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Welcome to the CZCW Year In Review 2008! First, your Year-End Awards! Show of the year: PGHW Glory Days Tour (Tuesday) Match of the Year: Johnny Bloodstone def. Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, January Most Improved Promotion: TCW Promotion of the Year: SWF Female of the Year: Sensational Ogiwara Veterna of the Year: Pistol Pete Hall Youngster of the Year: Emerald Angel Wrestler of the Year: Brian Vessey Zoners on the Power 100: Ultimate Phoenix (66, gotta be for his work in Mexico) Hall Of Immortals 2008 Inductees: Haruki Kudo 2008 Retirements: Larry Vessey, Helen Bach, Thunder Hike, Danger Kumasaka, Lioness Mushashibo, Black Hat Bailey, Haruki Kudo, and Namiyo Muro Major Injuries of 2008: Igor Ivanoff, Shattered Knee, January (expected back: April 2009); Stuart Fedinand, Shattered Elbow, February (Expected back April 2009); Dread, Major Concussion, March (Expected back: May 2009); Emma Bitch, Shattered Knee, April 2008 (expected back: May 2009); Bairei Yasujiro, broken neck, July (Expected back September 2009); Henry Bennet, ditto, September (back November 2009); News of the Year: Super Joshuya, caught with hard drugs in January, overdosed in December. State of the Zone Address 2008: The state of the Zone is strong and steady. After quite a few months of problems, we have managed to recover and as possibly stronger now than we were before, with the Mid-South being built up into a second territory. We have new stars, both imported and home-grown... or growing... and we fully expect this next year to erase the financial losses the current year sustained. We also, given expected improvement from out workers, believe Cult status is possible within two years. Just don't quote me on that at the end of 2010. And now, enough with 2008, it's time for 2009! CZCW Revolution 2009! January 2009, week 1, Monday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: 3-Way Stevie Grayson def. Ultimate Phoenix and California Love Machine in eleven minuts via pinfall on Pheonix (D) Jack Griffith cuts a promo about how insulted he is he's had to wait all this time, and it's time for a real champion to step up (D) MATCH #2: Tag Titles Skye & Youngblood (c) def. Snap Dragon & The Big Problem in twelve minutes via double-team on TBP (E+) Lauren Easter talks about what it would mean to her to be th efirst female Xtreme Champion (E) MATCH #3: Get-Everyone-On-The-Card Battle Royale Kirk Jameson def. everyone else not on the card in sixteen minutes (D-) Frankie Perez discusses how he's not intimidated by facing a woman; in the ring, ladders treat everyone the same (D-) MATCH #4 Donnie J draws Fumihiro Ota when the brawls heads into the crowd and they get counted out (D+) Fox hypes the main event (D-) MATCH #5: Xtreme Ladder Frankie Perez (c) def. Lauren Easter in twelve minutes (D) Obligatory main event hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Jack Griffith in twenty-four minutes via Foxhunter (C) Show rating: C-! Don't'cha love getting a 'Great Chemistry' remark in a barely-scouted main event? :) Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two main eventers with great chemistry and the ability to pull off C matches? We're gonna milk that like a press release...
