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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam 2010! June 2010, week 1, Wednesday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: 16-Man Mayhem Kirk Jameson def. *takes deep breath* Ace, Extraordinario, Ota, Apollo, Jackpot, Moose, Johnson, Speedball, Cougar, Patriot, Remus, and new Zoners TJ Bailey, Dragon Americano, and Panda Mask II in twenty-eight minutes (D-) Dueling Interviews from our main event (D-, D-, and D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Stevie Greyson & Teddy POwell in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D+) Genio cuts another promo on Phoenix (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Ladder Genio Verde def. Ultimate Phoenix (c) in twenty-one minutes (C-) MAIN EVENT: Tringle CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Remmy Skye & Lauren the Lion in twenty-eight minutes via flash rollup on Skye (C-) Show Rating: C- Nice, simple, to the point. We like that. On the next Coastal Zone: We announce a change in how we do things... something we've never done in a Coastal Zone, ever.
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Where change is the only constant... and it's about 47 cents. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! ROF has a sense of humor. The opening match of ROF Everything Is Broken: Johnny Highspot defeating Jonni Lowlife. Heh. So, we've decided that having a monthly big show and weekly shows just isn't giving us enough time to hype up enough matches for the big show. OUr options: Bump the weekly show to two hours, and spend more money on it. Um... no. Other option: Cut some shows. Hrdcore Halloween, Christmas Chaos, Wave of Fury, and Vendetta have all been dropped from the schedule. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2010, week 1, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Triangle Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. 4J and Remus & Patriot in fourteen minutes (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Genio Verde (c) def. Masked Cougar in twelve minutes via pinfall (E+) Verde then makes an open challenge for Battle at the Beach (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Remmy Skye in eighteen minutes via Fox Hunter due to interference by Extraordinario Jr (D+) Jr then tells Remmy they'll meet agian at Battle at the Beach, because he's still looking for some satisfaction (E+) Show rating: D So, with two main eventers leaving us, it's time to re-order the roster. Main Eventers: Fox, Remmy, Phoenix, Genio, Ota Upper: Foxx, Kirk, Lauren, Remus, Snap Dragon Midcard: Jackpot, Apollo, Extraordinario, Cougar, Ace, Patriot, Speedball Lower: Moose, Jared, Raphael Opener: TJ, Panda Enhancement: Dragon Americano Well, that worked out pretty well... except we're surprised Lauren isn't main event status. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2010, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Remmy Skye & Masked Cougar def. Extraordinario & TJ Bailey in twelve minutes, Skye pins Bailey (D) SECOND MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Rod Remus in eighteen minutes (D) Lauren then accepts Genio's open challenge (D+) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Ultimate Phoenix def. Fumihiro Ota in fifteen minutes via finisher (D+) Phoenix then cuts a promo on Fox (D) Show rating: D+ Next time, on the Coastal Zone: More changes? Now what?
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Simming waaaaay too far ahead: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! *sigh* Lauren has just signed with BSC. That's... totally unexpected and not at all fitting for her. But at least she should, y'know, win a lot. So, we've decided to bite the bullet and bump up our shows to an hour and a half... mainly to keep people from being unused a lot. But it should provide some more oomph to building up matches, too. Remmy Skye and Masked Patriot are friends now? Well, there's a styles clash... hrm. Maybe as a team... CZCW Coastal Tour June 2010, week 3, Sunday New MExico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Fox and Genio talking about their title shots, and out come Lauren and Phoenix, and yeap, we work it out into a tag match (D) OPENING MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes via finisher, despite Remmy coming down to distract him (D-) Genio cuts a promo on Lauren (D), who ten cuts her own (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Air Force One (c) def. Americano Dragon & Raphael in nine minutes (E+) Remmy cuts a promo on Extra, saying he'll only be laid-back so long... Extra needs to learn that sometimes, teams grow apart. (E) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Remmy Skye due to Extra-ference in sixteen minutes (D) Fox cuts a promo on Phoenix and shows he's lost whatever promo-ability he had (E+), Phoenix then shows him how it's done (D-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Phoenix & Lauren def. Fox & Verde in twenty-three minutes when Fox gets DQed for a vicious assault on Pheonix that continued even told to baack offf (D) Show rating: D OLLIE has risen to Cult size. Among their new signings: Electrico, Mayan Idol, Flores, Blood Raven, and Nick Lopez. *sigh* We're so far off-schedule... CZCW Coastal Tour June 2010, week 4, Sunday West Texas Colloseam, Midsouth USA Backstage, Fox and Phoenix have a vigorous discussion about Fox's recent bloodthirstiness. They can't