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What to do with TCW? My plan.

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Thanks Adam. As far as "The Revolution" I assume it is a face stable with Keith being the leader. Once I'm sure of the details I may have some suggestions. Edit: the above assumed I would add The New Wave, Eddie Peak (or Rocky Golden) and Champagne Lover (I've signed him multiple times in test games). I always prefer to debut at least one new worker when introducing a new stable. It creates added buzz for the stable. I might steal that idea BTW.
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My original Idea was to start a stable without Keith, that would fight the Syndicate. It wouldn't have an established leader, but it would still function as a solid group and would put a dent in the Syndicates success. After a few wins for the Revolution (Possibly taking the tag titles), Keith begins to question Tommy's stature as the leader of the group and Champion of TCW. This creates a power struggle between the two icons, resulting eventually in Keith taking sides with The Revolution because he believes that with his guidance they could be the new elite stable in TCW. Tommy's poor handling of Keith's leaving and Keith's success as the new leader of the Revolution, causes Wolf to doubt his mentor and begin to believe that he could possibly lead the group more efficiently, thus creating a Student vs. Teacher angle. Since the Syndicate just formed this is something that will probably take a year to play out, but tell me what you think. Furthermore, I know this is all over the place, but tell me what you think and who you think would be good to include in the new (face) stable.
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A stable without an established leader is a little challenging to pull off. Not impossible by any means but challenging. I'll use my suggestions for the example: I would have The New Wave challenge The Machines. After several near misses for The New Wave (mostly due to outside interference) I would have The New Wave announce that they will have "backup" for their match against Keith & Hawkins (they must win this in order to get a rematch with The Machines). The guest backup is Eddie Peak. Peak neutralizes the interference of The Machines, allowing The New Wave to win. Another match is then signed: an eight man tag. Peak & The New Wave with a mystery partner vs The Machines, Keith and Hawkins (then Cornell is free to defend his title on the same night). Champagne Lover* is introduced as the mystery partner. Peak's side triumphs and The Revolution is born. A big announcement happens post match. By having the tag team be the spark that starts the stable you won't have an established leader IMHO. If you begin with a high profile worker, he'll be the leader by default so to speak. I assume you want to avoid having a leader so Keith can fill that slot when ready. * One concern may be Champagne Lover's lack of overness in the USA. If so a possible alternative is Joey Minnesota. I think you need a strong, entertaining singles worker in the mix. Troy Tornado is another possibility. I'm also assuming you want the Revolution to be a group of relatively young workers (at least "kayfabe" young). Will they be in the mold of idealistic heroes (or as close as you can get in modern wrestling) or more "anti traditionalists", more concerned with the power of youth than any noble goals?
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I have been playing around with this idea, I think I like the concept of idealistic heroes over anti-traditionalists, because I think using the latter would come off as some type of reversed NWO angle. I think noble goals would trump here, because in my eyes, the Revolution is tired of Cornell's vice grip on the company and believes he's not the invincible force he portrays. I like the idea of New Wave sparking the chain of events, but I do agree that it might difficult finding a singles wrestler that could come in and provide heat right off the bat.
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I turned Giant Tana and Clark Alexander (renamed Giant Thunder) its working like a charm. Thunder has the most momentum in the whole company at a A* and can do no wrong right now. I am trying to figure a way to transition the belts to them to capitalize, but I don't want to weaken the Syndicate.
