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Demo Feedback and Questions

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Just a little contextual question regarding the SWF as I'm fairly unfamiliar with the Cornellverse as a whole. In the editor Richard Eisen is both a personality and road agent usually, and I noticed the stuff about his two sons being involved in an "election" angle quite recently which was said to have bombed but with no indication as to what the actual consequences were, so with that in mind at the default start date is he still involved as an on-screen authority figure? I'll probably use him that way anyway, just wondering if him showing up would be a big deal or not for continuity's sake. :o
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[QUOTE=hkkane;432429]can not add new event in demo? my PGHW,PPV carrier is emperor choice,I add new event(tuesday weekly,size is PPV),but nothing booking screen i tried other size(small ,medium....) is still nothing[/QUOTE] As it says at the top of the Control Room, you cannot have any events until your next tour starts. PGHW don't tour in January.
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Brilliant. Got my money. A have a few concerns but lets face it nothing is perfect.:rolleyes: The removal of the tag team selection screen is a little odd as it made it alot faster. Disapointed to see DAVE go but their loss is TCW gain IMO. Guide/Scout, Eddie Peak, Minnesota were some of my favourites in 07 so to see they have joined my favs TCW is great. I'm suprised that people like Devine, Jett, Mainstream, Parker & Perez hadn't moved on to bigger companies coz i've had great sucsess with them in 07. A bit suprised that Good old Rip Chord gave his blessing on Parker's departure. but thats not a bad thing just suprise. Also i though a few of the above might have developed higher skills in the year difference Love the creatve meeting.... i just wish it gave advice on workers to team up and title change ideas. Then that feature would be perfect. Negotiating is alot better IMO. Good job. Personally i love the TCW stable and i can't wait in 12 months to have Wolf Hawkins turn Face and join up with Guide/Scout & Eddie Peak to take on the syndicate eventually taking Cornell's title. . . the one thing i would say considering some thought went into this Stable there are a lack of angle's for stable especially in the interview and hype area. But overall a fantastic job cant wait for the full version
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[QUOTE=Gnrfan;432482]The removal of the tag team selection screen is a little odd as it made it alot faster.[/QUOTE] You mean for matches? If you click this little thing above the list of singles wrestlers it'll list tag teams instead. Though I haven't figured out how to select a wrestler/team straight from that list instead of doing it in the drop-down menu. First real problem/annoyance. Used Shady K, an opener, for 10 minutes in a tag-team dark match and apparently that's FAR too much?!
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after playing every game in the series so far, this one is the first one i have been able to instantly ' get into' without it taking a few months of gametime. love the new features and interface, finally managed to get into the cornellverse ( worthwhile for those real world only guys) just eagerly awaiting full release so i can go into month two of my game lol well done on producing another great piece of software! p.s any chance of an early release ala wmma.....lol
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[QUOTE=rage;432617]after playing every game in the series so far, this one is the first one i have been able to instantly ' get into' without it taking a few months of gametime. love the new features and interface, finally managed to get into the cornellverse ( worthwhile for those real world only guys) just eagerly awaiting full release so i can go into month two of my game lol well done on producing another great piece of software! p.s any chance of an early release ala wmma.....lol[/QUOTE] Yeah i have been able to get into the cornellverse too on this game i never even looked at the cornellverse in TEW 2007. It is a really fun alternate to the real world mods infact i think my first game on the full game will be with the cornellverse with TCW i just love Tommy Cornell:D
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Honest, no-holds-barred feedback? Okay... The engine feels even more polished and sleek than the last game, and there's a huge speed improvement. That said, it's surrounded by a UI that feels like a Visual Basic program from 1998 that's never been updated. There's an overly excessive use of things like drop-down menus and buttons for 'move up' and 'move down' -- we live in the age of Drag And Drop! The two main examples are: Booking a show (specificly, segment order) should let you just drag segments to re-order the show, instead of clicking a button ten times to move your opening match to the main event and another ten clicks to move the old main event back to the opening match; and selecting workers for each match shouldn't require drop-down boxes; you already have the roster listed there, simply drag a name to a 'Worker 1' box, a 'Worker 2' box, etc. UI changes like this would speed up gameplay greatly, and could be applied to other areas as well (Want to change pushes for your roster? Just drag a guy from the Upper Midcard column to the Main Event column, or from Midcard to Opener.) At this point, the sim engine feels like it's been optimized all it can, and is now being expanded on (the personality 'neural net', for instance). Further engine enhancements won't garner as much return for the time invested, but an overhaul of the UI (And I don't mean the menus and button placements, I mean everything from coice of controls to keymapping) would yield much greater returns on the time put into it. That being said... dude, everyone who plays the game, every Monday, Week 1, May, will see CZCW Welcome To The Coastal Zone. This has managed to replace "Had my names for Fox Mask's finishers in WreSpi 1 made official" as my #1 reason why Ryland rocks...
