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Changing AI promotion products

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As everyone knows promotions are always changing their products through different periods. Look at the attitude era and you'll see what i mean. Now the user has always been able to change the product but I don't recall ever seeing the AI change it during gameplay. Coupled with this suggestion is another recommendation regarding industry norms. When WCW started to move towards the attitude era, the WWF's product started to become outdated and the ratings / popularity of the fed struggled. There would be a set ideal product with the promotion which is closest to this product getting a bonus. This ideal would be hidden so as to ensure the user doesn't just constantly adjust it to give himself an advantage over everyone else. Coupled with this, the "ideal product" would always be changing (be it influenced by changing trends in the world and the changing products of various promotions in the industry). There would be clues as to the ideal product in the media section so that people could guess what the ideal product was although there would be always be a degree of uncertainty. This would certainly add a fair amount to long term games as it would always be challenge to stay on top and to keep evolving. It would give smaller promotions with limited resources an advantage over the larger promotions who had a stale product and it would certainly add to realism as a way of simulating differing trends. Any ideas?
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[QUOTE=derek_b;374045]I like it. Anything that can help make the world more adaptable makes me a happy panda. :)[/QUOTE] A game world that is more alive is the wish of every player I reckon. :D Right now, there are a lot of changes each month, but they are all insignificant like wrestler style. I want to see promotions shift in style, adopt a midget division and create new titles on the gogo. :D
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Perhaps this could be a tangible effect of the Cult/Mainstream feature, which is still quite ambiguous (at least to me). Say for instance, Mainstream promotions would be more likely to change their product with "the times", as they always have to appeal to the masses. Cult promotions would be more likely to stick with their niche, or indeed change towards being different to the Mianstream options of the time. I also wholeheartedly agree about creating new titles - it gets kind of boring seeing all promotions just make a Main Event singles, a Midcard singles and a Midcard Tag. No room for weight or gender specific belts at all when it comes to AI.
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I like this idea, only if the promotions didn't change very often though. Maybe if there are an abundance of great wrestlers in a game area, who are skilled in one style, say technical skills then it could encourage a promotion to change to that style a little. Also if there is a change in ownership/booker then it could lead to a change. [B][/B]How about if a promotion not only had a 'product' but a 'direction' where it slowly change product? Makes me wonder about promotion momentum too.
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I'd love to see this happen, especially if the products evolve based on what other promotions are doing well or not doing well. When you're the biggest or the fastest rising promotion, I think it would be very satisfying to see other feds make moves to either copy your product or move in another direction in the hopes of providing an alternative to your product. In a D.O.T.T. game where All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling wins most improved promotion at the end of the year, I'd enjoy seeing a report of "Inspired by the success All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling has been experiencing, the WWF has announced they will be adding a Women's Division." It adds a new level of reward to the gameplay--watching the other federations scramble in acknowledgment your success.
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