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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]WCW Monday Nitro, Live from the iPayOne Center, San Diego, California - Crowd: 15,000[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Another sell out crowd is here in San Diego, as we pan around and see some very vocal fans, before finally going back in to the commentary position. "Welcome fans to another WCW Monday Nitro, I'm Tony Schiavone and with my as always Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and the 'Living Legend' himself, Larry Zbysko. And I want to take this opportunity to let you know that on that other show, the New Age Outlaws defeated The Legion of Doom..." "Are they still going around at their age..?" "Yes indeed, that was by count out, X-Pac defeated Essa Rios, and Triple H, who you may remember as an opening card act here called Jean-Paul Levesque defeated Kurrgan. Now that we have that out of the way, we are LIVE here in San Diego, California..." Just then, we hear Eddie Guerrero's familiar latino music, the slow bopping beat. And here comes the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, down to the bottom of the ramp to join 'Mean' Gene Okerlund. "Alright guys, I'm joined here tonight by the Cruiserweight Champion of the World, Eddie Guerrero, and Edd..." "Orale, ariba la rasa! Esse, let's keep this short, holmes. Last Thursday holmes, the New World Order did something they should never have done, esse. They attacked members of the Cruiserweight division. This division which is the lifeblood of WCW esse, what these fans tune in for every week, esse, they tried to demolish it last Thursday." "Well, why don't we just roll the tape..." [QUOTE][U]From the Thunder Volt[/U] "Fans, we're...OH NO!" We've cut backstage, where the Outsiders have Super Calo and Lizmark Jr... LAWN DART TIME! Both men have been thrown face first into the side of the production truck. Here comes Ciclope... same treatment. What is going on back there? Here comes El Dandy and Silver King, OH NO, Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell dispatch them too! [/QUOTE] "Esse, I'm putting a call out, right here, right now, the latino passion esse is running right through my veins holmes. Esse there's nothing more dangerous than a fired up Eddie Guerrero. You don't mess with the Cruiserweights esse, you don't ruin the tradition and legacy of the luchadores either holmes, and as their Champion, as their representative, tonight I put a challenge out to that myth, Hollywood Hogan. I know you were behind it, Hogan, but let me tell you something holmes, tonight, I will prove to you that there is a new blood in professional wrestling, esse. There is a revolution. And tonight esse, win lose or draw holmes, you will learn, you never interfere with Cruiserweight tradition and honour. ARIBA LA RASA!" [CENTER][B]Konnan v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B][/CENTER] Here comes the man with the draws hanging out, Konnan, the cruiserweight hope of the New World Order. We shouldn't really disrespect Konnan, his record in Mexico is basically unparalleled. You could argue he's as big a name there as any of the Guerreros, Rey Mysterio Jr and is probably somewhere near the immortal El Hiji De Santo. But tonight, despite Konnan's amazing career, and despite a few cheap tricks, it appeared Dean Malenko was here with a point to prove. It was as if this was his fight for the humanity of the cruiserweights against the New World Order. Konnan resisted, but eventually succumbed to the Texas Cloverleaf. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Dean Malenko[/CENTER] A graphic comes up on the screen announcing that at WCW/nWo Souled Out Goldberg and 'Lord' Steven Regal would lock his horns. "The question I've got guys, is if Bill Goldberg has the stability in his legs to get off the Spear. 'Lord' Steven Regal, we know what he's about, he's been with us for a while, and there's few tougher street brawlers in this sport, Bobby." "Without a doubt, he's come from the mean streaks of Blackpool and I'd say he'd have brawled his mother over if there was a pint to be had." "That aside Tony, Steven Regal is one of the most accomplished technicians, too. He is a master of various martial arts styles, but Bill Goldberg, he is the man. This should be interesting!" [CENTER][B]'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/CENTER] HO! USA! USA! USA! TOUGH GUY! Here is the legendary Jim Duggan, but as much of a gritty competitor that he is, and with all the experience he has from two decades in the squared circle, he could not believe the world of hurt he was in for. Chris Benoit mercilessly worked him over, finally ending this disaster with a Crippler Crossface! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Chris Benoit[/CENTER] Another graphic comes onto the screen, this time showing Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero Jr for the Cruiserweight Championship. "Guys, this should be an absolute classic. The history of the Guerrero's is unbelievable, they have a lineage of success. But the family is split apart, with the coveted Cruiserweight Championship on the line Souled Out is shaping up as one of the greatest nights in our sport!" "Plus they're fighting for Mondo's lazi-boy." [CENTER][B]Rey Mysterio Jr v Reese[/B][/CENTER] What a size mismatch! The second largest guy on the WCW roster, Reese, second only to the Giant, against the smallest man on the roster, Rey Mysterio Jr. Rey though it has to be said is looking in tremendous shape, and is cut very nicely. Reese took it to Rey to start off, and started rag dolling Rey. But it appeared even Rey was inspired by last Thursday's events, as well as of course his dismay for the leader of the Flock, Raven, who sat at ringside. Here comes Lodi! STOP! Bang! 1...2.....THR... NO! Rey kicked out. How did he do that? Reese back to the attack, Rey goes through the legs though, Reese looks shocked, Rey to the top... SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA! 1...2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Rey Mysterio Jr[/CENTER] After the break, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is again standing at the bottom of the ramp, and this time he has with him JJ Dillon, of the WCW Executive Committee. What could this be about? "Alright guys, I'm here with JJ Dillon of the WCW Executive Committee. JJ?" "Thanks Gene. Firstly, I'd like to call out 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho.." The modified version of Evenflow by Pearl Jam plays out, and here is, Chris Jericho! Jericho looks arrogant as always, smiling brightly. "Yo yo Jo Jo, what can I do for you?" "Well firstly, Chris, thank you for your time. You know, the WCW Executive Committee has thought a lot about you lately. Your performances have been first class." "Thank you, Jo Jo. I'd like to say it's a priveledge and honour to be talking to you Jo Jo on Monday Night Jericho!" "But, we feel you need to do one more thing. We feel for you to take that next step, you need to justify it by facing Dean Malenko at Soul..." "Whoa! Whoa! Jo Jo! I have beaten them all Jo Jo. I have beaten Prince Nackamackie. I have beaten Alex Wright. Why do I need to beat this jobber for? Look Jo Jo, I know that Dean Malenko has a bit of rub with the WCW Executive Committee, but I will never...EEEEEVVVVVVVVVVERRRRRRR.. face Dean Malenko again." "That's fine Chris, then I'm going to have to suspend you for thirty days." "What for Jo Jo?" "Gene, if you could just roll the tape..." [QUOTE][U]Two weeks ago at Thunder[/U] "Dean Malenko's hauling in Curt Hennig!" "I think dis be time for da Texas Cloverleaf!" "What is Jericho doing...NO! He just dropped a double ax handle on Malenko..." "Da referee is out too Prafessa..." [/QUOTE] "Two weeks ago Chris, you directly prevented Dean Malenko from beating yourself and Curt Hennig by illegal tactics. You also led to the unconsciousness of a referee. I had to fight hammer and nail to try to tell the WCW Executive Committee that you should not be suspended, but the ultimatum was if you were to wrestle on, you would need to face Dean Malenko at Souled Out." "This is an outrage! This is a travesty! I will never...EEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVERRR forgive you for this, Jo Jo. I'll take anyone on, I'll take on Wrath, I'll take on any outsider from another promotion, hell I'll even face that whack job Hellwig, but I don't want to face Dean Malenko!!!" "I'm sorry Chris, but my hands are tied. You will face the man of 1000 holds at Souled Out..." "1000 holds? 1000 different arm drag variations maybe. Look, that's fine, I'll take on Bore-Us's son, but when I beat him, I should never...EVVVVVVERRRRRR have to face him again Jo Jo." "We will see you at Souled Out, Chris." [CENTER][B]Wrath v 'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B][/CENTER] Luger's attention did not always appear focused; and it's hard to be completely focused when the nWo Japan syndicate is seemingly making a target of you. But you need to pay close attention to Wrath also, and early on, Wrath was able to take advantage of Luger's predicament. Luger was struggling, but Wrath sent him into the ropes and Luger came back with his patented Flying Elbow! Given the situation, and the meritorious nature of his opponent, Luger's stocks rose appreciably with this victory and sounded out a solid warning to nWo Japan. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Lex Luger[/CENTER] Back down to the bottom of the ramp again after the break, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is again in attendance. "Fans, tonight I have coming to join me here in San Diego California, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!" The familiar Hart music starts up, and here comes the leather jacketed defender of WCW's values. "You know Gene, it's fans like these that make the Hitman's choice of allegiance very easy. I've been in this company for a little over a month now Gene, and ever since I came to the WCW, following the bull**** that went down in that second rate organisation up north in la-la land, I've been surrounded by more and more politics than I could ever have imagined. I feel like I'm part of the White House, expecting a backhander. Fortunately for you fans, there are people like myself, Sting, Lex Luger, the Giant, Diamond Dallas Page, and the list goes on of people who are willing to stand up for what is right, and prevent the little guy out there trying to make an honest dollar from getting screwed like corporate America types like the New World Order would like to." "At Souled Out of course, you take on 'Macho Man' Randy Savage." "And the bottom line is Gene, that Savage himself, without realising it is the victim of corporate nWo bull****. Without being smart enough to realise it, politics brought this match to fruition. You see, Gene, I had every intention of going after the big dog in the New World Order Hollywood Hulk Hogan himself, but Hogan is a smart dog as well, and realised what was coming. So what did he do? He set up his pal for the fall. And that's exactly what it will be Gene, and maybe after Savage has screamed in pain from the Sharpshooter, tapped out, spent days in the ice pool cleaning up the bruises, he may come to realise exactly what has been going on in his own life in the past 12 months. You see, Gene, a lot of people have come up to me in my home town of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and also in the back of the WCW locker room and professed their sorrow for what has happened to me. But I've told them all, don't feel sorry for me, because I got something good out of it and that was to be here in the WCW, but feel sorry for Randy Savage who without knowing it, is getting screwed himself. So at Souled Out Savage, I will take no mercy on you. My dad, the legendary Stu Hart taught me that to get anything in this world you have to be prepared to make sacrifices, and while being beaten by myself at Souled will be a massive step back, if you're smart enough it will open your eyes to two steps forward. Randy Savage, prepare to find out why I am the Excellence of Execution, the best there is, the best there was...and the best there ever will be!" [CENTER][B]The Outsiders v the Faces of Fear[/B][/CENTER] Two rough house brawlers from Polynesia, the very experienced Meng and Barbarian, under the leadership of the 'Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart. These guys are no walkovers, and despite whether you win, lose or draw, you leave the ring in a world of hurt. But their opponents would suffer no fools tonight, sending a clear message to the Steiners, that the Outsiders were more than just a catchy gimmick. These guys are explosive, they're dynamic, they're methodical and they know how to strike a victory, which Hall managed to do by hitting the fabled Outsiders Edge on the Barbarian for the victory. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, the Outsiders[/CENTER] After the break, the bagpipes begun playing around the iPayOne Center, as the Hot Rod himself, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper made his way to the ring, dressed in a leather jacket and a kilt. Real men wear kilts after all. The ring mat was coloured tartan, with a blackboard in the background announcing this was Pipers Den. "It's great to be back here in San Diego, California! The ladies around this town realise what a real man is like when they see me go by in my kilt, let me tell ya! Now it's time to get Rowdy, and I'd like to introduce to you tonight two guests, firstly, Macho Man, Randy Savage!" N W O! NN NNN NNEW WORLD ORDER OOOOH YEAH FF FF FFFOR LIFE! "And secondly, I'd like to bring out the leader of the New World Order, Hollywood Hulk Hogan." N W O! NN NNN NEW WORLD ORDER Well I'll stand up next to a mountain And chop it down with the edge of my hands... The two men don't exactly see eye to eye, as they take a seat on separate leather sofas. "Would either of you guys like a drink of water?" Both men say no, but Piper pours one...and SPLASHES IT IN THE FACE OF HOGAN! Hogan gets up angered, but Savage gets in his way. "You see Hogan, I'm always two steps in front of you, pal. Maybe that water might wake you up a little bit. Now Hogan, you claim to be the leader of the New World Order..." "That's right, brother..." "Oooh yeah, is that so Hollywood Hulk Hogan?" "Dude, I am the leader brother..." "Am I sensing a bit of ... dissent?" "Ooooh yeah, I am sick of being held down by you Hollywood Hogan! You take the glory, and then you go off and you make your movies, you make your millions, and you leave me here to run the New World Order, but do I get any credit? Oooh yeah no I don't. And when I wanted a bit of credit, by getting a shot at Sting at Souled Out, who should get in my way?" "Brother, I had a right to a rematch. Everyone knows there was a screwy ending at Starrc..." "Well, let me just interrupt there for a second Hollywood. Isn't it true you got a rematch the week after Starrcade?" "Oooh yeah let me answer that Roddy, it is true." "Brother, everyone knows Hollywood built this sport, everyone knows Hollywood sells tickets brother. I am the God of Wrestling. Savage, you know what your problem is, dude? I'm really hoping you do, because I'm having a hard time getting a fix on you, brother. You seemed more than happy to ride my coat tails all those years ago brother, but now you want to lead the pack? I've got something to ask of you instead brother, why don't you prove your stripes?" Savage gets up and confronts Hogan... "Ooooh yeah, you want me to prove my stripes do you Hogan?" Savage shoulders Hogan, as he storms out of the ring. Hogan eye balls Piper for setting him up like this, before also storming out of the ring. "It's just like I always say, just when you thought you had the answer, I changed the question!" [CENTER][B]WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v Yuji Nagata[/B][/CENTER] The Japanese explosion continues, and what an opportunity for Nagata, given Booker's tremendous injury concerns, and the looming shadow of his eery brother Stevie Ray? Sadly for the Japanese explosion, Yuji, whilst looking dominant throughout forgot perhaps to realise Booker's propensity to fight against all odds, as Booker waited for Yuji to start trash talking some fans at ringside, and performed a simple inside cradle, catching Yuji off guard. Booker was basically able to offer no offence. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Booker T[/CENTER] Straight after the match, we cut to a vignette, featuring Bill Goldberg. [quote]"Look at the size of Morrus, but this guy, he won't go down... What? What? OH MY GOD? WHAT WAS THAT!" "I don't know Tony, but this Bill Goldberg has just picked up Morrus... OH MY GOD!" .... GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... GOLDBERG... "Listen to those fans, Bobby, I've never heard anything like it!" A deep voiceover is heard, as we look at Bill Goldberg sitting in the dressing room of a dark, dingy gym, with sweat pouring off his forrid. "What makes a man, devastating? What makes a man, indefeatible? What drives a man to overcome all the odds imaginable? Courage and desire... Steven Regal, at Souled Out...." Goldberg looks up... "YOU'RE NEXT!"[/quote] [center][b]'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus v Bill Goldberg[/b][/center] This is where it all started once again for Bill Goldberg. Hugh Morrus, one of the most impressive athletes on the face of the Earth, over 300 pound and able to hit a stunning moonsault to squash his opponents. But tonight, Hugh Morrus was the one getting squashed. Goldberg was walking on one leg, yet again, and Morrus tried to take advantage of this. Morrus went to the top... NO LAUGHING MATTER! Morrus looks around... GOLDBERG HAS SPRUNG TO HIS FEET! He's in immense pain but...but...SPEAR! JACKHAMMER! Oh my god, what a message he has just sent to 'Lord' Steven Regal! [center][b]Your Winner:[/b] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/center] We cut to another vignette, this time noting the feud between Sting and Hollywood Hogan. [quote]This vignette is in black and white, we have Hollywood Hogan shooting another nWo announcement... "You know brothers, I've seen them all, I've beat them all. Whether it be Andre the Giant, or Sting, the bigger they are, the badder I knock them down. I am truly a God of Wrestling..." We look at Hogan laughing maniacally... As his face is laughing, Sting's stoic emotionless face flashes up on the screen, and the next vision we see is of Hogan begging off. "You... YOU'RE A..." And then in a very slow, like a DJ slowing down a dance hit on the turntable... "DEAAADDDDDDD MAAAAAAANNNNNN!"[/quote] [center][b]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/b][/center] It was WCW v the nWo all over again, with Buff Bagwell getting his biggest chance in his professional career to establish himself as a main event drawcard. There is no doubting the physical attributes of Buff, but there is somewhat a lack of consistency in the mental attributes of the man, which leaves him open to attack. Buff took it to Bret, and was for once, strategic in his approach, attacking the knee that Hogan and Savage so brutally worked over just a week or so ago. Bret Hart started fighting back, and seemed to be gaining control, until Buff hit a low blow that was undetected by Charles Robinson. Buff that went to the outside, and removed the steel steps, before wrapping Bret's right knee around the ring post from the outside. Buff then applied a figure four leg lock from the outside, and despite the pleading of Robinson would not release the hold, therefore causing Charles Robinson to call for a disqualification. [center][b]Your Winner:[/b] Via disqualification, Bret Hart[/center] After the break, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund was at the bottom of the ramp, joined by the Outsiders. "Alright guys, its my distinct dishonour to have with me..." "Yo, what do you mean dishonour? You don't want to mess with us Okerlund. We go where we want, when we want. We do what we want, when we want. We don't follow by the rules of this establishment, our organisation the New World Order does not comply with Code of Conducts or any of that, Gene. If I were you, I'd shut the hell up. Just like that punk Roddy Piper, and the Steiner Brothers should, otherwise you will find yourself in a world of hurt, right Kev?" "You know Gene, they say WCW is where the big boys play. We aren't here to play, Gene. This is no game. We are taking over professional wrestling, whether you like it or not. Do you understand me..?" Gene is getting pressured here, as Hall and Nash start ganging up on Okerlund. "You know Gene, I've been going around taking a little survey. So a quick question, are you with us, or against us?" Before Gene can even answer, Hall punches him to the abdominal muscles! Gene is doubled over, Kevin Nash picks him up... POWER BOMB THROUGH THE STAGE! "Survey says, one more for the good guys!" [center][b]The Giant and 'The Master of The Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Scott 'Flash' Norton and Brian Adams[/center][/b] The Giant has had some problems recently with Scott Norton, so the glare in his eyes was darker than usual. He was a man on a mission. Despite Norton and Adams obvious size, and the distinct lack of order within the nWo ranks, and how they play this game, they were never going to be a match. Norton tried valiantly to clobber the Giant around, but he was not here to make the numbers up. Norton tried to run into the ropes but ran into a... CHOKESLAM! Adams came in for the save, DIAMOND CUTTER! [center][b]Your Winner:[/b] Via pinfall, the Giant and Diamond Dallas Page[/center] We cut straight away backstage, where 'Macho Man' Randy Savage is attacking someone. It's Bret Hart! Hart gets his right knee slammed into the door of his GM as he is looking to leave! "Oh my god! Did Randy Savage just prove his true allegiance right there?" "Tony, a leopard never changes his spots, and Savage is mad. Truly mad. I think Bret Hart may have picked a fight he cannot win." [center][b]Hollywood Hulk Hogan v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero[/b][/center] Guerrero was looking intense, his eyes were focussed, this was not the traditional Eddie Guerrero. Here, he was here to fight with passion and desire. He had had enough of what had transpired to the Cruiserweights last week. He was here as their representative, and was here to give his all. Hogan walked to the ring as if it was in the bag, but early on Hogan was out on his feet, gasping for breath. Guerrero took advantage of everything, and was vicious in his attack. Hogan tried to get to the outside, but Guerrero floored him and Bischoff with a Suicide Plancha! Guerrero then rammed Hogan into the steel guardrail, before Bischoff came over to even the numbers with a low blow. Hogan raked the eyes of Guerrero, before rolling him back into the ring. Hogan started to gain some ascendency, but then as he attempted to get into a slug match, Guerrero ducked and got out of the way before hitting a discus lariat. Hogan went down, and Guerrero started working on the hip of Hogan, using a couple of single leg crabs and stomping furiously at the mid side of Hogan. The attack was vicious, and brilliant. Eddie Guerrero, had arrived. It was time for people to take notice. Outside the ring it went again, he hauled Hogan by what little hair he had up to the top of the ramp, to the commentary position. "Esse, amigo, get out of my way holmes." The commentary team scattered, as Guerrero hit rights and lefts and laid Hogan out on the announce table. He then scaled the nearby camera platform... Oh my, he couldn't...no way.... FROG SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE! The referee was being very lenient with the count, and after finally gaining his breath back, Guerrero hauled Hogan back to the ring. He then stood on the face of Hogan, and took off Hogan's belt before using his belt on him! It was amazing that Mickey Jay was letting him get away with this, but it should be noted that the referee's ranks at the moment are very aware of the tactics of the New World Order and are sick and tired of them. Hogan though started to regain some control, and sent Guerrero head first into the steel ring post. Hogan was bleeding, and breathing very heavily. He tried raking the eyes of Guerrero, who started throwing haymakers aimlessly. This had turned into nothing but a brawl. Hogan sent him into the ropes, he went for the big boot but Guerrero ducked, he jumped on the ropes, Springboard Cross Body! Hogan was down! Was this the time for the Frog Splash! up he went, but ...NO! Chavo Guerrero just pushed him off! Hogan slowly got back to his feet, and threw Guerrero back into the ropes, big boot. Oh no, not like this... LEG DROP! Chavo just walked off, as Hogan got the pinfall. [center][b]Your Winner:[/b] Via pinfall, Hollywood Hulk Hogan.[/center] "What an absolute travesty! His own nephew just turned the tide..." "This family is ultra dysfunctional, Tony. But he had Hogan, he had him. Hogan is experienced, and he knew though he just had to hang in there..." "Fans we are out of time, tune into Thunder as we head towards Souled Out!"
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[QUOTE=mad5226;427772]Great show man. I love the "Cruiserweights Vs. Hogan" it's an intresting angle that could very well give you excatly what you want.[/QUOTE] Thanks, mate. It will slowly start to come around in a very long, and protracted style. I've done it deliberately so not to change too much the chemistry of WCW at the time, but to make some good advancements that should have been made. So it won't change overnight, but it will slowly evolve. That was the reason I didn't post predictions, because I wanted people to read the show and see how it linked well with Thunder. So what are people thinking of this take on WCW? Any thoughts, criticisms are always welcomed. I know TEW08 is coming out, so that's going to be hot, but WCW is the jizz...
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Without doing a full preview, here's the card for Thunder. The following card is of course WCW/nWo Souled Out. Thunder WCW Television Championship: Booker T (c) v Van Hammer Raven and Perry Saturn v Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v 'The Innovator Offence' Chris Kanyon The Outsiders v the Faces of Fear WCW Tag Team Championships: The Steiners (c) v The Dancing Fools 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig v Bill Goldberg and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page
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WCW Television Championship: [B]Booker T (c)[/B] v Van Hammer Raven and Perry Saturn v [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] This is a very intresting matchup. It will be intresting to see how Eddie plays a role here, and if you kill Chavo's momentum or not [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'The Innovator Offence' Chris Kanyon The man of 1001 holds prevails [B] The Outsiders [/B]v the Faces of Fear Outsiders were red hot duing this period, it wold be dumb not to use that. WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]The Steiners (c)[/B] v The Dancing Fools 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] Going retro are ya? Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig v[B] Bill Goldberg and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] We could see a typical WCW draw here. But I suspect that's not your thing
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Thunder WCW Television Championship: [B] Booker T [/B](c) v Van Hammer Raven and Perry Saturn v [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'The Innovator Offence' Chris Kanyon [B]The Outsiders[/B] v the Faces of Fear WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]The Steiners[/B] (c) v The Dancing Fools 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] Oooh Yeahhh! :D Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig v [B]Bill Goldberg and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page [/B]
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Nice start buddy. Good to see you are giving the vanilla midgets a bit of a shot. Of course it is when you really make WCW your own that we can comment properly on what you have done, but so far your personal touches are making both shows very watchable/readable. I loved the reading out of WWFs results at the start of the show. Very nice touch to add authenticity. While it was a cheap shot and not one I liked, it's good that you are gradually evolving and keeping some old snippets rather than just turning it on its head completely and going a totally different direction (which would have been mental in WCW in 97/early 98.) Anyway, predictions. WCW Television Championship: [B]Booker T (c)[/B] v Van Hammer [I]Never much of a Hammer fan, but everyone deserves a shot on the shows. But the Booker man has to retain here, no question. I think if he holds on to the title for a while you'll be surprised how quickly he rises in the rankings.[/I] Raven and Perry Saturn v [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] [I]Lovely little match here, very nice indeedio. I fancy Chavo to get a bit more momentum here, but all 3 men are incredibly useful long term, even Saturn who never really became anything more than an avergae midcarder for some reason[/I] [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] v 'The Innovator Offence' Chris Kanyon [I]Good grief, now you're asking. Both men should be the future of WCW and I know how highly you rate them both. Jericho has a bit of momentum at the moment so I'll say him, but I'm sure we'll see an awful lot more of both in the future.[/I] [B]The Outsiders[/B] v the Faces of Fear [I]No brainer really; Nash & Hall are two of the main older, established guys who are worth keeping around as both really were quite special. Never got in to the Faces Of Fear, particularly Haku. Always a bit "meh" to me.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]The Steiners (c)[/B] v The Dancing Fools [I]Quite like the Dancing Fools, but the Steiners will retain here, no question[/I] 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] [I]As he is more active I'd go for him. I know you're trying to keep a bit of consistency in terms of booking style, but I assume these sort of matches will be pahsed out as the younger generation get over.[/I] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig v [B]Bill Goldberg and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]Bada bing, bada boom, bada bang, they're next. Love Hennig, not too hot on The Stuff, Goldberg's streak will carry on (where is he at, roughly, at the moment?) and Page is a class act.[/I] Nice card. When you consider some of the names missing from it (Hogan, Sting, Flair, Bret, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko etc) it just goes to show how ridiculously good the WCW roster was around this time. Phoar.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;426033]I smell gimmick change. Rick "The Model Convict" Martell.:D[/QUOTE] Why didn't I think of that? :eek: [QUOTE=Mackem;426164]I believed in you Rick![/QUOTE] Well, apparently the jury didn't? [QUOTE=ColtCabana;426191]Good stuff as always.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, appreciate the support. [QUOTE=keefmoon;428394]Nice start buddy. Good to see you are giving the vanilla midgets a bit of a shot. Of course it is when you really make WCW your own that we can comment properly on what you have done, but so far your personal touches are making both shows very watchable/readable. I loved the reading out of WWFs results at the start of the show. Very nice touch to add authenticity. While it was a cheap shot and not one I liked, it's good that you are gradually evolving and keeping some old snippets rather than just turning it on its head completely and going a totally different direction (which would have been mental in WCW in 97/early 98.) [/QUOTE] Heh, I've been watching a fair bit of WCW on dailymotion and youtube to really get the feel back, and the 'giving the results away' thing was tacky, but hella effective *cough*until the Mick Foley moment*cough*. You didn't like it? Are you sure you're not Jerry Brisco in disguise? :D Thanks to all for your contributions thus far, please keep them coming.