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A C main event in the Coastal Zone, and you're surprised? Hah, I guess you just don't know Jack... I love the guy. Even post-alcohol addiction. What's more impressive is that you had Ace Youngblood and The Big Problem in the Coastal Zone at the same time and didn't get an F- match out of it ¬_¬
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Where even the owner can have a lapse in principles -- at least, that's how we explain it. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Cliff was mad at me for letting Plague go. "But, Cliffy," I told him, "You wouldn't've let me give him a new contract anyway with his past legal problems." "... okay, fine. You can sign people who've had legal problems. But, dammit, I want them to be able to sell!" So, problem resolved, and in a way that makes sense as well as explains why I had an owner goal change. Perfect. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Jack Griffith saying he wants a rematch against Fox... but Stevie Greyson is here, saing that Jack lost to one man... STevie beat two, so he deserves a shot first. Jack protests, and the two decide (shock!) to settle things tonight (D+) OPENING MATCH Masked Cougar def. Jeremiash Moose in six minutes via finisher (E) MATCH #2 Rod Remus def. Marc Speed in six minutes via Remus Clutch (E) Jack cuts a promo, asking if that's the kind of action we want to see in the Zone... scrubs, fighting over scraps of momentum. He promises, if he wins the title, he'll be in action every single show (D) MATCH #3 Lauren Easter def. CLM in seven minutes via submission (E+) Afterwards, CLM lays in a beatdown that goes on just to the edge of uncomfortably long (E-) MAIN EVENT Stevie Greyson draws Jack Griffith due to the 20 minute non-title-match time limit (D) Show rating: D- This is why we do the weekly show in the Midsouth -- we can afford slightly lower ratings and can try to build up people's momentum. How did tonight's Momentum-Search go? DLM's turn bumped him from D- to D. Lauren's win did nothing for her, as did Remus. Masked Cougar actually dropped. Hrm. Maybe this isn't the best way to do this. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2008, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Jack Griffith tells us that tonight, he shows us he's the one to take on Fox Mask again, because tongiht, there will be no time limits... it's him, and it's Stevie, Last Man Standing (D+) MATCH #1 CLM def. Remmy Skye in eleven minutes via LAX Departure (E+) MATCH #2 Rod Remus def. Ace Youngblood in nine minutes via Remus Clutch (E) CLM and Remus confur after the matches and declare they want the tag titles at Vendetta. (E+) MAIN EVENT: Last Man Standing Jack Griffith def. Stevie Greyson in twenty-six minutes (D-) Show rating: D- Hrm. Somehow, we were expecting more than that from the main event. Oh, well. Still, we won't argue with a sell-out crowd, y'know? On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Vendetta continues... aw, who're we kidding, the build to Fox v Griffith II continues... the rest of the card won't matter unless we can generate some momentum...
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Where there's precious little non-show news to go around: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal TOur January 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Donnie J telling us that both Jack and Stevie aren't in the building tonight, but Fox Mask is... so he wants his title back. Fox shows up agrees, yadda yadda (D-) OPENING MATCH Rod Remus def. Ultimate Phoenix in eight minutes by DQ when Remmy Skye runs in and attacks him (E+) Fox cuts a promo on how he expects to walk out tonight with the title, and will walk out of Vendetta with the title (D-) MATCH #2: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson def. Frankie Perez (c) in eighteen minutes (D) Backstage, Remus is beating down Skye (F+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Donnie J in thirteen minutes via Foxhunter (D-) Show rating: D- Hrm. D- shows no longer gaining us popularity in the Midsouth. We'll have to start trying better... or breaking in a third territory, but that's asking a bit much of us right now. CZCW Coastal Tour Januaary 2009, week 3, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Jack comes out to declare tonight as the last night that he will not reign dominant over the Zone, but FUmihiro Ota is here to make him eat his words later. We'll see. (D) OPENING MATCH Masked Cougar def. Marc Speed in five minutes via finisher (E) MATCH #2 The Big Problem def. Ultimate Phoenix in five minutes via Chokeslam (E+) Jack cuts into the programming, reminding us that when he's champion, there's be far better action than that (D) MATCH #3 Lauren Easter def. Donnie J in eleven minutes via pinfall after pulling the tights and nearly making J moon the crowd (D-) Hype video for the tag match at Vendetta, goes over about as wel as you'd expect (E-) MAIN EVENT Jack Griffith def. Fumihiro Ota in seventeen minutes via Jack In The Box (D) Show rating: D Ah, nice little popularity boost before the big show, always nice. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Vendetta 2009! With Fox Mask vs Jack Griffith II, and some other stuff... including a Zone classic!
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[quote=BigDPW;456941]I have been enjoying this diary... I think I may soon post my own CZCW diary...[/quote] But I'm just about to start a CZCW game!!!! So fired up by what's going on in this one, that I have to use these guys.
