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This is where I believe guys will go RAW 1.MVP 2.Batista 3.Kofi Kingston Smackdown 1.John Morrison 2.Randy Orton 3.CM Punk ECW 1.Paul London and Brian Kendrick 2.Jeff Hardy 3.Chris Jericho-Nostalgic Pick Leave me your thoughts or make your own WWE Draft.
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I see most people think CM Punk will be drafted, I, personally, think he's better off in ECW, because that's the only brand he could be taken seriously, just look how he's been constantly jobbing week after week, imagine on RAW, he'd be fed to guys like JBL, Snitsky, at least in ECW he can win a "world title". I can't believe how they managed to ruin the MITB winner... Oh, and sorry to break your heart, Vince is not giving away 1 million dollars, it's probably some stupid competition catering to the "younger audience", since that's what they're trying to do, so long the days of the Attitude Era... *crawls back into a corner and watches Wrestlemania 13, 14, and X-Seven repeatly*
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[QUOTE=Guerrerofan777;429472]I see most people think CM Punk will be drafted, I, personally, think he's better off in ECW, because that's the only brand he could be taken seriously, just look how he's been constantly jobbing week after week, imagine on RAW, he'd be fed to guys like JBL, Snitsky, at least in ECW he can win a "world title". I can't believe how they managed to ruin the MITB winner...[/QUOTE] No disrespect bro but he been jobbed to on ECW when he lost Chuck Palumbo and he has already won the ECW title.
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Raw 1. Batista (I've heard this rumor for a while and with him moving Batista, Jericho and Shawn continue their feud exclusively on Raw) 2. CM Punk (Wouldn't surprise me if he went to Smackdown! either. I think they think he has out grown ECW and needs a bigger stage to perform on) 3. Rey Mysterio (Injured right now. When Edge was injured and drafted to Raw in the first draft lottery after the Expansion, he came out danced around kinda surprised everyone I expect the same with Rey and him being the most shocking pick of the night) Smackdown! 1. Umaga (He hasn't had much direction on Raw. Going to ECW wouldn't shock me either) 2. Kennedy (Raw becomes more crowded and to counter that they send the newly turned Kennedy back to Smackdown) 3. Lance Cade (Split from Murdoch will get more face time on Smackdown or ECW) ECW 1. Super Crazy (Can Heat superstars get drafted too? Hasn't been doing much so I think he moves to ECW) 2. Jeff Hardy (After he got busted again I kinda waved bye bye to him being in the World Title picture on Raw, he could challenge for the IC again but I think they will have him move on, he could replace Punk as the most over guy on ECW. A move to Smackdown so Matt can help keep his brother from that dreaded third strike also seems possible) 3. Hardcore Holly (I think he drops the tag belts before the draft and goes back to ECW) Others I could see moving From Raw DH Smith London and Kendrick Carlito From Smackdown MVP Dykstra Palumbo From ECW Estrada Boogeyman Chavo I think they add more firepower to Raw again. Vince is desperate to bring those Raw Ratings up.
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[QUOTE=jeven3176;429479]Raw 1. Batista (I've heard this rumor for a while and with him moving Batista, Jericho and Shawn continue their feud exclusively on Raw) 2. CM Punk (Wouldn't surprise me if he went to Smackdown! either. I think they think he has out grown ECW and needs a bigger stage to perform on) 3. Rey Mysterio (Injured right now. When Edge was injured and drafted to Raw in the first draft lottery after the Expansion, he came out danced around kinda surprised everyone I expect the same with Rey and him being the most shocking pick of the night) Smackdown! 1. Umaga (He hasn't had much direction on Raw. Going to ECW wouldn't shock me either) 2. Kennedy (Raw becomes more crowded and to counter that they send the newly turned Kennedy back to Smackdown) 3. Lance Cade (Split from Murdoch will get more face time on Smackdown or ECW) ECW 1. Super Crazy (Can Heat superstars get drafted too? Hasn't been doing much so I think he moves to ECW) 2. Jeff Hardy (After he got busted again I kinda waved bye bye to him being in the World Title picture on Raw, he could challenge for the IC again but I think they will have him move on, he could replace Punk as the most over guy on ECW. A move to Smackdown so Matt can help keep his brother from that dreaded third strike also seems possible) 3. Hardcore Holly (I think he drops the tag belts before the draft and goes back to ECW) Others I could see moving From Raw DH Smith London and Kendrick Carlito From Smackdown MVP Dykstra Palumbo From ECW Estrada Boogeyman Chavo I think they add more firepower to Raw again. Vince is desperate to bring those Raw Ratings up.[/QUOTE] I agree with what you are saying for the WWE Draft.