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[Q Thunder WCW Television Championship: [B]Booker T [/B](c) v Van Hammer [B]Raven and Perry Saturn[/B] v Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [/B]v 'The Innovator Offence' Chris Kanyon [B]The Outsiders[/B] v the Faces of Fear WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]The Steiners (c)[/B] v The Dancing Fools 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig v [B]Bill Goldberg and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder21.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]WCW Thunder, Live from the Williams Arena, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in front of 15,000 WCW-ites[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] As some fireworks go off in the arena, and we pan around the arena, we pan into the commentary table... "Welcome to a sold out Williams Arena, I'm 'Iron' Mike Tenay and with me as always is the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko... Guys, we... we, okay I've just word from our producers that we need to go backstage..." We in the back hallways of the Williams Arena, the sensationally sexy Miss Elizabeth is a very tight hugging red dress, not her traditional nWo garb. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" We can hear the very imitated but never perfected voice of Randy Savage scream. Here is the Macho Man himself, and all of a sudden Miss Elizabeth is being cornered. She is cowering up against the cold brick wall, as Savage bears over the top of her. "OOOH YEAH, what the hell do you think you're doing?" "I... I ... I just don't know if the nWo is for us anymore..." "US? What do you mean? Elizabeth, there is no... us. But there is an nWo for life, you signed up to that... I've got a damn good mind to take care of you..." Just then we hear a headset thump onto a table. "But... Please, Randy, no... I thought we had something for life once, too. But you broke that..." You can see the anger building up in the mad eyes of Savage, but he is shouldered into the corner by the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes himself!! Rhodes pushes him up into the corner, with his cowboy hat hanging over Savage's bandana. "If you weeeeeel, that's cowardly. Thats NOT da Amewican Dweam wight there Randy Ssssaavage. Lizsszzz, you're liking sexy as usual, you, Savage... tonight, you and I... WOOO, for all the people out there Randy Savage, I'm going to show you a bit of white sssoull tonight, Texas style. JUMP ON IT!" [CENTER][B]WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v Van Hammer[/b][/center] Two very different extremes, you have the ultimate good guy and ring legend in Booker T, versus the slob from the Flock, a perennial underachiever and under performer, Van Hammer. One man severely injured, the other man following Raven's rules of blaming all his failings on things other than his own ability. Despite being in ailing pain, Booker T somehow overcame nearly everything that Van Hammer could possibly throw at him, including an ill delivered Stop Sign which hit Van Hammer himself square in the head as Booker showed his experience to duck... While he gained the victory here, how the hell could he keep hold of this belt for much longer with virtually no offence? [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/b] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW World Television Champion, Booker T[/CENTER] After the match, Booker's music hit, but instead of him celebrating, out came his brother Stevie Ray with a microphone. He stood at the top of the ramp, dressed in a sharp black suit, with matching black sunglasses. "Suckas gots to know Booker, how you going to get through Souled Out, boy? Particularly since you're a lame, dead duck, bro. You've always been the spoilt runt of the family, now it's time you learned who the real success story is. You see, at Souled Out... I've got my cross hairs locked on that piece of bling bling there y'all, because at Souled Out... you've got to mess with me, your big bro if you're feeling me. Now, suckas gots to know, can you dig that?" Booker looks anxious, knowing obviously Stevie Ray set him up for a fall to him at Souled Out. What a devious plan! .... When we come back from the break, Raven is sitting on the bottom turnbuckle in the center of the ring. He holds up a couple of A4 sheets of paper. Saturn is standing idly in the ring, cupping his hands above his head. "What about me? What about Raven? This here is a contract for a match, for tonight. A tag team match between myself and Saturn, and Rey Mysterio Jr and a partner of his choice. You see, I managed to convince that leech Bischoff that it was time to give me a tag team match against the supposed chosen one, Rey Mysterio Jr. To show him no mercy, to try and pry about his identity. You see, a man's identity is in his heart. I have no heart, I have a black soul of abyss. That man, is so cowardly that he hides his identity behind a mask. Me? I'm not a coward, I'm a loner who doesn't fit into this materialistic world yet I freely admit to having no soul. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!" [CENTER][B]Raven and Saturn v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B][/CENTER] Rey has found a partner, it's number one contender to the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, Chavo Guerrero Jr! Oh my, this is going to light up the ring tonight as two of the fastest competitors to ever grace a WCW ring tear it up together. Raven looked disappointed, but Perry Saturn soon erased a lot of his anxieties by taking control of the match with some smart, scientific wrestling. Saturn is incredibly underrated in terms of being a very precise, methodical wrestler, who knows how to break a man. Chavo Guerrero Jr tried to use his speed to prise himself away, but Saturn just kept on him, and then started to put submission holds onto the legs of Chavo, to slow him down further. Saturn tagged in Raven to take advantage, and he did that, by using a number of drops to the mid section of Chavo. Chavo was doubling over in pain. Raven finally took Chavo back to his feet and send him into the corner, Raven races in, Chavo moves... neckbreaker from Chavo! Chavo sends Raven back into the corner and tags in Rey Mysterio Jr, who flies in with a handstand cartwheel into a drop kick. Raven drops to the bottom turnbuckle, and Rey rushes in with a Bronco Buster! Raven got a face full of muff right there (heh). Saturn cynically raced into make the save, but Chavo Guerrero Jr was able to spring to the top rope and hit a missile drop kick and bail Saturn over the top rope! Raven was giddy, as Rey sent him into the middle of the ring, Rey to the top... SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA! 1....2...3! What a momentus victory! Amazing slickness in the tag work of Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr tonight! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Chavo Guerrero Jr and Rey Mysterio Jr[/CENTER] Backstage, WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero is watching the end of the match on a small monitor. The title is being held over his right shoulder. "Holmes, esse, you're going to need to bring a lot more to beat me at Souled Out, holmes. That was impressive, but esse, I am the leader of this Cruiserweight revolution, esse, don't leave anything behind, because you may be taught a lesson about respecting your elders you won't forget, holmes..." [CENTER][B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho v 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B][/CENTER] Here are two youthful athletes, full of exuberance, full of skill, and waiting for a lucky break to showcase their talents at the top of the WCW card. Kanyon, likewise to Saturn is a methodical wrestler, but is so inventive. There is no one talent in professional wrestling currently who will innovate as decisively as Kanyon, he practices new holds religiously in the PowerPlant and brings them to the mat each and every time. Tonight, he set Jericho up on the top rope, and looked for a top rope neckbreaker! But Jericho was able to shove him off and hit a .... Shooting Star Press! That's not usually part of Jericho's arsenal, looks like he's innovating just as hard as Kanyon. Kanyon was in a world of hurt, as Jericho yanked at his face, and then raked his eyes. As referee Silverman pulled Jericho away he went and posed for the crowd, Kanyon...INSIDE CRADLE from Kanyon! 1....2...TH...NO! Here's one from Jericho...1....2...NO! Both men stumble back to their feet, eletric chair drop from Chris Kanyon! 1....2....NO! What's this from Kanyon? It's like a figure four headlock! This would pop a man's head off! Jericho was flapping around like a beached whale, finally though his right foot was able to get to the rope. Kanyon argued with the referee that he suspected Jericho had surrendered, but he had not... schoolboy roll up...1....2....THR...No! Kanyon kicks out. Both men back to their feet now, right, left, right, left, docey do, right left, a slug fest here... Kanyon finally starts to relent. Jericho irish whips him into the corner. Jericho with a European Uppercut....now he's on the ropes...1....2....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.... Kanyon finally shoves him off. Kanyon races towards Jericho, neckbreaker from Kanyon! Jericho goes down hard...1....2.... THR... NO! Kanyon pulls him back up... inside cradle using the tights from Jericho, Jericho with his feet on the top rope...1....2.....3! Oh what a coward! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Chris Jericho[/CENTER] [quote][U]Vignette for Jericho/Malenko[/U] We look at Dean Malenko winning a series of matches throughout his career with his patented Texas Cloverleaf... "WOW! Another impressive victory..." "The man of 1000 holds strikes again..." "Is there a better wrestling arsenal in our industry...?" .... The screen goes to a shade of gold, as some of Chris Jericho's comments are played... "I have beaten them all Jo Jo. I have beaten Prince Nackamackie. I have beaten Alex Wright. Why do I need to beat this jobber for? Look Jo Jo, I know that Dean Malenko has a bit of rub with the WCW Executive Committee, but I will never...EEEEEVVVVVVVVVVERRRRRRR.. face Dean Malenko again!" "This is an outrage! This is a travesty! I will never...EEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVERRR forgive you for this, Jo Jo. I'll take anyone on, I'll take on Wrath, I'll take on any outsider from another promotion, hell I'll even face that whack job Hellwig, but I don't want to face Dean Malenko!!!" "1000 holds? 1000 different arm drag variations maybe. Look, that's fine, I'll take on Bore-Us's son, but when I beat him, I should never...EVVVVVVERRRRRR have to face him again Jo Jo." [/quote] [CENTER][B]The Faces of Fear v The Outsiders[/B][/CENTER] This guys faced off against the Outsiders in 1996 at a Pay-Per-View for the World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles, so there is history here. Not only that, but the wiley ring veterans that are Meng and Barbarian are just bad @ss bros, who love nothing more than breaking necks and cashing cheques. Their history is clouded by semi pushes based on their menacing look, but usually the 'good guy' has come into kill off any heat they had. Meng was using himself as a battering ram on Scott Hall, and he set him up for the Tongan Death Grip! In came Big Kev, who clotheslined Meng off. Here came Barbarian... Atomic Drop from Kevin Nash! Finally Charles Robinson sent Nash out of the ring. Meng went for it again, but this time Hall ducked, and got Meng up... OUTSIDERS EDGE! 1...2....3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, the Outsiders[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair enters the dressing room of the 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. Benoit is undressing his luggage bag. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The two men shake hands. "You know, I've done a lot of stylin and profilin and limousine riding in my time, Chris Benoit. I've been up and down these coasts of North America for 20 years...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! And every night has been worth it, I've given my heart and soul for these fans... But let me tell you something Chris Benoit, I've seen a lot of great wrestlers, from Ricky Steamboat to Harley Race, but I've never come across a wrestler like you before, pal. You're going to be the next big thing, something special. You're going to beat even the Nature Boy's record, pal. And let me tell you something, it would be an absolute honor for me if you take out Curt Hennig at Souled Out...WOOOOOOOOO!!! It's going to be the start of the building of a new Space Mountain! Diamonds are forever, and so is my legacy, through you, the next big thing!" Meanwhile, out in the back hallways, we see the Tag Team Champions, the Steiner Brothers on their way to the ring. "WOOF! WOOF! OW! Give this dog a bone, tonight.. tell 'em Scott..." "Tonight Dancing Fools, you learn the power of the Steiner Brothers!" [CENTER][B]WCW Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers (c) v The Dancing Fools[/B][/CENTER] Wright and Inferno are now starting to get beyond their WCW main stage infancy, they are now into the category of 'should have learned by now', and should be getting over any foolish inexperienced errors. But you know, Disco Inferno just isn't. The gimmick is incredible, and he can groove like it's Saturday Night Fever, but at times, you just have to knuckle down. For his part, he suffered the ultimte knuckle sandwich, as the Steiners went to town, with Scott Steiner ending the mayhem with the Frankensteiner on Alex Wright! Disco with the save was clotheslined by Rick Steiner...1..2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL the WCW World Tag Team Champions, The Steiners[/CENTER] After the match, their manager, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, the Hot Rod himself, took center stage. Two production crew guys brought out two stools, one of which was taken by the man with the kilt. "Alright! Great work boys. With my leadership, your ring presence, the Outsiders will stand NO CHANCE at Souled Out! Now, earlier tonight, something important happened backstage, so truck monkeys, roll the tape!" [quote] We in the back hallways of the Williams Arena, the sensationally sexy Miss Elizabeth is a very tight hugging red dress, not her traditional nWo garb. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" We can hear the very imitated but never perfected voice of Randy Savage scream. Here is the Macho Man himself, and all of a sudden Miss Elizabeth is being cornered. She is cowering up against the cold brick wall, as Savage bears over the top of her. "OOOH YEAH, what the hell do you think you're doing?" "I... I ... I just don't know if the nWo is for us anymore..." "US? What do you mean? Elizabeth, there is no... us. But there is an nWo for life, you signed up to that... I've got a damn good mind to take care of you..." Just then we hear a headset thump onto a table. "But... Please, Randy, no... I thought we had something for life once, too. But you broke that..." You can see the anger building up in the mad eyes of Savage, but he is shouldered into the corner by the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes himself!! Rhodes pushes him up into the corner, with his cowboy hat hanging over Savage's bandana. "If you weeeeeel, that's cowardly. Thats NOT da Amewican Dweam wight there Randy Ssssaavage. Lizsszzz, you're liking sexy as usual, you, Savage... tonight, you and I... WOOO, for all the people out there Randy Savage, I'm going to show you a bit of white sssoull tonight, Texas style. JUMP ON IT!"