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Huge game out, forgot to tell people.....lol

Capelli King

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Guest Glotnot
[QUOTE=Capelli King;428772]Could you explain what that meant?[/QUOTE] Viva la Greece! >.> I'm going to have to re-write my article. The Italian guy didn't get it either, apparently.
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[QUOTE=Glotnot;428942]Viva la Greece! >.> I'm going to have to re-write my article. The Italian guy didn't get it either, apparently.[/QUOTE] The problem with the Italian dudes is that they came over from Italy with the goal of getting control of the government. It is called a "political takeover" in this game. Basically this means take over the government and then invade a neighbouring nation to make it seem that the bigger nation is not in fault. When this happened, we talked it over with the other big parties in Greece to merge and make one party with a centralised company owned PLC system. In other words we make sure that the big party holds off such potential takeovers, while at the same time we keep back any other companies trying to take control over the economy. Naturally the opposition group did not like it and are creating a big mess in the media. Once we repel this attack and get big enough i am hoping to bringing back a more liberal system again. But then again that depends on how well things go. By the way, anyone else looking for an invite still?
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[B]Update:[/B] The first issue of World Sports Update by The Gamma Iota should be up soon. It'll be by sports newspaper, as requested by the Grecian people. Pop over soon and subscribe to my paper/vote on my sports article! :D [B]EDIT:[/B] Nevermind, the stupid website is buggy as hell and everytime I try to post something it fails... I didn't copy my article like I planned to just in case, so I lost everything. If I feel like it, I'll do it over... Damn half and hour wasted...
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"Steel Erections Ltd."? I shall ponder the name but I'll get the company up at some point today. If you need/want employment don't hesitate to message me. Any cash injections from the government would be pretty great!
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;429315]"Steel Erections Ltd."? I shall ponder the name but I'll get the company up at some point today. If you need/want employment don't hesitate to message me. Any cash injections from the government would be pretty great![/QUOTE] Sounds good. There are several of us homeless, so houses will be a great addition.
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We do not really need a new housing company. The problem is actually different, we have too many housing companies and not enough workers in each one!!! I am trying to merge (the total of 6 damn housing companies) into one well manned and competetive company. We could split the profits evenly between members. I have been proposing this for a long time now, Greece does not have a problem with companies, we have a problem with employees! Everyone seems to want to be a damn boss. :D Which i guess is natural, but not helping us at all. If for example we had just 2 housing companies (one level 1 and one level 3) then the level 1 will train new employees and the level 3 will sell good quality homes. But instead we have 6 crap level 1 companies and no production (the reason for this is that houses take a long time to produce, production of houses is the cummulative effort of several employees, so this means that if you have 4 employees working together it = to more output that 2 + 2 employees) Put into simple english:p We need to follow the plan i had with a nationalised system. 2 maximum 3 companies in each sphere, all in different level When an employee gets to level 3 he moves to the level 2 company (takes 2 weeks to do that) and gets a raise. Then when he gets to level 4 he moves to the level 4 company (we do not need a level 5 or 3) The housing industry is different. We need just a level 1 and a level 4. Hospitals are the same also. There is just one problem, which is that we will be limited to the ammount of companies we will have (approximately 12 in total) so what do the rest do which have gold? #1 they sell and get GDR #2 they invest into a PLC company and gain % of the profits. There are just a few subjects to worry about. #1 That some people would like to run their own business, dudes, beleive me, there is nothing sexy about running a company! All there is to it is hiring other guys and putting products on sell. You need to do that at least once a day. #2 Is the honesty of the company owners. Actually that one is easy as all the money to or from the company is open to the public anyway. #3 Is what will the companies do with all the gold? In theory they only need a certain amount of gold to upgrade. Answer to that is simple, they will buy export licenses and sell off products to other countries
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lol, go ahead, make a new company:D This will be fun, we had another 2 companies open today (one gift, one food) In total we have 4 food (2 level 1, one level 2 and one level 3) plus 2 which export food (level 2 and 4) 3 gift (2 level 1 and one level 3) plus one which exports (level 1) 2 weapons (1 level 1 and 1 level 3) plus oen which exports (level 4) 5 housing (4 level 1 and 1 level 2) plus one which exports (level 1) Also we have 1 Hospital (level 1) but these are non profitmaking conclusion 14 companies total population of 220, many of which are not active. Maximum 150 are active. That means 10 employees per company. Do you know how many empoyees you need to run a successfull company? Well 10 is not enough:D Also you will need another 150-200 gold to upgrade the company (excluding export licenses and so on) 20 gold = 10 Euros 200 gold = 100 euros So appart from the functionality subject, we also have a financial subject. But hell, want to make a company, fire ahead:D Good luck with it! I would say Housing, dispite the competition, mainly because of the demand and the lack of "serious" competition. But as i said, i do not reccomend anyone to do that as i am currently negotiating with the house owners to "merge" into one super company
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;429377]How many GDS members would be willing to come to a new tier 1 housing business? I figure we could work together on this? Or should I just not compete with Tharkas as he seems to have it set.[/QUOTE] i suggest going for the following plan. Close a deal with Tharkas, he will supply you with new employees at level 3. In the mean time you will need to upgrade your company slowly to level 3. You will need minimum of 5 employees at level 3 or higher. Then Tharkas will simply supply you with more employees. You will have to agree to make your company a PLC company. In other words anyone interested in investing gold will get a % of the share in profits (GDR) every month. But then again you will need gold anyway. You will need to post the PLC details in the party forums. This is pretty active work by the way. Minimum once a day you will need to be online and you will need to keep an eye on employees coming and leaving. Since there is allot of action in the Housing market it will be a tough battle. The biggest problem is Assein. He is a party member and in theory we should not be creating parallel companies to other party members. I would suggest talking to him first. Maybe buy the company off him and give him a 60% share would possibly persuade him. Once you get his support then it is kick ass all the way!!! The other companies are non party members, so i will PERSONALLY make sure you and Tharkas do a double act (he hits in the low cost markets, you hit in the higher tier) I have a huge stash in GDR, so i think we can kill them off:D You need to talk to Assein and Tharkas though. Better make a topic in our forums and invite them to it. I will support the move.
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