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Jeff Hardy screws up


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[QUOTE=Ransik;389965]There is no difference between Orton and Jeff except that Jeff moves tons more merchandise and is more valuable to the company than Randy is. Gerweck reports that Jeff has a drinking problem and is in rehab. So tell me why he gets 60 days when Orton has been busted enough times to be fired and has the WWE Title and the Main Event at WM? That kind of blatant favoritism is WHY the WWE is always being investigated.[/QUOTE] [B]If[/B] this is true, at least he is trying to do something about it.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;389965]That kind of blatant favoritism is WHY the WWE is always being investigated.[/QUOTE] I think you'll find that they're being investigated because so many of their workers have been caught buying/using illegal drugs - I'm pretty sure most people couldn't give a toss if Randy Orton is WWE champ, or if he deserves the belt or not. You could argue that for keeping clean for the last year, staying off the injury list (almost unique among WWE topliners - only Batista off the top of my head has been healthy/unsuspended for the last year) and absolutely nailing the vicious, conscienceless ass gimmick is all he needs to be champion. Orton and Cena carried the WWE through a wretched summer last year, and for that alone Orton was the natural choice for champ when Cena got injured. And as for Jeff, well, if it's booze than that's different to his normal problems. Let's hope that he can sort his life out for good this time - but it does seem like the guy just has an addictive personality, and really struggles to cope when he's not out in front of the crowds. He's an idiot, to be sure, but he has my best wishes - I enjoy watching the guy, but it seems that he just can't cope when he's not in the limelight. It's a damn shame, because he's a guy who appeals to all fans, has improved dramatically in the last year or so, and who really seemed to be on the verge of exploding this year. Still, I bet WWE are glad they didn't go with him winning the belt at the Rumble, huh?
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[QUOTE=Ransik;389965]There is no difference between Orton and Jeff except that Jeff moves tons more merchandise and is more valuable to the company than Randy is. Gerweck reports that Jeff has a drinking problem and is in rehab. So tell me why he gets 60 days when Orton has been busted enough times to be fired and has the WWE Title and the Main Event at WM? That kind of blatant favoritism is WHY the WWE is always being investigated.[/QUOTE] This kind of "favouritism" is because getting in the ring with another wrestler who is drunk is likely to be rather more dangerous for the opponent than getting in the ring with one who is taking some other kind of pain / growth medication (legal or illegal)
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;390502]This kind of "favouritism" is because getting in the ring with another wrestler who is drunk is likely to be rather more dangerous for the opponent than getting in the ring with one who is taking some other kind of pain / growth medication (legal or illegal)[/QUOTE] I think it depends on thw the "growth medication" would be. Roid rage is a very serious thing and i have seen indy wrestlers loose it in a ring. "pain pills" can cause delayed reaction time, impaired judgment and so forth if taken in large amounts. I think if a guy takes a say seven or eight Vicodin it is going to mess you up *and yes i have seen people take that and alot more*
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just seen this on rajah.com Keeps getting worse for him Just days after being suspended by WWE for 60 days due to another drug violation, there's even more bad news for Jeff Hardy. Last night, his home in Cameron, North Carolina burned to the ground. Hardy and his girlfriend were not home when it happened, but virtually everything Hardy owned was destroyed. Sadly, his pet dog was lost in the fire. No other details are available at this time.
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[QUOTE=alden;390629]just seen this on rajah.com Keeps getting worse for him Just days after being suspended by WWE for 60 days due to another drug violation, there's even more bad news for Jeff Hardy. Last night, his home in Cameron, North Carolina burned to the ground. Hardy and his girlfriend were not home when it happened, but virtually everything Hardy owned was destroyed. Sadly, his pet dog was lost in the fire. No other details are available at this time.[/QUOTE] Yeah I was about to post on this. JR mentioned it in his blog: [url]http://www.jrsbarbq.com/2008/03/15/the-jeff-hardy-saga-continues/[/url]
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Holy christ. That sucks so bad for him. When he got suspended I was more feeling sorry for myself for not being able to see him on TV for a while (I'm guessing he'll be fine taking a couple of months off) but now... I feel bad for the guy.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;390653]I'm thinking insurance claim, mabye he has money troubles and cant afford the suspension?[/QUOTE] I think that's really classless of you to say. He was fine for some time when he wasn't in TNA or WWE, and that was more than two months at times. Plus, he's got Matt and other friends in WWE who would probably be able to help him out. I think it's just really unfortunate and I hope he gets through this tough time.
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[QUOTE=Akki;390655]I think that's really classless of you to say. He was fine for some time when he wasn't in TNA or WWE, and that was more than two months at times. Plus, he's got Matt and other friends in WWE who would probably be able to help him out. I think it's just really unfortunate and I hope he gets through this tough time.[/QUOTE] It takes a lot of courage to ask someone for help, i'm sorry that i'm sceptical over 2 life changing incidents happening in the space of a couple of weeks. Jeff doesnt come across as a strong person will power wise, I reckon its entirely possible that this could be an insurance job. Classy for me to say or not, its my opinion. Edit: If it is an accident then he has my highest sympathies, but desperate people do these things in desperate situations.
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[COLOR="Navy"]I just want to say that I'm truly disappointed in Jeff Hardy. I've liked him for a long time and even watched him in TNA. It's true you remember him for the crazy things he has done, like the Whisper In The Wind off the cage just before Royal Rumble and TLC against Edge & Christian. He has something different, a style that is different from everyone else and it seemed like this would be his year and then he blows it big time. I'm glad that WWE has suspended him because I really do hope he can take this time to sort himself out and get himself back on track. Kinda reminds me of RVD because he was at the top and he blew it. I agree that people can do whatever they want in their spare time but as has already been said that if he turned up "in no condition to perform" then he could be putting himself and others at risk. Safety has got to come first. On a side note, I feel bad that his house and belongings have been trashed.[/COLOR]
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Guest Ransik
I highly doubt if he were going for an insurance claim he would've left his dog in the house to die. Jeff's house is no bigger than a double-wide trailer... it's been shown countless times on online videos the Hardys have done, the insurance would be far less than what he earns in the WWE in a single year. Under the influence is under the influence... doesn't matter what drug it is. I'm just really hoping Jeff doesn't get so depressed he does something stupid.
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