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I'd love to see an umbrella system

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[QUOTE]it would be way too hard to code[/QUOTE] Yea, it certainly would be difficult to code I'm sure. As for the idea, It's been brought up before and I'm pretty sure there was always a reason out there to why this wouldn't work. All in all, Would be cool for the older mods but I don't see it happening. Cheers.
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It's been discussed to death. Not that that's a bad thing, in this case. The general consensus is that most people agree it'd be awesome, but nobody has any ideas as to how it'd work from a game mechanics and coding point of view.
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[QUOTE=ChrisPMWBenoit;419167]whats an umbrella system?[/QUOTE] the way the nwa works now and always has worked, was its an alliance made up of multiple promotions you have promotions all over the world joined in. each promotion has its own champions, but the world titles are the NWA WORLD heavy weight title, nwa world womens, nwa world tag team (world 6 man tag team n some eras, and some other championships) world jr,. then the national titles. the united states tag titles, national havyweight title. and other countriies and continatens have their own as well. like recently the nwa just added the first promotion in australia and created the nwa australia title. these titles are defended in various nwa territories. the system is governed by the member promotions board members made up of various promoters of nwa member promotions. with the president being voted in every year or so. [url]http://www.nwawrestling.com/[/url]
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;419363]you also have the International Wrestling Alliance and the AWA. as examples of umpbrella promotions[/QUOTE] yes the awa currently has an umbrella system right now. they are finally getting picky about members and chopping off the weak ones. [url]http://www.awastars.com[/url] iwa is on a much smaller scale but ya they are examples of an umbrella system.
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Couldn't this "technically" be done within the game? Set yourself up as the NWA, then run events all over the shop, call one "NWA Mid-South", the next "NWA Hillybilly Rock" or what have you and just "pretend" that all these different cards are run by different feds. I dunno, it's not something I'd ever be interested in doing myself, but if somebody sat me down and forced me to, that's what I'd do.:rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=CJ_S;419440]Couldn't this "technically" be done within the game? Set yourself up as the NWA, then run events all over the shop, call one "NWA Mid-South", the next "NWA Hillybilly Rock" or what have you and just "pretend" that all these different cards are run by different feds. I dunno, it's not something I'd ever be interested in doing myself, but if somebody sat me down and forced me to, that's what I'd do.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE] no thats not the same thing in anyway shape or form. actually the umbrella system would open up all new gaming possibilities within the political structure of the wrestling world in the game for a player.
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I see the "umbrella system" as one system very hard to implement and as situation very unique. My first problem is "where do you will play?" You will play as NWA or as "NWA-Delaware". If you are the NWA or you control all the branches (something absurd) or you control... nothing. So the umbrella has to be outside the control of the player. And this will be very hard to implement. My second problem is that it's a very "cheatable" mod. To make stable the NWA the mod has to favour staying in your own territory that to going "national". But the markets usually favour "going big" so to have a long-term "umbrella-system" the mod has to have very important restrictions. My best approximation is a relation of "trading talents plus trading titles" where you can trade for a talent with the title and "steal" the title. I see the "umbrella" as a nice touch, but as something very hard to implement, very prone to unbalance the game and very hard to make a worthwile AI
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[QUOTE=dcxbox;419457]no thats not the same thing in anyway shape or form. actually the umbrella system would open up all new gaming possibilities within the political structure of the wrestling world in the game for a player.[/QUOTE] Exactly. It would be great to play as the NWA or the WWF in the DOTT mod, really add something to it.
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[QUOTE=KeyserSoze;419473]I see the "umbrella system" as one system very hard to implement and as situation very unique. My first problem is "where do you will play?" You will play as NWA or as "NWA-Delaware". If you are the NWA or you control all the branches (something absurd) or you control... nothing. So the umbrella has to be outside the control of the player. And this will be very hard to implement. My second problem is that it's a very "cheatable" mod. To make stable the NWA the mod has to favour staying in your own territory that to going "national". But the markets usually favour "going big" so to have a long-term "umbrella-system" the mod has to have very important restrictions. My best approximation is a relation of "trading talents plus trading titles" where you can trade for a talent with the title and "steal" the title. I see the "umbrella" as a nice touch, but as something very hard to implement, very prone to unbalance the game and very hard to make a worthwile AI[/QUOTE] What you would need to do is set this up as a relationship somewhat akin to a working relationship+ Not only would you share workers but also titles. The problem is you need to have a new class of "Promotion" for the governing body, where you could have all the touring titles, and even touring wrestlers. You could set it up as a modified version of the Parent-Child relationship as with development feds currently (in fact sharing titles is NOT unheard of between parent and child... the WWE Cruiserweight belt was defended in OVW a couple times). Running shows in the territory of another member could mean "breaking" the relationship. As to wether it is "Too Hard to Code"... that's a concern for Adam, not us. If he feels it is a worthy inclusion, I'm sure he will include it. One thing about Adam is that if he feels there is enough demand he will go for a feature, even if he himself despises it... brand split anyone? And from what Adam has said in the past, that was a real pain to integrate. Speaking of Brand splits, one way to do this would be WITH brand splits (ofcourse that kills the politics end of it)... but we would need to be able to have more than 3. I personally would LOVE to run a multi-multi branded company (as was rumored WWE was in the process of starting) with differant brands operating in different countries...
