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A quick question about product (i wanna nail it down BEFORE the game comes out). There was a thread (i can't seem to locate) that had a great product (reverse SE). I was looking for a product that leans on in ring ability, but can also have gimmicks. What I'm messing with right now won't really allow gimmicks, or rather subtle or simple gimmicks... i'm also curious what that means LOL any advice would be great, thanks guys! Melanie
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[quote=BluePrint83;428219][URL]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25269[/URL] Theres a good product in that thread. Just should lower match ratio to 80% to allow storylines.[/quote] Ya thats the thread i was talking about... Not so much storylines, but gimmicks... I have alot of gimmicky types, but I want them to be judged on thier ability. Mel ps here what my game says as well... i think i tweaked it just a little but it's still not quite what i'm looking for. * Wrestlers are rated more on performance than popularity * It will attract fans who will not like risky gimmicks * It will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks * It will attract fans who will not get subtle gimmicks * It will attract fans who will be put off by highly risky angles * It is favourable towards getting sponsorship
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I used that product in a past real world game I did with Wrestling Society X which didnt really have big name workers and was able to get C+ abd B- type matches with it. Rique I think would help with the risky gimmicks. Havent really made my own product. Might have to try it. I'll see if I can come up with something similar to the product posted but allowing gimmicks.
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The product I listed in that thread works just the same in 08 as it does in 07. In fact, in 08, you can add A LOT of seemingly different elements to the product and still come away with an awesome mosaic that allows all styles to thrive.
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[QUOTE=Melanieshaman;428223]ps here what my game says as well... i think i tweaked it just a little but it's still not quite what i'm looking for. * Wrestlers are rated more on performance than popularity * It will attract fans who will not like risky gimmicks * It will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks * It will attract fans who will not get subtle gimmicks * It will attract fans who will be put off by highly risky angles * It is favourable towards getting sponsorship[/QUOTE] I guess it depends on how gimmicky you want your gimmicks to be. If I'm reading the analysis right (and Lord knows; I'm only guessing at this point), that product's success is going to hinge on the number of gimmicks you're running with a high subtlety score. You'll need some high-subtlety gimmicks to satisfy those who don't want one-dimensional gimmicks, but you'll also want some with low subtlety for the fans who won't "get" the subtle gimmicks. Whether that split will drive both kinds of fans away... I dunno. If you want to go more subtle, raise your Cult level. If you want to go more gimmicky, lower it. Or maybe raise your Comedy or Mainstream. But that would take the emphasis off the rasslin, which seems to be your other preference. One warning: raising your Cult level will prevent you from getting Afternoon time slots for any TV shows you want to run.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;428760]That product setting doesn't require gimmicks. Why not just set everyone's gimmick to "None"?[/QUOTE] D'oh! I hadn't even noticed that! I was playing around with the product settings a little bit more today, and realized that the combinations are even more diverse than my first run-through with them indicated. This may become my new obsession.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;428760]That product setting doesn't require gimmicks. Why not just set everyone's gimmick to "None"?[/QUOTE] Jennie is astute as hell. :) Hint: If it doesn't say "Fans will expect all workers to be packaged with appropriate gimmicks"....you don't need them. Nice to have (for flavor, if nothing else), but not required.
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[quote=Remianen;429088]Jennie is astute as hell. :) Hint: If it doesn't say "Fans will expect all workers to be packaged with appropriate gimmicks"....you don't need them. Nice to have (for flavor, if nothing else), but not required.[/quote] Sorry if i'm too dim, but what you are saying is no gimmicks for anyone? so just have a bunch of no gimmick/no fun wrestlers? Mel
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[QUOTE=Melanieshaman;429108]Sorry if i'm too dim, but what you are saying is no gimmicks for anyone? so just have a bunch of no gimmick/no fun wrestlers? Mel[/QUOTE] If that's what the product analysis said. I think what Remi is saying (well, he did say it bassically), is that you don't have to have gimmicks in certain promotions depending on the setting of the product. If I were to imagine which ones these would be, it would probably be your more "realistic" type promotions, that try to sell professional wrestling as a "real" sport. There is a certain "cult" like set of people that do like this over the more cartoony, over the top WWE'ish types. I believe there are even a couple (maybe not anymore, but I remember reading a few) promotions that actually have "real" match's (shoot match's) from time to time. Gimmicks are not needed in these type of promotions, because the concentration is on actual "wrestling", not storylines.