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[QUOTE=The Shape;432540]You mean for matches? If you click this little thing above the list of singles wrestlers it'll list tag teams instead. Though I haven't figured out how to select a wrestler/team straight from that list instead of doing it in the drop-down menu. First real problem/annoyance. Used Shady K, an opener, for 10 minutes in a tag-team dark match and apparently that's FAR too much?![/QUOTE] Yeah, Adam says it's not possible to do now.... One of the only things I have been sad about thus far... :(
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Is there an easy way to see a list of what wrestlers each manager works for and/or a easy way to see a list of what managers each wrestler has? This is very frustrating for me, as there seems to be no way to view this in a list anywhere.
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[QUOTE=kckid4u;432654]Is there an easy way to see a list of what wrestlers each manager works for and/or a easy way to see a list of what managers each wrestler has? This is very frustrating for me, as there seems to be no way to view this in a list anywhere.[/QUOTE] A wrestler's manager is written at the bottom of his bio, if he has one.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;432663]which seems strange since it was possible in 07.[/QUOTE] Not really, at least not if you've looked at the booking engine? Even a quick view should show exactly why it's not possible - in TEW07 you had had a whole extra set of clicks to pick which "slot" you were picking for the competitor for, so picking a tag team made sense. TEW08 is streamlined to completely avoid that process, which makes booking a much faster and easier process. The one and only drawback of that is that you can't select tag teams together as the game has no way of knowing where you're attempting to place them.
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hmm.. I guess. Most of the game as you said has been streamlined and improved, it just feels like booking matches (at least from the competitor standpoint), esp from the standpoint of tag matches kind of took a step back. Judging from the current layout, and the layout of 07', just me personally, in this case, I would rather have the extra click. Oh well. I'll just have to get used to it. Something else I was thinking. Would it be easier to put all that booking stuff where the "click here to pick wrestlers" area is? I mean, removing that and putting the roster area there would eliminate having to click to pick the competitors entirely. As they'd be at the top of the screen and could be selected from there. With the right side of it showing the character and his photo.
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Really great game Adam! A couple of questions though, I went against me owner and now he's mad and one of his goals was to get Jeremy Stone up to at least a B momentum. I did that but nothing seemed to change. Do I have to wait until the goal expires? Another thing, why is there a limit to the amount you can type in your notes? In 07 I could write as much as I wanted, but now I can only do like a paragraph before it stops.
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[QUOTE=deadman2006;432917]Really great game Adam! A couple of questions though, I went against me owner and now he's mad and one of his goals was to get Jeremy Stone up to at least a B momentum. I did that but nothing seemed to change. Do I have to wait until the goal expires?[/QUOTE] Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but there are two momentum goals - must be X when the time expires, and must not fall below X in a certain amount of time. You've got the first one, and you won't succeed until the time frame is over.
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[QUOTE=deadman2006;432917]Another thing, why is there a limit to the amount you can type in your notes? In 07 I could write as much as I wanted, but now I can only do like a paragraph before it stops.[/QUOTE] I can only speak from my experience, but I've played two games so far, and I have yet to even open the notebook, which I did frequently in TEW07. The reason I haven't used it is because so much information is readily available where it's needed, which wasn't in TEW07. For instance, I typically used the notebook feature before to keep track of things like worker chemistry so I could reference it when booking matches. In TEW08, the chemistry log automatically does that for you, and (I'm not at home to check right now) I believe it's available in the booking screen as well. So the reason the text field is smaller may simply be because you don't need it as much anymore.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;432685]hmm.. I guess. Most of the game as you said has been streamlined and improved, it just feels like booking matches (at least from the competitor standpoint), esp from the standpoint of tag matches kind of took a step back. Judging from the current layout, and the layout of 07', just me personally, in this case, I would rather have the extra click. Oh well. I'll just have to get used to it. [/QUOTE] You know who are in your tag teams, I presume. Is it so hard to Click in window--> Type first few letters of Member #1's name --> Tab --> Type first few letters of Member #2's name ? To me, this is a lot faster than looking for a team and clicking on them. Simply being able to type the first few letters of someone's name sames unbelievable amounts of time.
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