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[CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Photobucket and Photobucket (Kurt Angle's music hits,Angle walks to the ring with,his wife,Tomko and Styles.) [B]Kurt:[/B]Well,Cage you said you could beat me well I guess you can't because I still have this. (Kurt holds up the title and Tomko grabs the mic) [B]Tomko:[/B]Nash and Joe you two couldn't get the job done against me and AJ. [B]Angle:[/B]Cage,you didn't make AJ or Tomko. [B]Angle:[/B]I made them! (Cage's music hits he gets a huge pop) [B]Cage:[/B]See if it wasn't for AJ.kurt you be holding that title.So tonight Kurt why don't we have a match tonight,so Kurt do you accept. [B]Angle:[/B]I Accept. We're in Jim Cornette's office [B]Cornette:[/B]I've been waiting all week to say this man's name. [B]Cornette:[/B]Sean Morely (Sean Morely debut video airs) (commercial break) Jimmy Rave comes out with Christy Hemme and Lance Hoyt and they receive some heat. [B]Hemme:[/B]We are the Rock and Rave Infectionnn! [B]Rave:[/B]We love you Boston. [B]Hoyt[/B]:(speaks drunk jibberish) Sonjay Dutt comes out to a mild pop from the crowd. Jimmy Rave vs.Sonjay Dutt Rave and Dutt hit consecutive arm drags,Dutt then hits a huge hurracarna.Dutt then hits a legdrop from the top for 2,Rave then hits a huge enzuguri,Dutt hits the Hindisault for 3. Winner:Sonjay Dutt Rating:C Tenay:These two are some sore losers here comes Jay Lethal. (Lethal fights off Hoyt and Rave) We're in the back with Team 3D and Crystal [B]Crystal:[/B]Tonight Team 3D you guys take on LAX,what are your thoughts [B]Ray:[/B]First off all who the hell are you. (Pause) [B]Ray:[/B]Nevermind,LAX tonight you are taking on 12 time world tag team champions and you spanish bums couldn't beat me and my brother on your best day. [B]Devon:[/B]Oh my Brother testify! (Team 3D comes out to a huge heat from the crowd) (LAX comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) Team 3D vs.LAX/Salinas Homicide starts out with Devon and hits a huge headscissor takeover.Devon then delivers a huge clothesline,he then puts the boots to Homicide.Homicide fights back by hitting a huge dropkick knocking devon down,Homicide tags in Hernadez and Devon tags in Brother Ray.Brother Ray hits the Bionic Elbow which staggers Hernandez.Hernandez eventually fights back and hits the border toss for 3 Winner:LAX/Salinas Rating:C+ (Commercial Break) We're in the back with Gail Kim,Angelina Love and Velet Sky [B]Love:[/B]Hey look Velet it's the TNA women's champion. [B]Sky:[/B]Oh she Just got lucky last night beating Kong. [B]Kim:[/B]Oh this is coming from the two weakest knockouts. (Love and Sky attack Kim only for her to fight back and hit ddt's on both as Gail leaves) Gail Kim then comes out to a huge pop only to get attacked from behind by Awesome Kong who then hits a powerbomb on the ramp and leaves. Gail Kim vs.Angelina Love Love comes out rolls Gail into the ring and pins her for 3. Winner:Angelina Love Rating (Commercial Break) Shark Boy comes out to a huge pop from the crowd Black Reign comes out to huge heat from the crowd Shark Boy vs.Black Reign Black Reign hits a huge clothesline knocking Shark Boy down.Reign then hits a huge powerbomb for 2.He finishes Shark Boy with the Nightmare Calling neckbreaker for 3. Winner:Black Reign Rating+ Vodoo Kin Mafia confront the Motor City Machine Guns [B]BG:[/B]Hey Kip look it's the two Detriot cowards. [B]Sabin:[/B]Honestly We've respect what you guys have done for this business but. [B]Shelly:[/B]You're wrong because me and Chris are way tougher than both of you bitches. (The Motor City Machineguns and Voodo Kin Mafia go at it but get seperated by TNA officals) (Commercial Break) (The Motor City Machine Guns come out to a huge pop from the crowd) (Voodoo Kin Mafia comes out to huge heat from the crowd) The Motor City Machine Guns vs.Voodoo Kin Mafia Chris Sabin and BG James start the match,Sabin hits a huge crossbody on to BG for 2.Sabin then attempts to hit a hurracarana only for BG to reverse it into a powerbomb for 2.BG then hits the shake,rattle and roll