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Minimum match time when developing workers?

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Personally, I'm not 100% on this. Typically I book two dark matches at 8 minutes match time each, though on rare occaisons I've extended the length of the match and throw in a couple of angles so the lower guys can work on their Entertainment skills And honestly, it tends to work. While spending time fighting the semi-retired "ROBERT OXFOOORD", alot of my workers have shown development in their performance skills, and other skills if they spend time fighting other guys. Just book em in matches with guys who match up well with em if I were you, and sit back and watch as they (hopefully) slowly get better.
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I mainly do the same as Comradebot - 2 8-minute matches. Although every other week I do a 15-man battle royal, which can also help with anyone that is miffed at not working enough lately. Most of my dark matches are either battle royal or tag matches, as you get more skill increase messages from those. Plus you can luck out on good tag chemistry whilst doing it.
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I always seem to have one to four guys I just can't seem to fit on my hour and a half show.. so I book them in a triple threat or fatal four way match with my user character(Godly Stats, use him as a road agent), throw him so interview angles since they have managers.. The manager does the work for you on approving their skills with interviews and the user character will slowly train and improve the guys with lower skills.. It took me a good year of Dark Matches with Paragon (Kaz under a black dragon mask gimmick) to improve him from Opener to Midcard.. so it can be a slow process at times.
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