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Tyler and Caulfield signed with SWF in week 1 of my game. It'd be quite cool to see a no-stealing agreement in place when a worker has [I]just[/I] joined a new company - but at the same time, I guess in game terms the guys signed on with their new feds months ago. As for future stars... Sammy Bach could go all the way - but he's stolen Jack Bruce's clothes and now looks like X-Pac. Weird...
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[quote=Oregano Jensen;431562]The unfortunate demise of DaVE, while foreshadowed in the text of the '07 edition, doesn't fit with the statistics presented in same. I can't recall a game of TEW07 I played in which DaVE folded -- or, indeed, a game in which it didn't gain popularity and money at a rapid rate. They began 2007 with $1.7 million; how did they spend $1.7 million in three months? Meanwhile, GCG and WEXXV -- two promotions which never survived the first year -- are back.[/quote] $1.7m isn't a lot of money. They lost their TV and PPV deals, leading to major reductions in their income from rights, PPV income, ticket sales, merch and sponsorship (both in sponsors pulling out and paying less), whilst (one would assume) being liable for payments to arenas where the cancelled TV tapings would be held, stuck with arenas they couldn't cover their losses on due to reduction in live event attendence now they've lost their TV deal and thus a major source of promotion and still have to pay the wrestlers on written contracts and with downsides, who would become more of an issue due to the probable reduction in the number of shows. Consider the financial mess that would cause to the company and you'd understand an urgency to correct it, which may thus lead to desperate attempts to reverse the decline through risky and pooly-judged business decisions which could ultimately make the situation worse and poor, rushed booking looking to pop a good attendence that backfires with a reduction in attendence through poor show quality and you have a good reason why they managed to go through that money fairly quickly and go out of business. Plus, you know, if the company had been set-up in a manner that meant the owners were liable for any debts the company had whilst still operational, they may well have shut it down when they realised how bad it was in order to vaoid being personally ruined.
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Ok, so ive had a bit of time to really explore whos gone where and whatnot now, and i think im really looking forward to spending some time in puerto rico with FCW. The Gonzalez boys (and im including the latino kings there) are some of my faves from dave, Hells Bouncer as well, of course PRP and Mainstream hernandez (always signed Mainstream into dave). As well as a few new, interesting to say the least, faces will make for a good promotion to build on. I'm not a huge fan of PSW, it seems that Mitch was only able to secure the least talented of the DaVE roster, and hardly filled out the roster with the cream of the indy crop. Thank god Rip Chord sent his boy over to save the day. Steven Parker could be PSW's saving grace. Although im not a fan initially, it does seem to be the good beginnings for a dynasty. But will probably end up another NYCW. (oh, plus Mitch is an idiot, I started as an unemployed Jack Avatar, and opened a regional promotion in the tri-state area, not only did he not need too much convincing to sign on as lead play by play man, he even considers me top priority over PSW!!!) The incorporation of DaVE's superstars into both TCW and SWF is fantastic and at first glance i thought TCW would be my new promotion of choice. But given SWF's leanings towards entertainment, and the fact that they actually repackaged Brandon James the same way I did in my 07 game ("Big Money" and all) makes me think I'm going to have a little more in common with the Eisen clan, than egomaniac Tommy Cornell and his boy toy Wolf Hawkins... just sayin, those new sunnies....mighty gay wolf....mighty gay then again...Edd Stone, Sammy Bach.... yeah, ive changed my mind, DaVE collapsing may, just MAY have been a good thing for the cornellverse....
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I would occasionaly play as DAVE in 07, but I think having them fold was a good thing. It shakes up the c-verse, and give promotions like USPW a little more status. I also thought it was a pretty ballsy move, my first reaction was "ooooh, people are going to be pissed!"
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While it really sucks to see DAVE go, I can't say I'm surprised. Jennie Bomb made some great points but I would like to make one more. How can you hope to survive with guys like Caulfield under 10K plus written deals. Phil and Dave (Cambell aka Nemesis) are phenominal wrestling minds, but they're not miracle workers. At least Mitch started a new promotion, although I think it's a mistake to go with pretty much the exact same style as DAVE. Perhaps a more modern approach would work better. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong
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Actually, I found the fact that PSW has a very similar product to DAVE but faw worse workers to be an amusing point made about the promotions that tried to continue the "ECW Style" with lesser workers and entirley failed. That, and making a point to the ECW fanboys who glorify the product like it wasn't a major reason the promotion ended in the first place.
