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May sound dumb but I need computer help.

Tyler Gadzinski

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Not sure if this should go in one of the Tech sections or just here cuz I'm not looking for help on a specific game really. Well sort of. I am up for all the flaming too, I am 18 and suck with computer stuff(but good at finding porn... j/k) Anyway, my question is how do I burn data files onto a disc. Also what program would be best/cheapest to do so?
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It should be able to be done almost automatically, with a wizard.. When you put in a blank CD, you should get a pop-up that asks you specifically what you want to do "Burn a music disc" or "Make a data disc that is available on your computer" or "Make a data disc that is available on any computer"... It might say something like "File" instead of Data, or whatever.. Anyways, if the wizard doesn't start, you might be able to make it pop up by clicking your disc (go to "My Computer" then right click on the disc drive that your blank disc is in. If you have windows XP (or higher I believe)... You can probably just open up the blank disc, and start copy/pasting your files/data into it, and then the wizard should come up for sure.
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I guess I should've stated this right away.. I'm trying to do it on a Virtual PC and it has Windows XP on it. I tried just putting in the disk but nothing comes up. I went to My Computer and went to Disk Drive D: (it was the only one that showed up) and it said to insert a disk in there, even though I had one in there.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;427616]Again .. how would I go about doing this.. I am very bad with technical things about computers.. maybe that's why 2 of them died on me.[/QUOTE] I would have thought right clicking the drive it's in would have gave you that option. You only have one disc drive, right (Just checking the obvious, but you never know.. Want to make sure your clicking on the one with the Disc in it).
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I dont want to sound like im insulting your intelligence but it is a blank disk you're using right? I mean you didn't put a disk in that you thought was blank but wasn't? Also most computers come with some type of preloaded software for that, just browse through your programs see what you have...what type of computer is it
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Well the computer I'm using it on is an ACER but I'm running a virtual PC as I can't play TEW on Vista. I'm running XP on the Virtual and wanted to transfer the files to a disk to transfer them to the Vista to put them on TEW08(which hopefully is Vista capable). If all else fails I can just run 08 on the Virtual PC. oh yeah.. yes it is a blank disk I've tried about 5 - 10 disks.
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