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I don't know if this has been brought up before, but I caught part of the Impact encore tonight, and noticed that both Cheerleader Melissa and Eric Young were working multiple appearances as different gimmicks, and in Melissa's case, different dispositions. At first I thought a feature that allowed a character to play multiple characters at the same time was of limited use, but thinking back, wasn't stuff like this a staple of regional feds during the territory era? I remember reading in Mick Foley's book how some Texas promoter thought Foley could pull double duty under a hood as a jobber, something that Mick was pretty skeptical of, considering his rather unique physiology. But this sort of thing would happen all the time- you have a worker put on a mask and wrestle twice on the same card. I understand the character information for promotions has been modified, but is this going to be doable in 08? Is this a feature anyone would care to see in the future?
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The biggest problem I see with this is what if you want them to have different push levels and/or one persona has the title and the other doesn't? Much less how would the AI handle that. You can already simulate something similiar by creating multiple personas for a character in the editor and importing into your game. But I don't know if 07 would allow you to use multiple identities in the same show. Here is Adam's info regarding alter egos for 08 [QUOTE]30: Wider Ranging Alter Egos The alter-ego \ alternate name system has been given an overhaul to allow for more flexibility. There are two key modifications to the old system. The first change is that a worker can now have multiple potential alter-egos per promotion, meaning a greater variety of possibilities. There are two types: promotion-specific or non-promotion-specific, the latter coming into play if the worker joins a promotion where he does not have alter-egos exclusive to that company. The second change is that alter-egos are now equipped with a frequency level, a number between 1 and 100, which indicates how likely they are to be picked. These aren't actually percentages, but work in a similar manner. (NB: If no promotion-specific alter-egos are found, the worker's default name automatically has a 75 frequency chance of being used.) To illustrate the new system, I will use a real world example. Let's say that Mick Foley is the default name for the character, and that he has the following alter-egos: Cactus Jack (WWE version, 30 frequency) Dude Love (WWE version, 5 frequency) Mankind (WWE version, 80 frequency) Mick Foley (WWE version, 40 frequency) Cactus Jack (WCW version, 80 frequency) Cactus Jack (non-promotion-specific version, 75 frequency) If he were to then be signed by the WWE, there are four potential names he could end up with. Adding all the frequencies together gets 155, so there is a 19% chance of him ending up as Cactus Jack (30 divided by 155, multiplied by 100 - don't worry if you're not good at maths, you only really need to understand that the bigger the number, the higher the chance.) If he went to WCW then he would become Cactus Jack, as that is the only alter-ego available to him. If he joined any other promotion then he would get one of two - his default name (Mick Foley, automatically frequency 75) or Cactus Jack (75 frequency). The benefits of this system are that it allows a greater range of possibilities, and therefore opens up some nice scenarios, especially to real world mods where people may have multiple gimmicks. For example, you could have it so that there's a small chance that rather than joining the WWF as Hulk Hogan, he came in under his old name Sterling Golden! __________________ Adam Ryland Total Extreme Wrestling Developer World of Mixed Martial Arts Developer Wrestling Spirit Developer [email]adamryland@hotmail.com[/email] [/QUOTE]
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I was thinking this same thing because I remember in Weirdo Man's diary in the other diaries section where he's been giving us a recount of his life since he's been a professional wrestler they'll throw him in two or three different matches a night if the promotion is small just give him a different costume and send him out there. I think once he even showed up twice in a battle royal as different people, although I may just be imagining things on that one. It's definitely an interesting idea but I couldn't even begin to think how it could get done.
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Yeah, this was something done a lot back in the old days. Guys like Len Denton would work twice a night, once unmasked (and sometimes under their real name) and again under a hood (in Denton's case, as The Grappler). Not sure how you'd work that in TEW though. Perhaps have the job be done to someone you wouldn't be worried about putting over the worker normally.
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