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Your thoughts on screens and graphics

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Actually, my small gripe about the cartoon font and boarders isn't so much that I'm all about teh realism.. but moreso, well a number of things (I wouldn't mention it again, but since It's been brought back up last page...) 1. There's cartoony professional and then there's cartoony cheap. Nothing against the non-realistic look (big fan of anime), but this falls into the later category (internet font a great example). 2. Then there's also different styles you can have with that whole cartoon look. Imo, when I think wrestling, I think "tough", or "edgy".. maybe over-the-top, but usually still within that. Even other light-hearted cartoon wrestling games keep to that, from what I've seen. You could even go the SRS BUSINESS route, and give it a swank sleek look, for the fact that we've got a flash game here. Internet font doesn't fit in with that. 3. Course that's just one or two fonts used on the internet site. The opening screen is more "hardcore" (even if I'm surprised to still see people using the IMPACT font outside of lolcat pictures). Which brings up an issue of style inconsistency (as inconsistant as Dharma Gregg's new shadowy avatar pic compared to her gimmick ;)). Then again, you could say that the internet page is supposed to be an entity unto itself (which I agree with, and think could be even taken a step further), but then it still comes back issues #1 and #2. 4. And then someone mentioned the thick boarders. Again, I don't have an issue with the concept of thick boarders.. just think the ones that are there are kinda cheap looking. The above is just touching on two specific things (mainly because they were mentioned), but it is more than that (god, those buttons. And i've never seen a radio button which went between blue and black for on and off. Luckily I knew they were all On to begin with (it works better when you can only select one)).. and they're actually kinda indicative of my problems with it overall.. and that's, as a complete visual package, it's a bit of a jumble and clearly (well, from my opinion) lacks the same amount of thought and driving focus put into it that the rest of the game has. I guess what I'm really talking about here is the basics; beyond a simplistic and easy to digest approach (which is debatable, depending where and what you're doing in the game), what do you want the player to [i]feel[/i] when they look at a screen? What are you trying to convey? But y'know, maybe that's a given that not as much thought is put in, seeing as it's a booking sim with a niche audience. Maybe I'm just more visually minded, I dunno. I know I sure as hell couldn't come up with a design-doc for the gameplay :D -------------------------- [b]WALL OF TEXT SUMMARY:[/b] if I was given these graphics with [i]any[/i] other game not named TEW or WMMA, I would be laughing as my wallet flew back in my pocket (and i don't think it'd be arrogent to assume many others here could agree with that). And for me, that's not a sense of style preference, but quality of presentation that makes me say that. And for the record I really don't enjoy bagging on Adam Ryland and his team on this. Especially for something such as graphics. But I calls em as i sees em, and kinda feel it my duty to be overly vocal about it because not many others are willing to nitpick this area as they would the gameplay. [i](And yeah, I will try modding it at one stage. Just to shut myself up :))[/i]
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That just about sums it up what I had to say. Altough I "came across offensive" etc.. And yeah I do too feel kinda awkward because the game itself is just fantastic. And the only real thing I have to complain are the sceens and graphics.
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[quote=EricAdams;431922]I love how when looking through the characters it will have Wrestling Stats and Announcer/Road Agent/Ref stats for others. Great change, very helpful. I'm sad that Debuting Workers/Promotions was integrated Current ones, it makes it a bit harder to find future workers when mod making. Overall, loving the changes thus far.[/quote] You can filter them using the "Game State" drop down menu in the filter screen for both workers and promotions.
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[QUOTE=crayon;432387]1. There's cartoony professional and then there's cartoony cheap. Nothing against the non-realistic look (big fan of anime), but this falls into the later category (internet font a great example).[/quote] A cartoon is a cartoon, whether you think it's professional or cheap looking is down to personal opinion. [QUOTE=crayon;432387]2. Then there's also different styles you can have with that whole cartoon look. Imo, when I think wrestling, I think "tough", or "edgy".. maybe over-the-top, but usually still within that.[/quote] Wrestling is all about fantasy, effectively wrestlers are cartoon super heroes brought to life. Take WWE for example, it isn't tough or edgy and you can look back over the years to see examples of its super heroes: Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker, Andre the Giant, or even an "actual" super hero in the form of The Hurricane. [QUOTE=crayon;432387]3. Course that's just one or two fonts used on the internet site. The opening screen is more "hardcore" (even if I'm surprised to still see people using the IMPACT font outside of lolcat pictures).[/quote] If the font does the job it needs to do then why not use it? Should the game not use Arial as it's main text font because it's too "common"? [QUOTE=crayon;432387]The above is just touching on two specific things (mainly because they were mentioned), but it is more than that (god, those buttons. And i've never seen a radio button which went between blue and black for on and off. Luckily I knew they were all On to begin with (it works better when you can only select one)).. and they're actually kinda indicative of my problems with it overall.. and that's, as a complete visual package, it's a bit of a jumble and clearly (well, from my opinion) lacks the same amount of thought and driving focus put into it that the rest of the game has.[/quote] How is it 'a bit of a jumble' when the interface is consistent throughout the entire game? Only the website and title screen have a different visual style, both of which should look different in comparison to the rest of the game.
