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A quick question regarding worker stats

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Looks and superstar quality definitely could rise in 05 and 07 - even if only by a VERY small amount for each stat. Looking at my records for my last 07 game, the most I had either move for any wrestler in 9 months of game times (running weekly shows) was +0.5%
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Superstar Quality can change, but like Rob said, not much. I've seen it go up a grade before, but only because it started very close to the boundary. Sex Appeal (I had to edit that, we'll ALWAYS call it looks, won't we? :p) can also change. Certain events in the game may change stats too, such as overdoses and other things. I can't think, off the top of my head, of any stat on the wrestler's profile that can't change at all during the game. Some depend on events happening rather than natural progression, but they all CAN change, as far as I know. Edit: Hmm, possibly booking. I don' think that changes (unless you're a human player).
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[QUOTE=Konoko;428326]Can Stiffness and Intensity change? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE] Don't think I've ever seen those change, as that's more of a 'this is what they are' stat. There's not many ways to change someone who works stiff within the game, as you've never been able to warn/fine a stiff worker before.
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[QUOTE=Konoko;428326]Can Stiffness and Intensity change? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE] Intensity can definitely go up. My data says that stiffness does not go up. Both of them can definitely go down - but like most things, this seems to be due to older age.
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