[/quote] "Yeah.... That's right. Randy Savage! Pal, I cower over nothing! If my good friend Dusty Rhodes hadn't have already promised you a whooping tonight, I'd prove myself why they say Hot Rod is so fast, that if I spat into a headwind I could duck and let it hit the old lady behind me. Randy Savage, I once said this about getting into a confrontation with myself, but this holds true for the American Dream. You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun. Pal, you're about to find out why the American Dream will pull Liz out of these HARD TIME BLUES... So without further adieu, my guest tonight... AMERICAN DREAM DUSTY RHODES!" And here he comes! The American Dream himself! He leaves the commentary position and comes down to ringside, with his cowboy hat on. He slaps the hands of the nostalgic crowd at ringside, before getting in the ring and performing his goofy white soul dance, which is almost of course like the chicken dance. He embraces Roddy Piper... err, in a manly way. Without tongues. "If you weeeeeeel, thank you very much Hot Rod... WOOOO!! It's great to back here in Minneapolissssss... Boy, what great memories I have here..." "Aha! Indeed, so partner, tell us a few of them..." With that, NN....NNN...NNNEW WORLD ORDER... N....W....O.... OOOOH YEAH! Here comes the Macho Man, looks like there'll be no time for @ss chewing and reminscing tonight. Quick question, is Dusty still working the book, and if so, can we expect a Dusty finish and a taste of bunkhouse blues for Randy Savage tonight? [CENTER][B]'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B][/CENTER] You know, I'd love to say Dusty Rhodes was in great shape, but that only holds true if you're a fan of genetically mutated cabbages on legs. Dusty Rhodes has always been your fuller figure competitor, indeed, it wouldn't surprise if tonight he is wearing a BRO. You all know what I'm talking about right? Come on, surely SOME of you saw Seinfeld back when it was the jizz? Another useless piece of trivia for you Rhodes-ites out there (yes, all one of you), the neighbours of the infamous Bundy family out of Married With Children are named about Dusty Rhodes (at least, I think they are, I remember reading it somewhere... I may have been drunk...) (Like now, no not really). Rhodes was getting some cheap pop here, it was as cheap as Coca Cola's stock when they changed their recipe. Yes, pop can get THAT cheap sometimes. Savage was battling as Rhodes picked up some major momentum, I'm convinced at this stage Dusty is still on the book. Savage... BIONIC ELBOW from Dusty! Cover...1...2.... NO! Rhodes can't believe it, Savage starts fighting back. Rhodes is made to run, run fat boy run, clothesline from Savage. Savage picks him up... WOW! That was like a Stinger Deathdrop, some kind of inverted DDT. He spiked him good. Speaking of spikes, where are the Koloffs? Sickles all around. Savage goes to the top... Liz is at ringside now, and she attempts to talk to Savage, Savage looks as if he's just had a buldging disc in his back rise to the back of his brain, yes, that enraged. Rhodes quickly up (well as quick as he can), low blow on the ropes from Rhodes. Rhodes tries to pull Savage off, but Savage kicks away Rhodes, who flops like Free Willy to the center of the mat. Savage tells Liz to get out of here.... FRYING ELBOW DROP! 1....2....3! Yes Frying, why? Because a mark out sign of respect for Brian Pillman, I refuse to denote this match with the word 'Flying' or 'Flyin', Pillman was the jizz. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Randy Savage[/CENTER] Instead of the New World Order music starting up, the familiar music of Bret 'Hitman' Hart starts. Elizabeth runs past him in tears, as Bret comes out to the top of the ramp with a microphone. "Is that all you've got, Randy Savage? Is that it? You seem to be fairly good at fighting women, but maybe you should be fighting your mind, pal. It seems to me there's a few screws loose, but I'm here to tell you, that for the WCW, at Souled Out I will be sure to tighten up for you. No offence to Dusty Rhodes, who is of course... THE AMERICAN DREAM!" Talk about cheap pops... "But at Souled Out Savage, prepare to face the Excellence of Execution. You are going to find out why I am the best there is, the best there was, AND THE BEST...THERE...EVER...WILL...BE!" Hart drops the microphone to the ground, and walks to the back, as Savage's eyes nearly pop out of his skull. [quote]We look back at a video looking at the savage scene from Fall Brawl 1997 where Curt Hennig slammed a steel door on his own stable mate's head. That head of course was 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, and it basically ended the Four Horsemen, perhaps forever. We see how this was all set up, with Arn Anderson's retirement, and the acceptance of HIS spot by Hennig. We highlight several of the key interludes since then, including Curt Hennig presenting the fabled sequined robe to Hollywood Hulk Hogan. And of course, Hennig subsequently wearing it recently. We then look at the career of 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit, and his promise, a vow of revenge for his legendary mentor, Ric Flair. We see many of his German Suplexes, the Diving Headbutt, and of course the Crippler Crossface. Quickly flashing up on the screen is one word.... [SIZE="5"]REVENGE![/SIZE][/quote] [CENTER][B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and Bill Goldberg v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell and Curt Hennig[/B][/CENTER] Four of the top wrestlers in WCW history, Diamond Dallas Page, a former manager, I mean heck, this dude drove a car down the aisle at Wrestlemania 1964 he's been around that long. Goldberg, already in four of five months he's getting more web page hits than Jenna Jameson (okay, well not quite, well not even close...) Buff of course, he's had his own movies (softcore only (tm) (c) (r) ). And Curt Hennig, he genuinely is a superstar. There is no doubting his crudentials. But irrespective, I hope you have a plate of Pecan Pie, a registered No Ma'am t-shirt on (or a #33 Polk High shirt), and a plate of curly fries, because as my old mate Jim Ross would say, "We're in for a SLOBBERKNOCKA!" I won't even give the Dusty Rhodes translation. As Bobby Heenan would say, someone is going to lose some teeth tonight. Well, he probably wouldn't, but if he did, it would be funny because everything he says is funny. The match was very slow paced, the fans were clapping at one stage... this isn't an Eagles concert people, we don't need no rythym slappers. This is WCW. Where the big boys play. Finally the wrestlers woke up, and tagged in Bill Goldberg and Curt Hennig to give the match some pace. Some verve. Hennig was using the presence of 'Ravishing' Rick Rude very well, taking Goldberg into the corner, and anytime Goldberg tried to get up and make a play, Rick Rude would be up on the apron with his suitcase, putting Goldberg off. Goldberg of course is slightly ginger following his recent attacks courtesy of 'Lord' Steven Regal. The match parlayed along, and truth be told, I flicked the channel to RAW a couple of times, but Kurrgan isn't my thing so I tuned back. And what did I see? But the Orange M&M himself, Hollywood Hulk Hogan! He was distracting Bill Goldberg! From out of the crowd with a steel chair though was none other than 'Lord' Steven Regal! WHAM! BANG! CRACK! Holy Teledo Batman. Regal like a coward, ran off through the crowd, as Goldberg grimmaced. Hennig went to work on him, but Goldberg somehow got a quick tag in. Hennig backed into the corner and accidentally tagged in Bagwell, Page hit him with lefts, rights, and everything but the kitchen sink. Bagwell was groggy, here comes Hogan to the apron... DIAMOND CUTTER! Hogan with the save...NO. What's this? On the Turnertron is ... Sting? Sting images are being projected all around the arena. Page covers...1...2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Diamond Dallas Page and Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] Hollywood Hulk Hogan is on his knees, cowering in fear. Hogan can't believe it, the sight of his nemesis is melting him in two! Is the actual physical one here? We can't tell even, credit where credit is due, there's some good imagery going on here from the WCW production team. Here comes Norton and Adams, and they throw a punch at one or two of them, but they're just images, mirages if you will! Bill Goldberg is grabbing at his ankle, will he be able to compete at Souled Out? Find out, by paying an incredile sum of money for what should be an above average Pay-Per-View (dependent on if Dusty is really still on the books, I'm still not sure on this, in which case it could be Dusty finish horror)... Souled Out is coming your way!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;429259](In a Southern accent) "If I'd have seen Eric Bischoff I'd have slapped him across his face". Idiot.[/QUOTE] The only like for like IQ response I could give to Jerry on that would be "Yo Mamma." [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;429317]as always Tristram you have captured the feel of WCW. rock on :D[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot, mate, more to come I'm sure.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/souled2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WCW's first flagship show of the year of 1998 comes to you LIVE and EXCLUSIVE to Pay-Per-View, from the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia! You [SIZE="2"]won't want to miss the heart pounding action as World Championship Wrestling and the New World Order collide in an unprecedented battle towards winning or losing the ultimate war in professional sports. Not only that, but when you mix family blood like the Guerreros and Harlem Heat in bitter entertwined savage feuds, and you have the madness circulating in the mind of Randy Savage and his trustworthiness of both Miss Elizabeth and the New World Order, you are guaranteed to NOT wanting to miss this! [FONT="Tahoma"] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]Chris Jericho claims that he fears no one, but it's quite obvious to all and sundry that Jericho has everything to lose against Dean Malenko, a man who is unparalleled in versatality in professional wrestling. Malenko is your classic no holds barred campaigner, with an amazing aptitude to add to his amazing skill set, can Jericho overcome the odds and his own arrogance to see off the threat of Malenko?[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Eddie Guerrero has travelled the world, and beaten many great opponents - but he's never been in a knife edge situation like this. You see his opponent is his own flesh and blood, his nephew, Chavo Guerrero Jr. Not only is Chavo one of the hottest young talents in professional wrestling, but he claims to be fighting not only for Cruiserweight supremacy, but to restore pride and honour to the enormous Guerrero legacy. You put all those ingredients into a mixing pot and stir them, you come up with extreme Latino heat. Who will survive this pressure cooker situation?[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][b]'Lord' Steven Regal v Bill Goldberg[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]Bill Goldberg faces his most incisive test at the Georgia Dome, a test against a man who has shown no liberty to the lengths he will go to to end the career of Bill Goldberg. You see, Steven Regal claims Goldberg has stolen the thunder of those on the WCW roster who have given their heart and soul to the organisation, only to be upstaged by Goldberg. Worse still for Goldberg must be the thought that perhaps Regal may right now be uniting forces behind the scenes to assist him to end Goldberg's streak. Let alone that, can Bill Goldberg even walk to the ring come this Sunday after everything Regal has put him through?[/SIZE] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v Stevie Ray[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="2"]There is nothing more cruel in this sport than when your own brother turns not only your wrestling career, but you life upside down. This tends to happen when the pride of gold comes on the line, and it has exploded here. The tension could be cut with a knife. Likewise to Bill Goldberg, serious questions remain on Booker's mere ability to get to the ring this coming Sunday. Despite his courage and tenacity, the odds must surely be in the favour of his powerful brother, Stevie Ray, but will Booker T allow his most cherished title to fall by the wayside?[/SIZE] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [SIZE="2"]This feud has been months in the making. Both were members of the coveted Four Horsemen, until Curt Hennig heinously turned on the Horsemen by slamming 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair's head with a steel cage door at Fall Brawl 1997. War Games turned sour, and ignited the passionate defence of WCW to the New World Order, sans the presence of the splintered Horsemen. Chris Benoit is here to restore pride and honour into professional wrestling, while Curt Hennig stands for everything that is currently sour with our sport. These two are undoubtedly in the top echelon of professional wrestlers, so we could well be seeing a potential 'Match of the Year' candidate right here![/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]The WCW v nWo feud heats up again here as Diamond Dallas Page looks to defend one of WCW's proudest assets, the WCW United States Championship against the conceited, arrogant Buff Bagwell. Bagwell not only wants the title, but this self proclaimed lover boy also wants Diamond Dallas Page's wife. Can he find a way to defeat the wily veteran and lay claim to both trophies?[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]Forgetting all the simmering rivalry here, which has exploded on both Nitro and Thunder, this match has been a dream match for many for many, many years. And only WCW will deliver it, live and exclusive to Pay-Per-View. As recently as late last year, Bret Hart infamously was screwed over, and has vowed that he will not allow it to continue in WCW. Standing in his way is a man defending the New World Order, but who is so mad and deluded it must be thought that his own pride do not trust him, if he even trusts himself. Can Savage overcome the demons, and the Excellence of Execution at Souled Out? What part will the beautiful Miss Elizabeth play? Find out, at Souled Out![/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WCW Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers (c) v The Outsiders[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]Until the tutelage of 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, the Steiner Brothers have gone from strength to strength. The veteran campaigners are as sick to the teeth as anyone in the WCW locker room to the presence of the Outsiders. This one promises to be a wrestling classic as the two finest tag teams on the face of the planet face off one more time for the most coveted tag team prize in our sport today.[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match Sting (c) v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]It doesn't get any bigger than this. Indeed, when two worlds collide, what can you expect? Turmoil, mayhem, deceit, chaos. Hogan's leverage to the back may be limited by the presence of the cage, but Hogan himself is no stranger to the steel cage, having defended titles worldwide within the four walls before. Likewise, Sting, the defender of WCW's prestige looks to end his war with the cowardly Hogan once and for all, and truly lay a stake in the heart of the New World Order empire. Blood will be shed, but where will the balance of the power lie after Souled Out with the most prized possession in the world of professional sport? Find out, live and exclusive on Pay-Per-View![/SIZE][/FONT]
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'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B]=[I]I am a huge fan of the Iceman but Jericho needs to go over here.[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B]=[I]Chavito takes the belt here and Eddie moves up a weight class.[/I] 'Lord' Steven Regal v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B]=[I]Lord Steven is a good wrestler but he is going up against DA MAN! Spear, Jackhammer, pinfall.[/I] WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v [B]Stevie Ray[/B]=[I]Stevie Ray with the upset![/I] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v [B]Curt Hennig[/B]=[I]Flair comes out and attacks Benoit, leading to the pinfall by Hennig, revealing that the attack was all a set-up Horsemen style ala what Flair did to Sting.[/I] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell=[I]Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Bada BANG!!![/I] [B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage=[I]Never been a huge Bret Hart fan but I can definitely see him going over here.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships [B]The Steiner Brothers (c)[/B] v The Outsiders=[I]Wishful thinking that the Steiners will stay together as I feel they are one of the best tag teams ever.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan=[I]Too soon for Sting to lose the belt.[/I]
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The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] Maybe some under handed tactics here to keep the feud going. WCW Cruiserweight Championship [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Chavo Guerrero Jr Tough call here, I like both men a lot. For now let's go Eddie, but I could very much be wrong 'Lord' Steven Regal v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Spear, Jackhammer, Pin Per the norm for Goldberg WCW Television Championship [B]Booker T (c)[/B] v Stevie Ray Always been the more talneted wresler 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell Bagwell will feel the bang! [B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage I see this going one of two ways. One is Hogan tries to interfere and causes Macho the match. Or Macho actually wins then challenges Hogan's authority. WCW Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers (c) v [B]The Outsiders[/B] Best team of all time baby WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan For the love of God keep the belt off Hogan Great stuff as usual man. I'm really looking forward to Souled Out. Are you planning on buying 08 and converting everything, or you just sticking with...05?