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Geez, I had no idea people fealt so strongly about the graphics. I mean, sure, Ignition always complains about stuff like this, but that's because he's Ignition and he does that. But everyone else, too? Huh? I don't even remember what TEWs 05 and 07 looked like, because I just pay no attention to the graphics. I've noticed that I've found everything I've wanted to find in the game and BOY, it's SO fast now. And I'm loving the new, faster version of TEW. Sure, the screens are maybe a bit amateurish, but they are by no means ugly. No way. Overall, I like the new game in every way.
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*comes out from under a rock* I will agree with some points. The main one being when you think of wrestling you think edgy.. cutting edge.. this, in my opinion falls just a bit short. Alot actually. The only thing I disagree with is the fact that people say they're horrible graphics. They're not horrible at all. They're really good I think. I just think the graphics are a tad bit irrelevant to wrestling. I'm not afraid to admit it - I was a tad bit turned off by the graphics. Then, I started playing the game.. andin less than 5 minutes, I wasn't even thinking about the game. I was too busy looking at who my ring generals and who can talk the talk! Going through all the new features more than kept me busy :) This is nothing new though. There will *always* be that group of "Graphic Artists" that will say they can do better and then ultimately create screens (and continually pimp them out) so they can get that virtual 'pat on the back' they so desperately need. So yeah, I agree and disagree. I dont think they're that bad to where people start an uproar and constantly need to kick a dead horse.
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[quote=Astil;432941]Am I alone in liking the way things look?[/quote] No. I personally prefer the packaged look to FINisher's packs because his lack of borders makes it look disorganised, but to each his/her own. It's not like it's a big deal at all.
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[quote=Jennie Bomb;432944]No. I personally prefer the packaged look to FINisher's packs because his lack of borders makes it look disorganised, but to each his/her own. It's not like it's a big deal at all.[/quote] Yeah. I (maybe) exaggarated about my feelings on those screens in the first place, maybe because I was kind of shocked of what I saw. And yes my screens look amateurish (and they are), but as Jennie said to each his/hew own :rolleyes: And also; I didn't get paid for those screens. If I did I would have made them much much more precise and better looking. Just wanted low-quality screens that work for me personally and just shared them to others if someone else would feel the same way as I did with those original screens. I still feel that if a person is paid to do screens and graphics to a commercial game, he should have done a better job. And this is just my opinion and as I value other peoples comments and opinions I think others should do the same thing with mine and not just starting flame my posts ;) And the lack of borders is just a wise choice. Try to mod those screens and try to keep the borders the way they are or add your own borders; It's almost impossible because you have to know the exact position of where the buttons are programmed. And try to change the background aswell. It would have taken weeks to make all those 137 screens that way. I took the easy way, just got rid with most of the borders and just altered the background and the colour of it :) EDIT: I rest my case as I do not have anything more to say. And besides I have finished the screenpacks so I'm a happy guy.
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[QUOTE=Torri;432929]*comes out from under a rock* I will agree with some points. The main one being when you think of wrestling you think edgy.. cutting edge..[/QUOTE] See, I don't. At least, not the wrestling I like to watch. And besides, I just like the colour blue. The screens are Blue. So I like the screens. And like somebody else said, the gameplay is muchos muchos awesomeness, and that's what counts.
