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[QUOTE=GatorBait19;409608]well sorry i didnt know you guys hadn't seen it yet and im not trying to get more readers for the diary i was just saying to see others reactions guess ill never do it again[/QUOTE] There's a thread for it in the Dog Pound. You have to think that everybody doesn't get to see Raw at the same time. The more you are around here the more you will get used to it. But before you talk about something go check out if there's a thread in the dog pound, because they usually mark those with spoiler alerts so that people don't go in them if they haven't seen it.
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Royal Rumble The Hardyz vs Rated RKO for both Heavyweight Championship in a TLC match Cryme Tyme vs D-X Miz and Morrison vs London and Kendrick for Smackdown Tag titles Hawkins, Ryder, Big Daddy V, Snitsky, and Henry vs Brothers of destruction and one mystery partner (who is the partner for tie breaker) Chris Jericho and Chris Harris vs Umaga and Mr. Kennedy 30 man Rumble (Guess winner and the other mystery debut)
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]TNA Worldwide[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Tenay:[/B]Welcome to TNA Worldwide,I'm Mike Tenay alongside my partner Don West. [B]West:[/B]Will Samoa Joe get revenge against Sean Morely and who will be the new number one cotender. Sean Morely comes out with Robert Roode with a breifcase and Ms Brooks to huge heat. Morely:Samoa Joe you know why me and Robert Roode screwed you out of your match with AJ Styles. Morely:Because you are yesterday's news and it is time for me to urn my pay.that is why when you get hit with the Money Shot you will feel my pain. (Jim Cornette's music hits) [B]Cornette:[/B]See Mr Morely Joe barged in my office after Impact and he wants you at Against all Odds.I signed the match,so it will be Sean Morely vs.Samoa Joe at against all odds.Oh and you have a match against Eric Young next. (Commercial Break) Eric Young comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. [B]Eric Young vs.Sean Morely[/B] Morely hits a huge clothesline on Eric Young and then hits a huge legdrop for 2.Young rallies hitting a huge dropkick and then stomps Morely but Robert Roode grabs the breifcase throws it to Morely while he distracts the referee and hits Young in the head he goes to the top and hits the Money Shot for 3. [B]Winner:Sean Morely Rating:C+[/B] Sean Morely and Robert Roode beat Eric Young with the breifcase. We're in the back when Christan Cage get in Robert Roode face. [B]Cage:[/B]Isn't funny that your buddy has to blindeside Joe you can't go one on one with him. [B]Roode:[/B]See Cage that is where you are wrong Cage see punks like you need to realize Robert Roode is the next great main eventer. (Commercial Break) Black Reign comes out to huge heat from the crowd. Kaz receives a huge pop from the crowd. [B]Black Reign vs.Kaz [/B] Kaz hits a huge spinning heel kick on Reign he then hits a huge crossbody but then gets hit with a huge powerslam for 2.Kaz then hits a huge dropkick knocking down Black Reign.Black catches Kaz and hits a nightmare falls for 3. [B]Winner:Black Reign Rating:C[/B] AJ Styles is in the back with Kurt Angle [B]Styles:[/B]Kurt,I don't know what to do against Booker next! [B]Angle:[/B]Don't worry about it AJ we have it covered. Booker T comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. AJ Styles comes out to huge heat from the crowd. [B]Booker T vs.AJ Styles[/B] AJ hits Booker with a forearm shot,Booker returns it with a chop.Booker then whips AJ into the ropes and hits a huge spinebuster for 2.AJ then hits a spinning heel kick,he then follows up with a legdrop for 2.Booker comes out of nowhere with an axe kick for 3. [B]Winner:Booker T Rating:D+[/B] We're in the back with VKM and Team 3D [B]Brother Ray:[/B]Tonight we are going to prove we are TNA's top tag team [B]BG James:[/B]Damn Ray,your breath stinks whoo. (Team 3D and VKM begin to brawl the road agents break it up) (Commercial Break) VKM comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. Team 3D gets enromous heat from the crowd. [B]VKM vs.Team 3D[/B] BG James and Brother Ray start off the match,Brother Ray hits a huge powerslam on BG James for 2.BG James then hits a huge snap suplex on Brother Ray.Brother Ray then hits Bubba Elbow to the head of BG James.Brother Ray tags in Brother Devon and BG James tags in Kip James.Brother Devon hits a huge clothesline for 2,Kip James then hits some huge punches and then hits the famesour for 3. [B]Winner:VKM