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[QUOTE=mad5226;430799]Great stuff as usual man. I'm really looking forward to Souled Out. Are you planning on buying 08 and converting everything, or you just sticking with...05?[/QUOTE] Cheers, mate. It's funny, I've booked like 4-5-6 months already, and I think things have shaped up very, very, very nicely if I do say so myself (and there should be a number of big surprises and things to be very, very excited about, far moreso than Death of WCW), and it's funny every day I have a new idea or two pop up, it's a very rotational roster in that there is so much fun things you can do and it should be good. I probably will get 08, I'm excited by the Australasian region function, and a lot of other things. I will of course get the demo, check it out, and go from there. Whether I can convert the data over easily from TEW05 to TEW08 will be the crux as to whether I continue booking it on 08 or continue to book it via 05. Either way, TEW times sound very, very exciting. Look forward to seeing some more tips come through.
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [b]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v [b]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]'Lord' Steven Regal v [b]Bill Goldberg[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v [b]Stevie Ray[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="2"]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v [b]Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas[/b] Page v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/b] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]WCW Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers (c) v [b]The Outsiders[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match Sting (c) v [b]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] ------ I'm almost positive that at least one of the brother feuds is going to result in a new champion being crowned in an Owen Hart over Bret Hart kind of way. The others, I'm not sure. I think the NWO will come out on top so to say, that's why I think Hogan and The Outsiders will win I thought about Savage winning but I thought maybe Bret would win leading to Savage kicking off at NWO for not helping (plus Bret should be hot right now) and I couldn't bring myself to pick Bagwell over Page.
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The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] [I]Fantastic match with a nice bit of build up. I'll always mark out for this feud as it reminds me of the Jericho list of his moves. "Number four... arm bar". I think Jericho is going to rise quite quickly for you.[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship [B]Eddie Guerrero (c)[/B] v Chavo Guerrero Jr [I]Eddie wins but it doesn't end the feud[/I] 'Lord' Steven Regal v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]He snorted, he spat, he speared, he Jackhammered, he won[/I] WCW Television Championship [B]Booker T (c)[/B] v Stevie Ray [I]The Book will win to push himself past his brother and towards the main event picture[/I] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]Toss of a coin[/I] [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [I]Page is the man. Even though he's getting on a bit he has to be one of your focal points. The guys a legend[/I] [B]Bret 'Hitman' Hart[/B] v 'Macho Man' Randy Savage [I]I just think in his PPV debut he has to win or you're risking costing him his credibility like in real life. Lest we forget how hot Bret was in 97/98[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships [B]The Steiner Brothers (c) [/B]v The Outsiders [I]Hang on for the time being, but this could be a huge feud if used correctly[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan [I]There isn't a single element of doubt in mind that this is what you will do. Hogan should be phased out of the title scene and the Stinger needs to be the credible challenger the build to Starrcade deserved[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/souled2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]nWo/WCW Souled Out Live from the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia on PPV, in front of 66,997 people[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Fireworks erupt inside the Georgia Dome as we pan around a packed Georgia Dome. Various signs are being held up including "Give Buff the Bang tonight!" and "Latino heat is thicker than blood." We pan now back to the top of the ramp, where of course the WCW Commentary Table is, and tonight in commentary is Tony Schiavone, 'Iron' Mike Tenay and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. "Fans, we welcome you to the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, where tonight it all has to end between Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Sting, over the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. I'm Tony Schiavone, and with me for what promises to be one of the greatest nights in professional wrestling history is 'Iron' Mike Tenay and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. Tonight not only does the New World Order and World championship Wrestling factions explode with Hogan and Sting over the World Championship, but also tonight, Diamond Dallas Page defends his United States Championship against Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell of the New World Order, Eddie Guerrero will defend his WCW Cruiserweight Championship against his own flesh and blood in nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr, The Steiner Brothers put their World Tag Championships on the line against the Outsiders from the New World Order, and Stevie Ray will look to end his own brother's career and take away the WCW Television Championship. Guys, this promises to be something extraordinary tonight." "Tony, tonight promises to be one of the most spectacular nights, the match I'm really looking forward is the match up between Eddie Guerrero and his own nephew, Chavo Guerrero Jr, for the coveted Cruiserweight Championships. Don't let the title fool you, by definition of the Guerrero household, Eddie and Chavo Jr practically grew up as brothers. Not only are these two two of the finest cruiserweights alive today, but I can tell you that tonight's match has split the Guerrero household into two very strong minded latino camps. I guess tonight we'll find out the answer to who really is the greatest cruiserweight alive when blood runs thicker than water." "You hammerneggers talk about tonight being the night where we find answers. I completely disagree, I think tonight we may well leave the Georgia Dome with new questions and unresolved answers. The battlelines between the New World Order and WCW are supposedly drawn, but I wonder whether anyone told Randy Savage that. Tonight, the talk is we find out the truth behind who Randy Savage is, is he a New World Order lynchpin, or is he willing to go at it alone. But we've been asking the same old questions of Randy for over a decade now, and the sooner you think you're closer to an answer, you open up more and more perplexing questions." We cut backstage, where Bill Goldberg is in his locker room, doing some squat thrusts. "Speaking of questions, there's an answer Bobby and Mike! Bill Goldberg is here and ready to wrestle tonight!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DeanMalenko.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Well, perhaps that was a nice segway. Given what we don't know about the state of WCW and the New World Order right now, one thing we do know is the complete disregard Dean Malenko has for Chris Jericho, and vice versa. Jericho has berated Malenko and his deceased father, the legendary Boris Malenko, with some embellished comments tearing the family apart limb for limb with a humourous repartee. Malenko did not take kindly to the offensive remarks, and it seems here the Iceman is here with a purpose in mind, to strike revenge into the villainous heart of Chris Jericho. The outstanding thing about this match up is, even irrespective of all the vitality in the hatred between the two, this match would be a top drawer match either way without any build up, this is a match you could tune into a show just to see. Jericho was enjoying winding Malenko up, once on the mat he'd simply paint brush him and walk over the top of him for pleasure. Indeed, at one stage after an impressive brain buster he disengaged the pin attempt at two just to get up and pose in front of him. However, Chris Jericho should realise, you don't give an opponent like Dean Malenko an opening. The man of 1000 holds slowly but surely methodically plied his way back into the match. Once Malenko started to dominate though, Jericho was as sly as a rat, sliding out of the ring and complaing to referee Billy Silverman that Malenko was pulling at the hair. This was a baseless allegation, but it meant Silverman would remonstrate with Malenko on suspicion, allowing Jericho to speed to the near side of the ring and from outside clip Malenko by the ankles and haul him outside the ring. The two men began duking it out, before Jericho flung Malenko into the steel steps! Malenko grimmaced in agony, as Jericho then took Malenko into the steel barricades with an irish whip. Jericho then went back into the ring, and climbed the closest turnbuckle. He posed, before dropping a double ax handle, but no one was home and Jericho went straight into the steel guardrail. Malenko touched into the ring to stop the count, and then went straight back outside. Malenko picks Jericho up... and crotches him on the steel barricade. He then smacks him with a hard right before bringing him back by the hair and rolls him into the ring. Now a single leg crab from Malenko! Jericho grimmaces, but ends up reaching the ropes. Malenko finally breaks the hold. Jericho slowly back to his feet, atomic drop from Malenko, Jericho is prancing around, belly to back suplex from Malenko! Malenko into the ropes, baseball slide to the head of Jericho. Look how frustrated he's getting! He brings Jericho back up to his feet, and the two men begin duking it out around. Malenko sends Jericho into the ropes, but Jericho holds onto the ropes as Malenko mis times a drop kick. Jericho back in now with a quick elbow drop to regain some control. He brings Malenko back to his feet, and looks to irish whip him but Malenko reverses it. Malenko into the corner too....1...2....3.... hard rights here....4...5.....6....7....8....9....10! Jericho falls face first to the mat. Malenko... Malenko, looks like he's setting Jericho up for the Cloverleaf, with a headbutt to the groin. He signals to the crowd, but Jericho kicks him from behind, Malenko goes chest first into the turnbuckle, and bounces back... amazing drop toe hold from Jericho! Malenko bounces back, but with the referee distracted, Jericho hits a low blow! Jericho back to his feet, forward russian leg sweep. He takes Malenko to the corner on the mat, and then wraps Malenko's right leg around the steel ring post. Malenko brought back to his feet, and he is in pain, chop block to the knee from behind by Jericho. He stomps on the knee, before bringing him back to the feet, and again, chop block! Malenko's leg is in a world of pain... so Jericho tries to take advantage... can he get him over? He's struggling. Malenko is fighting for his life here! He's turning, turning, turning... he's over! The Liontamer is in! Jericho is arching back. Malenko shakes his head. He won't tap. He shakes his head again. Jericho can't believe it. Finally, finally, finally Malenko taps! What a match! What a way to start nWo/WCW Souled Out! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Chris Jericho[/CENTER] "What a phenomenal match, that takes the breath away guys..." We catch a look at the replay, with Jericho turning Malenko over in the Lion Tamer. "That is absolutely incredible, the intensity both men brought to this fight Tony, it's very reminsicent of the intense rivalry that has existed for some time between Chris Jericho and the Malenko family legacy." "That hammenegger's knees nearly popped out, that's how much pressure the Lion Tamer puts on." We cut straight to the back, where a black limousine has turned up outside the Georgia Dome. A VIP attendent opens up the back, and out comes Eric Bischoff, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Buff Bagwell, and the Outsiders. "Wait a second, did you see what I saw?" "The nWo is here Tony, so what?" "Yeah, but where's Randy Savage?" "You may have a point there Tony, but I didn't see Vincent, Brian Adams, Miss Elizabeth or Scott Norton either." [quote]The following video plays to a decidely slow beat Latino dance beat music. Slow, as in deadly slow. After all, this feud has broken so much of the latino team work spirit of the Guerrero family. "Papi? Amigo? Holmes what's the problem, esse?" "You're the problem Eddie, holmes. In our family, the Guerrero name is proud. You think you overcame everything here in WCW, but I'm all grown up now Eddie, and it's time for me to teach my uncle a lesson." ............ "Esse, what the hell was that about holmes? Are you crazy? We're familia, we're blood. We shouldn't be fighting like this, esse." "Familia? Yeah, we're blood Eddie, but perhaps the patch means more to me than you. You see, you'll always be my uncle and I respect you for that, but you carry the Guerrero name in a very bad light, esse. And I won't stop changing the way you see the world until I take away the one thing you hold more sacred than your family esse, the Cruiserweight Championship. Where were you on Friday, esse?" "Friday holmes?" "Yeah Friday, holmes. Do you know what happened to mom?" "Mom?" "Yeah, I forgot esse, you're the hot shot Cruiserweight Champion... why would you know. You're pathetic, esse, now if you don't mind, I want you out of my dressing room." "Esse?" "Leave." ................ "Holmes, esse, I just don't understand it. Chavo, me and your papi are close, man. We grew up together. But you and me, holmes, we are even closer esse. Why would you put the knife into your own brother, esse? I am a family man first and foremost, my blood, my sweat, my tears, it's all been for you esse. Without me here Chavo, would you be in the big time here in the United States holmes? So I'm here tonight Esse, to beg you to have a think about your challenge of me, think about the humiliation of being embarrassed by your uncle Eddie papi, and also consider the rift you are causing in our family ce." ........ "Me ... and .... your.... papi.... are ..... close..... man..... We GREWWWWWWW .... UPPPP TOGGEETTHHHERRRRR... Why would you put the knife into your own BRROTTHHHERRRRR?" [/quote] [SIZE="5"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChavoGuerreroJr1999.jpg[/IMG] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Eddie Guerrero (c) v Chavo Guerrero Jr [/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] The sibling rivalry between uncle and nephew that has torn apart the Guerrero household. It seems Eddie Guerrero may have forgotten his familia, causing Chavo Guerrero Jr to seek revenge and take away the very gold that decides the greatest Cruiserweight in the world, but may have helped Eddie forget his roots. These two men circled the ring for half a minute, dancing, feigning to lock it up, and then pulling away. Eddie even went so far as to lock up, do a switch into a go behind, and then release Chavo, almost offering Chavo the opportunity to leave the ring. Chavo didn't want to, and went for a discus lariat, but Eddie used all his guile and experience to slide out of the ring. Eddie began arguing with a member of the crowd at ringside, allowing Chavo to hit a suicide plancha taking both men into the steel guardrail. Chavo was not finished there, and pulled Eddie by the hair back into the ring to continue the bout. Chavo took Eddie into the corner, and then ran in with a drop kick to Eddie's sternum. Eddie doubled over, allowing Chavo to leap to the top rope and hit a springboard leg drop over the back of the neck of Eddie. Chavo was trying to play this at a breakneck pace, but Eddie earned his ire by again heading to the floor to recuperate. Chavo again went for a corkscrew plancha, but this time noone was home except for the unforgiving concrete floor, leaving Chavo grabbing at his right elbow. Eddie smirked, before stomping on the elbow three or four times. Eddie then began to walk up the aisle, seeming to walk out on the match, but Chavo ran from behind and dumped him into the steel barricade. Still clutching at his arm, he pushed Eddie back towards the ring, and following him like a hound dog, Eddie went back in. But this gave him the opportunity to gain control, head butting Chavo in the mid drift, and hauling him back in over the top rope with a high vertical suplex. Eddie, being the consummate cheater, then raked the eyes of Chavo, seemingly showing his junior nephew a lesson in ringsmanship and experience. The referee berated Eddie, but he continued to stomp on Chavo's elbow, and then put him into a hammerlock. With Chavo's momentum slipping, Eddie then applied his favoured surfboard. Chavo was in agony as Eddie pulled back and pushed Chavo's rib cage out further. Finally Eddie relented, and Chavo this time took the opportunity to slide to the floor. Eddie followed up with a baseball slide to the head of Chavo, who went head first into the steel guard rail. Eddie followed him out, but Chavo this time raked the eyes. This was getting downright dirty. Chavo took Eddie back in, and then proceeded to choke his own uncle out! I never saw this in Full House, what's gone wrong in the Guerrero house to cause all this? Eddie was gagging, but finally the referee was able to push off Chavo. Chavo hit a kick to the gut, and another, and another, he sent Eddie into the ropes, leapfrog, back comes Eddie, tilterwhirl slam delivered by Chavo. Eddie athletically staight back to his feet, hip toss by Chavo, Eddie back up, drop kick from Chavo and Eddie stays down. Chavo looks like he wants to end it right here, right now, as he heads to the top. Eddie slowly back to his feet, Chavo looks to set him up for the Tornado DDT, but wait, no Eddie sidesteps and then catches him into a Crippler Crossface type hold! The pain on Chavo's face is excruciating! He's able though to get his leg foot to the ropes. Eddie picks him back up.... Gorybomb! Eddie signals this is the end, and he climbs the top rope.... Frog Splash! 1....2.....3! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Eddie Guerrero[/CENTER] "Look at how arrogant Eddie Guerrero looks..." "He won didn't he Tony? He's a professional wrestler, and he won. That's all that matters." "I wonder if this is the end of all this Bobby..." "As I said earlier, this may have just opened up more questions than answers. I don't think they've settled this feud which was not only for the title, but the rights to Mondo's Laz-I-Boy." "Oh my... Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with a very special guest. We go backstage, where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is in the dressing room of Bill Goldberg. Goldberg is looking pumped. "Alright guys, I'm here with Bill Goldberg. Goldberg, tonight you face up to 'Lord' Steven Regal, a man who would stop at nothing to end your streak. Many insiders are calling this the best opportunity for anyone in WCW to stop your phenomenal streak. What do you have to say to Steven Regal for all the dirty tricks he's pulled to try and stop your career landmark streak?" Goldberg steers blankly into the camera, not saying a word, just snarling. "Goldberg?" Again, he just steers blankly into the camera, not saying a word. "Guys, I don't think Bill is prepar..." Goldberg snatches the microphone off Okerlund, and shoves him out of the way, pushing his own face right into the lens of the camera. "REGAL! YOU'RE NEXT!" Goldberg drops the microphone, and then head butts the blue locker door behind him, as he storms out of his dressing room followed by some of Atlanta PD's finest. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevenRegal2.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] 'Lord' Steven Regal v Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Regal looked rattled as the fans continued to chant the name of Goldberg, HERE HE IS! The fireworks explode as Goldberg breathes fire, and then continues to storm down to the ring. Regal very quickly attacks the knee as Goldberg barely gets into the ring. Goldberg just shoves him off. The two men though gnaw each other off in the center of the ring, nose to nose, show bitter contempt for one another. Regal looks to apply some MMA wrestling tactics, and takes Goldberg down and proceeds to work very hard on the right leg of Bill Goldberg. Goldberg is showing considerable pain, as Regal brings all his weight down on the right knee, showing all his experience. Regal then performed a baseball slide right to the point of the knee. What's this? He's setting up for a Sharpshooter! He's got him around, can he spin around and lock him in... NO! Goldberg drives him away with a solid kick to the back with his free leg... WOW! He's just sprung up. The crowd are on fire, Regal turns around.... SPEAR! Regal looks dazed as he gets back up... JACKHAMMER! GOODNIGHT NURSE! "Oh my god Tony, have you ever seen anything more impressive?" "He is the greatest specimen I have ever seen!" "That hamennegger Regal will know not to mess with him again..." "You know Tony, Bobby, I have to say that Bill Goldberg's resilience and fortitude may be unparraleled in terms of the professional wrestling layout." [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] Backstage, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes is limping from his previous match with 'Macho Man' Randy Savage on Thunder, but still finds time to find the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting. The two men meet in front of the nWo/WCW Souled Out promotional graphic. "If you weeeeel guys, I'm back here with da rightful Chmapion of da world, Sssstinngg. Now tonight Ssssting, you take on that yella belly coward Hollywood Hogan, for thiszzz..." Rhodes points his finger at the title that is wrapped around Sting's waist underneath his black trenchcoat. "The whole wresssaaallinng world is watching tonight, WOOOO, you know Ssstinggger, Hogan has been your arch nemesisssss for many many months now. It all has da end tonight... Have you any words for Hogan...?" Sting looks stoic, not wanting to say anything. He starts to walk away, before turning back... "HOGAN! HA! Tonight... YOU'RE A DEAD MAN! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sting smiles in a rare show of confidence, as he walks off, almost with the old Sting strut. "Guys, if you weeeeeel, Hollywood Hogan sure as eggs betta bring his A-game..." [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevieRay.jpg[/IMG] WCW Television Championship Booker T (c) v Stevie Ray[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Boy, you want to talk about family heat, what about Booker T and Stevie Ray? These guys are 7 time WCW World Tag Team Champions together. They've been your quitessential team. If you want a team driven for results together, this has always been the one. But of late, Stevie Ray has deceptively turned the knife into his own brother's back, trying to lay claim to the WCW Television Championship. Is gold thicker than blood here in WCW? I wouldn't necessarily say this had the same fluency or pace as Malenko/Jericho or the Guerreros, this was really unfortunately a one sided match. Booker was clearly still in absolute agony from the heinous attacks that preceded this match by his brother. Stevie Ray went outside the ring, and Booker intended to follow him up.... BANG! What happened there? Stevie Ray just through away an object. He rolls his brother back into the ring...1....2.....3! [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW Television Champion, Stevie Ray[/CENTER] "What the hell was that that he just used?" "I have no idea Tony, but one thing's for sure, it was effective." "Looks like business is picking up." "A table? What has happened to this family!?" "The family's always been dysfunctional Tony, infact, I heard a rumour that Mr T and their mum ran away from home!" "Tony, the WCW doctors believed Booker T has suffered serious damage to the nerves of his right shoulder. This could be disasterous." "Who are you? Doctor Professor, what next? Stunt man Mike Tenay?" "I just know a little about the medical issues that Booker T is suffering from Bobby, I thought I'd share it." "Fair enough Mike, believe it or not, I'm no medical dummy either..." Stevie stomps on the mid-drift of Booker T... "A kick to the uterus from Stevie Ray..." As discussed, Stevie Ray was unfolding a table in the center of the ring. Booker was helpless, referee Mickey Jay was trying to stop what was coming. But he was hopelessly outpositioned by the strength of Stevie Ray... Stevie Ray picked up Booker.... POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE! OH MY GOD! As Doug Dillenger and WCW Security apprehended Stevie Ray, and as the EMTs dealt with Booker T, we heard the familiar... [CENTER][I] NN...NN....NEW WORLD N....W....O.... FF..FF...FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] And out came 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, and his client in black, Curt Hennig. Hennig had a white towel over his shoulder, with a sweat on his brow. He looked as condescending as ever as he made his way down to the ring, stopping to pose a couple of times, and then arrogantly laugh and chew gum in front of fans with anti nWo signs. "Cut the damn music, this man here, a man that shouldn't have to come to a rat infested city like this has something to say to all of you. So you repugnant rednecks, listen up and listen good..." "You know, I've got a quick message for Chris Benoit and Ric Flair. Aha... You see, you talk about me being deceitful. I'm loyal as, pal. You see, the nWo is for life, not am I loyal, let me tonight show you why I'm Perf..." Just then, Chris Benoit's music hits, and here comes the Rabid Wolverine. [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisBenoit4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v Curt Hennig[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] This is a patient, long built feud. You see, last year, Curt Hennig signed his soul to the Four Horsemen, taking the coveted Enforcer's role off Arn Anderson. It was a proud moment for the Four Horsemen. There they were with Hennig, Benoit, Flair and McMichael, ready to cement the irrepressible legend of the Four Horsemen firmly into the fabric of World Championship Wrestling. It should have led to the demolition of the New World Order. Imagine, Ric Flair, Chris Benoit and Curt Hennig all working in unison to bring sanctity back to good old WCW. You know, this promotion was once the pride of the south, but it's likes of Curt Hennig who are destroying the southern traditions with the nWo. And how? He slammed Ric Flair's head with a steel cage door at the culmination of Fall Brawl 1997. It was one of the most dispicable turns of all time. And rightfully, this southern crowd was heaping a world of emotional hurt on Curt Hennig, but this wily campaigner has been there, done that, and couldn't give a rats what this subservient redneck crowd thought of him. So the scene was set, revenge firmly and squarly in the mind of Chris Benoit. Along with the intense hatred between the WCW roster and the nWo roster, this was sure to be not only a brilliant match due to the exceptional qualities of Benoit and Hennig, but a match where there'd be no holds barred. As the two men hooked it up in the center of the ring, Curt Hennig stood back and then spat his gum into the cheek of Benoit. Hennig then with a quick kick to the gut, and a snap clothesline to send Benoit to the mat. Hennig smiles arrogantly and condescendingly as he surveys this raucous crowd. Benoit quickly grabs the tights and gets him in a schoolboy roll up...1..2.... NO! Hennig can't believe that Benoit was able to do that, and quickly begins arguing with Randy Anderson. Benoit from behind hammer locks Hennig, Hennig in a world of hurt slapping at his shoulder trying to stop his nerve ends curling up in a ball of pain. Benoit swings it around again and tightens it. Hennig forces himself into the turnbuckle and thus due to the impact forces Benoit off, Hennig returns, drop toe hold from Chris Benoit. Benoit quickly looks for the Crippler Crossface, but Hennig is alert and wriggles out of it, and turns Benoit over... Crossface attempt, but Benoit is alert too and scrambles to the rope. Hennig hauls Benoit back from the ropes, lifts him up and drops him face first. A blatant choke hold here from Hennig, which Randy Anderson breaks quickly. Our cameras cut to the crowd, and there is Woman, and she's looking extremely worried for her partner. Hennig pulls Benoit back up, T-Bone suplex sends Benoit down hard. And a kick to the groin to follow