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Yeah, I'm gonna go with FINisher here. I mean, if someone is actually getting [i]paid[/i] I would expect a much different level of quality of what we're getting [URL=http://img359.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tewrosterexampleek6.jpg][IMG]http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/8290/tewrosterexampleek6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The above is something I whipped up in photoshop while the boards were offline. Now, aside from ipod copyright issues and the fact that profile pics would need to be displayed at a certain degree of rotation and that the paperclip is layered on top of the profile pic, I see no reason why something along these lines, as an example, isn't possible. Okay, I may be biased.. and I am far better at critiquing other's work than my own. But I like to think it presents all the neccessary information (and a bit more) pretty well yet also has a bit of style and immersion to it. And just for the record, I'm in no way saying this is the undisputed champion of game screens of all time or anything. I've got quite a few issues with it myself (buttons could be more well defined, and certain areas could be made to attract the eye a bit), and it's definitely a bit on the bright side with that woodgrain. But I just wanted to show an unpaid artist can do in less than 5 hours. Now someone who's getting paid? Should be Wowserz! ---- And I'm also not saying that all wrestling and their games should look IN-YOUR-FACE HOLY CRAP THIS IS XTREME BADASS. But It's got a certain tough or image [i]for the most part[/i] that's gotta be upheld.. Whether you wanna take it edgy or serious or fantastical comes after that base. We are talking about buff dudes getting in a ring and wrasslin each other after all (yes, there's exceptions...). Even the wrestling games that's shown as cartoony and lighthearted is usually because it's so over-the-top.
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[QUOTE=crayon;432967]Yeah, I'm gonna go with FINisher here. I mean, if someone is actually getting [i]paid[/i] I would expect a much different level of quality of what we're getting [URL=http://img359.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tewrosterexampleek6.jpg][IMG]http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/8290/tewrosterexampleek6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The above is something I whipped up in photoshop while the boards were offline. Now, aside from ipod copyright issues and the fact that profile pics would need to be displayed at a certain degree of rotation and that the paperclip is layered on top of the profile pic, I see no reason why something along these lines, as an example, isn't possible. Okay, I may be biased.. and I am far better at critiquing other's work than my own. But I like to think it presents all the neccessary information (and a bit more) pretty well yet also has a bit of style and immersion to it. And just for the record, I'm in no way saying this is the undisputed champion of game screens of all time or anything. I've got quite a few issues with it myself (buttons could be more well defined, and certain areas could be made to attract the eye a bit), and it's definitely a bit on the bright side with that woodgrain. But I just wanted to show an unpaid artist can do in less than 5 hours. Now someone who's getting paid? Should be Wowserz![/QUOTE] Can you get that to work with the game in a quick (gameplay wise) manner?
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[QUOTE=Astil;432976]Can you get that to work with the game in a quick (gameplay wise) manner?[/QUOTE] Don't see why not. If anything it'd have two or three extra pictures on top of what the profile screen already has, if I'm looking at it right. And it's not like it'd even have to have that. So unless rotating avatar pictures would blow people's CPUs?
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[QUOTE=Astil;432976]Can you get that to work with the game in a quick (gameplay wise) manner?[/QUOTE] It'd be a tall task, buttons are in fixed locations. When you're skin making for TEW08 you have to put your own stuff in the exact same place as the existing stuff, otherwise it won't work. So basically, the layout can't really be changed. Only the graphics. It's a double edged sword, having everything built in and fixed like this makes the game work faster and smoother. Having it modder friendly means loading more bits and pieces, increasing load times.
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Sorry, if my image post somehow was implying that this is how I expect the graphics for TEW08 to look with how the game has already been coded, button placement and all. Because that wasn't the case. It was simply an example of the kind of heights I think we could be striving (and I don't even think my work's that great) for at this stage. Clearly they have to work within the design layout that Adam gives them in the very first place. Which I didn't realize until just now that I was by-extention critiquing. Again, not my intention. If there's any other odd limitations of the programming language/memory usage that I'm not taking into account, and that it would be impossible to write code that caters to that screenshot (which didn't seem, to me, like it would take much more than what we're already doing, but I'm no programmer as you may have noticed =)), then I apologise. Of course, I could also whip up a minimalistic themed example that works within the guidelines, but surely people can already see that my point isn't all about [i]"omg make TEW look like my exact vision!"[/i] ------------- Anyway, while I may not agree with the graphics Adam Ryland did decide to greenlight, I do agree with him that me and FINisher have most likely said all we need to say on this subject, and continuing with more diatribes would be asinine (and cut into time I could be playing TEW). But as I leave, I will make two other points I don't think I have yet: I'm not complaining to cause trouble, nitpick, or feel superior. It's simply because by saying nothing it's also saying "yes, please give us more of the same for the next version, thanks." And yes, they do do the job just fine. But so did a horse and cart.
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