have a singles match until BatB... but a tag matc tonight will work (D) OPENING MATCH: Six-Way Brawl Kirk Jameson def. Ace Youngblood, Speedball, Apollo, Jackpot, and Panda in fourteen minutes (E+) Genio cuts a promo on Lauren, saying her time at the top has passed (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Genio Verde (c) def. Remmy Skye due to an Extra distraction and despite a Lauren distraction (D+) Yeap, it winds up being a tag match, right then and there (E) THIRD MATCH: Tag Skye & Genio def. Lauren & Extra in twenty-three minutes, Genio rolls up Extra (D) Lauren cuts a promo on Genio (D+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Phoenix & Cougar def. Fox & Remus in sixteen minutes via finisher on Remus (D-) Show rating: D- On the next Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach 2010! July 2010, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCHES: Battle At The Beach Quarter-Finals Flying Jimmy Foxx def. Jeremiah Moose in six minutes (D-) Kirk Jameson def. Masked Patriot in six minutes (D) Snap Dragon def. Island Boy Apollo in seven minutes (D) Rod Remus draws Fumihiro Ota via double DQ in nine minutes (D-) We annouce, due to the DQ, this year's Battle at the Beach will be decided via triple threat rules (E+). We then get a promo from Extraordinario (D-) FIFTH MATCH Extraordinario def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes via rollup (D+) SIXTH MATCH: BatB Finals Kirk Jameson def. Snap Dragon and Flying Jimmy Foxx when Air Force One Explodes in twelve minutes (D+... and yes, this forum is now bring brought to the attention of the Secret Service for that line). Kirk then declares that, since he's won BatB two years running... whoever wins the main event? He's got nexties (D-) SEVENTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion def. Genio Verde in thirteen minutes (C-) Lauren celebrates (E+) Phoenix does a last-minute hype job (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty minutes via Foxhunter (C) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: With two months for the build, will Fox vs Kirk be able to carry a big show... or will we have something else up our sleeves? Wait... we're wearing a wifebeater. Dangit.
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Where it's a jungle out there: Welcome to the Coastal Zoo! I mean, Zone! Geeze, we're really turning to self-parody here. Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon... okay. Lauren the Lion? Dragon Americano? Panda Mask? It's getting a bit absurd. So, from this moment on, I declare: All incoming talent of midcard level or lower must be given an animal gimmick upon hiring. Hey, why not? CZCW Coastal Tour Jult 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Kirk Jameson in the ring, reminding everyone that he called dibs on the champion. Out comes Genio Verde, who wishes to dispute that. And that sets up our main event (D) OPENING MATCH TJ Bailey def. Ace Youngblood in five minutes (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot def. Air Force One (c) in fifteen minutes due to partner miscommunication (D) And, of course, Foxx and Dragon argue afterwards and come to blows (E+) THIRD MATCH Jared Johnson def. Dragon Americano in four minutes (E) Lauren makes an open challenge for Reach For The Sky for anyone in the midcard who wants to, well, reach for the sky (D+) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme LAdder Lauren the Ladder def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes (D+) Kirk cuts a promo on Fox, saying if he wants respect so badly, he'll accept the challenge. (D-) MAIN EVENT Kirk Jameson def. Genio Verde in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D) Show rating: D Well, not the best... our main event kinda fizzled on us. We should try to rememebr who has bad chemistry more often. Enygma leaves SWF to join USPW. Wow, SWF has fallen so far... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2010, Week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. Apollo & Speedball in fourteen minutes via pinfall, using ropes for leverage (D-) The champs then announce that they will be taking on all comers (E+) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. MAsked Cougar in thirteen minutes via finisher (D-) Extraordinario then announces he's accepting Lauren's challenge for Reach For The Sky. He's turned out great matches with Remmy Skye; now it's time for him to show he can be Extraordinary with anybody (D) Lauren comes out for her match, and tells Extra she's looking foreward to the match... but he shouldn't get his hopes up. Every man thinks they're extraordinary... until the ymeet here, and then, they're just ordinary at best (D+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme LAdder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes when Flying Jimmy Foxx does the runin on his former partner (D) Dragon yells a few angry words at Foxx (E) Kirk cuts a promo on Fox, saying he still hasn't heard from him... perhaps the champ is scared, because they've clashed before... and Kirk has kept getting better, where Fox has just been the status quo (D-) MAIN EVENT Kirk Jameson def. Fumihiro OTa in sixteen minutes (D) Show rating: D Hrm. Kirk seems to only deliver the goods when we hype him up first. That might be somewhat disturbing. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: we've still got six more weeks to build Reach for the Sky... what else will be added to the card?
