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Your thoughts on screens and graphics

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I think it's funny as how I said "lame fake", "a really bad fake" in that one topic in which someone had posted the [U]actual[/U] TEW08 mainpage screen. I honestly thought it was fake. So did everyone else. I thought to myself that GDS would never do/allow such a bad main page screen, after the great 2007 main page. I was shocked when I got the trial and that screen was the actual mainpage screen. It looks REALLY amateurish and ugly. And so does other screens aswell. No offence to the guy who did all those graphics and screens, but that what I said above really defines my thoughts about the new screens. They're just plain ugly, bad, and irritating to the eyes. Not only they are all that, but they are extremely painful to mod and replace, as now all the buttons are in the screens! Try it. Replace one screen which has buttons in it, replace it with, lets say just blank white screen. You can't see the buttons. You can't see the menus. Therefore, when editing those screens, it takes extremely long time to get ALL the screens done, because in every screen where there is a "button", you have to save that piece of the image so you would know where every button is. It's frustrating. Just remember how good looking TEW07 was from a graphical viewpoint. And then take a look at '08.. Makes me sick. I would really like to hear other peoples opinions about those screens; I am sure I am not alone. Discuss! :D
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I don't mind most of the stuff, as I'm not looking for Van Gogh in a wrestling simulator. But, on the other hand, I have edited out the title bar with all the wrestler images, on the website screen, and I didn't like that from the get go (also, I don't use c-verse anyway, ) Mine is just the textured blue now. When I get bored, I'll probably try to do something else, but, like I said, nothing else really irks me.
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[QUOTE=fatallylost;431444]I don't mind most of the stuff, as I'm not looking for Van Gogh in a wrestling simulator. But, on the other hand, I have edited out the title bar with all the wrestler images, on the website screen, and I didn't like that from the get go (also, I don't use c-verse anyway, ) Mine is just the textured blue now. When I get bored, I'll probably try to do something else, but, like I said, nothing else really irks me.[/QUOTE] I think you might have to resize the one I posted for 07, but you're more than welcome to use that. I prolly will.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431426]I think it's funny as how I said "lame fake", "a really bad fake" in that one topic in which someone had posted the [U]actual[/U] TEW08 mainpage screen. I honestly thought it was fake. So did everyone else. I thought to myself that GDS would never do/allow such a bad main page screen, after the great 2007 main page. I was shocked when I got the trial and that screen was the actual mainpage screen. It looks REALLY amateurish and ugly. And so does other screens aswell. No offence to the guy who did all those graphics and screens, but that what I said above really defines my thoughts about the new screens. They're just plain ugly, bad, and irritating to the eyes. Not only they are all that, but they are extremely painful to mod and replace, as now all the buttons are in the screens! Try it. Replace one screen which has buttons in it, replace it with, lets say just blank white screen. You can't see the buttons. You can't see the menus. Therefore, when editing those screens, it takes extremely long time to get ALL the screens done, because in every screen where there is a "button", you have to save that piece of the image so you would know where every button is. It's frustrating. Just remember how good looking TEW07 was from a graphical viewpoint. And then take a look at '08.. Makes me sick. [/QUOTE] your fooling around right?
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431426]Just remember how good looking TEW07 was from a graphical viewpoint.[/QUOTE] Yeah - seem to remember people not liking that one either. As I've said before, the graphics are never going to please every single person. I think the TEW08 do their job of presenting the information clearly and concisely very well. You may not agree, that's your choice. If they bother you that much, I'd suggest either sticking with 07 or waiting for someone to release a graphics mod.
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.. Fooling about what? No, I'm serious. The screens look really, really bad and amateurish. I mean I love every minute that I've played TEW08 now.. But the screens are just ugly as hell. EDIT: I really loved the 07 style. Also I really can't remember negative comments about those screens; I may have missed them or something. Or just can't remember. Oh well. Maybe I just have to start doing my own then. :) I also do know that everyone has their own opinions, but I'm amazed if someone would say really good things about the '08 look.. Let's see what people have to say. :)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431449].. Fooling about what? No, I'm serious. The screens look really, really bad and amateurish. I mean I love every minute that I've played TEW08 now.. But the screens are just ugly as hell. EDIT: I really loved the 07 style. Also I really can't remember negative comments about those screens; I may have missed them or something. Or just can't remember. Oh well. Maybe I just have to start doing my own then. :) I also do know that everyone has their own opinions, but I'm amazed if someone would say really good things about the '08 look.. Let's see what people have to say. :)[/QUOTE] You want amateurish, just give me three days, and I'll make all new skins for it... Ever seen a mentally handicapped chimp draw? Well, if you get me started!
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Yeah, I don't much like the graphics either, they hurt my eyes. I dunno what it is. I think the colors are just too bright or something maybe. Can't quite put my finger on it. Still, not a big deal, better to have a good game that's hard on the eyes than a bad game that looks fantastic (*cough*SmackdownVersusRaw*cough*)... :D
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Maybe I am in the minority here, but I like it. I like having the buttons all in one area.. I like the company screen. I like the new setup for adding matches where you have the roster list right next to the participant selector. So far what I havent liked is a lack of angles that feature an interviewer, since, for example, in TCW you have a new female color commentator whose job is mainly backstage interviews. I couldn't find any angles for her to be used as per her job description. Also didn't like that fact that one C ranked show sent TCW from national to Cult. C ranked isn't bad per se, and no way I think it is fair one show at the very beginning of the game should cause such a decline. There should be more room for error. But I guess thats just me.. more concerned with game play than pretty pixels.