Rating:C[/B] We're in the back with Jay Lethal and Crystal [B]Crystal:[/B]Jay Lethal tonight you take on half of Rock and Rave Infection what are your thoughts. [B]Lethal:[/B]See tonight the Macho Man is going to recruit Hulk and the boys to beat down the rock and rave infection tonight. (Commercial Break) Jay Lethal receives a insane pop from the crowd. The Rock and Rave receive huge heat from the crowd. Jay Lethal vs.Lance Hoyt Jay Lethal goes right after Hoyt and hits a huge crossbody onto the floor.Lethal rolls in Hoyt only to get powerslam into the middle of the ring.Lethal hits a huge dropkick for 2.Hoyt whips Lethal into the ropes only for his boot to get grabed by Christy Hemme.He turns around into a texas towerbomb for 3. [B]Winner:Lance Hoyt Rating:C-[/B] (Commercial Break) Samoa Joe comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. Scott Steiner receives decent heat from the crowd. Robert Roode receives huge heat from the crowd. Christan Cage receives huge pop from the crowd. [B]Samoa Joe vs.Scott Steiner vs.Robert Roode vs.Christan Cage[/B] Samoa Joe and Christan Cage go after Robert Roode as they chase him out of the ring as the get back of the ring only for Scott Steiner delivers two huge clothesline to both of Joe and Cage.Steiner then hits a huge gorilla press slam on to Cage as Joe gets up Roode then slaps him in the face.Joe hits a huge powerslam sending Roode and Joe to the outside.As Christan Cage is going for the unprettier and with the ref distracted with Roode and Joe.Sean Morely jumps in the ring with the suitecase and Christan hits the floor.Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner and the ref realizing Cage is out cold. [B]Winner:Scott Steiner Rating:B[/B]
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WWE Raw PhotobucketPhotobucket JR: Good evening folks, Im JR along side my broadcast partner King: Jerry Lawler Orton: You know we were sitting backstage and we thought there is no better people than us Edge: See you could always open with the Fat man and his queen King: What! Edge: See tonight you have four titles on one side and no titles on the other Orton: See our partners Cryme Tyme won the titles last week Edge: With a little help from us Orton: Yeah, people here are stupid but they’re not blind Orton: And you have the WWE Heavyweight Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion Edge: Then you have D-X and The Hardyz Orton: You have Triple H who is a 11 time Heavyweight Champion in this company which also means he is a 11 time loser Edge: Then you have Shawn Michaels, The Heart Break Kid, The Show Stopper, The Main Event as he likes to call him self Edge: He is a two time Royal Rumble winner back to back and one time as the first entry, he is the first grand slam champion, and for all you slow people means he has held every major title Edge: He has held the Heavyweight title four times Orton: Then there are the Hardyz who I and Edge face at Backlash for our titles Edge: And well neither one of them has held these two titles (Rating A) JR: Well business is picking up Jeff: See we hear you to running your mouths like you have done anything but I want you guys to know something I wrestled some of the best and had shots at those two titles before you guys ever did Jeff: And im not going to lie I screwed up a lot in my life, but now im clean and ready to be the front runner for this company Matt: Edge I still owe you major payback and at backlash me and Jeff will take those belts HHH: See we were sitting back there in the back and heard these to jacka** say that I am a 11 time loser and Shawn is a 4 time losers but we see it like this you guys haven’t held those titles that long I mean Jesus Orton I beat you for that title like 10 minutes after it was awarded to you so that speaks highly of you two doesn’t it HBK: Yeah, and hello first Grand Slam Champ HHH: Yeah and I was the second HBK: Hunter wait there have only been 6 and guess what HHH: What? HBK: They aren’t on that list (Both men laugh) HHH: We both have Royal Rumbles under our belts HBK: Yeah, and Hunter won the Most Hated Wrestler two years in a row HHH: Yeah… Wait, Shawn HBK: Sorry it just came out HHH: See you boys want to flaunt your crap well my crap is solid gold HBK: Well mine is just brown HHH: God (Rating B+) Hacksaw vs DH_Smith (Jump to conclusion) JR: The Canadian Bulldog D.H Smith has absolutely donmiante Hacksaw in this match King: D.H puts Hacksaw in a head lock JR: Hacksaw is starting to gain some momentum King: O man Smith just punched him straight to the head JR: I think Hacksaw