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Lets share our findings in this thread, and what we think 'item x' means in regards to how it'll affect the game. Personally, I'm liking the analysis button on the Promotion creation screen, for promotion settings. Nice touch and the information it gives you is perfect for getting that niche you want for each promotion. Nice move Adam!
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[QUOTE=B.R.;427302]quick question, what does the reputation stat mean?[/QUOTE] I believe it has to do with overall respect, as others see them. If they are pricks then it will be lower EX: Many see Randy Orton as an *******, where as someone like Mick Foley is seen as a nice guy that helps other workers out. Don't hold me to that,
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;427299]maybe we could see the return of Ravex. And this time with, ya know... Real wrestlers and promotions instead of fake ones. ;)[/QUOTE] RaveX never died. It was just moved to the Fire Pro Club. Got an update file with 200 edits in there. Oh, you mean coming back HERE? Who knows. But you will get the FLI Verse as an evolutive scenario. It starts in 1993 and as time goes, wrestlers who were in the Verse later appear. Like your favorite (No doubt) Phil Raven appears in 1996. Kevin Martel (I'll fictionalize the name) appears in 1994, etc... I'm doing it because as fake as it may have been, it was pretty damn good in my view! And there's a challenge to creating this stuff that I truly loved, and if that IS the best I can do, then why not do it.
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[quote=Mr T Jobs To Me;427321]Moves section... Is a martinete? The only definiton I got is a "machine for driving piles into the ground."[/quote] "In [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico"]Mexico[/URL], the piledriver (called a [B]Martinete[/B]) is an automatic disqualification. A [B]Martinete[/B] generally refers to the tombstone piledriver and/or its variations, but it is also used for other variations." I had to look that up when I started playing Wrespi2...
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;427321]Moves section... Is a martinete? The only definiton I got is a "machine for driving piles into the ground."[/QUOTE] If it's the same move that Damian 666 uses, then it's a proper Muscle Buster. Instead of the way Samoa Joe does it, the person giving the move drops to their knees, driving their opponent's neck and shoulders into their own. EDIT: Beaten to it, and apparently, it's a Piledriver.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;427321]Moves section... Is a martinete? The only definiton I got is a "machine for driving piles into the ground."[/QUOTE] Hmm maybe it means, is it a move that is set up like a piledriver? Pedigree, Piledriver, Canadian Driver, power bomb?
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;427324]"In [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico"]Mexico[/URL], the piledriver (called a [B]Martinete[/B]) is an automatic disqualification. A [B]Martinete[/B] generally refers to the tombstone piledriver and/or its variations, but it is also used for other variations." I had to look that up when I started playing Wrespi2...[/QUOTE] Thanks sprinkle!
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[QUOTE=Dischord;427331]So far so good. My small qualm is how money is defined. I liked the old way but it's a small thing I'll get used to.[/QUOTE] Doesn't bother me too much, there was a maximum amount in TEW07, only not defined. Work make any difference in the long run really. --- Moves/Move Sets however, that's going to take me sometime to wrap me head around.
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