It doesn’t matter, though. It’s not like I [I]have [/I]to wrestle him.” Eisen is nodding, but stops. EE: “Well, technically, Valiant would be right at the top of the list of contenders. And you said yourself, in your statement, that there really isn’t a clear cut front runner to challenge you, right?” Keith takes a long breath. EE: “And besides you’re the best wrestler in the world today, the SWF World Heavyweight champion. You should teach that arrogant little ant a lesson about this business, and what it really takes to get inside the ring with you.” GK: “Yeah?” EE: “And you can take that vacation afterward…..at the corporation’s expense, of course.” The champ nods and smiles. GK: “You’re right, Double E. You always are. And that’s why you’re the boss. But I want to make him earn it. He should have to earn his way into my ring.” Eisen doesn’t miss a beat. EE: “Why don’t we have Valiant, and a partner of his choosing, step into [I]your[/I] ring next week on Supreme TV to face you and a partner….of [I]my[/I] choosing….the new North American champion, Bull Wrecker….[B]in a streetfight[/B]. How does that sound?” Keith loves it and begins rubbing his hands together. GK: “I’ve said I before and I’ll say it again; that’s why you’re the boss.” Grade: A [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jack Bruce vs. Big Smack Scott[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jack Bruce wins via pinfall @ 12:33[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Why do I do it to myself? Why do I do it to you? Big Smack Scott in the main event is never the right decision, but how many times have I done it? Jack Bruce is, though, always the right choice. What a gamer; able to put up with the prospect of having BSS as your opponent and he leaves me with the run sheet smiling. And he does his best, as always. Scott is a difficult opponent because he has a tendency to freelance, which is not his strong suit, but again, Jack makes the most out of what it is. The worst part of the whole deal is that we had to give it main event time. If we had been able to shave, like, three minutes off of it, I’m sure it would’ve gotten over better. Anyway, Scott gets in most of the offense throughout, which was Jack’s idea, making his comeback really shake the rafters. But instead of an instant payoff after the comeback, Scott lifts Bruce up and powerbombs him for a near three upon Jack’s first attempt at the “New York Minute”. However, the second comes out of nowhere as usual, as Scott is flexing for the crowd and leisurely lifting Bruce to his feet, and easily scores the rock star a three count. With Jack rolling to the floor and high fiving Valiant, who accompanied him out, before ripping into an air guitar solo with his ladyfriend/valet Raven, referee Jay Fair begins attempting to help the fallen Big Smack Scott to his feet before coming to his senses and remembering who he is dealing with. Pulling his hands off of Scott and stumbling backward while doing so, Fair rolls into the bottom rope just as Scott begins coming to. Scott is furious over the loss once again and turns his gaze upon the downed Fair. There is a very tense moment where it appears that Fair is going to get mauled before Valiant slides under the bottom rope, behind BSS. As Scott makes his move toward Fair, Valiant steps out and catches him with a V-Split, laying him out cold. Valiant poses alone in the ring, arms raised, a defiant look on his face as he stares directly into the hard camera to close the show. Grade: B- Show Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[Quote]Why do I do it to myself? Why do I do it to you? Big Smack Scott in the main event is never the right decision, but how many times have I done it? [/Quote] I've been wondering the same things myself . . . But the mark of an outstanding booker is the ability to put together great shows in spite of the limitations of the talent involved, right? Using Big Smack Scott effectively and making him a valuable member of the roster is an impressive achievement--even if it means having to accept a few match ratings guaranteed to max out in the B range. Also, good to see Valiant getting elevated. Reliable ME faces are like gold in a promotion like SWF. I think he's got what it takes to stay on top, although his character has been pretty understated to this point. Hopefully he won't get lost in the shuffle when McFly comes on board.
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SWF News [SIZE="5"][U][B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-SWF News Wire-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/U][/SIZE] [I] -SWF.com news editor Peterson Lucas is reporting that the SWF has come to terms with Frederique Antonio Garcia on a contract. The terms were undisclosed. The former “Flex” of the SWF’s “Flex & Pecs” will be returning to the promotion that gave him his first national exposure over six years ago. Of late he has been wrestling north of the border as part of the upstart ACPW in Montreal. -The SWF has also recalled two more wrestlers from their developmental promotion, RIPW, to the main roster. The first, “Hollywood” Brett Starr, has been working under the tutelage of Professor Nero, the RIPW’s owner and main teaching influence, for about a year and a half. He impressively held the RIPW’s main championship three times and is tabbed, as a second generation wrestler, to be a future superstar. The second is veteran Canadian tough-guy RK Hayes, who had been acting as a trainer for the feeder promotion. Both are expected to join the active roster after “The World is Watching”. -The SWF has sadly come to terms on the release of Jenny Playmate following a failed drug test. As she had already debuted onscreen in a pair of angles with Golden as his scantily clad second, this is sure to be an interesting situation. Rumors persist from our backstage insiders that the SWF is set to hire another buxom blonde and simply put her into the very same role, calling her “Jenny”, and acting like nothing happened. -In an attempt to put an end to the rumors circulating on the internet concerning the final demise of SWF patriarch Richard Eisen, a reporter from the Boston Globe was granted access to his care facility, located on the upper level of his column fronted mansion. The reporter, Tuck Tucker, was also able to interview Mr. Eisen’s doctor, William Hicks, to discuss his condition which was described as “bleak”. Since his now legendary in ring collapse, the SWF itself has flourished. With the industry aligning with the North American economy on an upward climb, many predict record profits for the company in the coming years.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 18 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Eighteen Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [I]This week’s Supreme TV will feature a main event with that could shape the main event for our next pay-per-view, “The World is Watching”. And, in a story broken yesterday by SWF.com, an announcement from the SWF championship committee has made things even more interesting. Should Valiant and his as yet unnamed partner top Gregory Keith and Bull Wrecker this week on Supreme TV, earning him a World Title shot at “The World is Watching”, he will be given the opportunity to name the match’s special stipulation. But first, however, he must choose a partner from the pool of talent in the SWF and together they must defeat the two men who hold both of the singles championships in the promotion, World Champion Gregory Keith and North American Champion Bull Wrecker. Who will Valiant’s partner be? Who will prevail? Will Valiant get a World title shot at “The World is Watching”? Danny B Bling and Greg Black have reportedly patched up their differences after a heart-to-heart via telephone, so being the shrewd businessman that he is, Bling has secured a coveted World Tag Team Title match against the Dirty White Boyz, to prove his loyalty and dedication to Greg Black… and it’s scheduled for this week’s Supreme TV. Can the Dirty White Boyz, embroiled in a feud with the New Wave, change gears quickly enough to deal with the very different style that the team of Black and Bling bring to the table, or will Black and Bling truly put aside their differences and score one of the biggest upsets in Supreme TV history? In what will undoubtedly be a fast paced, high flying filled match, the Cult of the Grey Dragon will square off against Jacob Jett, Joey Minnesota, and KC Glenn in a six man pay per view rematch on Supreme TV. With the familiarity that these men have with one another, this match could very well steal the show. Don’t miss an outstanding contest this week, available on free TV. The Guru has reported to SWF.com that he has acquired the services of world famous fashion photographer Van Pantstent, and that Pantstent will be backstage this week on Supreme TV to begin shooting the Can-Am Blondes portfolio in an attempt to jumpstart their promising modeling careers. Plus, Remmy Skye will be on hand. [B][CENTER]All of this and more on this week’s SWF Supreme TV![/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker vs. Valiant/???? - Streetfight DWB vs. Black & Bling-Tag Title Match Golden vs. Robbie Retro COTGD vs. Jett/Minnesota/Glenn[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Guest Bolton
Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Valiant/????[/B] - Streetfight [I]I bet it's S-E-A-N M-C-F-L-Y, and Sean would need some big momentum to take on the Keith regime[/I] [B]DWB[/B] vs. Black & Bling-Tag Title Match [I]The White Boys have a big title match against The New Wave building up, and losing the titles would make a big hole in the feud[/I] [B]Golden[/B] vs. Robbie Retro [I]I loves me some Goldust pre-2003, and hopefully Golden is a great tribute to one of the best gimmicks of 90's WWF. Plus Retro's a comedy jobber, and would devalue the Golden character should he get a upset loss[/I] COTGD vs. [B]Jett/Minnesota/Glenn[/B] [I]I thinks another upset is at hand. Although I think the Cult would get some singles success to counter-act the losses[/I]
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Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Valiant/????[/B] - Streetfight [I]I personally see Valiant, staying loyal and choosing Jack Bruce as his partner. The faces will take this, as otherwise no opponents will be set up for the Title match at World of Watching and I see McFly making his debut at the PPV[/I] DWB vs. [B]Black & Bling[/B]-Tag Title Match [I]The only team I see taking the belts of DWB are the New Wave, and despite apparently 'patching up' their differences Black & Bling will continue to have problems[/I] [B]Golden[/B] vs. Robbie Retro [I]Semi-squash to establish the repackaged Rocky Golden[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Jett/Minnesota/Glenn [I]Another loss for COTGD and they'll start looking like jobbers with a cool gimmick, but Minnesota & Glenn are now on a role. The wildcard here is Jett, and I see him being the difference maker but not for the guys he is siding with at the beginning of the match.[/I]
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Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker vs. [B]Valiant/????[/B] - Streetfight [I]I'd like to see how Valiant performs in a PPV main event, so I'll give his team the nod here.[/I] DWB vs. [B]Black & Bling[/B]-Tag Title Match [I]I'm usually surpised by the outcome of at least one of the matches on every SWF card, so I'll pick the upset here. The DWB/New Wave feud can continue without the titles, and having the DWB as the first members of the corporation to drop their belts would further separate them from the rest of the stable.[/I] [B]Golden[/B] vs. Robbie Retro [I]Hopefully Golden will get a solid push out of the gate. I can't imagine that he'll lose his debut match to Retro.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Jett/Minnesota/Glenn [I]COTGD have to get a win back in this series eventually. With both Jett's fitness and his loyalties highly questionable coming in, the deck seems to be stacked in their favor.[/I]
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Guest Bolton
[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;426623]I see McFly making his debut at the PPV[/QUOTE] Nonsense, McFly should debut on TV for those impatient SWF fans! :p You're right though, it could be a great surprise say, Greg Keith to retain against Valiant at the PPV then McFly comes out and attacks Greg. Gotta love Sports Entertainment sometimes.
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Show 18 "Decision" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Eighteen[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“Decision”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Valiant is backstage outside of his locker room with Jack Bruce and Raven carefully weighing his options for tonight’s main event, for which he needs a tag team partner. They are already quite involved so the camera just watches. V: “And I can’t believe everyone is ducking me tonight. I’m always there for everyone else if they want to train, or pray, or take vitamins, but when I need something….just once….” Valiant is rambling now, a rarity unless talking about his training regiment, and doesn’t notice Jack Bruce trying to cut him off. JB: “Hey…” V: “…I mean they always come to me when they need those baggy elastic waist pants with the crazy prints, what about that, huh….and who do they ask for his delicious protein shake slash smoothie recipe? Me, of course….” It is obvious that Jack wants to offer his services as Valiant’s partner, but the big man is too busy ranting to no one in particular about loyalty and smoothies. Raven and Bruce share a chuckle and Jack rolls his eyes before signaling to her that he’ll let Valiant’s diatribe run its course. The crowd goes crazy as he rocks a vicious air guitar solo….that is, until the camera pulls back to reveal they are in fact going crazy for the return of Darryl Devine to Supreme TV. Jack doesn’t even open his eyes, continuing to rock out as Darryl walks up to Valiant, shaking his hand and whispering something to him before walking off. Raven shakes Jack’s shoulder, bringing him back above sea level, and points toward Devine, walking out an exit. JB: “Big V, what was that? Was that Darryl Devine?” Valiant nods. V: “Yeah. He said he’d be my partner tonight if I wanted. Said he’d love to be back in the ring with Gregory Keith again.” Jack gets serious. Sort of. JB: “Sure he would; he’s been chasing that belt forever.” Valiant scratches his head, obviously conflicted. V: “But…” This time, Bruce doesn’t let Valiant rant, instead cutting him off. JB: “Did you ever think about asking me, man? I mean, I am Jack Bruce. I’m your amigo, remember-o?” Valiant’s face is solemn. V: “I took him up on it.” Bruce throws his hands in the air. JB: “What? Why? I’m right here, baby, JB…..right here.” Valiant puts his hand on Bruce’s shoulder. V: “Look, you were the one who told me to think big, remember? If I win, I get to pick the match’s stipulation right? Well, when I win, I’m going to make my title match against Keith a special referee match. And you know who’s going to be the man in charge; the man wearing the black and white stripes?” JB perks up and raises his hands in anticipation of an air guitar solo. JB: “Who?” Valiant points at JB. V: “[I]You[/I], Jack; you’ll be the special referee…. in the biggest match of my life.” Bruce high fives Valiant before ripping off a nasty run of imaginary notes. JB: “Marvelous.