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Since this is a Product thread, any chance anybody knows what kind of product allows people to have highly risky Gimmicks. I have Risque as a Key Feauture and Cult as Heavy yet not once with any tinkering have i been able to get a product without the note "will attract fans who will not like highly Risky gimmicks". With the current product i would be unable to get on a mainstream network aswell as Afternoon, Early Evening, Evening and Primetime slots on some networks. I would have thought with that kind of fan base i would have been able to pull off Risky gimmicks but apparantly not. Just incase it helps my current product is: Key Feature - Risque Heavy - Cult, Modern Medium - Traditional, Hardcore (I'm not sure Traditional really fits in here) Low - Realism, Daredevil V.Low - Comedy, Pure
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[QUOTE=Goldenskillz;429218]Key Feature - Risque Heavy - Cult, Modern Medium - [B]Traditional[/B], Hardcore (I'm not sure Traditional really fits in here) Low - Realism, Daredevil V.Low - Comedy, Pure[/QUOTE] Guessing its that.
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[quote=Goldenskillz;429218]Since this is a Product thread, any chance anybody knows what kind of product allows people to have highly risky Gimmicks. I have Risque as a Key Feauture and Cult as Heavy yet not once with any tinkering have i been able to get a product without the note "will attract fans who will not like highly Risky gimmicks". With the current product i would be unable to get on a mainstream network aswell as Afternoon, Early Evening, Evening and Primetime slots on some networks. I would have thought with that kind of fan base i would have been able to pull off Risky gimmicks but apparantly not. Just incase it helps my current product is: Key Feature - Risque Heavy - Cult, Modern Medium - Traditional, Hardcore (I'm not sure Traditional really fits in here) Low - Realism, Daredevil V.Low - Comedy, Pure[/quote] Traditional and Modern are too high for risky gimmicks.
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Playing around with this for a bit, I noticed that it seems like you can't have Traditional, Mainstream, Comedy or Modern higher than "Low" in order to not have the "will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks"... however, if I make a product with all these set on Low or lower, I automatically get "will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks" and "will attract fans who expect gimmicks to be subtle and complex". Am I missing something, or is it impossible to have a product that supports highly risky yet one-dimensional gimmicks? Seems pretty weird if it is.
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[QUOTE=Dansc;429346]Playing around with this for a bit, I noticed that it seems like you can't have Traditional, Mainstream, Comedy or Modern higher than "Low" in order to not have the "will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks"... however, if I make a product with all these set on Low or lower, I automatically get "will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks" and "will attract fans who expect gimmicks to be subtle and complex". Am I missing something, or is it impossible to have a product that supports highly risky yet one-dimensional gimmicks? Seems pretty weird if it is.[/QUOTE] Ive played with the editor a lot, and not once have I seen the 2 coincide with each other.
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To be honest, the whole gimmick preference system seems a bit off... I converted the '07 database to take a look at the products there, and for example BSC fans don't like highly risky or one-dimensional gimmicks? :rolleyes: Seems like most of the promotions are doomed to have 50% risk and subtlety gimmicks...
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After playing around a while and making a table with the effects of any direction, I find some things a little bit unbalanced, and I'm wondering, if the analysis is 100% accurate. First of all, "low" and "very low" have no effect whatsoever, what is weird, because (1) you can integrate all directions into your product without penalty, - and (2) why two grades for the same effect? So, I believe it's just basic analysis and the real effects will diverge from these results. Also risk and subtility are critical so far. Every direction except Cult opposes subtile gimmick, if I'm not mistaken. And risk is opposed by everything except risque and hardcore. Furthermore I don't get the positive effect of Comedy, besides additionally increasing the overall better direction "Mainstream". On the other hand I [I]love[/I] the possibility of getting a "vocal" crowd in some combinations. So far I've got Mainstream, Cult, Risque and Hardcore, what evolves pretty much around reality's ECW and Attitude Era, imo. My favourite combination so far is [B]Key:[/B] Cult [B]Medium:[/B] Mainstream, Modern, Lucha, Real, Tradition If you don't like "complex" gimmicks, you can also improve Maintream to Heavy and get more "stupid" fans. Increasing Modern is optional. But I still would be happy, if this analysis isn't 100% accurate - or gets revised after some early-TEW2008-feedback.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;429367]First of all, "low" and "very low" have no effect whatsoever, [/QUOTE] What you mean is that "low" and "very low" don't make [I]enough [/I]of a difference to change the product analysis. Not that they have no effect on everything. The product analysis may help you understand your product, but will not tell you if you're likely to get a 1% better match rating with high fliers and 1% worse match rating with brawlers.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;429386]What you mean is that "low" and "very low" don't make [I]enough [/I]of a difference to change the product analysis. Not that they have no effect on everything. The product analysis may help you understand your product, but will not tell you if you're likely to get a 1% better match rating with high fliers and 1% worse match rating with brawlers.[/QUOTE] That might be. But so fair "low" and "very low" doesn't influence your product analysis, when theoretically it should. When I put Modern, Realism and Pure up from "None" to "Low" it should have an effect on (for instance) the ratio, if the fans prefer perfomance or popularity. But it doesn't. When you have Mainstream on Medium and Modern, Realism, Pure and maybe even Hyper Realism in Low, you might think, that those 4 simmiliar directions should altogether dominate Mainstream or at least have an influence. But the analysis says otherwise.
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