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Its one of those systems that easy to implement in some ways yet in others incredibly, painstakingly hard. I think the hardest part would be figuring out how to do the Title Sharing, especially if its a player and a bunch of AI's that have to share them. You would first need to decide how to set up such a territory/umbrella system and how it works when both in the control of the player and when in control of the AI. Then, if in control of the AI, you need to figure out how the AI decides which promotion/talent gets to be given the title. The easiest way to go about this as a whole would be to treat such "Alliances" as a kind of Promotion on its own with basically the same mechanics as the regular promotions screen except minus the Product, Announcers, and Contracts screen. Alliances would have names, initials, owners, prestige, money, popularity, and a profile on the main screen and would have several sub-menus: Popularity, Members, Controls, and Titles. Joining would be a new option/drop down menu on the main window that determines how members are accepted into the alliance. Such options could include [b][i]Open[/i][/b] (it is free to join the alliance), [b][i]Fee[/i][/b] (promotions must pay an up-front free to join the alliance), and [b][i]Ownership[/i][/b] (you must be owned by that alliance or be purchased by that alliance to be a part of it). [b]Popularity:[/b] Pretty self-explanatory, basically works much like promotion popularity already does except that the Alliance confers a percentage of its own popularity to each promotion it has in its umbrella. [b]Members:[/b] Much like a Contracts screen, except instead of wrestlers this screen shows Promotions that are a part of the alliance. Promotions that are part of an Alliance will automatically be given the Alliance promotion relationship with every other alliance member. [b]Controls:[/b] This screen basically determines the various controls and functions of how the alliance interacts and functions with its members and what they allow their members to do. This could include things such as Territories, Wage Expendatures/Caps, Financial Control, Trade Controls, and so on and so forth. [b]Titles:[/b] This section is for managing the alliances titles that are shared in some way, shape, or form between the alliance's member promotions. One option on the screen would be how long a promotion is allowed to hold a title for before they have to give it up or the minimum time they are guaranteed a title for. There could be a few options for determining how title sharing is done, such as (but not limited to) [b][i]Turns[/i][/b] (promotions take turns using the titles, a promotion will only receive the titles again after all other promotions within the alliance have had their turn with the titles) and [b][i]Strength[/i][/b] (basically the most popular, prestigious, and most financially stable federation is allowed exclusive access to the titles). There's a lot more that could be done with this idea, but thats one of the ways I can see it actually working.
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This is the biggest TEW pipe dream for me...my ultimate "wouldn't it be cool". I'll tell you though, I would settle for being able to get a champion on loan. You're playing World Class and you get a working agreement with MACW and get current NWA Champ Ric Flair on loan. His creative control can stop him from losing...It would just be cool to say "The NWA Champ will be here" even if the actual title isn't on the line in the match.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;419772]This is the biggest TEW pipe dream for me...my ultimate "wouldn't it be cool". I'll tell you though, I would settle for being able to get a champion on loan. You're playing World Class and you get a working agreement with MACW and get current NWA Champ Ric Flair on loan. His creative control can stop him from losing...It would just be cool to say "The NWA Champ will be here" even if the actual title isn't on the line in the match.[/QUOTE] ya but that takes away from having to deal with the politics of such situations. t is a god feature though though. the umbrella system is a different animal all together and coud be some serious fun
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I posted this in the suggestions forum months ago and while it's nowhere near perfect, or even fully functional, I think there are some ideas in there that could work if combined with what others have suggested. Since the original post seems to have been deleted I figured I'd repost it here since there's some interest in people's thoughts on how this could work. Be warned, it's a long post. :p [QUOTE]Basically, you can't play as the Wrestling Governing Body. Any promotion can apply for "membership" of the WGB, which will then cost them either A) A flat fee for promoting a show under the WGB banner, using the initials. I believe this is the way it is nowadays with the current members of the NWA (I *think* it's like $500, but I am likely wrong). Option B) would apply with bigger promotions, or in the DOTT time frame, where a certain percentage of the gate would go to the WGB. As far as retaining membership I can't really decide what might work better: Maintaining the respect or reputation of your company since joining the WGB (or perhaps staywithin a certain percentage of the reputation you are at when you join the WGB or when you start the game) or ditto for overness. Alternately it could be based more on your promotions drawing power, populatity, or prestige compared to the if you're a tiny promotion drawing some 25 fans at you shows you wouldn't be good enough for WGB's of a certain prestige themselves, as they wouldn't see it as a positive contribution to their organization. The prestige/reputation of the WGB itself would be determined by the overall reputation and popularity of the member organizations, with some ”senior members” meaning more. These senior members would be maybe the three or five biggest members would count more on the WGB overall status than the smaller ones, as they would be the main representatives of the organization as their size means they're more visible. The senior members' owners would be on the WGB committee, holding political power. As far as the titles go there would be some main ones, like