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Really awfully ugly. I'm not epileptic, but those graphisms seriously do hurt my eyes. I'll be unable to play TEW08 until someone releases a softer skin pack, just because my eyes can't possibly get used to that. And with the new graphics system that has like 50 graphisms instead of 5 or 6, I'll probably have to wait a while to see a good one... I'm seriously disappointed there :/ I don't care if it looks amateurish or whatever, because this game as far as I know isn't make by some big studio, but it's not hard to figure out the basic equation: VERY BRIGHT COLOR + LIGHT COLORS = PAIN
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431449]EDIT: I really loved the 07 style. Also I really can't remember negative comments about those screens; I may have missed them or something. Or just can't remember. Oh well. Maybe I just have to start doing my own then. :) I also do know that everyone has their own opinions, but I'm amazed if someone would say really good things about the '08 look.. Let's see what people have to say. :)[/QUOTE] I'll say it. I like the screens. I like them very much. Why? Because they're not as clunky and resource intensive as 07's screens. What's 07's default screens look like anyway? I don't remember since I replaced them with a modded version that wasn't pimpin' my system resources like Iceberg Slim. I'll take low footprint and ugly over tech oink oink and pretty any day of the week. You've got selective amnesia going on there, FIN. I remember lots of complaints about 07's default screens. You yourself did a set of modded screens for it because the default screens were so large in filesize. You remember that?
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Oh wait. Of course. :D God damn it. I've been using my own mod in TEW07 so long, forever, that I've confused TEW07 original screens to what I modded. Now it makes sense. Wow. I'm so used to those TEW05 screens which I did for 07 that I thougth they we're the original 07 screens.. Thanks Remianen, I really forgot all that. And yes you we're right, I was in frontline on the complaining about those 07 original screens. And quickly did my own modpack of screens; Red, Blue and Grey versions of the TEW05 original screens. Right now. I am so ashamed.
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The only thing I have a problem with is the comic book style website buttons and the banner, both of which I can edit myself, so I'm fine. What I do have a problem with is other workers being called "characters". Erm, unless I'm Vince McMahon and I want to cast some characters because "we make movies", I want to search for workers, wrestlers, stars, something wrestling-related. I know its a small thing, and Adam should be proud that it is the ONLY thing I have a problem with, but its still annoying.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431487]Oh wait. Of course. :D God damn it. I've been using my own mod in TEW07 so long, forever, that I've confused TEW07 original screens to what I modded. Now it makes sense. Wow. I'm so used to those TEW05 screens which I did for 07 that I thougth they we're the original 07 screens.. Thanks Remianen, I really forgot all that. And yes you we're right, I was in frontline on the complaining about those 07 original screens. And quickly did my own modpack of screens; Red, Blue and Grey versions of the TEW05 original screens. Right now. I am so ashamed.[/QUOTE] hehe no worries. I think MOST people DL'd a screens mod of some kind because of how bulky 07's default screens were initially. If I remember right, Adam did release a new set of screens with smaller file sizes (or maybe someone else did it, I don't remember).
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[QUOTE=Cold Cobra;431491]What I do have a problem with is other workers being called "characters". Erm, unless I'm Vince McMahon and I want to cast some characters because "we make movies", I want to search for workers, wrestlers, stars, something wrestling-related. I know its a small thing, and Adam should be proud that it is the ONLY thing I have a problem with, but its still annoying.[/QUOTE] I changed it to characters because the file doesn't just contain workers really - as it has deceased people and people who are only in via marriage.
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I've made a lot of complaints of the graphics based on the screenshots we were given.. and I will stand by it and say that they do come off more "i just got photoshop and found some neat tutorials" amateurish than I'd expect at this stage (examples: bevel boarders, and yellow cartoon style fonts, really?), but they are an improvement over '07. And I actually do [i]kinda[/i] like the new layout of things.. for the most part. It's got a lot more character than I thought. And I haven't actually looked into modding it yet, so far.. but if I'm interpreting the complaint correctly, having the buttons as part of the screen could be more beneficial than you'd think.. depending how wild you wanna get when modding it. Although it would kinda suck that you won't be able to have different images states for a normal button and a "clicked" button
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Because the game rules, and I think it's the best game of the year 2008 for me. And my #1 game for years to come. And it is everything we expected and even more. Only the screens did come as a negative surprise IMO. And because we can't continue our games longer than the first one month. The point of the game is that you play that one game for years, not one month. So that's why. :P All the cool things come with time in TEW, like always.
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Me smells hyperbole. Plenty of discussion on the game going on.. not many complaints yet of course though, coz everyone's still getting into it. Makes sense that graphics be the first thing that people be able to nitpick, really, as it's the first thing to make an impression on you :)
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