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a little side note before my picks lol.......It is not a million a week it is a million total. Each week he will give away a certain amount of money which will reach a million when he is done ;). Raw: Taker.......I really see taker finishing his wwe run on the "big show". punk: It is time for him to move over. Ecw was always ment to "build" people and i think he is ready to go on now. batista: not many he can fight on smackdown now. smackdown morison and miz: I think they will make it official umaga: See batista chavo: He has paid his price, time to go back to a real show. ecw: Holly: I see him loosing the title soon and will be put in quote quote hardcore land :rolleyes: snitsky: he bombed on raw, time to go back to being a uber monster on ecw
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While I'm pretty sure none of these will actually end up "right"... but... This is what I was thinking would be good to see. RAW: 1) MVP (This would be a HUGE move for the future of the WWE. If they don't move him to RAW Then they really miss out on a potential big splash for the company for years to come. He's done a lot on Smackdown and while he and Matt Hardy have put on a great feud... He needs a change of scenery... new people to feud with and a much bigger platform to potentially move into the Main Event Scene) 2) Batista (makes most sense) 3) CM Punk (Everyone thinks this will happen and I'm following along the same line. While they've buried him since he's won the MITB match... I could see them trying to push him as an ultimate underdog and in the end having him cash in his championship match. All in all, CM Punk is seemingly the "Staple Superstar" of the future in the WWE if booked right... Why not start the process of his ascension on RAW? Putting him on Smakdown would be a mistake. Yes, he'd get to "wrestle" more... but his rise may not be as strong) Smackdown: 1) Lance Cade (Someone called this.... I like the pick. Could be a good change of pace for him. Plus, It would give him some more focus time. Future JBL? Maybe) 2) Mr. Kennedy (He's been nothing on RAW really... Send him back to Smackdown where he could potentially "break out". However, much like the Punk Scenario... He may not rise as well on Smackdown as if he was seen as strong on RAW) 3) Shelton Benjamin (Smackdown could be a great place for him... His athleticism could put together some great matches with other strong in-ring workers. If he went to RAW.. He'd end up as a glorified "Loser" in most situations) ECW: 1) Umaga (Makes most sense here... Kane vs. Umaga... Seems like a great feud) 2) Carlito (Yep. He's become a laughing stock on RAW.... Nothing really all that "great" about his character lately. Put him on ECW where he can be seen as an attraction and possibly even put the ECW World Title on him at one point... See if they can work this youngster into somewhat of a draw. Maybe even tweak the Character a little)
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RAW Batista - He is over more then I think anyone thought or hoped. (Thanks Brock) He will move on to the flagship and join his evolution stablemates in their war thingie. The Undertaker - Agree with the statement that the Phenom will end his run on the A show. MVP - The man is Bank. .. And named Banks but the point is he is money and should be on RAW. SMACKDOWN C.M. Punk - I have read on a many sites that he is having Heat backstage (it seems to follow him actually) which is the reasonings for his few jobbings recently I think he is getting a big head from success... none the less he is a star and a good role model for all the kiddies watching the B show. Mr. Kennedy - Lost in the shuffle over on the red brand, but back on the B brand numerous championship reigns is written in the freakin' stars. London & Kendrick - 2 of my favorites currently in WWE who can work a match so should be on the show where matches take place more often instead of 15 minutes dialogues of current storyline movements with the occasional killer match thrown into the mix. ECW Carlito - He has become stale. So lets throw some brand new tights on him!.. nope didn't work so lets move him to the C show. Jeff Hardy - Drugs are BAD! Punishment... Go be a Main Eventer and Title Holder on the C show. The Big Show - Don't know why the big dude seemed to enjoy his last ECW run but I think he likes it there and a feud with Jacob Goodnight could bring alittle ratings maybe.