the NWA's: World, North American, US, World Tag, National tag etc. (maybe just the world championships). These would be directly tied to the WGB and the champions would be available in the same way that promotions who have working agreements in TEW '07 can ”borrow” workers from other companies, only in this case it would be from the WGB and you could book them for periods of time where they'd be in your territory, as well as for a certain amount of dates. Bigger promotions would get priority, especially if they were at high cult or national, which might create a monopoly on the main belts like Crockett had at one time or TNA more recently. Whether local bookers or owners would use their position to create this monopoly would depend on their personality. Another thing could be to create local titles that could be your own promotions main belt. Basically your Mid-Atlantic, Southern States, Missoury State, Pacific Northwest, or whatever-else-you-can-think-up title. These would be all yours, but still sanctioned by the WGB. Not sure exactly what it would mean, but maybe a 5% higher bottom to the prestige the title can drop to, because of the name value of the WGB. Back to the main WGB championships – or more precisely the champions and how they would be crowned. The only way I can see it working in-game is to only let the senior/main members (however many they may be) be eligible for having a wrestler on their roster carry one of these main belts. Then it would basically be a case of you, as a booker of one of these companies to, again, apply to the WGB for one of your guys to get a particular title. Then it would be up to whether your company is on good terms with the members of the committee inlcuding the board members, who are not in any particular promotion, and if your company is helping the WGB's overall popularity. If you've been loosing popularity for the past three months for instance it would be less likely that the WGB would grant you the privilege of a world's champion. The world's champ would gain more overless in areas where you're not even promoting because of the fact that the world's champ is being publicized more heavily. Obviously it would most likely have to be more intricate than this to lose the championship again, but I guess it could basically be a case of being told than your guy would lose the title at the show where he's booked, perhaps a week or two in advance, or just asking the WGB to let you give the belt to someone else on your roster. You would also have to deal with being told that certain dates your champ would not be available, as your he would be committed to his duties representing the WGB in other companies as a champion.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;419830]I posted this in the suggestions forum months ago and while it's nowhere near perfect, or even fully functional, I think there are some ideas in there that could work if combined with what others have suggested. Since the original post seems to have been deleted I figured I'd repost it here since there's some interest in people's thoughts on how this could work. Be warned, it's a long post. :p[/QUOTE] well actually the nwa has various ways to become a member 1. you must have ran your promotion for a year in your territory 2. you can be an affiliate which is not a full member. you do have a small fee like $500 or so , I have to ask a friend of mine who has one. you have no voting power nor control over the main nwa titles. its epensive to become a member though. now onto the board of directors you as an owner of a member promotion have voting power, and can be n the board of directors nwa presdent, is voted in by the member promotions. (this is based on many things, trust, experience, popularity and buisness sense and so on.) titles can be defended in member promotions and affilates to get a title match well that can happen many ways 1st the champ is on your roster 2. hes not on your roster, so you can check his availability now onto the political system affiliate cannot run shows in other territories , also can't run a show on the same day as another promotion thats a member of that territory if you are both running in the same town. you as an affiliate also have no say so over the nwa world or national or regional titles. if one of your guys is allowed to hold one of those titles, then the nwa is in full charge of his bookings. (example say your guy is champ, and you are booking him in a match, you can, but if the nwa says he has to lose his title , then you must listen to them) punishment for not listening could cause you to lose your membership, pay a fine, or both..and even suspension perioid not allowing you to reaply for a certain period of time. (also you instantly can lose all friendships with any nwa members or affiliates you are friends with if you are forced out of the nwa because you wont go by the rules.) member promotions with main nwa titles depends on many factors, pop of your wrestler, pop of promotion , the board of directors, your position on the board can come into play. if you have a champion and he is under contract with you whos under a ppa deal or written deal. you dont have to allow them to work other promotions defending the championship or just wrestling on a show. but if you don't you must be ready to face the possible outcomes. if under written contract you face the possibility of other promoters loosing trust in you, and they might not be willing to let you use their wrestlers on your shows this can also lead to possible fines depending on your promotions position in the nwa as well as your position politically in the nwa. if it happen often. under ppa deal if your wrestler who is the champ is under a ppa deal, since hes in your promotion you still have power over the championship to an extent. this only works if hes not contracted to other member promotions at the time. everything for contracted worker can still happen to ppa, but you face potential risk of loosing that worker. example he can make money in other territories and wants to work those shows but you ar stopping him, then depends on th level of trust and friendship with you, and your promotion status. he could just get up and walk out on you and refuse to work shows for you, or work elsewhere and still work for you til his contract is up. ****************** if you are a bigger