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Mod Maker's Cheat Sheet?

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I've decided to turn my EWR mod "iDOMINATION" into a mod for TEW 2007, but I'm going to be real honest and say that I don't know all of the quirks of the game. Is there anyone here that makes mods (such as ORC, DOTT) that has some cheat sheets they can lend me, you know notepad files or anything with some reminders and things to look out for when making a mod?
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I'm making a mod right now and the Advice Compilation thread in the TEW07 General Discussions really help out. Also read up on the help file that comes with the game and look at how the CornellVerse runs, then you should have an understanding on how to make mods work with the game engine.
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stats are subjective, but remember that regardless of how they wrestled in the past, you need to make sure their stats reflect their current style. If Austin is meant to be a brawler, his stats should reflect that. And ideally, while Austin used to be able to do all different stuff, he's older now can't wrestle a cruiserweight style match to save his arse. He can't mat wrestle and he doesn't submission much. So brawling should be his key stat. If you give him all sorts of crazy stats when you start the game, guess what happens... he changes his style. Wrestlers change their style to suit their skills. So while stats are subjective, keep that in mind. If you do you'll find yourself being far more acurate.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;370960]stats are subjective, but remember that regardless of how they wrestled in the past, you need to make sure their stats reflect their current style. If Austin is meant to be a brawler, his stats should reflect that. And ideally, while Austin used to be able to do all different stuff, he's older now can't wrestle a cruiserweight style match to save his arse. He can't mat wrestle and he doesn't submission much. So brawling should be his key stat. If you give him all sorts of crazy stats when you start the game, guess what happens... he changes his style. Wrestlers change their style to suit their skills. So while stats are subjective, keep that in mind. If you do you'll find yourself being far more acurate.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't eliminate them entirely though (I know that's not what you meant, but just in case someone else thought so). For example, you might want to say his Brawling is A material, and the rest around C+ Material... and then the stuff he's never been known for (but has done) to be much lower down the card. The AI doesn't change people all of a sudden, it takes a good amount of time, and someone that is a "Brawler" will stay as such, unless you have changed them dramatically (Put them up against Technician's for two years, for example). However... I never thought of him as a brawler, but more of an Entertainer.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;371075]I wouldn't eliminate them entirely though (I know that's not what you meant, but just in case someone else thought so). For example, you might want to say his Brawling is A material, and the rest around C+ Material... and then the stuff he's never been known for (but has done) to be much lower down the card. The AI doesn't change people all of a sudden, it takes a good amount of time, and someone that is a "Brawler" will stay as such, unless you have changed them dramatically (Put them up against Technician's for two years, for example). However... I never thought of him as a brawler, but more of an Entertainer.[/QUOTE] 1) the thing I was getting at is that styles are based around the skills. If you make him like the greatest mat wrestler, it won't be long, game time before he changes his style to match it. I was merely mentioning it as something people need to keep an eye out for when doing stats. 2) the thing about stats are, it's not about how good he was, or whatever. Each stat represents how well he'd do in that environment in the now, not 10 years ago. Would Austin do well in a "mat wrestling" environment? No. His stat should reflect that. See what I'm getting at? I was just citing Austin as an example. I didn't mean to actually pull him into the discussion. 3) I agree. He is an entertainer.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;371077]3) I agree. He is an entertainer.[/QUOTE] Actually, I would think he's a Brawler or possibly a Regular Wrestler. Sure, outside the ring he's a great entertainer, but I think that people who are entertainers inside the ring are like Hogan and Rock. Those guys put a lot of fluff in their matches (People's Elbow, Hulk Up, etc.). Austin is more no-nonsense in the ring, with the Thesz Press and Stomping Mudholes, etc.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;371171]That's pretty cool - now all I need is an annotated one with state names and I might know my US geography :p[/QUOTE] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Map_of_USA_with_state_names.svg/500px-Map_of_USA_with_state_names.svg.png[/img]
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uv got to remember that a wrestlers recomended push is recomended by there average popularity compered to ever wrestler on the database! so make the top wrestlers in the business very high pop so the none reputation wrestlers are nowhere near there standard otherwise you end up with guys that should be openers being upper midcarders (a problem i had with my 1989 mod and had to go throu and alter ever wrestler)
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For those of you that don't know anything about my scenario, it's basically a scenario where the WWF died at WrestleMania 1, the NWA having won the war reorganized a bit and have dominated the business straight through to the present. It's not an average current day mod by far. Some of the favorites you know of today aren't going to be like you're used to them being. It's going to be organized alot like DOTT.
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