up from Hennig. He wrenches at the right knee, it appears Hennig is now beginning to focus his attention on the legs of Chris Benoit. Perhaps the tactic is, if he can't get up high he can't hit the fabled Diving Headbutt which is of course the preceding devastating move to the Crippler Crossface. It's as if Hennig is pulling at the hamstring behind Benoit's right knee, Benoit is in a world of pain here. Hennig back him, and a leg drop over the knee of Benoit. Hennig loses focus, and begins posing, Benoit back to his feet, but Ravishing Rick Rude on the apron distracts Benoit, allowing Hennig to hit an inverted DDT. Hennig pulls Benoit back to his feet, and sends him into the ropes, drop kick from Hennig. Back up again, and he whips him in again, this time Benoit ducks under a leapfrog, comes back and hits a tilterwhirl slam on Hennig! What a momentum changer right there. Benoit though is still grabbing at his right knee, and he is simply unable to gain control from this momentum. The count is up to six, before both men stumble to their feet. Right, left, right, left, this is just a ding dong slobberknocker right here. Hennig though losing shape, left from Benoit, and another, Hennig to the ropes, clothesline over the top rope. Both men hit the floor hard! Rick Rude from behind stomps on the knee of Benoit injuring it further. Hennig back to his feet, and he whips Benoit shoulder first into the steel ring post. German suplex on the outside from Hennig! Benoit's head hit the floor hard. There's little protection out there for the wrestlers. Hennig, whips Benoit into the steel barricades so hard that Benoit ends up in the first row. Actually, literally he fell on top of a biker looking fellow, Hennig jumps over the guardrail, and after an argument with the biker, and a bit of assistance from security, he proceeds to get back on the offence, slugging it out on Benoit's head. Through the crowd they go, more punches from Hennig. Hennig irish whips Benoit straight into the railing that forms part of the stairwell here! Hennig hauls Benoit by the head, and throws him over the guardrail, and back into the ring we go. Hennig hits a low blow, and finally Randy Anderson interjects and gives Hennig a warning. Benoit schoolboy roll up, no, reversal from Hennig, reversal again from Benoit, Hennig kicks out. Hennig back to his feet, tries to rake the eyes of Benoit who again gets him into a roll up, an inside cradle...1...2... NO!, and why, because Ravishing Rick Rude pulled on the left foot of Randy Anderson. Rude and Anderson argue, as Hennig rakes the eyes of Benoit. And he's bladed too! He's opened up. I wonder whether Chris Benoit can even see anything out here. Anderson checks on Benoit, who implores for him to let him wrestle on. He has a crimson mask everywhere. Hennig sends Benoit into the ropes, clothesline from Hennig. He picks Benoit back up... HENNIGPLEX! 1.....2.....THR...NO! NO! NO! NO! Benoit kicked out. Hennig can't believe it. Benoit back up as Hennig argues with Anderson... he's looking for him, he can't see him, HE'S GOT HIM! German Suplex.... And he didn't release.... And again.... And again! Hennig can't believe it. Benoit wipes away some of the blood around his eyes, and hauls Hennig back to his feet.... BRAINBUSTER! Arn Anderson would be proud of that. That makes that move kinda fitting. Hennig back up... CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Wow how hard did they hit, and now a DDT! Hennig stays down. Benoit again sprays away the blood and heads towards the turnbuckle! He climbs it ... Rude though tugs at his leg... but WAIT! WAIT! HERE'S RIC FLAIR! Ravishing Rick Rude runs off, as Ric Flair chases him. The crowd is in raptures... Benoit regains his balance... DIVING HEADBUTT! Blood splattered over Hennig's face now too... CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! Hennig...Hennig... HE TAPS! [CENTER] [B]Your Winner: [/B] Via submission, Chris Benoit[/CENTER] 'Ravishing' Rick Rude pulls Curt Hennig out of there, as 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair scales the steps, and struts into the ring. He drops his Armani jacket, and performs an elbow drop on it. He then struts, and.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Benoit back up, Ric Flair hugs him! Blood all through the golden hair of the Nature Boy! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What a great moment, Chris Benoit stood up for his long time mentor and idol Ric Flair big time tonight, how emotional is Ric Flair? There's tears building up in his eyes, this victory held massive sentimental value to it. There's no more hated member in professional wrestling to Ric Flair than Curt Hennig right now, even given their friendship prior in that [i]other[/i] promotion. We cut straight backstage, where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with that pompus, arrogant twit Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, complete with his bright red top hat and his handlebar moustache. Buff is on his knees, pulling a couple of poses to highlight his defintions. "Alright guys, I'm back here with Buff Bagwell of the New World Order, who in a few short moments will take on Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW United States Championship..." "You know Mean Gene Okerlund, ahaha... not only am I Buff, not only I the stuff, but I'm going to prove tonight why I'm rough and tough when I mess up Diamond Dallas Page real good. You know something Page, your wife is real perrrtttyyy, and I've been noticing her lingering eye look at me up and down. I don't blame her, who wouldn't want a piece of this? After all, I am the Stuff, and after tonight, I'll also be the United States Champion. Kim strikes me as a lady who goes where the gold is, and once I grab that title, she will find out why once you go Buff, you never turn back! GOD I'm good!" [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BuffBagwell4.jpg[/IMG] WCW United States Championship 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] DDP got a great pop here, as he was led to the ring by his bethrothed, the exceptionally gorgeous Kim Page. That title sure had a snug feel around the waist of DDP. If anyone was wanting to see an instant classic match, they would be sorely mistaken. Diamond Dallas Page is the ultimate guts and glory man, the man to defy any odds thrown at him, while Buff Bagwell has always dedicated more time to looking perfect rather than to wrestle well. But if you were a 24 year old she male with a fetish for handle bars, this match was right up your alley. Don't ask for Crippler Crossface, don't ask for Figure Four Leglocks, just ask for simple psychology - arrogance from Buff Bagwell and the will to win it all and come from nowhere in Diamond Dallas Page. Essentially, that's what happened here. Buff Bagwell took control, but continually mistook the opportunities in front of him by his willful need to pose and waste opportunities. This kept feeding Diamond Dallas Page back into the game, and like a good veteran, he only seems to get better with age in terms of waiting like a cobra for his prey to slip up, and then strike. But this time, he didn't quite strike, and on the couple of occassions he went to slip in the Diamond Cutter, Buff was alert to it and able to wriggle his way out. Eventually, Buff began to tighten up, and it came as an amazing surprise when from basically nowhere, with no build up to it at all, he hit the Buff Blockbuster! Diamond Dallas and himself careered across the ring...1...2....3! MY GOD! WHAT A SHOCK! Surely something is up with this? [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via pinfall, and NEW WCW United States Champion, Buff Bagwell [/CENTER] Post match, the sleek looking Kim Page raced into the ring to console her husband, only for Buff to grab her by the hair and force a kiss onto her. He locked it in, before finally out of the corner of his eye he saw Diamond Dallas Page come to, he quickly grabbed the title strap and exitted stage left! Kim looked shocked and hurt, but not as much as Diamond Dallas Page. In an angry mood, he wouldn't even exception the consolation support of his wife. Is there trouble in paradise? Bret 'Hitman' Hart came to the ring, without his music even getting time to start, in fact his music only started once he was halfway down to the ring. It appeared as though he was coming out before he was scheduled to. He didn't even stop to give out his custom sunglasses to a child at ringside. He took the microphone from David Penzer. "You know something, I'm sick to death of all the politics and screwjobs in professional wrestling. I thought things would be different in the WCW, boy was I wrong. These great fans have to sit through more and more bull****, you know, something in the back of my mind even strikes me as being wrong with that last match. I'm over it. Over it to the point where I'm going to start putting an end to it. And it all starts tonight, so Macho Man Randy Savage, come down here to find out why I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!" [I][center] NN...NN...N....W.....O NN..NN...NNNEW WORLD ORDER... OOOOOH YEAH!!! FFF...FOR LIFE TOOOOO...SW..SW...SWEET NN...NNN....N....W.....O[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RandySavage4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BretHart6.jpg[/IMG] 'Macho Man' Randy Savage v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] One of the matches we've all been waiting for, for years. Two absolute veterans, two amazing competitors. They've thrilled us for many years, both are second generation superstars of the highest order. Randy came out of the Memphis hotbed of wrestling, and Bret out of the Dungeon and Stampede in Canada. There is no more surnonomous name with Canadian wrestling than Bret Hart. There is no more surnonomous name with wrestling excellence than Bret Hart. And likewise with Savage, when you talk madness, when you talk about tuning into a show because you just don't know what's going to happen or which way he will snap, you talk about Randy. Finally these two icons hooked up in the center of a WCW ring. Quickly, Savage's bandana was removed, as the two men scrapped it in non classical but very much authentic hotbed style wrestling, with the tension is frenetic. Savage sends Hart into the corner, elbow to the elbow of Hart. Hart pushes his way out and wrestles Savage to the mat. From on his knees, Hart pounds Savage with a series of right hands hitting hard to the skull. Referee Nick Patrick pulls Hart off, which gives Savage time to regroup and get to his feet. Savage from behind pulls Hart by the hair around the ring before hitting a European uppercut. Savage sends Hart into the ropes, sunset flip sends Hart up high and down hard. Bret Hart clutching at his back, as Savage goes back in for a choke hold. The referee soon breaks up, much to the anger of Randy Savage. Bret Hart gets back to his feet but is clutching at his throat as Savage kicks to the sternum, he then sets Hart up, body slam from Savage. Savage then drops the right knee straight across the head of Hart. Hart hauls his way back up by the ropes, he's in a real fight here, and he knows it. The madness is driving through the veins of the Macho Man. Right, left, right from Savage, Hart slumps to a knee, but Savage picks him up and drives him back down with a high vertical suplex. Savage quickly now working over the ankle of Bret Hart with a modified ankle lock of some kind. Hart though is able to kick him away with his free leg. Savage goes straight into the turnbuckle. Hart gets up, and limps over, grabs Savage by the head and rams his head into the padded turnbuckle...1...2...3...4...5....6... finally, the referee stops Hart. Hart now with hard right hands...1..2...3....4...5...6.... Savage is dazed, Hart whips him across to the other side and follows in with a shoulder block. The momentum has completely turned but Hart is still ginger on that ankle. Hart to the second rope, drops a double ax handle over the back of Savage. What's this? It's...It's a figure four from Bret Hart! The figure leg lock, can he lock it in... he's turning, turning...YES! He's got it in. Savage's eyes are popping out of his skull such is the intense pain. Savage tries to get up to poke Hart in the eye, and then he tries to unhook the legs but Hart is such a technical perfectionist that his body position won't allow for it to happen. Hart is simply pulling back hard, and tearing apart the ligaments in the knees here. The referee checks on Savage, he threatens him if he even asks again. Hart pulls hard again, as Savage tries to turn it, he's risking breaking his knee cap here if he mistimes the turn such is the lock on this figure four. Savage wrenching like a madman, but Hart moves him back towards the center of the ring. Savage is in agony. His hand is up, I think he's going to tap, no he can't bring himself to do it. Savage moves to the left, he's moved it a bit, and a bit more, Hart is desperate to pull him back, but finally Savage is able to reach out and grab the bottom rope. How did he survive that? He rolls quickly out of the ring and screams in agony as he clutches his knee. Hart methodically follows him out, and pulls him straight back in. Savage is barely able to stand here. Savage brought back to his feet. Forward russian legsweep from Hart. Hart is looking for the Sharpshooter, but no, Savage kicks him away. Hart hard into the corner turnbuckle there, comes back, inside cradle from Savage...1...2... NO! Savage slowly gets back to his feet, limping badly, and Hart follows him, but Savage is able to get the first shot in and start to turn momentum. He swings Hart into the corner. Savage limps in following, and starts choking out the Hitman. The referee quickly interjects, as Savage goes between the ropes and begins pulling back on the neck of Hart from outside the ring. Eventually he gives it an almightly wrench as he drops to the floor, and Hart as staggered as he drops to the mat. Savage gets back into the ring, and he drops the knee once more over the head of Bret Hart. Savage is signalling with the nWo signal. Is he going up top? He is ... he certainly is... he poses..... FLYING FROG SPL... Hart lifted the knees. Savage in a world of hurt, as Hart gets back to his feet slowly, and begins to apply... THE SHARPSHOOTER! THE SHARPSHOOTER! Savage.... EVEN SAVAGE HAS TO TAP! HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU SURVIVE THAT? [CENTER][B]Your Winner: [/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/CENTER] We catch a recap of the final moments of the match, as Bret Hart limps back up the aisle. [I][CENTER] NN...NN....N....W....O....FFF...FFF...FFFORR LIFE TTT...TTT...TOOOO SWEEET!! NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER..NN..NEW WORLD ORDER[/CENTER][/I] Here comes the Outsiders, once in the ring, Scott Hall snatches a microphone, and puts his toothpick behind his ear. "Hey...Hey Yo. You may have heard by now, that I've been going around taking a little, survey. So, yo, how many of you are here to see that lame WCW?" The fans cheer all at once. A deafening cheer echoes around the Georgia Dome. "Ok...Ok... well how many of you are here to see Big Kev, Scott Hall, Hollywood and the TOOOOOO SWWEEEEEEEEEEEETT n....W....o?" The fans boo, what heat! "Ok, survey says, one more for the good guys!" [CENTER][I] SSTEEEIINNNERRRRRRRAAAAAAAA SSSTEEEEEEEINNNNERRRRRRRRAAAAAA[/I][/CENTER] Here come the Tag Team Champions! [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottSteiner-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RickSteiner2.