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Now this is a subject I'm a lot more fired up about than I thought I'd be. I'm not really a hardcore fan and I never played with DAVE. So their actual demise is no skin off my nose. But the aftermath? In the words of Mr Horse from Ren & Stimpy, "No sir. I don't like it." Especially not how it impacts TCW. In the 07 data, I found TCW rather compelling. It was a national promotion who offered me the security of written contracts but at the same time, it was quite the fixer upper roster wise. You had talent like Aaron Andrews and Ice Man C.A. just sitting on the brink of that first real push. People like the Nation of Filth whose spots were ripe for the turning over for new talent. The ashes of Painful Procedure still fresh enough to stir creatively. The Dark Brotherhood to bury. Plenty of jumping off points to work from. In 08, they just confuse me. The DAVE additions don't seem to fit into the mix for me. Andrews has been pushed into the All-Action division. Edd Stone sticks out like a sore thumb. and while a bunch of fat got needed cutting people like Rocky Golden and Floyd Goldworthy stayed inexplicably on the roster. Golden even being part of the inexplicably turned response team in the Syndicate faction war. Really do not care for the TCW in 08 and it all starts with the dispersal of the DAVE talent.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;431685]Actually, I found the fact that PSW has a very similar product to DAVE but faw worse workers to be an amusing point made about the promotions that tried to continue the "ECW Style" with lesser workers and entirley failed.[/QUOTE] I'm glad there's a few people who have spotted the satirical edge to some of the events :p
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;431692]Now this is a subject I'm a lot more fired up about than I thought I'd be. I'm not really a hardcore fan and I never played with DAVE. So their actual demise is no skin off my nose. But the aftermath? In the words of Mr Horse from Ren & Stimpy, "No sir. I don't like it." Especially not how it impacts TCW. In the 07 data, I found TCW rather compelling. It was a national promotion who offered me the security of written contracts but at the same time, it was quite the fixer upper roster wise. You had talent like Aaron Andrews and Ice Man C.A. just sitting on the brink of that first real push. People like the Nation of Filth whose spots were ripe for the turning over for new talent. The ashes of Painful Procedure still fresh enough to stir creatively. The Dark Brotherhood to bury. Plenty of jumping off points to work from. In 08, they just confuse me. The DAVE additions don't seem to fit into the mix for me. Andrews has been pushed into the All-Action division. Edd Stone sticks out like a sore thumb. and while a bunch of fat got needed cutting people like Rocky Golden and Floyd Goldworthy stayed inexplicably on the roster. Golden even being part of the inexplicably turned response team in the Syndicate faction war. Really do not care for the TCW in 08 and it all starts with the dispersal of the DAVE talent.[/QUOTE] You'd almost think that some of those effects were intentional or had echoes of real life happenings, wouldn't you? :p
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[quote=Adam Ryland;431695]I'm glad there's a few people who have spotted the satirical edge to some of the events :p[/quote] Hah, given the backstory, I was about to say "Hello, RoH" to PSW, with Naess pretty much playing Gab Sapolsky, but then I read the product and saw the roster and changed my reatcion to "Hello, XPW/CZW/IWA:MS". I'm considering starting a game with the sole intention of destroying PSW.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;431699]You'd almost think that some of those effects were intentional or had echoes of real life happenings, wouldn't you? :p[/QUOTE] Well, considering I live in a media market that is WWE dominated and have been drifting in and out of TV wrestling viewership since WCW folded, the latter would definitely explain why much of TCW 08 is lost on me. My knowledge of millennial decade wrestling is Swiss cheese.
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[quote=cappyboy;431711]Well, considering I live in a media market that is WWE dominated and have been drifting in and out of TV wrestling viewership since WCW folded, the latter would definitely explain why much of TCW 08 is lost on me. My knowledge of millennial decade wrestling is Swiss cheese.[/quote] I thought TCW was WCW, and that the roster changes were supposed to reflect the slightly insane methods of roster management employed by WCW management in the dying days. Or TNA, which has the most schizophrenic roster in history in that they're half WWE/WCW cast-off, half-X Division.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;431711]Well, considering I live in a media market that is WWE dominated and have been drifting in and out of TV wrestling viewership since WCW folded, the latter would definitely explain why much of TCW 08 is lost on me. My knowledge of millennial decade wrestling is Swiss cheese.[/QUOTE] I didn't say they were echoes of [I]recent[/I] real life happenings. Or even happenings [I]from wrestling[/I] for that matter :p All sorts of different things get referenced in my games :)
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[quote=Adam Ryland;431722]I didn't say they were echoes of [I]recent[/I] real life happenings. Or even happenings [I]from wrestling[/I] for that matter :p All sorts of different things get referenced in my games :)[/quote] Now I'm curious, and demand that you explain yourself!
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I'm in the 'woohoo, I love all the changes" camp, for sure. FCW is my favorite change thus far, finally Puerto Rican promotion in the C-verse. Puerto Rican Power has always been one of my favorites, having a promotion right out of the gate loaded with such a cool cross section of talent surrounding him.. win. "The Marksman" Kirk Jameson, Leper Messiah, The Sensational Singh, Mainstream Hernandez, Natural Storm, Carl Batch.. FCW rules. Above someone equated TCW with TNA.. perfect parallel in my opinion. A mish mash of super talented workers with no real direction. The almost "forced in" feel of Peak, Minnesota and The New Wave make starting a TCW game a daunting task, trying to find hot feuds for so many talented performers. The shot in the arm talent-wise for SWF is awesome to. All the pick ups for SWF have a rhyme and a reason for being there, Jack, Emma and Brandon all fit into SWF like a glove. Love the Laramee / Scott tag team by the way, Adam.. hawt. And USPW? AWESOME! A women's division headed by Alicia, how man of we the few fans of USPW did that in the past? I know I did. I'm probably going to edit a loyalty relationship to Sam Strong or add a written contract for Caulfield to have him stick around a little longer, as I love the idea of him in USPW. I love it all, perfect evolution of the data. Kudos Adam on, honestly, the best wrestling game I've ever played.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;431784] I'm probably going to edit a loyalty relationship to Sam Strong or add a written contract for Caulfield to have him stick around a little longer, as I love the idea of him in USPW. [/QUOTE] I agree and might do the same. The wording in Caulfield's bio makes it somewhat unsatisfying that he is consistently (well, at least in the 3 games that I've played through the demo) snatched up by SWF in the first week. Not to say that I see him staying in the USPW for the long haul, but it seems as though he'd be likely to stick around for a year or two.
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Maybe I'm missing something here but if you really loved DaVE that much why not just recreate them in the database? If you don't want to raid the other 2008 rosters (like TCW and SWF) you could still have Vibert & Nemesis for starters. I never played as DaVE but I think I'll do that anyway. I'll give them Genghis Rahn, seems to be a great fit. TCW could stand to lose some big guy faces anyway.
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