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Helpful Averages in worker edit section

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I'm thinking of it as the game giving you an average rating based on the stats you've given for what a worker with certain stats will get for an interview segment, match rating, etc. Strictly an average rating, obviously it could be lower if its a bad storyline, the other worker isnt over, and vice versa. This would help out alot in the creating process I figured. This wouldn't be displayed in game (realism you know), but only in the edtior.
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Agreed. There are match types, opponent stats, worker's age, audience, product settings, momentum, heat, overness in area. Plus let's not forget the random destiny stat. In a game that I'm playing, I get E's out of most of my mid-low card, but Dusty Bin, of all people has started pulling D's out of his opponent. He barely has any stats above a 'D' but somehow he's doing it. The list goes on and on and on. Too many unknowns.
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