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Cornellverse History Lesson

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So I've been playing Cornellverse games exclusively since the series came out and have really grown to love that database over any real world MOD's. With that being said, Does anyone know where I could go to get a good comprehensive background to what has happened in the Cornellverse wrestling world since Pro Wrestling dawned? I know that there are some bio's, articles & a short blurb about what happened in each country as wrestling moved from era to era... However, I was wondering if there was any other information out there that could help me really understand the history of things? I know the big stuff like the Nemesis/Cornell match and such... However, I thought it would be cool to really understand what came before my game to map out where it went from there. Because with most real world mods you already know what happened in the 80's and 90's and have a really good idea of who fought who, what were big title wins, shifts in popularity... rise of superstars and such like that. While I've been playing the database for years... I'm sure a lot of the newcomers have even less idea about what all came to be than I do & the knowledge of where this all came from would really help others to dive into the Cornellverse instead of looking to real world mods. All in all, I thought I'd ask! Thanks!
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All the information available is either in the articles on the site or via the biographies (which you can actually piece together quite a lot from). Any gaps are intentional to allow people to draw their own conclusions or to allow for future additions.
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I agree with you the Cornellverse over the years has grown more on me. I really ignored it and just wanted to play real world mod but there is an interesting depth to it. Plus you really can't argue with who should be better then they are like in real world mods.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am really getting into the Japanese side of the C-Verse as well. Recently I have been enjoying playing alot with GCG and INSPIRE, and I have also plan to start up a BHOTWG and WLW game in the future, just because I want to book super cheesy LuchaResu and super intense Strong Style matches.
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