eblow drop on to Sabin.Sabin then tags in Shelly while BG tags in Kip,Shelly then hits a tornado ddt for 2.Kip then hits a huge clothesline,he then hits the famouser for 3. Winner:Voodoo Kin Mafia Rating:C We're in the back with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles [B]Styles:[/B]Kurt,my match with Joe is next what are we going to do [B]Angle:[/B]don't worry about it,AJ I got it covered. (Commercial Break) AJ Styles comes out to huge heat from the crowd Samoa Joe receives a huge pop from the crowd. AJ Styles vs.Samoa Joe Joe hits AJ with a huge clothesline that turns AJ inside out,Joe than hits a huge powerslam for 2.Styles then hits a dropkick that staggers Joe only for AJ to hit a pele enzguri to for 2.Joe hits a huge spinebuster as he sets AJ up for the muscle buster only for Robert Roode to distract the ref and Sean Morely to hit him in the head with AJ tag team title and AJ pins Joe for 3. Winner:AJ Styles Rating:C We're in the back with Crystal and Christan Cage [B]Crystal:[/B]Christan tonight you take on Kurt Angle in a rematch from Final Resoultion [B]Cage:[/B]Kurt,I've seen what you did to Joe and is not going to happen to me. (Commercial Break) Christan Cage comes out to huge pop from the crowd. Kurt Angle comes out to huge heat from the crowd. Christan Cage vs.Kurt Angle/Karen Angle Christan and Kurt lock up only for Kurt to hit a belly to belly suplex for 2.Christan fights back with hitting a huge clothesline,he then goes to the top and hits the frog splash for 2.Kurt hits a huge european uppercut,he then hits a german suplex for 2.Cage then hits a ddt,Kurt Angle then hits the Angle Slam for 2.Christan then hits the unprettier for 2,Kurt then takes Cage to the top and hits the Angle Slam for 3. Winner:Kurt Angle Rating:B-
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]TNA Worldwide[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] What will happen after Sean Morely interference in Samoa Joes match will Joe get revegene.Kurt Angle beat Christan Cage what will Cage have to say. [CENTER]Quick Picks Sean Morely vs.Eric Young Black Reign vs.Kaz Booker T vs.AJ Styles Team 3D vs.Voodo Kin Mafia Jay Lethal vs.Lance Hoyt Samoa Joe vs.Scott Steiner vs.Christan Cage vs.Robert Roode(Winner becomes number 1 contender for World Heavyweight title[/CENTER]
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Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket JR: Welcome to Raw folks. I’m JR along side my broadcast partner Jerry “The King” Lawler and tonight we have some excitement in the air King: Boy do we ever JR: A couple of days ago WWE.com reported a war between two companies King: The Kings of Monday Night WWE vs the outcast of wrestling TNA JR: Outcast King: Well yeah because most use to wrestle for us but not anymore (Rating B-) “No Chance” Photobucket King: And here comes our general Vincent Kennedy McMahon VKM: Welcome to a new year and a new time in wrestling. It has been quiet awhile since we have had this word called competition in wrestling. VKM: TNA is this new company challenging me for supremacy and I have a message for those bunch of WWE rejects kiss my ass it won’t happen never ever in a million years VKM: This is a dawning of a new era because this time I will show that you should never try to beat the WWE but try to stay in the shadow VKM: See WWE is like a giant tree in the summer time, just stay in the shadow not to get burned (Rating B+) Photobucket Vs Hardcore Holly (Jump to conclusion0 King: JR you have to admit this Kennedy fellow will be huge in WWE JR: He defiantly has a lot of talent King I still just don’t like his mouth King: Well here comes the Packer Plunge on Holly 1…2…3 (Rating C-) (Holly and Kennedy don’t work) (Kennedy grabs a mic) Kennedy: As most of you folks have heard Mr. Kennedy is not one man at a lost of words and I have something to say about this new war Kennedy: And that is I want to be a head figure into determining the outcome and so at the Royal Rumble I will win so I can go onto to WrestlMania and win the WWE Title, and that is as good as promised