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RAW Batista - basically he needs Triple H to make him look good CM Punk - Mr MITB isn't going to stay on the third brand. MVP - With me predicting Orton going to Smackdown, RAW will need an upcoming heel. Smackdown Jericho - so he can actually challenge for the world title Orton - to prevent him from going stale on RAW Umaga - to feud with the Undertaker and then be forgotten about ECW Mysterio - only way I can see his popularity being maintained and capitalised on. Hardcore Holly - cause his name starts with Hardcore Finlay - his character just seems to fit with ECW
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[QUOTE=sabataged;429704]Keep in mind that real soon ECW is going to be combined with RAW instead of Smackdown.[/QUOTE] First time I heard of this. I like this quite a bit. Kind of stepped them up a bit for Smackdown, and being mixed in with Raw should help the brand even more. Smart, in my opinion... Kind of makes sense why they started with Smackdown first.
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I still can't understand how everyone is high on Punk, do you actually think they had any plans for him besides "Whoops we suspended Hardy, let's give it to someone else and figure something out later". They have no plans for Punk, and yes, he jobbed to Chavo, he jobbed to Chuck Palumbo, if he did that on ECW, just imagine what would happen if he went to a bigger brand? He's destined to be the next Matt Hardy. Anyways...my picks: RAW: MVP- He's going places, MVP as improved a lot, he dropped the US title and now he's ready for the big time, and the RAW Main event scene truly needs a new heel. Batista- He seems lost in Smackdown, better off on RAW, as it would open up interesting scenarios. Big Daddy V- They always have to put in one nonsensical draftee on RAW. Smackdown!: Elijah Burke- Hopefully he can have more TV time and more exposure, as he is a great talent. Umaga- See Batista Chris Jericho- Like someone already said, at least he can feud for the World title, since RAW just stinks of HHH, and you know Jericho and Hunter aren't best pals. ECW DH Smith- See Big Daddy V Big Show- His ECW title reign owned. Jeff Hardy- Because it's not enough to get suspended for 60 days and have his house burned down in flames, ECW World title off we go.
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I honestly don't think that they will put a superstar like Hardy or Rey Mysterio Jr. on ECW as their "sole show". It would be like shooting yourself in the foot putting two superstars with such overness onto their "C" show... Only to hurt potential merchandising sales (and PPV buys as well). It could help the show become better... but... I don't think the WWE is really focused on creating ECW into a "great brand" with actual superstars. That's why It would be nice to see people like Carlito or Umaga headline ECW shows. They aren't so over that the WWE would loose something by having them move from their two biggest shows (RAW & Smackdown) and ultimately they could potentially groom a new superstar outside of the "big time"... Only to bring them back up to the "Big Stage" (RAW or Smackdown) at a later date.
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In Order of How Will Possibly Happen: SD!: Santino Marella-He's become VERY VERY stale...and needs to be put on SmackDown! for a US Title run. RAW: Undertaker-First bignamer, needs to end his run (with WWE) on RAW, maybe a WWE Title run. ECW: Carlito-Put the ECW Title on him. ECW: William Regal-Former GM will end up on ECW. SD!: Lance Cade-Just cause he will. RAW: Rey Mysterio-Second bignamer in a row. How come he's returning at a RAW House Show? SD!: Bam Neely: He will become a full time wrestler on SmackDown!. RAW: MVP-Future Main Eventer man. ECW: Triple H-He gets traded back during the supplemental draft. RAW: Matt Hardy-Re-Unites The Hardys to takeover the tag division. SD!: JBL-The wrestling god comes back to his home. BATTLE ROYAL DRAFT PICK=RAW! (Cena wins.) RAW: Teddy Long-He comes to RAW to become GM and Cena smiles as RAW fades to black.
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I like your draft picks James but a couple things I don't see happening.. 1. Regal to ECW, WWE "fired" him after he lost to Kennedy and everyone knows he failed his second drug test. 2. Adamle on RAW.. Why would they ruin the #1 show? 3. Lawler to ECW ... again why break up the great duo of JR & King? everything else though I think could happen.. Taker to RAW, Cade off RAW, Carlito to ECW
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