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Demo Feedback and Questions

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1. Can you see your roster's momentum somewhere? I can't find it. 2. The booking screen is better than in 07 but it still is quite awkward and slow. Perhaps you could just remove the drop down boxes completely and then just add a Select wrestler button. Then you could just select the name on the list and press the button. It would highlight the name and then you would pick his opponent using the same method. 3. There seem to be something wrong with negotiations. I'm playing EWA and the wrestlers keep saying that they want just a little bit more money. Well, I offer them a lot more and they still say the same thing. I even tried to offer them 500 000$ but those stupid indy stars still won't accept it because they think it's too low. If they don't want to work for me, they should just say so.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;431412]I can't seem to find out how to get a sponsor?[/QUOTE] you don't "get" sponsors. Promotions that are sponsor friendly get them automatically. Just as everyone did in 07. I presume promotions with certain product types who don't get a message about being sponsor friendly, won't get them. on a side note, how does one get the owner's patience level back up? I exhausted mine signing talent from cult promotions which Cornell told me not to do. :p
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[QUOTE=Bossman;431407]1. Can you see your roster's momentum somewhere? I can't find it. 3. There seem to be something wrong with negotiations. I'm playing EWA and the wrestlers keep saying that they want just a little bit more money. Well, I offer them a lot more and they still say the same thing. I even tried to offer them 500 000$ but those stupid indy stars still won't accept it because they think it's too low. If they don't want to work for me, they should just say so.[/QUOTE] 1 - It's written in their bio at the bottom. 3 - See the Technical Support forum!!! [QUOTE=Michael Wayne;431415]on a side note, how does one get the owner's patience level back up? I exhausted mine signing talent from cult promotions which Cornell told me not to do. :p[/QUOTE] Complete a goal successfully.
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Here are some suggestions I posted on another forum. (Adam has already seen them) 1. The ability to view "other workers" in a grid format. This is so much easier and saves a lot of time. I'd like to see this user friendly view added back. 2. The ability to reset moral. I know the system has changed but if possible I'd like to see this added back to the editor. The reason I request this is that one of the things I enjoy doing in this game is playing the WWE in free mode more for the creative fantasy of booking my own shows then for it's intended purpose. (I assume this is why free mode exists) 3. The ability to see user momentum in grid form before booking the actual show. I suggest that we add momentum to Roster Overview. These are some new ones after spending a little more time. 1. A filter option added to my above suggestion of adding momentum to Roster overview. This will make it easier to sort this out especially for multiple brands. 2. The ability to save the list of workers excluded from an auto push. I love the new feature but it would be even better if we didn't have to re-enter it each time. (I'm lazy :P) 3. The ability to see who a manager is managing from their screen. With larger rosters and or unfamiliar promotions it takes a while to track down who a manager is currently working with. A mere text addition to their profile "Is currently managing worker X" would make things easier.
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[QUOTE]The ability to save the list of workers excluded from an auto push. I love the new feature but it would be even better if we didn't have to re-enter it each time. [/QUOTE] I would really like this. From a very inexperienced user of the Cornellverse, I keep forgetting who is who and what position they are in and who I want to exclude and with an already bad memory, having to remember everyone each time (even if I do enter it in notepad), is a little annoyance.
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[QUOTE=Rams;431421]A mere text addition to their profile "Is currently managing worker X" would make things easier.[/QUOTE] It may sound "mere", but that's only if they have one or two clients. If they manage multiple people it's a lot more problematic. Please note that there is a suggestion forum further down the board, this is not the place to be putting them.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;431425]my only question is why the hell I cant set my mod to the proper date. I cant start a 1992 mod with the game only allowing you to play in 2008, it doesn't even make sense. All the top guys are like 50.[/QUOTE] Because if the date could be changed, people could get around the time limits and play the demo forever. It's the same as it has been in every single one of my games, I have no idea why you're surprised, it's not like you're a newcomer to the forums.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;431427]It may sound "mere", but that's only if they have one or two clients. If they manage multiple people it's a lot more problematic. Please note that there is a suggestion forum further down the board, this is not the place to be putting them.[/QUOTE] Sorry Adam I shouldn't have presumed it was so simple to accomplish, just trying to point out items I notice. Thanks for the reminder. I shall take my nitpicking to the proper forum.
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Two problems.. mentioned elsewhere. Couldn't find an interview angle with a spot to be used by an interviewer. Minor thing, I know, but TCW has a new female Color Commentator whose job description includes "backstage interviews". Would be nice if I could book angles using her as a backstage interviewer. If there are such angles in the game, then I apologize, but I couldn't find them. Also, with TCW. Just ran the first TV show and garnered a C rank. This sent the company from national to cult. Considering the length of time it takes to bounce back, and that this happened from the very first show, could you either set TCW up to be more resiliant to a bad first show, or perhaps allow more room for error overall?
