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Altern'08 {HYPE THREAD}

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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/altern08.png[/IMG] [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Arial"][I]'It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory'[/CENTER][/I][/FONT][/QUOTE][/CENTER] Who hasn't wanted to change something from your past. Maybe go back and do better at school, or take that chance you now regret. Maybe you want to save someone or just say goodbye to a loved one. While changing one thing in your past doesn't seem like that much of a deal, the reprocussions can change the world, and to do it in a place like the Cornellverse can reshape the entire fabric of existance. [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]For instance. Imagine Eric Tyler had become the booker for DaVE and that the East Coast Wars were still raging today.[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]That Tommy Cornell had never joined Hollyweird Grappling Company, rebranded it TCW and that J.K Stallings was still running things.[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]That Jerry Eisen inherited SWF after a period of ill health forced Richard from the owners chair.[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]That the fall of Awesome Max Wrestling never happened and that the company actually started to flourish[/FONT] [/LIST] Small changes on their own, but when combined have altered the face of todays wrestling scene. [SIZE="5"][B][CENTER]Welcome To A Very Different 2008 [/FONT][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][CENTER][I]Coming Soon[/I] ?[/CENTER]
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You've hooked me Clartity. Especially with the possible continuation of the East Coast Wars (i'm a die-hard DAVE mark) and that AMW actually managed to make a go of it. The talent they have under lifetime deals (even though lifetime deals have beend removed) like Archangel and Kovach(sp?) should have garunteed them at least a CZCW-esque spot on the indies.
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[QUOTE=SolidDavidGold;429712]You've hooked me Clartity. Especially with the possible continuation of the East Coast Wars (i'm a die-hard DAVE mark) and that AMW actually managed to make a go of it. The talent they have under lifetime deals (even though lifetime deals have beend removed) like Archangel and Kovach(sp?) should have garunteed them at least a CZCW-esque spot on the indies.[/QUOTE] Guess you shall see soon enough.. Its a one man mod, so progress is slow, as i convert the details from 07 to 08.. That and title linages :eek:
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[B]Progress Report: 29th May[/B] So far there are 61 workers with the correct skills and contracts to go with the promotions that have already been created. All the belts are in the database, but lineages are barely started
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