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[QUOTE=GDE71;456948]But I'm just about to start a CZCW game!!!! So fired up by what's going on in this one, that I have to use these guys.[/QUOTE] CZCW is basically the only promotion that I play with... I enjoy putting the match ration to 90% and just going full fledged high energy matches with this promotion... My take is a little different than this dynasty on how the fed is run but I really enjoy CZCW dynasties especially this one back to the last few years...
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Sorry for the lack of Zone... I've spent five of the last 12 days driving cross-country (well, half-way). I did get some stuff posted and simmed while on vacation, so new Zone stuff should be up tonight or tomorrow. Also, thanks for everyone who nominated/voted for me for the June Dynasty Awards thingie. It may be the smallest form of fame known to the Internet, but dammit, I've got fans, and that's what counts.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;458402]Sorry for the lack of Zone... I've spent five of the last 12 days driving cross-country (well, half-way). I did get some stuff posted and simmed while on vacation, so new Zone stuff should be up tonight or tomorrow. Also, thanks for everyone who nominated/voted for me for the June Dynasty Awards thingie. It may be the smallest form of fame known to the Internet, but dammit, I've got fans, and that's what counts.[/QUOTE] Congratulations on the last minute under the wire win! and props for not taking the low road by voting for yourself. :)
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CZCW Vendetta 2009 February 2009, week 1, Monday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Programming note: Remmy Skye is not here tonight, so... we'll figure something out. DARK MATCH (Available only in person and online... like the rest of the show...) 10-Man Xtreme Mayhem Match Kirk Jameson(c) def. everyone else not on the card in fifteen minutes (D) We open the show with Fox Mask and Jack Griffith in the ring, naming stipulations that they know they can beat each other at. They finally turn to Farrah to decide, and she picks... An Iron Man Match. What could possibly go wrong? (D-) OPENING MATCH: Tag Rod Remus & CLM def. Ace Youngblood & Marc Speed in nine minutes via Remus Clutch (E) Backstage, Fox Mask talks about his history, Iron Man matches, and how he refuses to lose tonight (D-) MATCH #2 Stevie Greyson def. The Big Problem in six minutes via pinfall (E+) Greyson then makes his case to be the next title challenger, regardless of who wins tonight (D) Backstage, Jack talks about how he's ready to free the Zone from no-name wanna-bes like those that fill the roster, and tonight may be his first Iron Man match, but that just gives him the chance to beat Fox more than once (D) MATCH #3 Donnie J def. Fumihiro Ota in thirteen minutes via finisher (D-) Hype video for the main event (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Iron Man Match Fox Mask def. Jack Griffith three falls to two in sixty minutes (E+) Show Rating: D- ... whoops? My bad? On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, so, not our best idea.
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Nice ironman match... LOL... just kidding... I love this dynasty! I have followed you for a couple years now and I think yours are the best. I have finally decided to try my hand at my own CZCW dynasty. It is a little different some things I took from your style and others I have developed from others styles. Anyway congrats on taking the award for the dynasty...
