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Don't know if this has been suggested yet, and if it has then i am sorry. I would like to see two workers be able to be linked together for tag team purposes. For example: I run a historical league that began in 1970. When Roadwarrior Animal and Hawk appear out of the new worker pool, it would be nice if i could link them so that the tag team will still exist in this type of scenario. There have been many teams over the years that have always stayed together and moved around as a unit to different promotions, another example is Team 3D. Just an idea.
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[QUOTE=jeff32;391943]Don't know if this has been suggested yet, and if it has then i am sorry. I would like to see two workers be able to be linked together for tag team purposes. For example: I run a historical league that began in 1970. When Roadwarrior Animal and Hawk appear out of the new worker pool, it would be nice if i could link them so that the tag team will still exist in this type of scenario. There have been many teams over the years that have always stayed together and moved around as a unit to different promotions, another example is Team 3D. Just an idea.[/QUOTE] Actually Team 3D was spilt up for a while in WWE. After realizing that neither one could make it on their own they put them back together. Then both left for TNA. Another example of that would be New Age Outlaws/James Gang/VKM. I believe though this will be resolved in 08 as their is no long a seperate new worker section. All workers, past present and future will be in the same way, so you should be able to make them a tag team, even if they don't debut for a few years.
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I am not saying that this feature will not keep them from wrestling singles matches or even splitting up in a fed that they came in together at, but to have them move from fed to fed as a unit, like team 3d has done or the roadwarriors or when the rockers moved from the AWA to WWF as a unit. Maybe we could put a year that the team splits up or have the choice of never having them split up if you don't want them to. My point is that when running a historical league , it is just not possible to have a specific tag team appear at any time, or have them linked together. They usually end up being singles wrestlers or tag with someone random, which is fine, but I just would like the option of making it more real world like.
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[QUOTE=jeff32;391954]I am not saying that this feature will not keep them from wrestling singles matches or even splitting up in a fed that they came in together at, but to have them move from fed to fed as a unit, like team 3d has done or the roadwarriors or when the rockers moved from the AWA to WWF as a unit. Maybe we could put a year that the team splits up or have the choice of never having them split up if you don't want them to. My point is that when running a historical league , it is just not possible to have a specific tag team appear at any time, or have them linked together. They usually end up being singles wrestlers or tag with someone random, which is fine, but I just would like the option of making it more real world like.[/QUOTE] But did they move together as a unit, because they refused to work seperately, or were the bookers smart enough to say hey, here is a great tag team with a great following, let's keep these guys together and get them in here?
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[QUOTE=jeff32;391954]My point is that when running a historical league , it is just not possible to have a specific tag team appear at any time, or have them linked together. They usually end up being singles wrestlers or tag with someone random, which is fine, but I just would like the option of making it more real world like.[/QUOTE] I think djlightning pretty much answered that for you. Thing is though, while I understand teams like the Haas Brothers existing from the beginning (because they got into wrestling together and are brothers), some teams like the Road Warriors or the Rockers only came together because they were in the same promotion at the same time and were booked to be in a team. They stayed together and became popular, but that never would have happened if the right circumstances weren't there. So it's another case of whether you want something that fully mirrors the real world, or something that is actually a true simulation.
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[QUOTE=Akki;392101]I think djlightning pretty much answered that for you. Thing is though, while I understand teams like the Haas Brothers existing from the beginning (because they got into wrestling together and are brothers), some teams like the Road Warriors or the Rockers only came together because they were in the same promotion at the same time and were booked to be in a team. They stayed together and became popular, but that never would have happened if the right circumstances weren't there. So it's another case of whether you want something that fully mirrors the real world, or something that is actually a true simulation.[/QUOTE] Actually, the Road Warriors were friends before.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;392103]Actually, the Road Warriors were friends before.[/QUOTE] Maybe a bad example, but what about the Dudleys? What about RVD & Sabu (probably another bad example for a different) reason. But I think my point still stands.
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[QUOTE=Akki;392101]I think djlightning pretty much answered that for you. Thing is though, while I understand teams like the Haas Brothers existing from the beginning (because they got into wrestling together and are brothers), some teams like the Road Warriors or the Rockers only came together because they were in the same promotion at the same time and were booked to be in a team. They stayed together and became popular, but that never would have happened if the right circumstances weren't there. So it's another case of whether you want something that fully mirrors the real world, or something that is actually a true simulation.[/QUOTE] I think Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart could be a good example of two workers just being paired together
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;392129]I think Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart could be a good example of two workers just being paired together[/QUOTE] Sorta. Although they both competed in Stamped up in Calgary, and Neidhart married Bret's sister. But yeah, they didn't start teaming until they came to WWF, and that wasn't even the original idea, it's because Hart didn't want to be a cowboy.
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One thing that I would really like to see, and something that would help here, is the ability to influence tag team chemistry. I have yet to find an existing tag team that had good chemistry together which sucks because it influences their match ratings. Not every real life tag team has good chemistry but some certainly do and it would be cool if you could improve the chances of that happening in the game. Other then that like DJ said you should be able to make them a tag team in the editor so if both guys go to the same promotion they are more likely to become a team.
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What I'd like to see more of is AI promotions actually caring about chemistry and relationships, instead of just signing random workers. Once a loyalty relationship develops between guys like the Dudleyz or the Road Warriors, or in the case of a couple like Candido and Tammy, hiring one ought to cause pressure not just to avoid their enemies, but to hire their friends, family, and significant other. If you hired Bubba Ray Dudley for some indy promotion, he would almost immediately start pressuring you to hire Devon. It shouldn't be some automatic package deal, but I'd like to see relationships cause more of an influence as far as who gets hired.
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[QUOTE=Rams;392376]Other then that like DJ said you should be able to make them a tag team in the editor so if both guys go to the same promotion they are more likely to become a team.[/QUOTE] Umm, this is already in the game. Open up 07 and look at the default DB. Look at Adrenaline Rush and The New Wave. See how there are two entries for some teams (like one with a promotion and one without)? That's what that's for. Some teams exist because the two workers were in the same promotion and were paired together (The Rainbow Girls and Seek & Destroy in 5SSW, for example) and other teams, no matter how they were formed, have become so tight and experienced that the workers involved will team together whenever they're in the same promotion (chemistry permitting, of course).
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[QUOTE=Remianen;392963]Umm, this is already in the game. Open up 07 and look at the default DB. Look at Adrenaline Rush and The New Wave. See how there are two entries for some teams (like one with a promotion and one without)? That's what that's for. Some teams exist because the two workers were in the same promotion and were paired together (The Rainbow Girls and Seek & Destroy in 5SSW, for example) and other teams, no matter how they were formed, have become so tight and experienced that the workers involved will team together whenever they're in the same promotion (chemistry permitting, of course).[/QUOTE] In '07, you couldn't team a person in the new worker area with another new worker, or a new worker with a regular worker (one that is already in the database and working). In '08, I believe this will be possible (I hope). You can have a Wrestler X team with his son, that doesn't make his debut for a year after the game is started. That's the HUGE benefit to me of having all the worker's in the same area, instead of a seperate one for new worker's.
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