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;431430]Because if the date could be changed, people could get around the time limits and play the demo forever. It's the same as it has been in every single one of my games, I have no idea why you're surprised, it's not like you're a newcomer to the forums.[/QUOTE] I guess I just never tried it with the other games really
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[QUOTE=Antithesis;431474]Two problems.. mentioned elsewhere. Couldn't find an interview angle with a spot to be used by an interviewer. Minor thing, I know, but TCW has a new female Color Commentator whose job description includes "backstage interviews". Would be nice if I could book angles using her as a backstage interviewer. If there are such angles in the game, then I apologize, but I couldn't find them. Also, with TCW. Just ran the first TV show and garnered a C rank. This sent the company from national to cult. Considering the length of time it takes to bounce back, and that this happened from the very first show, could you either set TCW up to be more resiliant to a bad first show, or perhaps allow more room for error overall?[/QUOTE] I've been playing with the T-Zone angles in 07 and I really missed the "self hype" promos and stuff when I started playing 08.. :(
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[QUOTE=Rams;431421]Here are some suggestions I posted on another forum. (Adam has already seen them) 1. The ability to view "other workers" in a grid format. This is so much easier and saves a lot of time. I'd like to see this user friendly view added back. 3. The ability to see user momentum in grid form before booking the actual show. I suggest that we add momentum to Roster Overview. [/QUOTE] A big ². I found out you can still view your promotion's workers in a grid, but there is no option for all workers. I find that a bit dissapointing.
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[QUOTE=Blackman;431512]A big ². I found out you can still view your promotion's workers in a grid, but there is no option for all workers. I find that a bit dissapointing.[/QUOTE] Are we talking Statitician's View? Because I have no idea how to turn that on.. I feel like I must be blindly missing things in the Options menu.
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Some thoughts on the game: THE GOOD: - I had the impression that the layout of the game hadn't changed much when looking at the screenshots but in actual fact there is a big difference. I've noticed that some of the screens do seem a bit busy but we whined when it was the opposite, so I wouldn't complain. - The worker's personalities are excellent and I can already tell that they'll add so much to the game. - Angle editor on hand at anytime = awesome. - I love the enhanced business goals. The idea of pushing someone you don't like because your boss tells you too is both evil and necessary! - Creative section works very well too. I'm a bit disappointed that you can't select a creative team, as I think politics should play an important part of the creative team process, nonetheless it's a massive improvement from 07. - TV ratings appear to be more in line with real life (in terms of the decimal rating being similar to what Raw or Smackdown would get). A small but useful thing. No half hour breakdowns though :( . - The drug testing. Fantastic feature, and the various options available in dealing with workers is great. I like that you can develop relationships with workers through this as well. No rehab option though? Seems like an obvious option. THE BAD Or maybe I should just say disappointing. - I know I've harped on about this before but the 'talk to worker' function is pretty useless in it's current form. I have no idea why this has been neglected for the last few series, and a more expanded version would improve the interaction and relationship aspect of the game, as well as taking advantage of the improved personality functions. - I've not noticed a decrease in the time it takes to book a show, but I'd be better to comment on this when I've played the game and got used to the changes. I will say that when selecting the wrestlers for the matches, the big 'Select Wrestlers' part of the screen could easily be a dropdown with the wrestlers name, thus deleting the need for another screen. Overall, I'm very impressed and look forward to getting into a game after the full version is released. I'll post my little niggles in the right place though :)
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Did I misread about Regional battles? Its just that there seems to be none, anywhere in the world. I thought their would, at the very least, be one in the tri-state area. Maybe I'm missing something. I click the left and right buttons to go between national and regional battle, but nothing appears, and clicking on the flags just takes you to the breakdown of the country and doesn't effect the battle screens. Just curious is all :)
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Actually I saw the Regional Battle happen the 1st of February. And it was in past tense (?).. i.e "You came #2 in the Regional Battle in the North West".. ? Oh yeah, the help files.. Only thing I havent read on TEW08. Will get right into those :) Shut the **** up kettley.
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;431564]Did I misread about Regional battles? Its just that there seems to be none, anywhere in the world. I thought their would, at the very least, be one in the tri-state area. Maybe I'm missing something. I click the left and right buttons to go between national and regional battle, but nothing appears, and clicking on the flags just takes you to the breakdown of the country and doesn't effect the battle screens. Just curious is all :)[/QUOTE] It depends where promotions run their first show, as I think there's a few promotions who need to gain a few points before they're eligible. Sometimes you see them on the first day of February, sometimes you don't. [QUOTE=FINisher;431566]Actually I saw the Regional Battle happen the 1st of February. And it was in past tense (?).. i.e "You came #2 in the Regional Battle in the North West".. ? [B]I don't get it.[/B][/QUOTE] Then read the help file - there's a large section on battles.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431566]Actually I saw the Regional Battle happen the 1st of February. And it was in past tense (?).. i.e "You came #2 in the Regional Battle in the North West".. ? I don't get it.[/QUOTE] Anyways it's a retrospective feature so at the end of every month the game looks at the "past 4 weeks" hence the results are in the past tense...
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[QUOTE=Malioc;431572]Roster -> (Alter) Manager Screen -> View Profile => [B]Run Time Error '13'[/B] / Game Abort Could that be a bug?[/QUOTE] A - We have a technical support forum for error reports B - It's already been fixed. C - Seriously..."could that be a bug"? :p What's the alternative, that it's just a really crap new feature? :D
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[quote=Malioc;431572]Roster -> (Alter) Manager Screen -> View Profile => [B]Run Time Error '13'[/B] / Game Abort Could that be a bug?[/quote] Repoth that to the tech support forum :) [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=142[/url] Trial version 1.01 is out! Several fixes there, check it out [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31902[/url]
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