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Building up a backlog before vacation: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, we were about to lose another worker... someone had just gotten an offer to go tour with BHTOWG, and the timing of it meant he rejected our contract renewal. We also had Lauren do pay-per-gig work for CWWF, which was fine by us. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA (SOLD OUT) Special 'Job The Bastard Out' edition! We set up the main event of Frankie and Fumihiro (E+) OPENING MATCH Jackport Jordan def. Frankie Perez in twelve minutes (E+) We announce a match for Uprising: Fox Mask and Stevie Greyson (E+) MATCH #2 Snap Dragon def. Frankie Perez in seventeen minutes (F+ for repeatness) Fumihiro tries to hype the main even t(E+) MAIN EVENT Fumihiro Ota def. Frankie Perez in seventeen minutes (D-) Show rating: E+. Frankie Perez was used too much. Gee, I wonder why... we'll get him back eventually. Maybe. We'll see. Hrm. CWWF wanted Farrah, too. What're the odds they go for Emily as well? We'd have to make sure not to schedule shows for their days... joy, another promotion to book around. Time for yet another: CZCW Inconsequential Relationship! The Big Problem was on the radio, and he put over... Mark Smart??? There's an odd friendship. And given their positions on the card, one that's likely to never come into play. Hrm. Notice how we haven't had any backstage problems since getting rid of Plague? CZCW Coastal Tour February 2009, wwek 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midwouth USA Standard opening setting up Snap Dragon challenging Kirk Jameson for the Xtreme Title (E+) OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Rod Remus & CLM def. Remmy Skye & Ace Youngblood(c) in thirteen minutes (E+) Backstage, Snap Dragon clobbers Kirk from behind with a chair. "Is that extreme enough for you?" (E) SECOND MATCH The Big Problem def. Fumihiro Ota in seven minutes via chokeslam (E+) Hype video for Uprrising's main event (E+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Snap Dragon in nineteen minutes (D-) Show rating: E+ Hrmph. Oh, well. Still, the turn-and-match got Snap Dragon's momentum to do a complete about-face, up to a D+. On the next Coastal Zone: We took a week off and forgot what our plans were...
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Where we did, indeed, take a week off and forgot what our plans were: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour February 2009, week 3, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA (Hey, if BSC wants to sell out our arena, we'll sel out theirs...) We open with the standard 'set up the main event' segement with Donnie J demanding a title shot against Fox (D-) OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon def. MAsked Cougar in thirteen minutes by using the tights (E+) Dragon then cuts a promo about how one should never deal with dragons (E+) MATCH #2: Tag Title Ladder Ramus & CLM (c) def. The Big Problem & Remmy Skye in seven minutes of surprisingly okay action (D-) Hype for Fox v Grayson at Uprising or whatever show is next (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Championship Fox Mask (c) def. Donnie J in nineteen minutes via Fox hunter (D) Show rating: D- Well, the opening match sucked and we were hoping for better. Oh, well... Let's see if anything interesting happens this week... Nope. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Standard set-up-the-main-event spot, with Donnie J talking about how he was robbed and Stevie Greyson coming out to shut him up (D-) OPENING MATCH: Tag titles Remus & CLM (c) def. American Flash & Ace Youngblood in eleven minutes (E) and then make an open challenge for the next show (E+) MATCH #2 The Big Problem squashes Jeremiah Moose in six minutes (E-) and also makes an open challenge for Uprising (E+) MAIN EVENT Stevie Greyson def. Donnie J in twenty-two minutes via pinfall (D-) Show rating: E+ Gah, okay, that sucked. On the next Costal Zone: CZCW Uprising! Fox vs Greyson! Remus & CLM vs ???, The Big Problem vs ???, and probably Kirk Jameson vs ???, too... I dunno...
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;460059]How are these guys pulling such lousy match ratings out?[/QUOTE] Part of it is that they're still building up their popularity in the midsouth. Part is poor momentum management on my part; nobody can be considered 'hot'. Part is possibly just bad luck. CZCW Uprising March 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Battle Royal Kirk Jameson(c) def. everyone not appearing elsewhere on the card in fifteen minutes (D) Stevie Greyson cuts a promo on Fox Mask (D) SECOND MATCH: THE BIG PROBLEM'S CAGE GAUNTLET CHALLENGE TBP def. Ace Youngblood in four minutes (E-) TBP def. American Flash in four minutes (E-) Lauren Easter def. TBP in seven minutes via escape (D-) Fox Mask cuts a promo on Stevie Greyson (D) THIRD MATCH Jack Griffith def. Ultimate Poenix in seventeen minutes via finisher (D) The tag champs come out and say they've done the match based on who was in the battle royal, and they know who accepted their challenge for tonight.. out come Snap Dragon and Marc Speed (E-) FOURTH MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & CLM (c) def. Dragon & Speed in ten minutes via Remus Clutch (E+) Hype video for the main event (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) def. Stevie Geryson in tewnty-four minutes (D+) Show rating: D. We were hoping for better, but we'll take it. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: do we dare attempt long-term booking again?