Kennedy: MISTER KENNNEEEEDYYYY Kennedy: KEENNEEDDYY King: Some strong words from Kennedy JR: Very strong words (Rating B+) Photobucket vs PhotobucketPhotobucket (Jump to conclusion) JR: The Hardyz have had much success as a tag team King: Yeah but as singles men they are starting to get huge JR: At No Mercy both men will battle for the top titles King: Look Jeff is setting up JTG JR: What its Orton through the crowd King: Hardy doesn’t see Orton JR: RKO! RKO! King: I Guess you could call that a Super RKO JR: Matt realizes what happen and there he goes after Hardy King: Around and around they go where they stop nobody knows JR: Spear! Spear! Dam*T Edge was hiding King: Well Cryme Tyme Is going to take advantage of it 1…2…3 JR: Here are your new Tag Team Champs Cryme Tyme (Rating B) Randy: Hardyz you guys aren’t the greatest tag team ever Edge: Yeah I mean I hold the record for most tag titles held Randy: Friday if you boys have balls we’ll go to Smackdown and you will take on the greatest tag ever Edge & Orton: Rated-RKO JR: Well Edge and Orton are trying to make it known that those two Heavyweight titles won’t leave their waste at No-Mercy King: Well it seems to be working (Rating B) (Cut to back) HHH: Shawn what’s wrong HBK: Aw well um well ah um…. It’s nothing HHH: Shawn come on be a big boy what’s wrong HBK: Ok well it’s no secret that we have everything HHH: Well yeah HBK: Money, Cars, I married Rebecca you married um o what’s her name HHH: Your point HBK: Well one thing we haven’t had in awhile is HHH: Hey if you’re having problems downstairs we can get help for ya HBK: No im fine down there thank god HHH: Then what HBK: Well we haven’t had gold in awhile HHH: Man your right but we have been having fun HBK: Yeah but watching Cryme Tyme take those titles tonight makes me want them HHH: Well then why not go get them HBK: Hunter we can’t just go get them we rnt thieves HHH: Ok well we’ll win them HBK: That sounds like an idea HHH: Think about it at No Mercy D-X vs our homies Cryme Tyme (Rating B+) Photobucket vs Chris Jericho (Jump to conclusion) JR: Boy o boy this has been one great match King: Carlito is giving Jericho a run for his money though JR: Back Stabber King: Wait Jericho reversed it JR: Jericho is setting him up for the Walls of Jericho King: Man I don’t like Carlito’s chances now JR: He has nowhere to go King: Tap out (Rating A) (Carlito and Jericho have great chemistry) (Cut to the video) Chris Harris: I have worked for TNA for awhile but I they weren’t using me like I showed be used Chris: Next week right here on Raw Chris Harris will make his WWE debut Chris: I will be a future WWE Champ and next week will start that path (Rating C) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) JR: Man Umaga is one beast King: Yeah but he is in there with the game JR: Spine Buster…. He is going to set him up now King: He got Umaga in the Pedigree JR: Pedigree 1…2…3 (Rating A) (HHH and Umaga have pretty good chemistry) (Cut to the back) (See a dark room with candles lit) Voice: They said I never come back and that I could never work for McMahon ever again) (Bird sounds) Voice: Well you were wrong and I’m back (Light cuts on) Raven: My life has taken a lot of turns but this is my last one and Raven is here to bring TNA to its knees Raven: Quote the Raven Nevermore JR: Um King: JR Raven is back man can you talk about the best superstars ever in one building. JR: It’s no lie that TNA is no match for us. (Rating B+) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) JR: I don’t care what anyone says HBK is the best wrestler I have ever seen King: Yeah well he doesn’t ever hold that many titles JR: That doesn’t mean anything to me King: Well HBK is setting up Randy JR: He is tuning up the band King: Come on Orton don’t let this happen JR: Sweet Chin Music King: No come on Orton don’t allow this to happen JR: Aw come on King: Yes it’s Edge he is coming out to help his partner JR: This just isn’t right King: Spear Winner by DQ Shawn (Rating A*) (Shawn and Orton work great together) JR: This isn’t fair it’s two on one King: They better hurry up because here comes Triple H (Rated-RKO leaves the ring once Triple H gets in) King: Hunter may have been a little too late JR: King that was un-called for (Crowd goes crazy) JR: It’s the Hardyz yes King: No (Hardyz proceeds to attack Randy and Edge and toss them into the ring) JR: Yes now D-X and the Hardyz and winning the fight King: No, Rated RKO is down JR: And all for men are on the turnbuckles celebrating. (Rating B+) Show Rating= B+ T.V= 36.47
