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RW DOTM Nomination Thread(For the Underrated Writers)

RW DOTM Nomination Thread(For the Underrated Writers)  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. RW DOTM Nomination Thread(For the Underrated Writers)

    • Dse81
    • Human Cancer
    • ADeezy62
    • RKO_HBK
    • Wink
    • SHaynes23
    • Phantom Stranger
    • G-Prime
    • Slim Jim
    • Nimo34

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What is the point of this? We already have a dynasty of the month committee to set up the voting for dynasty of the month, and it has been very well thought out how it works. I for one don't consider the majority of the names up there underrated writers anyways. Several of us are established dynasty writers. I for one have been doing dynasties for well over a year now, and G-Prime has one of the longest running dynasties in GDS history, don't know how you call that underrated. Good to see that you voted for yourself too. I am not going to even vote in this. But everybody who is voting.....vote for me!:D
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This is totally unnecessary...with that being said vote nimo34. No, actually I would advise you not to waste your time voting, because that click may cause a finger strain. At what cost, to nominate the best writer which is already accomplished by voting who has the best dynasty?
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I agree with the other sentiments on here. There's a reason why DOTM is successful. It has been thought out, tested through trial and error and most of all its purpose goes beyond the creator of the competition trying to give themselves another boost for their diary.
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What is the point of this??? First you put that you can vote already in the nomination thread.. and you can not nominate yourself.. BUT you put yourself as a nominee... and you probably made this thread because you wanted to win this... and that is why you voted for yourself. Ridiculous! :rolleyes:
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Also, why make an award for people who weren't good enough (in your opinion, clearly a few of them were good enough) to get the real award? Also, there's nothing wrong with making an award in the hope that you'll win it... That's the original reasoning behind DOTM... I figured I'd never get Best Diary at the Year End Awards, so I thought I'd give my self a chance at winning something... As irony would have it, I've never won DOTM, and did win Best Real World Diary at the Year End Awards.
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[quote=Phantom Stranger;373234]Why the hell am I in a real-world diary poll thread? I've only ever played C-Verse, let alone done diaries about it![/quote] Because this is nothing but an exercise for ADeezy62 to puff himself up. He doesn't even have enough respect for the community to know who writes real world diaries and who writes Cornellverse diaries. This guy, who can't even put a complete sentence together, who has started and abandoned 100 diaries before the second show, who has been here just a few weeks, wants us to recognize his efforts and call him an equal to folks like Nevermore, Prime, tristram, and outlaw. Then he insults good writers like nimo, SHaynes and Phantom Stranger by saying they're as good as he is. Actually, he thinks he's better than them because he voted for himself. You want our respect, our recognition, ADeezy? Let me borrow a phrase from another great diary writer, Monkeypox, in his characterization of Nemesis... [B][I][SIZE=3]PUT YOUR DAMN TIME IN![/SIZE][/I][/B]
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;373304]Because this is nothing but an exercise for ADeezy62 to puff himself up. He doesn't even have enough respect for the community to know who writes real world diaries and who writes Cornellverse diaries. This guy, who can't even put a complete sentence together, who has started and abandoned 100 diaries before the second show, who has been here just a few weeks, wants us to recognize his efforts and call him an equal to folks like Nevermore, Prime, tristram, and outlaw. Then he insults good writers like nimo, SHaynes and Phantom Stranger by saying they're as good as he is. Actually, he thinks he's better than them because he voted for himself. You want our respect, our recognition, ADeezy? Let me borrow a phrase from another great diary writer, Monkeypox, in his characterization of Nemesis... [B][I][SIZE=3]PUT YOUR DAMN TIME IN![/SIZE][/I][/B][/QUOTE] It funny you say that I wanted to give guys that don't have a good style or are just underrated
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ADeezy, it's bad enough starting a new diary as often as you do, but then doing this when there's already a perfectly acceptable DOTM being run by G-Prime. I appreciate you reading my diary, and making predictions, but I've been doing mine since May last year. I'm hardly up to the standard of G-Prime, Nevermore, Outlaw etc. (there are more, that's just of the top of my head), but I'm not [I]that[/I] young, I don't think. I also find it a tad insulting that you make a poll for [B]average writers[/B], and include the likes of G-Prime and Shaynes23 in that kind of group. They are the elite of the dynasty board, and don't really deserve to be grouped with myself (a compartively young and less talented writer) because they really are way above average. Even putting yourself in there is an insult, as you're calling yourself an [I]average writer[/I] (both of which could be disputed). Again, I appreciate you reading my diary, and don't wish to drive away a reader and someone who regularly predicts (believe me, I need all I can get :p), but this has just really hit a nerve with me, for whatever reason. This thread seems totally pointless, and the list just seems to be a list of random names you've picked out, rather than an actual list of underrated writers. Please, please stop making random threads without thinking them through. If you want people to respect you on the forum, please try and help us respect you. Find a diary, stick with it. Don't make random, pointless and erronous posts/topics. Please In other news.........[URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23521"]read my diary[/URL] :p Nah, just kidding, only read it if you want to. Any chance of this thread getting closed, now I've had my rant? :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;373772]ADeezy, it's bad enough starting a new diary as often as you do, but then doing this when there's already a perfectly acceptable DOTM being run by G-Prime. I appreciate you reading my diary, and making predictions, but I've been doing mine since May last year. I'm hardly up to the standard of G-Prime, Nevermore, Outlaw etc. (there are more, that's just of the top of my head), but I'm not [I]that[/I] young, I don't think. I also find it a tad insulting that you make a poll for [B]average writers[/B], and include the likes of G-Prime and Shaynes23 in that kind of group. They are the elite of the dynasty board, and don't really deserve to be grouped with myself (a compartively young and less talented writer) because they really are way above average. Even putting yourself in there is an insult, as you're calling yourself an [I]average writer[/I] (both of which could be disputed). Again, I appreciate you reading my diary, and don't wish to drive away a reader and someone who regularly predicts (believe me, I need all I can get :p), but this has just really hit a nerve with me, for whatever reason. This thread seems totally pointless, and the list just seems to be a list of random names you've picked out, rather than an actual list of underrated writers. Please, please stop making random threads without thinking them through. If you want people to respect you on the forum, please try and help us respect you. Find a diary, stick with it. Don't make random, pointless and erronous posts/topics. Please In other news.........[URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23521"]read my diary[/URL] :p Nah, just kidding, only read it if you want to. Any chance of this thread getting closed, now I've had my rant? :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] For this post alone, I'll check out your diary. Right now.
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