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Black & Bling[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]-World Tag Team Title Match-[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: DWB win via pinfall @ 6:21[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: This one lasted just under seven minutes but was really over just as it began. Or maybe on the stage or in the locker room; wherever Danny B Bling was at the time he decided to abandon Greg Black, leaving him alone in the ring at the mercy of the massive tag team champions. And despite the despicableness of the act, Bling draws more than his fair share of cheers from the capacity crowd. Greg Black, to his credit, does his best to fight off both opponents by himself, but there is really no way he can compete with two men that are each nearly twice his size. Grease Hogg does most of the heavy lifting before this turns into a double team festival, with the World Tag Team Champions getting in all of their tandem stuff, the tandem chokeslam, the double clotheslines, and finally the double running boot to the face, which flipped Black completely over. As Lead Belly folds him up in a nice neat little package and gets the quick three count from referee Jay Fair, Barrowman and Finch hit the ring, quickly sliding under the bottom rope and engaging the DWB in a full on fist fight that lasts until the shot fades and a commercial for the upcoming SWF game, “Eisenverse”, produced by Greydog Software, rolls. Grade: (match) B (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Remmy Skye takes a spot next to Tommy Townsend and although he is still sporting his comfortably glossed look, his demeanor is nowhere near as happy go lucky as usual. RS: “Bulldozer Brandon Smith, I’ve known how this was going to play out for some time now; how it would have to play out. I don’t know what I could’ve done to prevent any of it; I don’t believe you can alter fate, you know, dude. But by being part of this, you’re going to have to stay in it until the end…” Tommy looks very confused. So does Remmy, actually. TT: “What do you mean?” RS: "Honestly, I don’t know.” He sighs. RS: “I mean……I [I]do[/I] know. Well, it’s not that simple, man. I mean….” Remmy runs his hand through his multicolored hair and before throwing up his hands and starting to walk off. Tommy takes a step toward him. TT: “Remmy, wait. What is all of this? And what about Bulldozer Brandon Smith; what about “The World is Watching”? Remmy pauses and then comes back onto the set, looking dead into the camera. RS: “I hope they are…I hope the world [I]is[/I] watching. Bulldozer, I’ll see you there….in a TLC match.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Golden vs. Robbie Retro[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Golden wins via pinfall @ 4:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Although Robbie Retro provided spirited opposition, he was no match for Golden’s persistent attack, and fell to the “G-Spot” (Cutter) just over four minutes in. In his defense, Robbie Retro has done nothing but work his ass off in our rings and in the gyms when we are on the road, but I just don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to his character. The old booking team, who I have ceased blaming for the problems around here (especially since ratings have been way up) really painted me into a corner with his onscreen persona. What are the long term options for a disco stud? Unless you’re Larry from “Three’s Company”, there isn’t much of a career there, you know? I’ll go on record as saying that USPW will land him when we release him in a few weeks, and that they’ll push the heck out of him after his big splash debut, mainly because we’ve had him on TV so it looks like a coup for them. But, if Chris Caulfield is still coming up with new and interesting things for Robbie Retro to be doing in the USPW upper card in a year’s time, you can color me a vivid shade of impressed because I don’t believe it can be done. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Bull Wrecker and Big Smack Scott walk out of the corporate office at the same time, but nowhere near together. Scott is actually sulking a bit, trailing Wrecker by about two paces. When they stop, Wrecker throws a fluffy white towel over his shoulder. The look on his face is even, but his voice is very condescending as he drops his duffel bag at Scott’s feet. BW: “So, do we need to go over that again, or are you all set?” Scott doesn’t lift his eyes to meet Wrecker’s but mutters to himself and almost fluffs himself up a bit. Almost... BSS: “How old are you, twenty? Who are you to talk to me like that? I’ll…” Wrecker cuts in. Almost. BW: “You’ll what, tough guy? Do you want me to tell the boss that we need to add keeping your mouth shut to the list all of the other things you can’t do? Because I will, and then I will have to beat you down, do you hear me? And I’ll enjoy it.” Scott appears already beaten down and slowly nods. BW: “Now, again, do we need to go over the thing for the main event tonight or not because…?” BSS: “No, I get it. I get the plan. I understand.” Wrecker pulls the towel around his neck and holds it with both hands as he walks off. BW: “Good. Then I’m going to the gym while there’s time. Why don’t you go outside and wax the boss’s stretch with the diaper I left with the driver?” Scott just shakes his head, muttering again as Wrecker begins whistling on his way through the gym’s glass doors. Grade: C+ (Commercial) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] With The Guru directing the whole show from a tennis official’s chair, raised about four feet above everyone else, award winning fashion photographer Van Pantstent goes about his work as announced, snapping shot after shot of the Can-Am Blondes as they pose on the gym equipment in the enormous backstage fitness facility. Things progress extremely well with Pantstent telling the Guru how very photogenic his boys are, and complimenting Carvill and Love at every opportunity. The shoot then begins getting a bit more provocative, however, at Van’s suggestion, and even though Damian and Owen voice a bit if concern, Pantstent convinces them to show a bit of backside. As they hesitantly begin to roll down the waistbands of their new purple and gold tights ever so slightly, the room gets very quiet; still. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] That is until the huge burst of laughter comes from the back of the room. Love, Carvill, and The Guru all turn to see Queen Emily, Tom Gilmore, and Joe Sexy (again dressed as “The Million Dollar Man”) standing in the back of the lengthy room, doubled over, completely chucklehoused. Damian and Owen act indignant about it, but roll their tights back up before even making a move toward Sexual Aggression, who have already slipped out the swinging doors when they do. The Guru breaks the awkward silence with the horn on his megaphone, into which he bellows. Guru: “Ok. Everyone back to work. Money is time.” But Owen and Damian are more than a bit upset and refuse, toweling off some of the excessive amount of oil on their skin. Pantstent throws up his hands at The Guru, who shrugs. The famed photographer stuffs his camera in a bag and storms off in a huff. The Guru barely stirs, although you can tell from the look on his face that he is incensed. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER] COTGD vs. Jett/Minnesota/Glenn[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: COTGD win via submission @ 10:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Another “Awesome Impact” rematch that meets or exceeds the level of its predecessor; we are very lucky to have this type of chemistry among the various members of our roster. And honestly, among a host of outstanding efforts, Sammy Bach’s performance stood out as being quite exceptional. This dark character really suits him and many people backstage say that there is less and less of a line between Sammy’s character and Sammy himself. The rumor lately is that he totally freaked out some fanboy host on a wrestling webcast talking about witchcraft. I love it. He is in control from the start, getting to mix it up, one on one, with all three opponents. Jett is super pale and looks like he can barely stay awake on the apron and is very uninspiring in the ring, going so far as having a misstep on the turnbuckles, causing an awkward fall. Emma constantly antagonizes Jett, too, leering at him and breaking his concentration several times. Eventually the good guys are in control with Joey picking up Jett’s slack and serving up some serious offense, victimizing Plague with a wicked tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that bends the masked man in two. Glenn tags in and the action stays hot with KC dropping a leg from the top rope before whipping Plague into the ropes. Plague makes a quick blind tag as he hits the ropes and ducks under Glenn’s clothesline attempt. Acid, however, now the legal man, grabs right onto KC’s arm and spins him up with an octopus stretch variation that looks as though