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the death of DaVE saddens me greatly, I will probably convert the 07 data and play in 08 just to keep them alive myself. Im a DaVE faithful and with the 08 data im left to wonder...where do i go now? TCW seems to have the best talent available, but maybe just to keep the attitude alive ill form my own promotion.
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I was always a fan of DaVE since they resembled ECW in a lot of ways for me... However, It seemed logical to have the company fold. All in all, It's good to see Naess create a company of his own... A small, upstart hardcore fed... something I'm excited to see grow and possibly even book down the road after I grow tired of booking SWF in a few years.
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Guest Bolton
Look at the bright side, SWF has Jack Giedroyc and Big Cat Brandon, and TCW has Joey Minnesota, Adernaline Rush and Eddie Peak. But still, it feels a little empty without a DAVE.
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I was shocked. I really was. DAVE was one of my favourites.. I don't care which guys TCW or SWF got, I [B]NEVER[/B] play those two. Altough I like the new Big Cat Brandon look. But still.. Damn. I truly hopy that the company which Mitch Naess runs (PSW) will do well, or even better. Or that Phil Vibert starts his own!
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;431378]maaaaaaaaan, whats with all the mark cuban hate? what am i missing? lol[/QUOTE] I'm from Dallas. I love Mark Cuban. He made me care about basketball just a little bit. Plus HDNet and HDNet Fights are freakin' awesome! He's a cool guy. However, for some reason, sportscasters from every other city freakin' hate him. Especially that douche from Chi-Town. Oh, well, back to the subject. I don't really care for FREEDOM, but PSW is awesome.
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;431378]maaaaaaaaan, whats with all the mark cuban hate? what am i missing? lol[/QUOTE] Go read Monkeypox's fantastic Mark Cuban controls DaVE dynasty and it will make a lot more sense. Reality... well... I won't sling mud at the guy. And come on GDS... group hug for Pox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hug a monkey people!
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Given all the DaVE love in this thread, it's amazing that no one actually picked up on the myriad of hints Adam has given over the years that [B][I]DaVE was destined to die[/I][/B]. Look at all the many ways DaVE mirrored ECW. One step up and two steps back (talent raided). Just when it seemed like things were turning around, something catastrophic happens. USPW's acquisition and far superior resources, combined with their growth, meant DaVE was fighting a battle it couldn't hope to win (defending itself against the likes of SWF, TCW, and NOTBPW while at the same time trying to keep an eye on USPW in th rearview). Perhaps out of the ashes...
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[QUOTE=Maximilian_WWW;431493]While I played some nice games with them in '07, I like the continuing evolution of the Cornellverse. And, to be perfectly honest, the loss of UCR has hit me much harder.[/QUOTE] WHOA! Someone who misses UCR! I'll admit that I was taken aback when I saw they had shut down. But what bothered me more was the reason (Louis Figo Manico just decided to shut the promotion down, presumably because he was burned out. WTH?!?) behind the closing.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;431498]WHOA! Someone who misses UCR! I'll admit that I was taken aback when I saw they had shut down. But what bothered me more was the reason (Louis Figo Manico just decided to shut the promotion down, presumably because he was burned out. WTH?!?) behind the closing.[/QUOTE] It is quite a pointless reason. Then again, it is Manico and a European scene without him being the driving force, can at least be an interesting starting point for a diary, I suppose.
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The unfortunate demise of DaVE, while foreshadowed in the text of the '07 edition, doesn't fit with the statistics presented in same. I can't recall a game of TEW07 I played in which DaVE folded -- or, indeed, a game in which it didn't gain popularity and money at a rapid rate. They began 2007 with $1.7 million; how did they spend $1.7 million in three months? Meanwhile, GCG and WEXXV -- two promotions which never survived the first year -- are back.
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[QUOTE=Oregano Jensen;431562]The unfortunate demise of DaVE, while foreshadowed in the text of the '07 edition, doesn't fit with the statistics presented in same. I can't recall a game of TEW07 I played in which DaVE folded -- or, indeed, a game in which it didn't gain popularity and money at a rapid rate. They began 2007 with $1.7 million; how did they spend $1.7 million in three months? Meanwhile, GCG and WEXXV -- two promotions which never survived the first year -- are back.[/QUOTE] ? Obviously there's a degree of creative license involved, it'd be stupid to have set DAVE up with a "realistic" huge debt and basically sentenced them to die within the first few months of any TEW07 game just to set up part of the storyline for TEW08. You seem to be looking at it backwards and thinking the game revolves around the database, when it's the database that revolves around the game.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;431527]Out of interest, which former DAVE star do people think will do best off in their new promotion?[/QUOTE] Looks like the ones in TCW either made the biggest splash or are positioned to do so. I don't think its an accident that Eddie and the New Wave are classified as being Faces now that the Heel Syndicate group is running the company.
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