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Two quick questions...

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1. How does the left the business option work? Is it just there for cosmetic reasons or do workers that have left the business sometimes return? I'm just trying to figure out if the workers set to left the business are purely superficial or if the game treats them like on hiatus workers without the option of asking them back. 2. Does the game pro actively or at least retroactively roll up/back stats if you change the games start date? That is to say that while Cena may have A looks, B+ athletics, B power and B+ stamina now 30 years from now he won't. If I set my 2008 mod to start in 2038 will he still have those same stats or will the game drop them at the start of the mod? Conversely, for example if I go backwards to 1980 will little figi and Fabulous moolah still have 20's in looks today, or will the game attempt to move them up to a higher number? I'm trying to figure out how many/what kind of older workers I'm going to fill in for my mod and these things would be helpful to know.
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[QUOTE]1. How does the left the business option work? Is it just there for cosmetic reasons or do workers that have left the business sometimes return? I'm just trying to figure out if the workers set to left the business are purely superficial or if the game treats them like on hiatus workers without the option of asking them back.[/QUOTE] Out Of The Business means they are not in the industry. They will not come back. On Hiatus is the equivalent of Out Of The Business but with the chance of comebacks. [QUOTE]2. Does the game pro actively or at least retroactively roll up/back stats if you change the games start date? That is to say that while Cena may have A looks, B+ athletics, B power and B+ stamina now 30 years from now he won't. If I set my 2008 mod to start in 2038 will he still have those same stats or will the game drop them at the start of the mod?[/QUOTE] No. A database is set in a specific year, and the stats relate to that. If you move the date forward 30 years, it's up to you to update the files to reflect that change.
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1. Left the Business is there for the addition of those few workers whose presence is still felt today - for example, Rock and Brock Lesnar have left wrestling, but their continued presence in Real World mods is a testament to users' expectations (and sometimes desire to bring them back). In the CV, the two most obvious examples to me are Jennifer Cornell (Tommy's wife, who to my knowledge was never [I]in[/I] the business, and exists purely so Tommy doesn't marry anyone else) and JK Stallings (former owner of HGC/TCW, who exists to taunt people that they'll never have his money behind them ;)) People who've LtB will never return in the course of your game (although I expect Stallings back soon...) 2. To my knowledge (and I was wondering about this myself...) the stats don't change at all if you wind the game forward/back. You 'd have to do that yourself, alas...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;430171]1. Left the Business is there for the addition of those few workers whose presence is still felt today - for example, Rock and Brock Lesnar have left wrestling, but their continued presence in Real World mods is a testament to users' expectations (and sometimes desire to bring them back).[/QUOTE] It's been renamed to Out Of The Business specifically so that it can be used for people who aren't necessarily workers either - the Jennifer Cornell example being one.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;430463]Of course, with the new Relationship tickbox in the editor, Jennifer Cornell is complete redundant now anyway. Poor girl, replaced by a tickbox... ¬_¬[/QUOTE] Surely that will only be if you want Tommy and Jennifer to stay married for ever - if you want there to be a chance of a divorce (and further relationships) then you would still need Jen in the database?
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I think "D" was just being a bit sarcastic there. I doubt they would just eject her from the game. From the entry, I think it's moreso for new mod datasets, where you can set people to be married outside of the bussiness. Would make things easier when you want to make sure some of the worker's you know are married, but their wives aren't part of wrestling at all (or anymore). Think I would keep HBK's wife in the data, as you never know when it would be cool to have her in an angle being "Worried" about her husband. It could happen?
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I have a question not entirely focused on TEW 2008, but also on TEW 2007. I get the logical extension of the "normal" gimmick categoris (as "cool" for example) by "Unique", "Realistic" and "Gimmicky". - But I didn't figure out yet... a.) How the individual performance of "Unique", "Realistic" or "Gimmicky" gimmicks is calculated for the workers. (the other styles have a separate performance measure as you know) b.) And maybe, how those 3 gimmick types are assembled.
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