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Okay. Maybe this time I can get this breakdown posted properly [QUOTE=rufas2000;431908] Wasn't sure if this was a "general" or "diary" post. It seems more of a "general" post since its just a group of ideas but forgive me if I'm wrong. TCW is my fed in TEW so I was quite excited to see all the new acquisitions (sorry DaVE fans) and improved gimmicks. But its almost too much. Here's my plan, tell me where I might be going wrong: Painful Procedure, RVP, The Young Guns, Charlie Thatcher (sorry RDJ) ... gone. I'm contemplating Oxford, Bryant and Genghis but I think I'll keep them.[/QUOTE] Okay To start with, I would disagree with a good many of these proposed cuts. Like Randall Hopkirk for instance. The whole Painful Procedure thing may be past its sell by date. I'll grant you that. But Hopkirk looks like a prime candidate for a "respect the veterans" feud with an up and coming heel. Maybe on the grounds of "trying to hang on too long". Or The Young Guns. You know one of my alt requests is for Harry Allen in a beer helmet. I see the Guns as a potential split candidate. One going solo and the other tagging up with like a Genghis Rahn or maybe Texas Pete if you really like the Syndicate stuff. Oxford may be expendable due to advancing age and locker room issues. But Bryant would be another good veteran tag partner for some up and comer. Charlie Thatcher I like for a personality guy. Like an interviewer or manager type. Jasmine Saunders hurts the interviewer plan a bit but it could still work. Saunders for faces, Thatcher for heels maybe. [QUOTE=rufas2000;431908]Rick Law: I have to be honest, he has good entertainment skills and decent in the ring for a big man but his pic gives me the willies, I hate his name and his gimmick. Any suggestions for a good alt pick (or better yet one made just for him). I'm still thinking about a name & gimmick change. Sometimes I fire him but thats fairly stupid. TCW has a plethora of big man faces and skillful, entertaining smaller heels but not so much the other way around. So first I'll turn Troy Tornado face. BTW: I usually do initial face / heel turns with the editor, saves a step. I'll turn Rocky Golden (rechristened Rex Golden) heel and assign him as a bodyguard figure for The Syndicate.[/QUOTE] There were several Law alts in last year's render request thread. Maybe you could find one in there to suit you. And interesting you mention Troy Tornado. As much as he is a guy I would generally tend to favor in real world wrestling, I tend to forget about him when booking TCW. I don't know what it is about his character that leads me to ignore him. But I always seem to. And Golden. ::shakes head:: Everyone talks about the lengths Peter Valentine will go to in order to stay in Sam Strong's good graces and get pushed. But it seems to me that Rocky Golden must be doing the same to Cornell to get pushed like he has talent. I swear, you look "worthless lump" up in the dictionary and there is Golden's picture. The guy should be nowhere near the main event feud in TCW. He should be on the undercard in USPW or maybe main eventing a place like FCW. I'd either axe him or use him as cannon fodder to get more deserving names up the roster. For all the needed cuts TCW made since last game, they seem to have missed a couple in Golden and Floyd Goldworthy. [QUOTE=rufas2000;431908] Sam Keith: I'll do an in game face turn with him so I can do some Cornell vs Keith (icon vs icon) matches. Wolf Hawkins: still a heel (for now) but I'll pull him away from The Syndicate. They'll still work together occasionally but he won't be an actual member of the stable. Sammy Bach: member of The Syndicate as their future star. Maybe.[/QUOTE] Not sure I'm sold on Sammy Bach in The Syndicate. But then again, I'm not exactly sold on there being a Syndicate to start with. The best part here in my mind is the Keith vs Cornell stuff. [QUOTE=rufas2000;431908] Danny Fonzarelli & Tyson Baine will form a face tag team (I love the big guy bad ass teams). I'm thinking of calling Baine BLZ Bubb again (but see below). They'll be presented as old friends but their actual TCW history will not be mentioned. As an added nod Fonzarelli will call Baine/BLZ "chief". Not sure of the name for the team yet: Cool Evil perhaps. Demon Chill maybe. I'll resign The Darkness Warrior and team him up with American Buffalo (simply Buffalo for now but I might change that) to feud with Fonzarelli & Baine. I might have Buffalo steal the BLZ Bubb name & gimmick. Not sure on a name, possibly Rise of Darkness or Darkness Returns. I got more but gotta run. I'll post again later today probably with new signings and such. [/QUOTE] Man, I read this and I'm so glad I don't have to watch your TCW. I am a huge fan of the Fonzarelli repackage and not just for the obvious reasons. Painful Procedure may have been ashes to stir in 07 but The Dark Brotherhood wasn't too far from that point themselves. Granted, I'm biased against dark gimmicks to start with and the case could be made that clouds my judgement of the Brotherhood. But I think Jay & Raul are both right where they need to be in 08. If I did anything like you're suggesting here, I'd probably look to teaming Baine with his boy Buffalo. Cheaper than rehiring the albatross that is Darkness Warrior and probably more potential in that partnership than the tired retreading of Baine and Raul.
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