it could abruptly end the match. Bach leans out and tags in and he and the recovering Plague jump into the ring looking to cut off the cavalry coming to break the hold but find only Joey Minnesota making his way toward them. Jacob Jett is on the floor and is staring blankly at Emma who is slinking around the ring and slowly coming toward him. As Sammy and Plague double team Joey, with KC Glenn still locked in Acid’s stretch, Jett freaks out. With Emma only inches away, he hops over the guardrail, pushing a few fans out of the way as he runs up the aisle and toward an exit. Emma cackles maniacally before turning to see Bach locking the “Bach on Your Back” (reverse bodylock sleeperhold) on Minnesota who, without the aid of his partners, eventually fades in the hold, getting his arm dropped three times by referee Eugene Williams. With all of its members in the ring to celebrate the victory, the purple pyro that accompanies it flashes, and the Cult of the Grey Dragon pose; an impressively evil silhouette against the violet backdrop. Grade: B [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Jack Bruce finds Darryl Devine, who is stretching out in his locker room. Bruce is not with his girlfriend Raven and not wearing his usual photo-ready grin. When Bruce shuts the door, leaving them alone, Devine stands up to meet him, looking as though he expects almost anything. Bruce puts his hands up though, signaling to Devine. JB: “I’m not here to fight, man. JB saves the fighting for the ring.” DD: “So why are you here then? It’s almost time for the match. It’s a big ‘un.” Jack gets very close, face to face with Devine and keeps his voice very low and even. JB: “I just wanted to let you know that Valiant is with me, you dig? I back him up one hundred percent." Devine gets closer, acting a bit agitated at Bruce's allusion. DD: “What are you getting at ‘rock star’? Do we have a problem?” Bruce has his eyes locked on Devine’s. JB: “Not yet my man, not yet. But if you happen to do anything to screw over Valiant out there trying to position yourself a little bit better for another shot at the title, you’ll have to answer to JB, understood?” Devine snorts and both fan favorites look disgusted with each other. DD: “Is that so? Listen JB, why don’t you go get started thinking up another ‘awesome’ reality show to promote yourself and let me take care of my business.” Jack laughs and slides his shades back down over his eyes, turning toward the door and opening it before turning back. JB: “Just remember what I said. I’ll be watching.” Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker vs. Valiant/Darryl Devine -Streetfight-[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Valiant/Darryl Devine win via pinfall @ 14:55[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: Just what we had expected, quality wise. The future of SWF all step into the ring in this one, and we see exactly what we had hoped. And after a pretty deliberate opening, the pace quickens before the match takes on a more violent tone. Gregory Keith shows his prowess as a professional wrestler is not limited to the technical masterpieces he’s had of late. In fact, he was the first of the four to pull something from under the ring, dragging a table out and standing it up in the barricade’s corner before hurling Valiant through it, leaving the big man in a heap. Devine picks up right where he left off with Keith, going full bore at the World champion, hitting him with everything but the kitchen sink on a visit behind the announce table, notably using the cord from Ana Garcia’s headset to brutally choke his bitter rival. Wrecker and Valiant get a chance to rekindle their feud as well, exchanging haymakers and later-on, chairshots, but it becomes clear that, as the match progresses, Valiant is totally zeroed in Keith, who seems to be doing his best to avoid a straight up, man-to-man confrontation with him. When they finally do hook it up, the World Champion wastes no time cutting corners, jabbing him with a thumb in the eye and dropping him to his knees for a Wrecker chairshot with a vicious ballshot. While Keith holds the former North American Champion down with a figure four leglock, Darryl Devine and Bull Wrecker go crazy on the stage. As Eric Eisen stands a few feet away, taunting his longtime nemesis, Wrecker throws Devine through part of the set, sending him into the backstage area where he emerges seconds later bleeding from a wound in his head. All four men make their way back toward the ring, battling the entire way. Having picked up a chair on his way in, Gregory Keith smacks Valiant from behind, knocking him into the corner. But as he poses for the interim CEO on the outside of the ring, he steps right in to a “Devine Dream Drop” and flips comically end over end selling it before rolling to the floor. Darryl, loathing the corporation, takes a second to jaw with Eisen too, ironically, and is blindsided by a spear from Wrecker, bringing the action to a halt as all four men recover. First to his feet, Wrecker signals to the back and after just a second, corporate lackey Big Smack Scott emerges from behind the curtain with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and cloth. He takes a lighter from his pocket and with a flick of his Bic, sets it ablaze, admiring its glow before turning back toward the ring. But after only a step or two, Jack Bruce runs down the ramp behind him on the crest of a huge pop, deftly knocking the flaming bat out of Scott’s hands and off of the staging (and into a fire safety pit below, mind you) before spinning him around completely and driving him down into the steel ramp with the “NYM”. Wrecker can’t believe it and screams at Bruce from the ring, painfully unaware that Valiant is up and Devine has recovered as well….and both are in the ring behind him. When he turns back to deal with Valiant, he walks right into a “Devine Dream Drop” from Darryl Devine, which sends him sprawling. Keith, recovered now as well, stands outside the ring beside Eric Eisen, choosing not to re-enter the fray as Valiant lines up the downed Wrecker, points over toward the World Champion in a “this-one’s-for-you’ manner, and nails him with a “V-Split” before getting the easy three count. The final shot of the show is of Valiant with his arms raised, glaring at the scowling World Champion on the floor, Darryl Devine to his left, Jack Bruce to his right. Grade: A Show Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 19 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]-Show Nineteen Preview-[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [I]How about one of the biggest matches in the history of Supreme TV, pitting eight of the company’s top superstars against each other, headlining this week’s show? And there is sure to be some massive drama emanating from these particular wrestlers as each has issues with at least one of their opponents. The New Wave of Barrowman and Finch teams up with Jack Bruce and his friend Valiant to square off against the corporate team of World Champion Gregory Keith, North American Champion Bull Wrecker, and the World Tag Team Champions, The Dirty White Boyz. Eight men. One ring. Will it be enough to contain them all? Find out on this week’s Supreme TV. Jacob Jett, named Sammy Bach’s opponent for the Shooting Star title at “The World is Watching”, will have a tune-up match this week on Supreme TV against SWF newblood Ryan Powell. Jett’s focus will no doubt be under extreme scrutiny following last week’s shocking mid-match meltdown that saw him leave the arena during his six man tag match against the Cult of the Grey Dragon, abandoning his two partners Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn. With a coveted title shot on the horizon can Jacob Jett right the ship this week against high flying Ryan Powell? Danny B Bling fired as Greg Black’s partner? That’s the way Greg Black is spinning things to SWF.com this week, telling people that after the way their tag title match against the DWB played out last week, that he had no other choice but to sever his business relationship with Danny B Bling. Bling will be at this week’s Supreme TV and has requested some interview time to set the record straight. Corporate lackey Big Smack Scott gets put in a match by his boss Eric Eisen, hoping to establish some positive momentum and give Scott some direction. This week on Supreme TV Big Smack Scott steps into the ring, taking on beloved fan favorite Puerto Rican Power. All of that, plus….. Golden will be in Dallas for Supreme TV. What could be going on in the twisted mind of the weird one? And a very important announcement will be made concerning the future of a debuting superstar. [B][CENTER]This week on SWF Supreme TV.