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Who did the graphics for this years release? I'm trying not too be too over critical, but for a game that graphically seemed to once have so much promise it looks poor. The screens look very amateur and I was wondering if there was a change in graphic designers or anything. Or if there will be other sets of graphics included with the game? [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/images/tew2008/TEW2008_3.bmp[/url] That one in particular looks horrible in my oppinion. I used to really enjoy the original TEW's simple graphics and last years one was decent as well....but this seems like such a huge step down. Does anyone else agree?
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[QUOTE=Ignition;425971]Who did the graphics for this years release? I'm trying not too be too over critical, but for a game that graphically seemed to once have so much promise it looks poor. The screens look very amateur and I was wondering if there was a change in graphic designers or anything. Or if there will be other sets of graphics included with the game? [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/images/tew2008/TEW2008_3.bmp[/url] That one in particular looks horrible in my oppinion. I used to really enjoy the original TEW's simple graphics and last years one was decent as well....but this seems like such a huge step down. Does anyone else agree?[/QUOTE] Get over yourself.
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I don't disagree that they look amateur'ish. But I also don't agree that last year's were any better. A different style perhaps (more.. "edgy" i guess), but still not that good. But then graphics isn't a high priority of the game design, and GDS isn't exactly swimming in vaults of money like Scrooge McDuck, so hey. Could probably do a lot worse.
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Heh, If they're any better that is a good point. But then the question of why non-professional artists working for free are putting out better graphical content than that included in the game becomes an equally good point :) GDS may want to woo some of these artists so they can include alternative themes for the next game to cut back down on complaints and give a better impression to review sites. Just throwing the idea out there.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;426025]If only there was some way to.... change the graphics somehow. By.... downloading some kind of... alternative graphic set.... made by... other people! On a website!![/QUOTE] but then how could you complain about solutions?
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