national/global company and the nwa is in a weaken state, you can if the board approves, gain exclusive rights to titles for a certian time period (few years etc) but this will come at a high cost (tna situtation) problem with this is you will and also the nwa will have a get out of clause in this deal. which say for example you arent allowing your workers to defend the titles in other territories. or if you aren't allowing other territories wrestlers to win the titles and having a chance to defend , them then you can face potential of losing the titles (which also can result in losing membership status) the tna sitiuation (which was both sides actually, the nwa member promotions wre fed up not having control over their own championships while tna had exclusive rights to them, and not allowing changes to happen on their territories. and tna was wanting to brand their own championships and get away from the nwa. ************************************** now on to being on the board and president. you have a whole list of issues to deal with (other than just your own promotion) as a board member you are responsible for voting on things that help the alliance as a whole (every memeber shouldnt be on the board, they should have some sort of structure...depending on if the have a large list of members that is) after a certain amount of time on the board you could gain the right to stay on as long as you do a good job (you can face penalties such as suspensions , and powers and such) president oh man. now you are the guy truly in charge. you pretty much run the nwa. listen to your board members, listen to other members. and even to an extent affilaites . you make decisions that affect the entire aliance at times. you are in charge of promoting the nwa, keeping its value up to members and affiliates. these decisions could involve signing a tv deal. (nwa showcase) to signing exclusive talent ( like the nwa just did with sid) controling the championship situtations dealing with members who are not helping the nwa and thinkign more me me me , and not the alliance. bringing in new members, taking out members who are hurting the brand of the nwa. having national/global nwa sanctioned events, ppvs which the entire alliance can be part of. *********** as president or board holding special events, and tours. members in the alliance must fund these events in order to make money off of them (if you don't you lose out on making money, but if the talent, they dont have to pay you) bad decisiions you could force members to wanting out of the nwa because of some choices you make as well. just like real life.
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other issues for members. the ecw situation Ecw at the time was the biggest promotion in the nwa once wcw was gone. the nwa members wanted to have their talent on the shows so it could promote them. ecw didn't really want this, they wanted to promote ecw. so if you are a promotion with a decent size tv deal, and no or few members in your country have tv, then the nwa will try and make you put talent on your shows. this is something you will have to deal with and try to work within your bookings. it could be ok, or become an issue for you. forcing you to get out of the alliance, our showing that you want to help the alliance, which will help your political position in the future. also members have a harder time in becoming national or global to an extent. while the can draw in their territories with being able to use the nwa brand, and stars of the alliance. they can still draw in their territory and get bigger tv deals, but wont be allowed to branch out til they get regional status, but they still must be in good standing with members who control other regions/territories in order to run shows in those areas.
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I think the main issue is doing it in a way that isn't overly complex. I can't see a Board of Voters thing working unless the AI is upgraded further so that how promotion owners behave is a combination of their Business as well as their Behavior/Attitude/etc. Not to mention you'd have to put in the dynamics of each type of vote (title, ownership, etc). I'd say if we want an Umbrella/Alliance system than we need to start small and work our way up. Sure it may not be incredibly realistic at first, but it'd be a start and would allow Adam to, over time, develop the system further and to make it more complex/realistic/challenging/etc.
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[QUOTE=RaptorRobertRage;419957]I think the main issue is doing it in a way that isn't overly complex. I can't see a Board of Voters thing working unless the AI is upgraded further so that how promotion owners behave is a combination of their Business as well as their Behavior/Attitude/etc. Not to mention you'd have to put in the dynamics of each type of vote (title, ownership, etc). I'd say if we want an Umbrella/Alliance system than we need to start small and work our way up. Sure it may not be incredibly realistic at first, but it'd be a start and would allow Adam to, over time, develop the system further and to make it more complex/realistic/challenging/etc.[/QUOTE] could have the board ai work to an extent. but also multiplayer if adam ever ads true internetplay to the game. you could have it be fully realistic.
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I hate to stir this up but I think I have an idea how it could be put into the game. It is way too late for it to be added though. My idea would be to make something that is bigger than a company that would be called an affiliation. I think the closest thing I can think of is treaties in superpower 2. You could create an affiliation that has something like open membership with all members having non-agression. This would mean when you start an affiliation you could could have a series of choices you have like non-agression, working agreements, touring champions, and interpromotional shows. For non-aggression and working agreements it could just extend to all members. There could also be a vote for the main booker of the affiliation maybe every six months. Then the members could also vote for the touring champions. The booker could have the option to chose how long a touring champion is in an area.
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