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[CENTER]Pro-Wrestling Insider[/CENTER] People around WWE have been very hush hush about a recent signing to the company but many feel that he will help put anything TNA thought they might be able to control out of reach Most people who want to see this war last like WCW vs WWE say that WWE trying to destroy TNA early is like what WCW tried to do to them and that if WWE really wants to boost business than the war might help
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Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Styles: Welcome to ECW on Sci-Fi Tazz: O man lets get started tonight Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) Tazz: Man I just don’t see how Elijah is going to Big Daddy on the ground Styles: I have no clue there is a drop kick and V is still up. Tazz: Whoa Super Kick out of nowhere by Burke Styles: V is leaning Tazz: Come on V fall (Slam and V is down) Tazz: Yes he is down my man Styles: Burke is going to the top rope Tazz: Leg drop 1…2…3 (Rating C+) (Jump to the back) VKM: As many of you could tell yesterday Armando is now back with Umaga VKM: So many of you might be asking well who is the ECW GM VKM: And that question can easily be answered with a man who believes he is the best thing to save this brand (Video plays) Voice: Form ECW World Champ Voice: A man who gave his blood for the company just to see it die and have to come to WWE Voice: A multiple time hardcore champ and Tag champ Voice: ECW your new GM is none other than the innovator of violence Voice: TOMMY DREAMER! VKM: Now Dreamer isn’t here tonight because he had to go and finish some business but next week on ECW on Sci-Fi your GM will be here (Rating B+) Tazz: Whoa can you believe it Styles: An ECW original is now the GM Tazz: Dreamer didn’t tell me about this promotion this week Styles: And what business does he have to deal with Tazz: I have no clue but up next we have Morrison and Miz vs Ryder and Hawkins Major Brothers vs John Morrison and The Miz (Jump to conclusion) Tazz: Super Kick by Morrison on Ryder Styles: Look Hawkins is going to attack Tazz: O but Miz spears him and is punching Styles: Morrison is setting up Ryder Tazz: Cross Body 1…2…3 (Rating B-) (Cut to the back) Kelly: Hi I am Kelly Kelly and I am joined right now by your ECW Champion CM Punk Kelly: Now CM tonight you face the biggest man in the business today The Great Khali CM: Yeah you know Kelly I don’t care to much how big he his because I am use to facing guys bigger than me CM: right now I am another bone to pick and that is at the TNA owner Jeff Jarrett CM: See now that we are at war I can finally say this Jeff you said I would never be in a big promotion and hold the top title CM: Well I made it buddy boy so screw you CM: And as for Khali tonight be prepared to tap tonight to the anaconda vice Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to end which is 2 min. after the start) Tazz: Boy ill tell ya Joey I really like the new Benjamin Styles: God what a T-Bone Suplex 1…2…3 (Rating D-) Tazz: Man that was pretty much a squash if I have ever seen one Styles: I feel bad for Guido Tazz: I don’t this is wrestling styles there always has to be a loser (Rating C-) (Jump to video) Ron Killings Ron: Man ill tell you what im back baby back in the WWE Ron: And im coming to the ECW brand to show people they are the most dominant Ron: And a message to those out there watch out for the Truth (Rating B-) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) Tazz: Man I must say I am quiet impressed with how well CM has stayed in this match Styles: Well what do you expect Tazz he is our Champion and he isn’t going to back down Tazz: Well I know that I love Punk I might just become a little punk myself Styles: I like how you are now Tazz: I do to but…. What the hell who is that masked man Styles: I don’t know but I think he has a weapon Tazz: No he does Joey Styles: Watch out CM (The masked man knocks out Punk) Winner by DQ CM Punk (Rating B+) Joey: That just isn’t right Tazz: I agree I wanted to see if Punk could win Styles: But who is under the mask Tazz: Well I think we are about to find out (The masked man slowly removes his mask) Styles: It’s it’s Tazz: Joey O my god Joey Photobucket Tazz: He is back in the land of hardcore Joey Styles: Raven is back Tazz ECW is back Tazz Tazz: I can’t believe this it’s great (Rating A*) Show= B- Rating= 18.34
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Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Styles: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown Im Joey Styles King: And Im Jerry “The King” Lawler Styles: Folks if you are wondering we her on loan from our to brands till WWE finds new people to host this show King: But who cares about that what about tonight Mainevent Styles: Yes, this all happened on Raw Monday night when Rated-RKO challenged The Hardyz Boyz to a match King: And the Hardyz accepted Styles: Well let’s hope this isn’t some type of trap to weaken their opponents (Rating B+) Photobucket vs mvp (Jump to conclusion) Styles: MVP has been in control this whole match King: Well what would you expect he is the United States Champion? Styles: I know that King Styles: MVP continues to stomp Kenny King: He is giving him playa stomps Styles: Playa? King: Well yeah he is a playa you know Styles: MVP running for a kick to the face King: Man what a hit 1…2…3 (Rating C+) Styles: MVP celebrating in the ring with his title King: Well he should he is Smackdown’s most valuable player MVP: Hey yo there aint a guy back there that could beat me. So I am laying an open challenge to any superstar dumb enough to challenge me (Rating B) (Pyro goes off) Styles: It’s Mysterio King: Wait he shouldn’t be challenging for anything he is to small Mysterio: Hey Montel you want to talk like you are all big and bad well how about at the Rumble you put the gold on the line MVP: Yo want that boy fine you got a deal but the match will be a bull rope match (Rating B-) Styles: That isn’t fair MVP knows he is bigger than Mysterio King: Well Mysterio shouldn’t have come out here then Styles: Well folks up next we have a match between Batista going against Ryder and Hawkins King: Yeah and last week we saw Undertaker take these two men on and Mark Henry, Big Daddy V and Snitsky all come in and attack Taker Styles: Well Batista did like this so he is out for revenge (Rating B) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) Styles: Batista has been donmiante so far King: Hawkins and Ryder have no where to go Styles: Double spear King: Man what a move by batista to take out both men at the same time Styles: O man here comes trouble King: It’s BDV, Henry, and Snitsky Winner by DQ Batista (Rating C) Styles: Man these men are just beating the crap out of these guys King: Batista has no help (Pyro goes off) Styles: It’s Kane King: No offense to the big red machine but its still 3 on 2 and Batista is down (Kane gets in and fights them off as best as he can) Styles: Man this is a slaughter King: Yeah well Kane didn’t have to come out and help Style: These two men are fighting as much as they can but numbers and size are against them (Lights cut out) Styles: King it’s the deadman King: But they put him out last week (Voice plays) Taker: Hawkins, Ryder, Big Daddy V, Snitsky, and Henry Taker: Next week you five vs me Kane and Batista (Rating B+) King: Man I can’t believe what I just heard Styles: You heard right though King next week a Five on Five match next week on Smackdown Styles: Well up next folks we have the man in ring already Kane against former ECW John Morrison King: Well Morrison and his partner The Miz haven’t been on the same page