is out; Smith is trying to pick up Duggan King: Hacksaw is trying to fight back though, don’t let this happen D.H JR: He has him up, But Duggan is still trying to fight back, will that be enough to stop this assault by D.H King: No, running power bomb by my man D.H JR: D.H goes for the cover 1…2... JR: Aw come on Smith pin the man already King: I think Duggan kicked out JR: You and I both know Duggan is out King: Well my man Smith is putting him up… Yes Brain Buster JR: Why does it seem that your man always seems to be the winner? King: Because im a winner and winners only pick... well... other winners 1…2…3 (Rating C) JR: Well D.H looked rather impressive, but there is no need to show off like that King: Well I don’t think D.H cares JR: What is D.H DOING? King: He is grabbing a chair he must be tired D.H I mean he did just wrestle a great match (D.H puts the chair down flat and grabs Hacksaw again) JR: Come on that is enough King: I guess D.H wants to send a message (D.H does another Brain Buster to Hacksaw on the chair) (Rating C+) D.H: My name is D.H Smith and I am the Canadian Bulldog and unlike my dad I will never lose I the WWE JR: Well since his dad never wrestled for the WWE and only for the WWF I guess he beat that goal easily King: O come on JR don’t be such a downer D.H: And what you saw tonight is just the start, Next week I am having an open challenge to any person who thinks they can defeat me (Rating C+) JR: Well the young but very ****y D.H Smith has just laid down a challenge to anyone in the back JR: Well folks up next we have another young and up and comers match with Cody Rhodes vs Santino Marella King: These two locked up last week on Heat where Rhodes got the pin and Santino demand this match from Regal JR: Well this might be a very good match King: I don’t care I just want to see Maria Santino Marellaw/Maria vs cody runnels (Jump to conclusion) King: O JR can I say how much I love Maria JR: I think we all know this King: Well just making sure JR: Now can we get back to the action King: If we have to JR: Man I cant see why Santino wanted this match King: So we could all see Maria JR: Well that is nice but Rhodes is starting to catch fire, O god what a running bulldog on Marella King: Man well if Maria doesn’t want to kiss him tonight there is always me JR: Yeah right King JR: Cody is setting up Marella King: Come on Santino I would hate to see Maria sad JR: Flowing Snap DDT by Rhodes, man what a move King: Poor Maria JR: Rhodes has got the Bionic Elbow locked in King: No this isn’t right Marella has no where to go JR: Yes he taps (Rating C+) JR: That was a great match by Rhodes and I can’t wait till next week King: Yeah, yeah what ever look at poor Maria JR: Well since Kendrick and London came to Raw they haven’t been has donmiante as they were on Smackdown, but they are looking for a change this week as they take on the Highlanders Kendrick & London w/Ashley vs Rory McAllisterRobbie McAllister (Jump to Conclusion) JR: Man London and Kendrick seem like they have gotten their high flying style back King: Yeah and the Highlanders have no defense for it JR: O Kendrick just Super Kicked Rory King: Wait he is waiting for Robbie now JR: O man what a Super Kick by Brain and man both Highlanders are out now King: London is going to the top rope JR: He is looking for the London calling King: There it is JR: A London Calling 1…2…3 (Rating B-) JR: Man what a match King: These two men are a great team (Kendrick and London huge in the ring) JR: They should be a front runner for the tag titles King: Maybe more JR: SUPERKICK! King: O my god Kendrick just kicked the crap out of his best friend London JR: And London is out and Kendrick is smiling as he heads back to the locker room (Rating B) JR: Well folks up next we have the debut of a former TNA wrestler Chris Harris King: And this guy is promising a lot so let’s see just how good he is Mr Kennedy vs Chris Harris (JTC) JR: Kennedy and Harris are putting on a great match so far King: I must admit Harris is as good as advertised JR: That he is King: Kennedy gets a kick to the gut on Harris JR: He is going for the Packer Plunge King: But wait Harris reverse it and turns it into a Catatonic JR: My god what a move 1…2…3 (Rating B+) (These two have great chemistry) (Harris grabs a mic) JR: What a match between these two men King: Be quiet JR the Wild Cat is about to talk Harris: I hope I didn’t disappoint the people here tonight and I hope you are ready because this is the first of many wins to come from Chris “The Wildcat” Harris. Harris: O and if anyone thinks