[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- Keith/Wrecker/ DWB vs. Valiant/Bruce/New Wave Big Smack Scott vs. PRP COTGD vs. Minnesota/Glenn - #1 Contender Match Jacob Jett vs. Ryan Powell “TWIW (as it stands now)” Gregory Keith vs. Valiant – World Title Match w/ Special Referee Jack Bruce Remmy Skye vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – TLC Match Sexual Aggression vs. The Can-Am Blondes - -$250,000 Match Sammy Bach vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Title Match[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Keith/Wrecker/ DWB vs. [B]Valiant/Bruce/New Wave[/B] [I]In my opinion logical booking would have one of the Dirty White Boyz, eating the pin from Valiant.[/I] Big Smack Scott vs. [B]PRP[/B] [I]PRP has been one very big jobber, but I see BSS finding yet another way to screw things up, and he'll get himself DQ'd.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn - #1 Contender Match [I]My feeling is that New Wave will win the tag belts off the DWB, therefore the Cult being heels, will be set up as their first set of challengers. A match between The Cult and The New Wave would really yet the New Wave show the SWF fans that they are much more than a pair of brawlers.[/I] Jacob Jett vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] [I]Jett has the title shot, but the storyline has been his sudden meltdown of late and I think he'll have another one here and Powell will find a way to take advantage of that situation. Perhaps Powell (who is unbeaten thus far) will be able to use this victory as some kind of bargaining tool to get himself added to the Shooting Star Title match.[/I]
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[B]Keith/Wrecke[/B]r/ DWB vs. Valiant/Bruce/New Wave Logical booking in matches like this is that the most established star pins the least established. The New Wave ain't established, so I'd expect one of the New Wave to lay down for the champ (and PS, they need new names, because Barrowman and Finch are godawful). [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] vs. PRP If Scott can't win this, his eventual firing and main event face run won't be the least bit surprising. [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn - #1 Contender Match Glenn's not over, and the Grey Dragon's more of an established team. That said, the Grey Dragon has gotten beyond boring. I loved the tweener, semi-supernatural angle played up by Monkeypox, but this group seems like a directionless bunch of amazing workers with no mic skills. I mean, they are except for Bach, but not only is this no Ministry of Darkness, this is no Brood. This is more like the New Brood, featuring the Hardy Boyz. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Ryan Powell Similar to picking BSS, I go with Jett because if he loses to a jobber, he's getting buried, plain and simple.
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Guest Bolton
Keith/Wrecker/ DWB vs. [B]Valiant/Bruce/New Wave[/B] [I]Again, a victory for Vailiant. Darryl Devine helps out Valiant and hits a 3D on Keith, although I see Valiant pinning one of the DWBs, like Tigerkinney said.[/I] [B]Big Smack Scott[/B] vs. PRP [I]Big Smack Scott will no-sell PRP's power moves, kick out of the San Juan Rush at 1, then get up and hit a Heart Punch on PRP. While doing that, he will semi-sever his spinal column with the World's Sloppiest Piledriver then hit a [B]EPIC[/B] Big Smack Shuffle on his jabroni ass.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn - #1 Contender Match [I]If you had them being beaten constantely, it would have made them look like jobbers with a cool gimmick. See COTGD getting some tag gold soon.[/I] Jacob Jett vs. [B]Ryan Powell[/B] [I]Powell keeps his little streak he's going at, and try to get a shot at the Shooting Star title. Although I see Sammy Bach shenanigans coming out of this...[/I]
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Keith/Wrecker/ DWB vs. [B]Valiant/Bruce/New Wave[/B] [I]I see Valiant's team going over here to ensure he's seen as a credible challenger going into the PPV.[/I] Big Smack Scott vs. [B]PRP[/B] [I]I was shocked to find that PRP, despite being booked like a jobber, is listed as an upper-midcarder on the SWF roster. In any case, Scott will find a way to screw up again and eat another frustrating loss to continue his reverse push.[/I] [B]COTGD[/B] vs. Minnesota/Glenn - #1 Contender Match [I]I have no idea how this one will go down. COTGD haven't shown too much interest in the belts to this point, preferring to target Jett instead, and I don't think they need to be involved in a title chase as they're such a gimmick-heavy team. But somehow they seem to have more to lose here, and I'm afraid another defeat might really push them down the card. I get the sense that their overness in the game is well below the popularity they enjoy on these boards, though, so perhaps my expectations for them are a bit too high.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Ryan Powell [I]I'm guessing there'll be some shenanigans involved in the finish of this one as Jett seems to be in no condition to win a match but I can't imagine that he'll lose clean to a lower-carder on the eve of his title shot.[/I]
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Show 19 "Mayhem" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]Show Nineteen [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“Mayhem”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The show goes on the air a minute and a half early with a vicious brawl going on in one of the arena’s many parking lots between Sexual Aggression and The Can-Am Blondes. If this were pier number six on a Saturday night, Gorilla Monsoon would surely call for Katie to bar the door. From the way that their bags appear tossed aside, it looks as though the two teams crossed paths when they were both arriving for the show. A few people notice the fight as it spills around the corner and, as Damian Carvill and Tom Gilmore tumble over a large concrete planter, taking a dark clump of soil with them, a crowd begins to form, encircling the combatants. Each team looks like they’ve got the upper hand for stretches, with Love running Sexy squarely into a fixed iron bench. Finally a few local police officers, dealing with traffic on the main road, scramble over and intervene, able to separate the two squads with their clubs drawn. Their rivalry has gotten personal very quickly, and at “The World is Watching” will be about more than the wagered quarter million dollars at stake. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jacob Jett vs. Ryan Powell[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via countout @ 8:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I love the Shooting Star division, ok. I love it. But rather than just having it be about the in ring action, which I will put against any of the independent darling’s stuff any day of the week, we also offer some story along with it. And this match is part of a doozy. Ever since Jacob Jett crossed paths with the Cult of the Grey Dragon and received the ‘Kiss of Death” from Emma, his condition has devolved in a very strange manner, seeing him slowly begin wasting away, looking physically drained and spiritually weak; it has been interesting television. Tonight, he hits the ring looking a bit more like he did a few weeks ago, but it becomes obvious as the match goes on, especially with its super fast pace, that Jett is out of gas early. In fact, as he begins to take control of the action after some serious back and forth interplay, Jett begins holding his ribcage, looking distressed. Soon afterward, he notices Emma and Sammy Bach standing out on the stage, watching. Powell reverses an irish whip, going for his handspring back elbow, but gets caught in a waistlock by Jett who spikes him face-first into the mat before leaping over the top rope onto the apron and flying back in, crushing Powell with a springboard double stomp. He sets Powell up on the top rope and dives, flipping them both out onto the floor below with an amazingly daring hurancanrana. As they both struggle to get to their feet, with the match at its highest point, Jett is the first up and makes for the ring before stopping abruptly and clutching his ribcage again, this time grimacing in pain and turning white as a sheet. As Powell makes it to his feet and rolls under the bottom rope, Jett grabs for his chest again, this time looking up at Emma on the stage with that same glazed look on his face that he wore last week, riveted by her. Suddenly, he freaks out again and jumps the railing, tearing out of the arena through the crowd for the second time in as many events. Powell just stands in the ring with a stunned look on his face as Eugene Williams counts Jett out and awards the young hip-hopper the match. Emma and Sammy stand entwined on the stage, laughing hysterically. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Another masterpiece from our production department rolls, hyping the long and brutal feud between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Remmy Skye. It also serves as a promo piece for their upcoming TLC match at “The World is Watching”. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Backstage on the interview set, Tommy Townsend sits doing a crossword puzzle when Danny B Bling struts into the lights wearing a new dark suit, snapping his fingers for Tommy to give him the microphone. Before he starts talking, he gets right in front of the camera, taking up the entire shot with his wide, ever smiling face. DBB: “Fired? You’re firing me? Please, I think that I’m the one who walked out on you Greg Black. What did you expect? You disrespected me, so I did what I had to do to keep my reputation as a hustler intact, dig? I’m not the kind of mutha’ you play around with; you know what I’m sayin’? Tellin’ all sorts of people that Greg Black would be better off without Danny B Bling in his corner or at his side?” Tommy, ever the journalist, probes deeper. TT: “Really? He said that?” Bling smiles again. DBB: “That’s what I heard….and I believe it. And I say fine, Greg Black. Go. Be on your own. But don’t come back to Danny B Bling with your hand out, ever!” An awkward pause. TT: “So what’s next for Danny B Bling?” He puts his arm around Tommy. DBB: “As for me, T, thanks for asking. I’m gonna get back to doing what I do best….pimping. I’m putting ‘Hollas fo’ Dollas’ back together.” He and Tommy high-five. DBB: “So keep a look out people; we’ll be coming to a street corner near you real soon.” He raises his new jeweled handled walking stick and salutes the camera, letting the lights catch every point. DBB: “Now let’s go make that money.” Grade: B [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Big Smack Scott vs. Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Big Smack Scott wins via pinfall @ 4:41[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: I feel pretty dirty even writing this, let alone booking it, but…..well, you know. Big Smack Scott has got to win every once in awhile, even if we all know it’s a ruse to cover his actual role as the jobber to the stars. Here, Puerto Rican Power does the favor for BSS in a completely uninspiring match that I hope our fans at home used as time to hit the fridge. They trade slow, early nineties based offense before Scott gouges PRP’s eyes and hits the “Big Smack Smack” a few seconds later. As he is celebrating his win in the ring, Eric Eisen pops up on the jumbotron. EE: “Mr. Scott, your services are required for some official corporate business at Manny’s Downtown Dry Cleaning. Please hurry back to the backstage area to receive your complete instructions.” Eisen vanishes from the screen just as quickly as he appeared. Big Smack Scott shakes his head and even PRP, holding his head and recovering from the “Big Smack Smack”, has a bit of a chuckle. In fact many of the folks at ringside are laughing too as it has become quite clear that Scott has really become the total corporate doormat and is buried in the doghouse after his countless failures. Grade: (match) B- (post) B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Golden is backstage in his locker room with Jenny; a monitor with tonight’s Supreme TV plays without sound, glowing in the corner. Both of them are wearing the very same, provocatively cut gold lamay dress, slit high up the side. As they admire themselves and each other in a floor length three paneled mirror, Jenny leans in and kisses Golden on the cheek. J: “I think it may be time to make our decision. One of them must be suitable. Don’t they all….meet your needs, so to speak, in some way?” Golden spins to admire his backside. G: “Yes, they all have certain qualities about them that are…..tempting, shall we say? That is what’s making this quite hard.” Jenny grabs Golden in a dance pose, one arm outstretched, and the two slowly waltz, stealing looks at each other in the mirror while talking. Considering the identical garb and the number of mirrors, it is quite busy and difficult to digest; unsettling. She whispers in his ear. J: “Just pick one. Which ever one you fancy the most.” A turn. Golden in her ear. G: “Just give me a few more days. In matters of the heart, it is wisest to be completely sure.” The camera pulls back slowly and evenly as Golden and Jenny dance cheek to cheek with their eyes closed until the fade out. Grade: B (Commercial Break) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn are just behind the curtain, waiting to be introduced. Both men look a bit tense, knowing the opportunity that they have tonight. Glenn stretches the same quad over and over, hopping intermittently like he is skipping an invisible rope. Joey stands to his right, nervously snapping his neck from side to side, making the only noticeable sound. He stops, knowing there are only seconds until they are introduced. At first, he tries to say something, but stops and instead sticks his hand out. But as Glenn throws his own out to shake it, Joey rethinks it… …and pulls his protégé into a big bear hug. After a pat on the back or two they get back to their pre-match jitters and there is silence for at least ten seconds until…… JM: “Just don’t screw up, ok?” Glenn’s face is still for a moment. Then he nods. KC: “Mmkay.” Joey lets out a long breath. JM: “You were supposed to laugh at that, kid.” He snaps his neck again. Their theme music begins to play. Grade: B- [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]COTGD vs. Minnesota/Glenn[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-#1 Contender Challenge Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Minnesota/Glenn win via pinfall @ 11:53[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: For the third time in three weeks, the COTGD and Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn go at it. This time, however, it is for a shot at the tag team champions next week on Supreme TV, whoever they may be after “The World is Watching”. And when it comes down to a critical moment, Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn elevate their game again to top the Cult of the Grey Dragon, an unbelievable tandem in their own right who haven’t lost much momentum, even in the face of the losses. The fans are treated to a great contest and because both teams have been hooking it up both on TV and on the house show circuit for the better part of a month, the reversals of reversals come out left and right, making this match the culmination of all of their meetings. Acid puts on a display in the match’s early going, using his amazingly wide array of kicks in various combos to stop both Joey and KC, leaving some very noticeable red welts on Minnesota’s back and shoulder. Looking to end the match seemingly before it gets started, Acid reverses a suplex attempt by KC Glenn into one of his own, running and dropping the young southerner