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[QUOTE=Guerrerofan777;432015]HAHA! Found both the Japanese ones, now I'm only missing the supposed "equal" one....hmm... EDIT: Scratch that, found all three of them, strange...I never thought it'd be THAT move, the Japanese ones...yeah...but the American...[/QUOTE] I found the Burning Lariat...what other Uber Finishers are there?
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Quoted from the TEW2008 help file, which I recommend reading if you want to join a very small elite group (but no decoder rings). [QUOTE]A finisher is a move that is used to end a match. A secondary finisher is a move that can end a match, but would only do so if the victor is a high-level star and the victim was a low-level wrestler. [B]An uber-finisher is a move so impressive and deadly that it is only used in special occasions, and even then, only rarely.[/B][/QUOTE]
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