as of late Styles: And it has really affected both of them (Rating C) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) Styles: Kane is making a strong statement that he should be a contender for the Heavyweight title (The Miz runs to ring side) King: Well here comes the Miz Styles: Kane doesn’t even notice him (Miz climbs up on the apron) Styles: There we go Kane see him now King: And Morrison is going to set up Kane Style: Super Kick King: But it missed Kane and took out Miz Style: Morrison is turning around King: Choke slam 1…2…3 (Rating C) (Morrison and Kane have no chemistry King: Man that must suck for Morrison his partner probably caused him another match Styles: Look at Morrison he doesn’t seem happy at all, Aw he just shoved Miz King: Well that’s not right he was just trying to help (Rating B-) Styles: well there is defiantly a rift in the tag team champs (Back from break) Photobucket vs Photobucket (Jump to conclusion) Styles: I don’t know why people keep getting in the ring with Khali King: I know he is big, ugly, and can’t be beat Styles: What the hell King: It’s hornswagle little bastard Styles: And he has a shaliejh King: He is distracting the ref Styles: And Finaly clocks Khali 1…2…3 (Rating B-) (These two men dont work at all Styles: Well that was a great match but up next we have the match of the night Styles: This all started Monday when the WWE champ randy Orton and the World Heavyweight Champ Edge attacked their number one contenders the Hardyz and cost them the tag titles King: Well tonight they will face off Rated RKO vs THE HARDYZ (Jump to conclusion) Styles: Man ill tell you what this has been a match of the ages King: Orton going for and RKO of Matt Styles: Matt throws him off but gets speared right after King: Man what a mind Edge has Styles: But Jeff is waiting for Edge to turns around King: Twist of Fate Styles: But Orton for the RKO King: But Hardy pushes him away Styles: Another Twist of Fate Styles: The Hardyz are both climbing the turnbuckle Styles: Man Swanton by Jeff and Leg Drop by Matt 1…2…3 (Rating A) Styles: What a great match I can’t believe this King: I have to admit that I was blown away Photobucket VKM: After watching this match I have a great ideal VKM: At No-Mercy Rated RKO will face The Hardy Boyz and both Heavyweight titles will be on the line VKM: The winners will be the team that grabs the titles from 17 feet in the air VKM: That’s right it will be a TLC match (Rating A*) King: O my god that is huge Styles: For the first time ever both Heavyweight Titles will be defended against a tag team Styles: I hope we can learn more next week until then thank you and good night folks Show= B+ T.V= 24.73
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I am watching Raw right now and might i add i am dumb founded as why Regal won the KOR I mean they arent pushing him as an active wrestlers and the KOR is seen as a way of helping superstar to be pushed in the mainevent scene and i know Punk won the Money in Bank but you might as well give him the KOR to am i right
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[QUOTE=GatorBait19;409578]I am watching Raw right now and might i add i am dumb founded as why Regal won the KOR I mean they arent pushing him as an active wrestlers and the KOR is seen as a way of helping superstar to be pushed in the mainevent scene and i know Punk won the Money in Bank but you might as well give him the KOR to am i right[/QUOTE] I know this is your thread, but spoilers are not cool :mad:
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[QUOTE=GatorBait19;409578]I am watching Raw right now and might i add i am dumb founded as why Regal won the KOR I mean they arent pushing him as an active wrestlers and the KOR is seen as a way of helping superstar to be pushed in the mainevent scene and i know Punk won the Money in Bank but you might as well give him the KOR to am i right[/QUOTE] That was easily the lamest excuse for a bump in the history of GDS. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
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