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Where entertainment and action co-exist peacefully, unlike Europe -- welcome to the Coastal Zone! In Europe, Entertainment was beating Action, as sports-entertainment EWA hit Regional size first -- in time, that could lead to people that American promotions could want to steal. But not us. We have a budget. "Ice Man" Alex Brawn, who we had considered bringing in for a little bit, retired; I guess we wouldn't make him that offer after all. With WLW and GCG signing people up for tours, the field of people we could use to enhance our roster was getting small. We would make a few offers, tho. We'd see what happened. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Farrah surrounded by four men, as Jack, Stevie, and Ota all try to argue for a title shot and Fox shoots down each of them in turn. Farrah decides to book them all in tag matches tonight and watch the results (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) def. Ace Youngblood in seven minutes via pinfall (E+) Kirk then makes an open challenge, saying that he'll be watching the midcard for someone to challenge him at Spring Break Bash (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Jack Griffith & Stevie Greyson def. Flying Jimmy Foxx & Remmy Skye in fourteen minutes (D) THIRD MATCH Donnie J def. Jackport Jordan in six minutes (E) Fox Mask is asked by Queen Emily which of the three he wants to face. His response: "I've beaten them all." (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox Mask & Fumihiro Ota def. Snap Dragon & Masked Cougar in fourteen minutes (D-) Show rating: D- Well, we're holding steady... not really growing, but not shrinking either. We need to find some reliable D+/C- matches we can use to get some good shows... Maybe our new signing would help... Remmy signed up with RIPW; maybe it'll help him on some of his deficiencies. Or, y'know, fire him for drugs. Either way, it'd be fun to watch. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2009, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with FUmihiro Ota saying he's the best one to face Fox Mask... when out comes someone to prove him wrong... the newest Zoner... Jungle Jack (D-) OPENING MATCH Ace & TBP def. Speedball (in a mask) & Jackport Jordan in nine minutes (E). They then hallenge the tag champs (E) SECOND MATCH Marc Speed def. American Flash, Masked Cougar, and Jeremiah Moose in ten minutes (E) and then chllenged Kirk Jameson (F+) We announce Spring Break Bash's main event: Fox vs.... Genio Verde. Jungle Jack is upset, but we announce Welcome to the Coastal Zone's main event: Fox Mask vs Jungle Jack... and Stevie Greyson... and Jack Griffith (E+) MAIN EVENT Jungle Jack def. Fumihiro Ota in twenty-three minutes via finisher (D+) Show rating: D- On the next Coastal Zone: Do we focus on building up to a giant match two months away, or the match with a guy here for one night only in two weeks? Gee, we wonder...
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Witness to shocking jumps since... okay, still waiting. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Former Zoner, E.M.M. Moe, aka Citizen X, has become the first jump from TCW to SWF... or rather, from MAW to RIPW. Big whup, I know, especially since he wasn't on the roster in this game... Annnd insert July 10 patch here. Okay, having taken a bit of a break over vacation, I now have no idea what we were planning. Lemme check my advanced booking... wow. Not much. Okay. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2009, week 3, Sunday The Piper Casino, Southwest USA We open with Jungle Jack in the ring, talking himself up, when Lauren Easter comes out. Apparently, since Jack won his spot in the title match, Lauren thinks she can win it by beating him. He says she's welcome to try (D) OPENING MATCH Ace Youngblood def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in nine minutes via pinfall (E-) MATCH #2: Tag Marc Speed & Masked Cougar def. Jackport Jordan & Jeremiah Moose in eleven minutes via submission (E+) No, we didn't pick the teams based on first initials. We swear. MATCH #3 Ultimate Phoenix def. California Love Machine in fourteen minutes via finisher (E+) MAIN EVENT Jungle Jack def. Lauren Easter in twelve minutes via finisher (D+) Show rating: D Well, the main event was good. But our undercard has been mis-managed into near-uselessness. Drastic measures may need to be taken, and soon. And then, disaster strikes. Well, possible disaster. Farrah, our long-time announcer-ref-woman, has been promoted to head booker of