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What to do with TCW? My plan.

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Wasn't sure if this was a "general" or "diary" post. It seems more of a "general" post since its just a group of ideas but forgive me if I'm wrong. TCW is my fed in TEW so I was quite excited to see all the new acquisitions (sorry DaVE fans) and improved gimmicks. But its almost too much. Here's my plan, tell me where I might be going wrong: Painful Procedure, RVP, The Young Guns, Charlie Thatcher (sorry RDJ) ... gone. I'm contemplating Oxford, Bryant and Genghis but I think I'll keep them. Rick Law: I have to be honest, he has good entertainment skills and decent in the ring for a big man but his pic gives me the willies, I hate his name and his gimmick. Any suggestions for a good alt pick (or better yet one made just for him). I'm still thinking about a name & gimmick change. Sometimes I fire him but thats fairly stupid. TCW has a plethora of big man faces and skillful, entertaining smaller heels but not so much the other way around. So first I'll turn Troy Tornado face. BTW: I usually do initial face / heel turns with the editor, saves a step. I'll turn Rocky Golden (rechristened Rex Golden) heel and assign him as a bodyguard figure for The Syndicate. Sam Keith: I'll do an in game face turn with him so I can do some Cornell vs Keith (icon vs icon) matches. Wolf Hawkins: still a heel (for now) but I'll pull him away from The Syndicate. They'll still work together occasionally but he won't be an actual member of the stable. Sammy Bach: member of The Syndicate as their future star. Maybe. Danny Fonzarelli & Tyson Baine will form a face tag team (I love the big guy bad ass teams). I'm thinking of calling Baine BLZ Bubb again (but see below). They'll be presented as old friends but their actual TCW history will not be mentioned. As an added nod Fonzarelli will call Baine/BLZ "chief". Not sure of the name for the team yet: Cool Evil perhaps. Demon Chill maybe. I'll resign The Darkness Warrior and team him up with American Buffalo (simply Buffalo for now but I might change that) to feud with Fonzarelli & Baine. I might have Buffalo steal the BLZ Bubb name & gimmick. Not sure on a name, possibly Rise of Darkness or Darkness Returns. I got more but gotta run. I'll post again later today probably with new signings and such.
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I'm sure it works for what you like but think of it in terms of what the fans have seen. The syndicate has just formed why from the start do you want to tear it apart by pulling both Keith and Hawkins away from it. Rocky Golden also just turned why turn him back the fans would hate it. Baine, Golden and Rhan have all just been turned specifically to deal with the New Syndicate yet you are now relegating Baine to a tag team. I've got no problem with people looking to make some changes but you are doing a complete overhaul of the company. If the company were real and you came in as head booker and you said let me just totally destroy all of your current stories and turn half the people you just turned and relegate one of your main eventers to a midcard tag team what do you think the owner would say? How do you think the fans would react? Why not try and work with the storyline as it currently as while adding a few workers here and there and building up your younger stars. Really I don understand that you've got a group of heels who can all go 20+ minutes while your entire main event faces can't go more than 10 to 15 minutes but they've still go enough overness to pull matches the fans will want to watch.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;431937]let me just totally destroy all of your current stories and turn half the people you just turned and relegate one of your main eventers to a midcard tag team what do you think the owner would say? [/QUOTE] Good Morning Mr Russo?
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I really didn't do much with them. I fired maybe a handful. Literally. I signed a bunch of people then got into trouble with Cornell because he said I couldn't sign anyone working for cult promotions or higher and I did anyways. So now he's pissed and deliberately blocking negotiating with people from cult promotions and above. Now I have to wait 20 something months to complete owner goals to get back on his good side. I had to fire Oxford because he was disturbing my backstage scene. Along with one of the road agents.
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In the world of superhero comics, there are two schools of thought on writing a storyline. 1.) Continuity is king. 2.) Don't let continuity get in the way of your story. If you let the first group have their way, the story can become an incomprehensible mess to anyone who didn't start at the beginning. If you let the second group have their way the story [i]still[/i] becomes an incomprehensible mess, this time because there's nothing to connect one story to another but the repetition of elements from story to story causes the appearance that some sort of framework should be there. Most people aren't extremists of either philosophy and fall somewhere in the middle. I don't think it's necessary to explain how this is important to writing a good wrestling storyline. Always hang onto the continuity where it benefits you, and kick it to the curb where it gets in the way. The Ricky Dale Johnson/Tommy Cornell perma-feud is the lynchpin to TCW's main event scene and it'll probably stay that way until one man leaves the company, retires or dies. Troy Tornado is going to be seen as an enemy by anyone who was part of Painful Procedure regardless of alignment. These things allow the fictional audience of the wrestling promotion and the real world audience of TEW diaries feel that TCW is a promotion instead of a series of shows done in isolation. But will anyone [i]really[/i] care when Stink & Grunt are there one week and gone the next, or when Jay Darkness "leaves" and Danny Fonzarelli debuts within a few shows? The point I'm trying to make, rufas2000, is that if you don't like what's there you're free to change it. No one's holding a gun to your head and saying that you have to stick to established canon at all times. But if you plan on turning your TEW game into a diary, remember that a whole bunch of little changes add up to a vastly different TCW than the one your audience will expect. When the changes are sudden and unexplained like the ones you want to make, it's a gigantic obstacle toward getting your audience to support you and your booking decisions.
