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The SuperBowl **Spoilers**


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AHHHHHH. I am so pissed off at the patriots right now, we had that game won till stupid Ellis Hobbs mad a bad read on the play and let plaxico burress into the endzone wide open. I am about to go down the my basement and beat the crap out of my heavy bag......AHHHHHHHHHHH stupid patriots.
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Colts fan checking in. Great, great, GREAT job by the Giants. I swear, I think I screamed louder during this game then I did during last year's Super Bowl. The thought of a 19-0 Patriots team was enough to drive me to jump off a damn building, so thank you Eli! Colts vs Giants - Super Bowl XXXXIII? I'm so there.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;367764]One of the most dramatic, entertaining games I've watched in a long time. Also a testament to the fact that games are won and lost in the trenches.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Astil;367767]I dunno. Rams-Titans was great. What was that...99?[/QUOTE]Both were great games, but I've got to give the nod to this year's Super Bowl, if only because I had more emotion invested in it. A pretty clean, very exciting game. Great way to end the season!
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[quote=nZane;367769]Colts fan checking in. Great, great, GREAT job by the Giants. I swear, I think I screamed louder during this game then I did during last year's Super Bowl. The thought of a 19-0 Patriots team was enough to drive me to jump off a damn building, so thank you Eli! Colts vs Giants - Super Bowl XXXXIII? I'm so there.[/quote] The level of hype for that game would be unprecedented -- two brothers, each with a Super Bowl ring, now facing each other? The marketing execs would have dollar signs in their eyes.
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SUCK ON THAT PATRIOTS!!! I can FINALLY get some releif from those damn annoying Boston fans boasting about winning everything! I'm so glad a New York team cut them down to size too.... even though I'm more of a Jets fan than a Giants fan. I hope the Yankees are taking note on how to actually FINISH THE JOB in this town.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;367775]The level of hype for that game would be unprecedented -- two brothers, each with a Super Bowl ring, now facing each other? The marketing execs would have dollar signs in their eyes.[/QUOTE]As much as I'd love to see it, I honestly think the amount of Manning love would drive me insane. And that's coming from someone who proudly worships at the altar of Saint Peyton, so yeah...
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[quote=Astil;367762]I live in New England and I say this. YES! Don't have to listen to stupid Pat fans boasting about perfection. Suck on 18-1.[/quote] thats true, I just wanted to win 1 more, one for guys like Seau, and Moss, but I figure this, maybe moss and Seau will come back for cheaper money than if they won, so they can get the ring. Can't wait till the Draft.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;367783]KUNG POW! Now I'm gonna wear my Eli jersey all day tomorrow and make fun of all my friends who called me an idiot for being a Giants fan.[/QUOTE] Great movie. People are calling this the "greatest upset in football". (Not on here, just venting...) Super Bowl 3 anyone?
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[quote=Trell;367786]thats true, I just wanted to win 1 more, one for guys [B]like Seau, and Moss[/B], but I figure this, maybe moss and Seau will come back for cheaper money than if they won, so they can get the ring. Can't wait till the Draft.[/quote] For Seau, absolutely. For Moss? Not just no, but [B][I]HELL[/I][/B] no.
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[QUOTE=Trell;367786]thats true, I just wanted to win 1 more, one for guys like Seau, and Moss, but I figure this, maybe moss and Seau will come back for cheaper money than if they won, so they can get the ring. Can't wait till the Draft.[/QUOTE] Last pick AND no superbowl ring? Exactly how are you looking forward to it may I ask?
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;367790]Last pick AND no superbowl ring? Exactly how are you looking forward to it may I ask?[/QUOTE] Pats draft WELL. They got Maroney a few years back, and a few others who are doing good work, so I'd be waiting on the draft. As a Phins fan I've never looked foward to the draft, because we always f*ck it up. This year, with Parcells, maybe....
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[quote=Astil;367787]Great movie. People are calling this the "greatest upset in football". (Not on here, just venting...) Super Bowl 3 anyone?[/quote] In a lot of ways, 42 was a greater talent mismatch and the national sports media really never gave the G-men a chance. Granted there were no "guaranteed victories" or anything like that, but putting a blemish on a perfect season at the Super Bowl I think allows it to rank right up there with number 3.
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