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Huge game out, forgot to tell people.....lol

Capelli King

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I have several invites to give out. We have outed King as being a corrupt totalitarian and are assuming control of the country. Greece will be a better place as a result - don't believe any of his lies any more. Let me know if you want in :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;446859]I have several invites to give out. We have outed King as being a corrupt totalitarian and are assuming control of the country. Greece will be a better place as a result - don't believe any of his lies any more. Let me know if you want in :)[/QUOTE] Hell no! Long live the King! :cool: Ask King to get you in!
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;446859]I have several invites to give out. We have outed King as being a corrupt totalitarian and are assuming control of the country. Greece will be a better place as a result - don't believe any of his lies any more. Let me know if you want in :)[/QUOTE] Basically in a few words Mr Rathen and his mates from another forum called somethingawful.com have outed "Us" the people from GDS from power:eek: We will be leaving Greece to him and his "Goonish" (they call themselves that) friends, i suggest joining the USA, which is where we should had been in the first place:(Sad day for GDS, but we lost out to a much larger group:cool:
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;447953]Basically in a few words Mr Rathen and his mates from another forum called somethingawful.com have outed "Us" the people from GDS from power:eek: We will be leaving Greece to him and his "Goonish" (they call themselves that) friends, i suggest joining the USA, which is where we should had been in the first place:(Sad day for GDS, but we lost out to a much larger group:cool:[/QUOTE] I don't really see how it is a sad day for GDS, a person from GDS is still going to be president. The extra people will only help the country become more powerful. I see no reason why everybody else from GDS can't stick around and work with the "goons".
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[QUOTE=grits207;451237]I don't really see how it is a sad day for GDS, a person from GDS is still going to be president. The extra people will only help the country become more powerful. I see no reason why everybody else from GDS can't stick around and work with the "goons".[/QUOTE] Being registered on this forum does not make him a true GDS member. Well he sure does not act like one. People simply do not know what a Goon is! lol, play a few online games like this one and you will get the idea
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I think Grits, a member of these forums here, and someone not blinkered by CK, sums it up nicely. "It's disapointing that these people are being so childish. Maybe somebody should remind these people that this is just a game. Am I the only one who finds it a bit odd that a "30 year old businessman with two kids" would be so obsessed with a game that he gets so upset about losing power on said game that he feels the need to try and ruin it for everybody else. It seems alot like a 6 year old playing in a sandbox who throws a tantrum when his mommy tells him to share the toys with the other kids." I'm done with the name calling. I just want you people to be aware of your 'leader'. Destiny, if you give me an in game name I can transfer you some funds immediately.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;452610]Enough with the personal attacks. I'm sure like all good politicians you can sort out your differences without resorting to childish name calling.[/QUOTE] Welll said, i think what is going on in some other game has little to do with the GDS forums. From my side there will not be any personal attacks:D I hope Rathen will just keep the bad language out of these forums
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452865]So the money I sent didn't make it through? :([/QUOTE] No man, I just got your money aswell, must have taken a while. This is a very kind contribution, and shows you as perhaps more than just a "goon". Ideally we can all work together in some way.
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I'm trying to get away from this ridiculous goon mentality that Capelli is trying to force on us. If you look at our forum we're actually trying to do a lot of good for the country. This isn't something we've strolled into with the intention of ruining it. Capelli unfortunately has burned any bridge for cooperation with his actions. I'm shocked you're still a UGP member with the stuff he's getting up to.
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