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I see what you're saying. I just like to start with a fresh canvas. The nice thing about this game is that you can do it both ways. Try it once advancing the current storyline and a second time taking the starting workers and doing something different. Thats the part I like. So I'm doing that first. And I play free style so Cornell can't tell me what to do. Speaking of that, fans are a little more forgiving when there is an ownership change. They expect sort of a reset. WCW got crapped on because of all the silly things they did after the reset. I think the fans were willing to give the reset a chance*. IMHO. * The reset I'm thinking of is the one where Bischoff & Russo took over and began the new blood vs old guys storyline. I hated it (because the old guys were cast as the faces) but I was willing to see where it went, despite the reality shift. Anyway, thanks for reading. Just different ways to play. Once I've exhausted mine I'll try yours.
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I've been thinking about it a bit and I think I can eventually get the changes I want while preserving some continuity. Let me take a stab at a little continuity with my changes: [U]Troy Tornado[/U] He is injured which gives a perfect opportunity for a restart. I can't recall a wrestler who has done something so heinous (as a character, not in real life) that they can't be turned face. [U]Sam Keith[/U] Wait awhile. Allow tensions to brew between Cornell and Keith. Keith was under the impression that he was brought in as a near equal member to Cornell. Cornell sees Keith as a big name henchman. Give it about 6 months and Keith suddenly discovers that he would like some respect and to see if he can still bring it verses Cornell. [U]Rocky Golden:[/U] As the big guys (Rahn, Baine, himself) get frustrated with their lack of success destroying The Syndicate tensions brew between Baine & Golden. Baine receives the high profile matches verses Cornell. Golden does not. Meanwhile Cornell is tired of getting beat up by the big guys (even if he ends up winning, talking ambushes and such). He is on the lookout for a new bodyguard. He claims that he has signed one of the big three to be his bodyguard but won't say who. Golden starts claiming its Baine and uses the high profile title matches as the quid pro quo. Golden is revealed to be the turncoat after interfering in the "Hell In The Cell" match between Cornell and Baine. Golden decides getting paid is more important than fighting evil, which wasn't working anyway. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. as long as they pay well. Not all of us are heroes. [U]Fonzarelli / Baine tag team[/U] Eventually Baine's feuds with Cornell & Golden will be played out. Baine doesn't offer a heck of a lot in the ring and only a little more as an entertainer so I'm not putting him over either Cornell or Golden. I'm not trying to dip him but that will probably happen anyway. Meanwhile Fonzarelli is midcarding it up, hopefully progressing a little. By the time I'm ready to form the team they'll both be ready. Fonzarelli will try to get Baine's mojo back. Of course if Baine hits a wave of momentum I can always change my plan. [U]Wolf Hawkins[/U] Keep him in the stable but maybe get him a female valet and have him out on his own more. eventually Cornell gets concerned about Hawkins rising star. Thanks for the input, I like this even better than my original plan.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;432065]I've been thinking about it a bit and I think I can eventually get the changes I want while preserving some continuity. Let me take a stab at a little continuity with my changes: [U]Troy Tornado[/U] He is injured which gives a perfect opportunity for a restart. I can't recall a wrestler who has done something so heinous (as a character, not in real life) that they can't be turned face. [U]Sam Keith[/U] Wait awhile. Allow tensions to brew between Cornell and Keith. Keith was under the impression that he was brought in as a near equal member to Cornell. Cornell sees Keith as a big name henchman. Give it about 6 months and Keith suddenly discovers that he would like some respect and to see if he can still bring it verses Cornell. [U]Rocky Golden:[/U] As the big guys (Rahn, Baine, himself) get frustrated with their lack of success destroying The Syndicate tensions brew between Baine & Golden. Baine receives the high profile matches verses Cornell. Golden does not. Meanwhile Cornell is tired of getting beat up by the big guys (even if he ends up winning, talking ambushes and such). He is on the lookout for a new bodyguard. He claims that he has signed one of the big three to be his bodyguard but won't say who. Golden starts claiming its Baine and uses the high profile title matches as the quid pro quo. Golden is revealed to be the turncoat after interfering in the "Hell In The Cell" match between Cornell and Baine. Golden decides getting paid is more important than fighting evil, which wasn't working anyway. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. as long as they pay well. Not all of us are heroes. [U]Fonzarelli / Baine tag team[/U] Eventually Baine's feuds with Cornell & Golden will be played out. Baine doesn't offer a heck of a lot in the ring and only a little more as an entertainer so I'm not putting him over either Cornell or Golden. I'm not trying to dip him but that will probably happen anyway. Meanwhile Fonzarelli is midcarding it up, hopefully progressing a little. By the time I'm ready to form the team they'll both be ready. Fonzarelli will try to get Baine's mojo back. Of course if Baine hits a wave of momentum I can always change my plan. [U]Wolf Hawkins[/U] Keep him in the stable but maybe get him a female valet and have him out on his own more. eventually Cornell gets concerned about Hawkins rising star. Thanks for the input, I like this even better than my original plan.[/QUOTE] Very awesome. Way to take the continuity and make it your own, while still being recognizable. Keep it up!