CGC. How much longer will she want to remain with us, sincce her contract comes up for renewal in four days? CZCW Coastal Tour March 2009, week 4, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA Hrm. No Farrah tonight. Well, stepping into the ref role for tonight is... myself! ... hey, everyone else on the roster sucks, I might as well use a ref who won't charge me extra. We open with Fox cutting a promo on next week's title match, to acknowledge it exists and to remind people that if you want something, you have to fight for it. Tonight is the Night of Shifting Loyalties. If you want something... take it (D-). OPENING MATCH: 10-Man Mayhem for an Xtreme Title Shot Remmy skye def a bunch of people as everyone turns on each friends and allies to try to win (D-) MAIN EVENT: Four-Team Tag Fox & Kirk def Jungle Jack & Lauren, Stevie & Problem, and Jack Griffith & Donnie J in nineteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D For the record: We had no clue Jack & Lauren would have good chemistry as a team. We also pissed off a title of six people with that main event. Oh, well. ... gah, we're back in Regional battles, and oncce more, we're coming in #2. AAA is consistently turning in C-level shows, and we don't have the build to beat that... this month. May, perhaps, but we'll see. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Spring Break Bash! Fox vs Genio! Kirk vs Skye! And probably a bunch of other stuff, or it'll be a real short show!
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash 2009! April 2009, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Fumihiro Ota in sixteen minutes via finisher (D-) The champ cuts a promo, first discussin Genio ("You're big in MExico, but this is the USA... we do things differently here") (D) and then next month's four-way title match (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Jungle Jack & Lauren Easter def Rod Remus & CLM (c) in fifteen minutes, Lauren gets a Figure Four on CLM (C-) Jungle Jack promises that this is just the start -- next month, he takes Fox's title, too (D) THIRD MATCH Stevie Greyson def. Ultimate Phoenix in thirteen minutes via pinfall (D) Stevie then hypes next months' four-way (D-) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson(c) def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes (D+) Genio Verde shows his face and cuts a short, heelish promo about how the Zone must be an American promotion, because they'd never survive in Mexico. The truth hurts. (C-) Obligatory Main Event Hype Video (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Genio Verde def. Fox Mask(c) in twenty-eight minutes via DQ when Fox is charged by Jungle Jack, Stevie Greyson, and Jack Griffith and he manuvers Genio into the way so he takes the hit instead (D+) Show rating: D+. Not quite a C-level show, but not bad, and a surprsingly good tag match...
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Where we finally beat Half-Life 2: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! What can I say, I rented it back in January but then had an ugly houseguest situation... long story short, I finally got it beat. Now to play Episode One and Two before Three comes out... So, I think it's time for a post-show review of where we're at... Our jobbers are, currently, Jackpot Jordan, Jeremiah Moose, Marc Speed, Rex Reeves, American Flash, and Mark Smart. Speedball has managed to get himself a D- momentum due to our 'everyone turns on everyone battle royal'; the rest are about where you'dd expect jobbers to be. We want to try to build him up a bit, since we feel he deserves better than being down in the jobber ranks. Our midcard is made up of Snap Dragon, Ace Youngblood, Kirk Jameson, Rod Remus, Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, and Remmy Skye. Kirk is riding a wave of momentum at C- which, for us, is huge. His ;ast opponent, Remmy Skye, is at D+ and didn't suffer much from his loss; these two are the most likely to break into the upper card. Which is a pitty, because we want Remus and Dragon to be there, too. Dragon, Ace, and Foxx are all E momentum and are basicly midcarders due to having enough jobbers now. The uppercard is CLM, TBP, Phoenix, Fox, and Lauren. CLM is a D-, Phoenix is a D, the rest are D+. They're just waiting for something to give them that little extra push, really. Hopefully, we'll have that in our plans for Fox and Lauren. And our main event is made of Jack Griffith, Donnie J, Ota, Jungle Jack, and Stevie Greyson. J and Ota are at D-, the rest are at D. So, what are our strengths right now? We have three brawlers: the two Jacks and TBP. For Technicians, we have a bit wider field, with Ota, Lauren, Speedball, Kirk, Dragon and Donnie J. Our list of fliers runs over half the roster, but the top four are Cougar, Skye, Dragon, and Phoenix. Which means our strongest performers tend to be the ones without any momentum. There's a lesson there, I'm sure... so we need to either get more talent in our momentum, or more momentum in our talent. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2009, week 1, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Title The Jungle Rulers (Jungle Jack and Jungle Lauren) (c) def. Foxx & Ota in seventeen minutes (D+) We then get a pair of promos, as Jungle Jack promises to win the CZCW Title at Welcome to the Coastal Zone, and then Jungle Lauren makes a surprise challenge to Kirk Jameson, saying the Jungle Rulers will becomes the Coastal Rulers when they have all the belts (D-, D) SECOND MATCH Remmy Skye def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes via submission (E) with a handshake afterwards (E-) Fox hypes Welcome to the Coastal Zone (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. The Big Problem in nine minutes via finisher (D-) Show rating: D- Hey, Problem can work more than seven minutes before blowing up now! That was easily a D/D+ show in the Southwest... On the next Coastal Zone: We try to see what we can do vis a vis building to the future, not just the next show.
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Trying to break the laws of physics... specificly, the ones that involve conservation of momentum... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour April 2009, week 2, Sunday Colorado Springs Bar, Midsouth USA We open with Fox Mask about to hype the main event for WttCZ, but Ultimate Pheonix comes out and tells him he might not make it that far (D-) OPENING MATCH Marc Speed def. Jackport Jordan in nine minutes via submission (E) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes (D) Kirk then accepts Lauren's challenge, saying he's beat her before, he'll beat her again (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Ultimate Poenix in seventeen minutes via Fox Hunter (D) Show rating: D- Shortly after switching companies, former Zoner Citizen X has been called up. Good for him. And now, MAW and RIPW were fighting over Kirk Jameson. Hooboy. Would he last until Welcome to the Coastal Zone? CZCW Coastal Tour April 2009, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Handicap The Big Problem & Donnie J def. American Flash, Rex Reeves, & Mark Smart in eight minutes (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Kirk Jameson & Masked Cougar def. Air Force 1 (Dragon & Foxx) in thirteen minutes (E+). After the match, Jungle Lauren runs out and beats down Kirk, threatening to make him forfeit the title match coming up... (E+) and then gets an idea, and challenges Fox Mask for tonight. Fox comes out and says that if it'll get her to stop beating on someonee who just finished wrestling twenty minutes, then sure, he'll accept. (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask(c) def. Jungle Lauren in nineteen minutes via Fox Hunter when Lauren was distracted by Kirk Jameson hobbling down to the ring with a chair... (D+) Kirk uses his chair to... sit on next to the collapsed Lauren, telling her that she's good... but she made a mistake. Now? he's angry. And at Welcome to the Coastal Zone, he's going to make sure she doesn't touch his title (D-) Show rating: D. Kirk and Cougar have absolutely no chemistry. Well, that's the problem with randomly teaming people up. Somewhat embarassingly, we only half-filled the Pit... and then BSC put on their monthly show there after us and sold it out. Grrrr. And due to a power failure, the following show is recreated the best we can, in short form CZCW Coastal Tour, from the Snake Pit Jungle Rulers retain over Air Force One (D+) Jack Griffith def. Ultimate Phoenix (D) Stevie Greyson def. Fumihiro Ota (D-) Also this show: Various hype stuff Show rating: D On th enext Coastal Zone: Welcome to the Coastal Zone!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;462019]Oh, and simming ahead a bit... we have a surprise ZONE GREATEST MATCH, which leads to a ZONE GREATEST SHOW... can you guess who was involved? The stips? The show?[/QUOTE] Fox Mask vs. Jungle Jack... because infiniti loves the Foxes! At... infiniti I don't know all the names. I'll go with the big show after WttCZ. The stips... Mask vs. Hair!
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