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG] WCW World Tag Team Championships The Steiner Brothers (c) v The Outsiders[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The war comes full scale here, as the two warring factions battle for tag team supremacy. Some argue that the tag team title is the foundation for the bigger United States and World Championships, could it be a bad omen for the Steiner Brothers that Buff Bagwell stole the US Title earlier tonight? This rivalry goes back a long, long way. There is no more intense tag feud in professional wrestling right now. This one is as intense as some of the feuds of the 80s with the Rock N Roll Express, the Midnight Express and the Road Warriors, where truly aweesome tag teams fought each other on a regular basis. Back then, you could specialise in tag team warfare, very few do today, but the Steiner Brothers are very much in that category. They've been breaking necks and cashing cheques for a decade or so together. Add the fact they are flesh and blood, and you have chemistry that is rarely ever imagined in professional wrestling. On the other hand, you have the true Outsiders of professional wrestling. The men who started all this chaos by storming into WCW in 1996, to set the foundations for what would become the New World Order. They're brash, they're confident, they're big and strong and they know how to hurt a man. So this match was not a Match of the Year Candidate, but it sure as hell would feature some hellacious pain and plunder as the desperation ranks soared for the coveted straps. At ringside, Rowdy Roddy Piper waited and waited as the Outsiders slowly and methodically worked over the Steiners. The big long limbs of Kevin Nash were just squashing Rick Steiner. In the corner, the long leg to the throat from Nash is virtually indefensible. How on earth do you stop a 7 foot giant's massive hoof in your throat? How do you cop that and not be seriously winded? You can't. And Rick Steiner, as good as he was, couldn't. So it allowed Kevin Nash from that point on to slow the pace of the match down, and take it at his own tempo. Very methodical, very deliberate, always with a plan. And then, wham... the old size the man up in the corner, and deliver a fast paced elbow straight to the jaw. The Outsiders were completely and utterly on top, as Kevin Nash signalled for the Jack Knife Powerbomb, he pulled down the straps of his outfit... picked Rick up... AND DROPPED HIM GOOD! Nash with one boot on his fallen competitor...1...2.... THR...NO! Clothesline from Scott Steiner. Scott Hall races in, but Scott Steiner sends him to the floor, where Rowdy Roddy Piper is waiting like a saliva riddled dog to keep him out on the floor. Nash was frustrated, and chased Scott Steiner around. Eventually Scott slipped out, but Rick was coming to his senses and was desperately able to tag in Scott, legally. Scott in, ducked a clothesline, and another, BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX from Scott Steiner! The big man went down hard. Scott Steiner from behind...WHATS THIS? It's... like some form of submission hold. I'm being told this is the Steiner Recliner! Scott Hall is nowhere to be seen, Kevin Nash is waving his arms asking to surrender! [CENTER][B]Your Winners: [/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW World Tag Team Champions, the Steiner Brothers [I]Well I'll stand up to next a mountain... And I'll chop up down with the edge of my hand... Well I'll stand up next to a mountain... And chop it down with the edge of my hand...[/I][/CENTER] The great sounds of he legendary Jimi Hendrix brought out another self professed icon, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. He was air guitaring, but there was no gold to strum on here. He was jawing off the camera as he walked to the ring, telling the world how he was the god of wrestling. Once in the ring, he mauled off his nWo shirt, and posed before wrenching the microphone from David Penzer. Up above him was the steel cage, being lowered. "You know something brothers, when I finished at my private gym out at Malibu yesterday brothers, a couple of my boys said to me, Hollywood, how are you going to do it? And that thought transcended through my mind dudes, as I got in my private limousine and was escorted away from the gym to a private function in my honour, it became abundantly clear the enormity of the task in front of you. But then I thought about it, as the sun rippled off my 24 inch pythons, I remembered who I was brother. I am the God of Wrestling, I'm the man who put this sport on the map, if it wasn't for me the Stinger would be back polishing surf boards with Flexy Lex dude. So it went through my mind, people said it couldn't be done when I body slammed the immortal Andre the Giant, they said I couldn't overcome the immortal Ric Flair, they said I couldn't beat the immortal Iron Shiek, brothers, all these immortals were beaten one by one by one by the real immortal icon, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. So brothers, tonight I show why the New World Order is just toooooooo sweet, and why I am the Immortal Icon... WATCHA GONNA DO, WATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HOLLYWOOD RUNS WILD ON YOU?" [CENTER][I] When a man's heart is full of deceit It burns up, dies and a dark shadow falls over his soul When the ashes of a great man has arisen occurs A wrong that must be righted We look to the skies for a vindicator Someone to throw fears into the black hearts of the same men who created him Against the army of shadows comes a dark warrior The prevailor of good With a morsel of silence and a motion of justice[/I] [I] This.... Is.... Sting![/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/HulkHogan3.jpg[/IMG] WCW World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match - The Only Way to Win the War is to Survive by Escape Sting (c) v Hollywood Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] "Well fans here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for. Perhaps the greatest night in the history of our sport." "The old expression Tony about feeling the tension in the air, being able to cut it with a knife, well I can tell you it's all very true here right here, right now." "I can see that Tenay, your hand is standing on end." "Guys, the whole landscape of our great sport could be decided forever here tonight, if Sting wins it gives such momentum to World Championship Wrestling, but I don't even want to consider what might happen should Hogan win here tonight." The two men circled the ring slowly, before locking it up in the middle of the ring, immediately Hogan's power overpowered Sting and quickly he was able to fling Sting into the side of the cage with an amazing show of power. Hogan turned to the fans and posed, but when he turned around, Sting was standing right behind him, smiling, and then...WOOOOOOOOO!!! as he beat on his chest. Talk about no selling! Hogan got on his knees immediately but Sting pulled him up by what little hair he had and threw him into the corner. Sting back to the middle of the ring... STINGER SPL..NO! No one home. Hogan moved just in time and Sting went face first into the unforgiving steel cage wall. Hogan immediately grabbed him, and took him down to the mat with a hard right. Hogan then got on top of him and opened up with a series of brutal right hands to the head. Hogan took him back up, vertical suplex and Sting goes down hard again. Hogan sticks his knee into the back of Sting, and then wrenches back on the shoulder blades. Sting is in pain here most definitely as Hogan continues to pull back to seperate the shoulder blades further. Eventually Sting would rise to his knees, and then slowly but surely to his feet to get a wide vertical base, and eventually he was able to overpower Hogan through the strength of his position, and then kick Hogan square in the baby maker. Like a scoulded school girl in front of a straight Priest, Hogan dropped to his knees with his mouth wide open. As of course, you would when the crown jewels are missing a diamond or two which is lodged up somewhere in the vicinity of your liver. Sting proceeded to slap Hogan straight across the face, almost releasing 18 months worth of pent up anger and energy from all the boys in the back. We then panned quickly around the arena and saw a corporate box, and in the corporate box we could see Lex Luger, Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Bill Goldberg, Dean Malenko and others watching on enjoying that particular moment. That was, was for all of them who have had to stomach this crap for 18 months now. Sting dropped a knee straight on the nose of Hogan, further infuriating the so called icon, let alone the actual pain barrier of having the bridge of your nose withstand a muscular man's body weight. It was Sting's turn now to work on Hogan, and he chose to work on the legs of Hogan. Smart strategy, if you can't walk, you certainly can't climb. If you can't climb, you can't win. If you can't win, you can't take home the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and after all, this is what this is all about. Protecting the sanctity of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from the devious minds of the New World Order. They've spray painted it before, we know they'd do it again. Sting was wrenching on the hip of Hogan, an area where Hogan has traditionally had some problems. A single leg grapevine from Sting really put pressure on the lower body of Hogan. This was brilliant wrestling. Finally Sting pulled Hogan back up, and the two men slugged it out, but Hogan the stronger man gained control. Sting was whipped into the corner and Hogan followed in with a shoulder block. He then sent Sting face first into the steel cage, withdrawing half of Sting's face paint. He tried again, but Sting blocked it, and instead grabbed Hogan by the head and like a cheese grater used Hogan's head against the unforgiving steel. Hogan's face was ripped open, blood flowing everywhere. Again Sting grabbed Hogan and threw him into the side of the steel cage. Sting dropped to his knees too to regain his composure. He hauled Hogan back over the rope and into the main ring area, before stomping on his face to draw more blood. He finally pulled Hogan back to his feet, and the two men slugged it out again, this time Sting ducked, and went into a go behind position, but Hogan elbowed him to the head to gain control. Hogan sent Sting into the ropes... BIG BOOT! OH NO! Sting is down! Hogan into the ropes.... is it ... LEG DROP OF DOOM! He got it, and got it flush. Hogan now goes towards the steel cage... wait a second... Sting sat up!! He sat up!! Hogan is halfway up, nearing the top, but Sting has now got his boot, he climbs up himself, up on the top of the cage both men are.... DIAMOND CUTTER STYLE MOVE FROM THE TOP FROM STING! MY GOD! HOGAN'S HEAD HIT HARD! But Sting didn't come out of this death defying move well either. He was out cold. Both men are out. We may need to end this and get EMTs out here. It was hard to see if either man was even breathing, the referee was beginning to show immense concern. If this was a match with a count out, the referee would have called this off. Finally, when it would have got to about a 40 count, both men got up, staggering around... drop toe hold from Sting. Somehow he regained his ring presence. Hogan back up, he's sent into the corner.... STINGER SPLASH! And again, STINGER SPLASH! Hogan in trouble.... SCORPION DEATH DROP! Could this be it! Could this be it! Sting starts climbing, he's halfway up, he's nearing the top, he's at the top, Hogan's finally coming to, he tries to grab Sting's boot... STING KICKS HIM OFF! Hogan drops back into the ring... Sting is up. He's over... He's going down... HE'S DOWN! [CENTER] [B]Your Winner: [/B]Via Cage Escape, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting[/CENTER] "OH MY GOD! What a momentous occassion. Guys, you have to give credit to Hollywood Hulk Hogan, he gave it everything. But when it was all said and done, Sting's ring presence, stamina and sheer desire came through." "What a courageous showing by both men Tony, I don't know how the nWo is going to be able to respond here." "Look at this, it's half the WCW locker room! They've all rushed to the ring to congratulate Sting! What a great moment. What a great night, fans we are out of time, make sure you tune into Nitro to see where we go from here!"
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Great show man. Crazy long writeups to. I can tell you put a lot of time and thought into this card, and it seems to have really paid off. I'm a bit disappointed that The Outsiders lost, mainly because I'm a Scott Hall mark. It was a good idea to debute the Steiner REcliner like that though. Also...did the match have to end by cage escape? I ask because the escape seems like a heelish way of retreat. I feel like Sting would've stayed in the cage just to beat the hell out of Hogan for a more meaningful victory.
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Guest cmdrsam
I could go on and on about how great Tristram does his work here. And I could dream about what if he was in charge back in the day. But we all know that, don't we? My only beef, and it's not bad thing, but the Booker T and Stevie Ray segment. I just don't think I could ever see that happening. I enjoyed the way it was presented, don't get me wrong.
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