im not good enough for this company I challenge The Great Khali Friday at Smackdown. (Rating B) JR: Man what a challenge King: You’re telling me a great wrestler but a dumb person JR: Yeah no kidding (Cut to back) Chris Jericho: See last weak I beat that Jacka** Carlito so what does William Regal do I puts Myself, Carlito and Umaga in a match tonight to determine who will be the next opponent for the I.C title held by Jeff Hardy, who also happens to be number one contender Chris: So what ever I was taught to roll with the punches but tonight when I win I want my shot next week in a submissions only match (Rating A) (Back from break) Chris Jericho vs carlito vs Umaga (JTC) JR: Man Jericho is fighting his butt of King: Well he said he would save us and hasn’t done crap JR: Come on King JBL screwed him King: Yeah, yeah whatever JR: Jericho hits the running bulldog on Carlito King: He going for the lionsault now JR: O my god Umaga caught him in mid air King: No I can’t believe what I just saw JR: Samoan drop on Jericho King: Poor Carlito he is being picked up by the Samoan Bulldozer JR: Samoan Spike King: Man Umaga is a monster JR: And now that monster is climbing the turnbuckle King: Flying head butt King: Look Jericho is back up JR: Leg drop King: It has no affect on Umaga King: Jericho just stay down JR: Another Samoan Spike 1…2…3 New number one contender for I.C title Umaga (Rating A) JR: Man I hope Jeff was watching this, you don’t know how much longer he’ll have that title King: Yeah that Umaga is a beast and he is aiming for Hardy JR: But let’s not forget Hardy beat Umaga for that title (CTB) HHH: Are you ready (Jeff and Matt just look at each other) HHH: I said are you ready? Matt: GHz yeah just calm down HBK: For the thousand in attendance Jeff: Hey can we wait till we get out there HHH: But are you guys ready to take those Titles and we take the tag titles Jeff: You know we are ready HBK: Well good we have a surprise tonight Matt: Yeah HBK: You are coming out with us to a mix of D-X and The Hardyz Jeff: Now that’s extreme (Rating A) HHH: Are you ready Matt: I said are you ready? HHH: Then for the thousands in attendance Matt: And the millions at home HHH: And please don’t forget D-X and Hardy merchandise on wwe.com HHH and Matt: Let’s get ready to suck it HBK: And if you’re not down with that Jeff: We got to words for ya Jeff and Shawn: Suck it CrYmE TyMerated rko vs DXHardy Boyz (JTC) JR: Man what one hell of a back and forth match King: O, Orton hit the RKO on Jeff 1…2… JR: Yes, Yes he kicked out King: Amazing Orton is shocked King: Orton turn around JR: Super kick, what a kick King: I don’t even think soccer players kick that hard JR: Man Orton must be done King: Pedigree on JTG King: I guess he needs some money now to pay for some new teeth JR: Shad gets a Pump handle slam on Triple H though King: If he hits that at No Mercy just like TNA Triple H might be finished JR: Whoa Twist of Fate of Shad King: Matt Hardy just threw that out of nowhere King: Oh uh here come the poetry in motion on Edge JR: Come on guys do it JR: A perfect hit what a move King: My mind is being blown right now what a match 1…2... JR: O, Orton and that dam* boot to the head King: Hey he had to save this match JR: Yeah but that could have severally hurt Matt Hardy King: Well wrestling could do the same JR: Super kick out of nowhere from HBK again JR: Jeff is going up to the top rope King: So is Michaels JR: Triple H is making sure no one messes with them JR: Matt is making his way back up slowly King: Flying Elbow from Michaels JR: O my god, Matt Hardy just through himself out side of the ring on top of Cryme Tyme and Edge JR: Do it Hardy make the leap King: He is ready JR: SWANTON, SWANTON King: This has to be over 1…2…3 JR: What a match (Rating A*) King: Im blown away the Hardyz showed they will do anything tonight to win the match at No Mercy JR: O boy I can’t wait and look at D-X and The Hardyz celebrating what a freakin match Show= A T.V = 37.14
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Well Holly and Kennedy didnt work and Morrison and Kane, which i should no i had to end the storyline right there and Khali and Finaly if i was correct listen i have played this game a bunch of times and sometimes you get guys who work and others you get ones where it seems like no ones works, and if you guys really think i am Dezzy thats cool cuz i know im not and its weird Dezzy doesnt own the game but i do, hmmm,hmmmm,hmmmm thats weird the purchase order even says Charles Holder
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