on his head on the top turnbuckle. The bad guys control a lot of the action throughout and score a plethora of near falls, keeping the fans on the edges of their seats. Plague nails a weary Minnesota in the corner with a glittering magician and leans him as he slumps out, positioning him perfectly for the “New Jersey Turnpike” (twisting corkscrew legdrop). But Glenn does a ropewalk from his corner, tightroping his way into a flying clothesline that sends both he and his masked rival tumbling dangerously to the floor. With Joey still struggling to get to his feet in the corner and using the turnbuckles to help his progress, Acid hits the ropes hard, hitting the nearside ropes as well for extra momentum and looking for a dive move onto KC Glenn. But Minnesota rises to his feet with a massive effort and nearly decapitates the high flyer, stepping out and stopping him flat with a vicious lariat. The faces then begin to make a push, with Glenn rejoining Joey in the ring for a nifty double brainbuster on Plague that brings the crowd to their feet, believing that the end is near. But, after Plague kicks out at two point nine, his partner rejoins the ring and we have a full fledged four man war on our hands. The spots start coming in clusters, peaking the audience again and again. In the match’s waning moments, Acid gets nailed with a “Minnesota Salute” right between the eyes, but as he’s falling backward, seemingly out on his feet, he sprays the red mist (an SWF first) into the face of his attacker, who doubles over clawing at his eyes and rolling to the floor. Glenn reaches over the top rope, attempting to help his mentor, but Plague uses that lapse in the rookie’s judgment to his advantage, blindsiding him with a running high knee. Then after scoring with a cartwheel kick, Plague smoothly leaps to the top turnbuckle, taking a second to signal for the “NJT” to the crowd. But Glenn finds the energy to engage Plague, battling him until they are both, once again, atop the top turnbuckles, knowing their joust will decide the outcome of the match. And after the masked man hits with three or four straight chops, he hooks Glenn for a superplex. But Glenn, now sitting on the top rope, takes a chance, leaping over Plague catching him on the way over with a sunset flip powerbomb that shakes the ring. The official is right there to make the three count, giving the team of Joey Minnesota and KC Glenn an improbable tag title shot next week on Supreme TV. Grade: B+[/I] A promo rolls. A wrestler, hidden by backlit shadows, shoots across a ring, dropping another like a training dummy with an amateur style takedown. These shots switch intermittently with a panoramic shot of a jam-packed arena, chanting together in full throat. Mis-ter Wres-tling! (Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) A voice over begins. “A legend.” Mis-ter Wres-tling! (Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) “An icon.” Mis-ter Wres-tling! (Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) “Pound for pound, title for title, the greatest wrestler of all time…...” Mis-ter Wres-tling! (Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) “…and yes, that includes you know who…brother.” Mis-ter Wres-tling! (Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) “Next week, Mr. Wrestling returns to the Supreme Wrestling Federation.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER]VS.[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Gregory Keith/Bull Wrecker/ DWB vs. Valiant/Jack Bruce/ New Wave[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Stoppage/DDQ @ 14:04[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Mayhem! Mayhem, I say! Referee Jay Fair has my deepest sympathies after having to deal with a match like this, as all eight men have axes to grind coming off of a particularly brutal streetfight on last week’s Supreme TV. And right from the start, this one is out of control. Wrestling-wise, the faces are impressive as a four man unit, pulling off a few tandem moves. After a double shoulder tackle from Barrowman and Finch drops Keith and leads to a quick tag, Jack Bruce whips the World Champion into the ropes and nails him with a very acrobatic flipping dropkick. Eventually though, the corporation begins doing what they do best….cheat, and they subsequently take control. Grease Hogg gets a fair amount of ring time and looks good against Jack Bruce, really tossing him around with all sorts of slams and throws. Once again, as the match goes on, Gregory Keith’s avoidance of Valiant in one-on-one situations is obvious, but he takes advantage of the big man’s lack of ring presence, shoving him into Jay Fair at one point and knocking him down, and starting the mayhem. With the referee down, all eight men enter the fray with some of the action spilling out onto the floor. The New Wave and the DWB quickly make for the chairs at ringside and begin swinging them at each other in earnest while Bruce and Valiant double team Bull Wrecker, keeping him trapped in a corner with a barrage of kicks and punches. While that’s happening, Gregory Keith slips out onto the floor unnoticed and squats down near the announce position, hiding safely away from the action. Feeling that Wrecker is no longer a threat, Bruce jumps onto the apron kicking at Grease Hogg coming to the aid of Barrowman and Finch while Valiant begins looking around for Gregory Keith. He spots him and begins making his way across the ring toward him when Lead Belly passes the possum playing corporate assassin his steel chair and Wrecker gets a running start, focused squarely on the back of Jack Bruce’s head. Valiant spins around and sprints back toward Bruce to intercept Wrecker. But Bull winds up and swings away just as Valiant gets there and connects with him instead, sending the big man sprawling. Bruce turns toward Wrecker wide-eyed, processing what happened for just a second before kicking him in the belly and dropping him with a “NYM” and rocking an air-guitar solo for the fans. But unbeknownst to JB, the World Champion has silently re-entered the ring, wearing a politician’s grin, sneaking up behind him, now wielding the timekeeper’s bell. As Bruce continues to solo, swinging his hair around and around, Keith gets closer, raising the bell, intending to lay out the SWF’s favorite rock star…… [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] ……when Darryl Devine, in his street clothes, hops the guardrail and emerges from the crowd, sliding into the ring in front of the stunned Keith, ripping the bell from his grasp and throwing it over the top rope to the floor. Keith takes a swing at Devine, but Devine ducks it and nearly catches him in a “Devine Dream Drop” before Wrecker, now back with it, clotheslines Bruce and violently spears Devine, saving the World Champion. Keith attempts to make tracks, grabbing his belt from ringside and heading up the ramp, but Valiant surprises him by recovering from Wrecker’s chairshot to track him down before he can escape. As they battle on the ramp with Jack Bruce apparently practicing his refereeing skills alongside, Devine and Wrecker trade punches in the ring, while the Dirty White Boyz and The New Wave continue to brawl at ringside. Jay Fair, now on his feet, calls for the bell throwing this one out, but no one is paying attention anyway. As all nine men continue to battle, even while the bell rings, Eric Eisen sprints down the ramp, joined by Big Smack Scott, grabbing the ringside microphone off of the announce table. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] EE: “STOP IT! STOP IT, ALL OF YOU! SAVE IT FOR THE PAY PER VIEW!” SWF security begins to fill the ringside area, a sea of tight red polo shirts. Eisen gestures toward Keith and Valiant first, ordering his troops. EE: “Those two over there, get them apart. That’s the World Champion god-dammit!” Then, satisfied that they are getting between Keith and Valiant, with a face of rage, he turns toward the fracas around the ring. “YOU THREE…” He points at Devine and then at the New Wave. “… AGAINST YOU THREE…” Wrecker, Grease Hogg, and Lead Belly. “…AT THE PAY-PER-VIEW…” The crowd pops like crazy. “….INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! DO YOU HEAR ME! WE’LL SETTLE THIS IN THE CAGE!” Eisen turns, pointing directly at his longtime nemesis Darryl Devine. EE: “YOU NEED TO LEARN TO STOP STICKING YOUR NOSE INTO CORPORATE BUSINESS, DEVINE! BULL WRECKER’S GONNA MAKE YOU PAY!” Both sides posture and yell obscenities as the SWF security team is joined by about ten riot gear equipped police officers who form a wall of sorts, keeping the angry enemies apart. It’s a chaotic finish for the final Supreme TV before “The World is Watching”. Grade: (match) B+ (post) A[/I] Show Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 20 Preview [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER] -Show Twenty Preview-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“The World is Watching -PPV Preview”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] In the Main Event at “The World is Watching” Gregory Keith defends the World Heavyweight title against the SWF’s young superstar, Valiant, in what will be Valiant’s first ever opportunity at wrestling’s biggest prize. Keith portrays himself as ‘the best wrestler in the world’ and outwrestled longtime main event top dog Darryl Devine at “Awesome Impact” to retain his title. But, of late, he has gone to great lengths to avoid Valiant during their tag team meetings. Could Valiant be the opponent that matches up with Keith better than anyone he has ever faced before? And what kind of advantage will the challenger have with his best friend, Jack Bruce, acting as the feature match’s special referee? Don’t miss what is sure to be the most talked about main event of the year, only at “The World is Watching”. Two teams. Six Men. One twenty foot high steel cage. Last week’s arena-wide brawl that closed the show on Supreme TV has lead to two storylines converging to create one brutal match. The New Wave have been chasing the World Tag Team titles since they begrudgingly signed SWF contracts a few months ago and their feud with the champs, the Dirty White Boyz, has gotten downright bloody with the champions managing to escape with their belts two pay-per-views in a row. Darryl Devine returned to the SWF after failing to reclaim the World Heavyweight title and has apparently made it his business to be a thorn in the side of the hated corporation. After coming to the aid of Valiant when he needed a partner against Gregory Keith and Bull Wrecker two weeks ago and saving Jack Bruce from the ring bell wielding World Champion last week, Devine has been warned to stay out of corporate business by his longtime rival Eric Eisen. At “The World is Watching”, all of these issues will be locked inside the unforgiving steel of the SWF’s twenty foot chain link cage. Who can emerge unscathed? Who will emerge victorious? Will Jacob Jett even be at the PPV to challenge Sammy Bach for the Shooting Star title after apparently suffering some sort of breakdown and fleeing the arena during last week’s Supreme TV? With challengers lining up for Bach’s title, this may be Jett’s final opportunity to lay claim to a belt he had in his grasp at “Nowhere To Run”. Will he be able to focus himself on his opportunity or will he finally fall victim to the COTGD’s mysterious “Kiss of Death”? Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Remmy Skye will really up the ante in their already violent feud, squaring off in a tables, ladders, and chairs match at “TWIW”. With this story certainly reaching its climax, one would guess that this match will have major ramifications in the Shooting Star division as the winner will likely be in line for a title shot. With this feud already super personal after Bulldozer’s numerous attempts to injure Remmy’s little buddy California Love Machine, the lengths these men will go to injure each other is unknown. What is known, however, is that Smith and Remmy’s previous meetings have been show stealers and a match with the reputation that TLC has could be a new level of carnage for them all together. A quarter of a million dollars is at stake when The Can-Am Blondes and Sexual Aggression step into the ring this Sunday at “The World is Watching”, but after the events of the last few weeks of Supreme TV between the two teams, an additional more personal undercurrent has developed. Queen Emily bet The Guru the amount she sought in a buyout settlement for the rights to Owen Love and Damian Carvill, but will her new team’s rust show when they square off against the tuned up team that she herself brought to the SWF only a few months ago? Will The Guru, ever the savvy manager, have a trick up his sleeve to swing things in the Can-Am’s favor? Or will the Queen’s new team hand out a royal beating? [B][CENTER]All of this and more on SWF PPV! Don't Miss It![/CENTER][/B] -TWIW Quick Picks- Gregory Keith © vs. Valiant – World Title Match w/ Special Referee Jack Bruce Bull Wrecker/DWB vs. Darryl Devine/New Wave – Steel Cage Match Remmy Skye vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – TLC Match Sexual Aggression vs. The Can-Am Blondes - -$250,000 Match Sammy Bach © vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Title Match *Note that for the first time ever, the responder most accurate with their PPV picks will have the opportunity to affect the direction of the story. Should you be the one to correctly predict the most outcomes, you will be PM’ed a booking situation and given the chance to decide, however drastically, the outcome and concept of the given storyline. Got a favorite character that you think is getting the shaft? Predict the card the most accurately and help them along. [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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[B]Gregory Keith ©[/B] vs. Valiant – World Title Match w/ Special Referee Jack Bruce Bull Wrecker/DWB vs. [B]Darryl Devine/New Wave[/B] – Steel Cage Match [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – TLC Match Sexual Aggression vs. [B]The Can-Am Blondes[/B] - -$250,000 Match Sammy Bach © vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match
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Guest Bolton
[B]Gregory Keith ©[/B] vs. Valiant – World Title Match w/ Special Referee Jack Bruce [I]Jack Bruce turns on Valiant, giving Keith a fast count, to set up a Triple Threat match.[/I] Bull Wrecker/DWB vs. [B]Darryl Devine/New Wave[/B] – Steel Cage Match [I]Since I feel Valiant will lose, the good guys at least get one.[/I] Remmy Skye vs. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] – TLC Match [I]The way you potray Bulldozer, it's like the guy could be world champion some day. A victory to get some momentum for a push[/I] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. The Can-Am Blondes - -$250,000 Match [I]Just a Gilmore mark, although I like Joe Sexy as well, even more after your new nostalgic Joe.[/I] [B]Sammy Bach ©[/B] vs. Jacob Jett – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Both Sammy Bach and Jacob Jett are amazing cruiserweights, and I sense a excellent match out of this. But COTGD shenanigans arise. :cool:[/I]
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[B]Gregory Keith[/B] © vs. Valiant – World Title Match w/ Special Referee Jack Bruce [I]Things do seem to be set up for a JB heel turn, as I can't really see Valiant taking the title in his first shot. Not with Mr. Wrestling set to debut next week. But these sorts of turns have been teased before without actually happening, so we'll just have to see.[/I] [B]Bull Wrecker/DWB[/B] vs. Darryl Devine/New Wave – Steel Cage Match [I]I think the Corporation comes out of TWIW looking as strong as possible.[/I] [B]Remmy Skye[/B] vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith – TLC Match [I]This appears to be the blow-off match to this feud, so I think it might be time for Remmy to finally go over.[/I] Sexual Aggression vs. [B]The Can-Am Blondes[/B] - -$250,000 Match [I]I'm not sure we're going to see the end of this feud here, so I'm looking for some sort of surprise from the Guru to up the ante.[/I] Sammy Bach © vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] – Shooting Star Title Match [I]Not sure how, but I'm thinking there may be a surprise ending to this one.[/I]
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