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;432065] [U]Wolf Hawkins[/U] Keep him in the stable but maybe get him a female valet and have him out on his own more. eventually Cornell gets concerned about Hawkins rising star. Thanks for the input, I like this even better than my original plan.[/QUOTE] I was thinking of doing something like with Wolf Hawkins myself.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;432065]I've been thinking about it a bit and I think I can eventually get the changes I want while preserving some continuity. Let me take a stab at a little continuity with my changes: *snip*[/QUOTE] Perfect example of what Peter David said: "Continuity is a tool, not a handcuff."
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;432334]Of course Wolf Hawkins is the Batista of the Syndicate.... Or maybe he's the "Pushed too soon" Randy Orton and Human Arsenal's the right member to break away and challenge Cornell... Either way, TCW will eventually be SWF's bitch. It's science.[/QUOTE] till SWF falls to cult. :rolleyes:
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After my first show with TCW they fell to Cult. As for Wolf Hawkins i recieved 2 goals from Tommy about him. First one is Wolf Hawkins must be kept above B- grade in momentum. The second one is Wolf Hawkins must have reached at least a B overall popularity in America when the time expires.
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Thanks for the feedback. I like the new ideas better. I'm excited about the Cornell vs Baine program. I have to be honest, I was playing last night and I was still a bit frustrated with seemingly every big guy being a face. Since I cannot find what Eddie Peak & Giant Tana have been doing lately I'm thinking of turning them heel. Peak has been in TCW 5 months by my math using his profile as info. He has "B" momentum to start but I wonder why? Is it because he's been bad ass and it just so happened to be against bad guys or has he become a new cult hero for the masses? In the first case a heel turn is easy, just have him be bad ass verses faces. In the second its much harder. What has Tana been up to? Since his momentum is set to random I assume it hasn't been anything really big (or really bad). I notice his heel rating is higher than last year (but still not as high as his face rating but its much closer). I can never get Tana involved as a face much, I think I can do better with him as a heel. Repackage him as a Samoan bad ass, no more Mr. Fun Guy. Sign Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga (is it really Umaga or am I misremembering) and create a Samoan stable. Then I'll get some smaller faces like Champagne Lover. And Tornado will return so that'll help address the other imbalance (the amount of skillful heels vs faces) without a restart on The Syndicate stable storyline. It seems to me that Adam takes the same approach Dungeons & Dragons does with their "fantasy" settings. Give the player a history to work with and some great ideas but leave enough blank canvas to allow the player to develop some things him/herself. I like it myself. BTW: I have already been able to sign everyone I mentioned to contracts in TCW.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=rufas2000;432375] Rhino Umaga (is it really Umaga or am I misremembering) [/QUOTE] Yep. His real name in the game is Rav Umaga
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Giant Tana has been a face since he debut in TCW. I don't think he has a very good heel rating anyway. He's just a giant jolly big guy. If you really feel ike turning him I suggest you bring in one of the other meaner Samoans to team him with. Samoan Machine always gets hired by BHOTWG but see if you can't get Rhino Umaga and make him and Tana a good heel team. As for Eddie I didn't notivce he was a face, he'sa perfect candidate for a quick heel turn seeing as tat's how he got massively over with the DaVE audience. You can have him pull an I can't live a lie story where he fnally just says I can't put up with this bull I'm not some goody goody bad ass, I'm mean and I'm evil and I don't care what anyone sells, basically a fake shoot against the creative staff for giving him a crap character.
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[QUOTE]Giant Tana has been a face since he debut in TCW. I don't think he has a very good heel rating anyway.[/QUOTE] I think its 90% Face, 77% Heel or so. Last time it was 90% Face, 50% Heel or something like that (I don't remember the letters offhand). That is why I never turned him in the past but am thinking about it this year. I'm pretty sure I got Samoan Machine & Rhino in one of my test runs but I could be wrong. Which brings me to a question: Can performance values improve in game? Example: if I turned Tana is it possible / probable that his heel performance rating will improve?
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The Peak idea ("livin a lie") is real good except it is too similar (in the turner's reasoning but not so much in details) to my Golden storyline. It is a really good idea though but I was hoping I could just "fool the audience" with a little reality shift for Peak, if he is not too entreanched in the storyline.
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I'm considering a four-five man stable called "The Revolution" to battle the Syndicate, causing a power struggle between Keith and Cornell. This could cause Wolf to begin questioning himself and eventually develop conflicted feelings towards which Icon he should be using as blueprint to follow. This could possibly cause a fallout, creating a future feud between Tommy (Heel) and Wolf (face). Student vs. Teacher. Which individuals should I consider for "The Revolution?" They can be in TCW or I could try to sign them?
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