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Booking Singles Appearances [please]

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Aside from the tag team issues, I'm really hoping we can advance book singles appearances to get heat. Advancing booking that a celebrity or a retired worker or something will be at the upcoming show (maybe as a special ref or something) to generate interest would be awesome.
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That would be a pretty cool feature, a real world example would be like TNA announcing Rock would be at the next Impact Zone. But with how companies themselves being branded these days and not individual wrestlers so much(on the US scene) I'm not sure the ratings jump that would occur.
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I'm not saying the feature should be in. But the real branding is for the promotion itself these days, not like 20-30 years ago during the territories where the wrestlers were major draw. Everything the WWE does should not be taken as the wrestling standard.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;395247]I'm not saying the feature should be in. But the real branding is for the promotion itself these days, not like 20-30 years ago during the territories where the wrestlers were major draw. Everything the WWE does should not be taken as the wrestling standard.[/QUOTE] [quote=TNA's Website Teaser for Tonight's Show]As this past week's "iMPACT!" went off the air, fans witnessed the sign that Sting is set to return! TNAwrestling.com has learned that the multi-time World Champion will be making his return to TNA this Thursday night on the live "iMPACT!" from Orlando, Florida! What will Sting say about his return? Will the icon be a part of the Lockdown Pay-Per-View on Sunday, April 13? Tune in this Thursday night to see Sting live on SpikeTV! ...Also announced will be an exclusive sitdown interview with Karen Angle where she will discuss her relationships with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles, her separation from the TNA World Champion, her future plans and more![/quote] [quote=XPW's Website]TERRY FUNK RETURNS! LIVING LEGEND ADDED TO XPW COLD DAY IN HELL SUPERSHOW! What will his role be as part of the Cold Day In Hell show itself? Neither Terry nor XPW officials have revealed that yet![/quote] WWE, TNA, and smaller promotions too, it seems...
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Right, but let's say I hire Muhammad Ali to be a special ref for a big match, or I'm hyping the return of Hulk Hogan to the WWF after a year hiatus, I would like to be able to advertise my show around that fact. I mean for example, the return of a huge over wrestler might be THE main draw of a particular show. Not just small shows either. It's mainly for special referees or interview segments. I'd like to be able to advertise in advance that Andy Kaufman will be at my ppv even though I won't be having him wrestle. Not a huge deal, but something I'd like
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i really try not to use the short term contracts but y can't u just short term is maybe 5 apperances and hype video him untill u want him to show up on the right day and also just advance book him for that show and u could watch how much this is going to draw raitings to ur show on how much the advance feature is getting rated on...im not saying i ever did this or will even try just making a suggestion...
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;395383]Well advance book his match. That will garner more interest for the show and is advertising so there is no need for a new feature when it is already possible.[/QUOTE] Maybe my English is incorrect? I don't want to book him in a match. I want to book him as a special referee or perhaps just his return to the business for an interview. Hype videos don't do any of that. They are just angles that have no impact on future shows. I can hype video the return of the Rock all I want and it doesn't build any interest in future shows.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;395392]Maybe my English is incorrect? I don't want to book him in a match. I want to book him as a special referee or perhaps just his return to the business for an interview. [/QUOTE] No, your English was entirely correct. Rod, foolinc - look upthread. See those bits I quoted off the TNA and XPW sites? See how they [i]do not promise matches[/i]? Imagine how many pieces I could quote off wrestling sites for matches. Now consider that if you don't hold a match you advance booked, you get penalised. So there is, in fact, no current way to promote any other form of appearance. Yet doing so is pretty common in the wrassling world.
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;395399]Well ask to advance book apearances aswell as matches so you can garner more interest in your show from a star appearing but not being in a match.[/QUOTE] Did you actually read this thread? I don't want to sound rude, but that is specifically what I asked.
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I'd really like this to be in. So often the WWE will hype several matches and then hype up an angle like [I]"The Big Show is set to issue a response to Hornswoggle's challenge to a barbed wire match"[/I] I don't recall Mayweather actually wrestling yet but his appearances on RAW have been hyped in advance for the past few weeks.
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;395404]Sorry didn't understand what you were saying. I thought you were meaning a single appearance like RVD at Raw's 15th anniversary, just a single appearance as in a match.[/QUOTE] Ok just a misunderstanding. By appearance I didn't mean like a single match, I just meant that he'd be on the show in some capacity.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;395407]I'd really like this to be in. So often the WWE will hype several matches and then hype up an angle like [I]"The Big Show is set to issue a response to Hornswoggle's challenge to a barbed wire match"[/I] I don't recall Mayweather actually wrestling yet but his appearances on RAW have been hyped in advance for the past few weeks.[/QUOTE] Has the fact that Mayweather "the best boxer in the world" being on RAW for the past few weeks actually increased RAW's ratings at all? (That is a straightforward question by the way - not having a dig at anyone) Cos if it hasn't, and he is supposed to be such a huge star - then being able to advance book that he is going to make an appearance but not actually work a match, hasn't made any difference - so why would it need to be in the game? Let's be honest - (taking the TNA example from earlier in the thread) - who is purely going to tune into IMPACT just to see what Sting has go to say? If you were going to watch anyway - then you still will. If you weren't then him appearing isn't going to suddenly change your mind and make you watch.
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[QUOTE=Jouzy;395587]But taking Trump as an example, he definitely increased the buyrate for Wrestlemania and for the weeks leading up to it. Booking gets a lot of kudos, but Trump in himself spiked ratings IIRC.[/QUOTE] But that is missing my point entirely - Trump himself was on the shows before Wrestlemania, and he was (effectively) hyping the Umaga v Lashley match - not hyping himself. So that situation was covered in the game at the moment - you would hire Trump and then have him (and Vince) appear on RAW and do hype angles for Umaga v Lashley at WM - and since Trump would have high overness in the game - the angles would get a high rating - and the match at WM would also probably get a good advance booking rating - which gives the increased buy rate
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