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Wow, that was a busy day. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Saturday, week 3, July 2010. No less than ten new relationships formed -- 5 friendships, 5 dislikes. For our part, Fox Mask was showing respect to Fumihiro Ota. Okay, sso we just burned through enough backlogged sim to last two weeks... let's see if we can get back into the swing of things here... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2010, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open with Island Boy Apollo and TJ Bailey in the ring, ready to go, when Flying Jimmy Foxx comes down and tells them to get lost, he's got business with his former partner. Snap Dragon comes down, words are exchanged, each man takes one of the jobbers in the ring as a partner (E) OPENING MATCH: Tag Foxx & Apollo def. Dragon & Bailey in thirteen minutes with ropes for leverage (E+) Foxx and Dragon brawl aferwards (E) SECOND MATCH: Lucha Extraordinario Jr def. Marc Speed in fourteen minutes via finisher (D) Extra then cuts a promo on Lauren, about how once upon a time, a youngster, new to the Zone, showed they had what it took to take the Xtreme Title and then moved on to bigger things... it's not her story, it's his, and it's happening now (D-) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Ultimate Phoenix in sixteen minutes via finisher (D) Fox cuts a promo on Kirk. Kirk things he's big becuase he beat Genio vErde and Fumihiro Ota? Tonight, Fox will beat them both at the same time (D-) MAIN EVENT: Triplee Threat CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Fumihiro Ota and Genion Verde in twenty-three minutes via finisher (D) Show rating: D-. Too much TJ Bailey, apparently. But that wouldn't be a problem anymore... last night, TJ pulled a prank... on our road agent, Dylan Sidle. We fined him and decided not to use him for a long time. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2010, week 4, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA Foxx and Dragon are in the ring, ready to go, when in a replay of last week, out comes Fox to say he's got some unfinished business that's more important than them. He starts to rant about Kirk, but Kirk is here, teams are formed, and a main event is set (D-) FIRST MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Ace Youngblood in ten minutes (E) Lauren taunts Extra, saying that tonight, she's going to take on four people who're right about his level of talent, and win (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Dragon Americano, Raphael, Panda Mask II, and Jeremiah Moose in twelve minutes (E+) Wow, a match even Lauren can't make look good. Snap Dragon rants about Foxx, about how he's always the one to screw up, and now it's time to prove it (E) THIRD MATCH Rod Remus def. Masked Cougar in a stunningly bad match (E) Kirk hypes up his chance to get his hands on Fox (E+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Snap Dragon & Kirk Jameson def. Fox Mask & Flying Jimmy Foxx in twenty-four minutes (D) Show Rating: D- Geeze... On the next Coastal Zone: Back to the nice, comforting Southwest to see if we can boost our popularity there a bit... the problem with 90-minute shows is sometimes, you only have 60 minutes of popular material.
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Where simming games is a welcome distraction from the tediousness of Mafia: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! And now, we've got two more posts worth of shows to build heat for the next big one... this sometimes-every-other-month schedule should be good for us... we hope. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2010, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA Next verse, same as the last two: We set up a main event of Fox/Ota vs Kirk/Genio (D-) Snap Dragon rants about Foxx again, and brings up how he is now MPWF Champion (E+) FIRST MATCH Snap Dragon def. Ultimate Phoenix in eighteen minutes via DQ when Flying Jimmy Foxx interferes (D+) Foxx then badmouths dragon (E+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. J4 in ten minutes (E+) Lauren cuts a promo on Extra. "Am I scared of him? He's not even here tonight..." (D) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in ten minutes via finisher (D-) Kirk cuts a promo on Fox (D) MAIN EVENT: Tag Fox Mask & Fumihiro Ota def. Genior Verde & Kirk Jameson in twenty-five minutes, Fox pins Genio (D+) Show rating: D Yeah, we're starting to think the whole '90-minute shows' thing is going to hurt us in the long run... then again, July was the first month since November that we made a profit... CZCW CCoastal Tour August 2010, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We set up a main event: This time, Fox is offering Kirk a chance to earn respect by joining him in taking the Tag Team Titles (D-) FIRST MATCH Genio Verde def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-one minutes via pinfall (D+) Lauren promises that after tonight, Extraordinario won't be able to compete (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Snap Dragon & Extraordinario Jr def. Lauren the Lion & Flying Jimmy Foxx in twenty-four minutes via flash pinfall on Lauren (D) Extraordinario ten ccuts a promo on Lauren, telling her to remember how that feels... 'cause it'll be coming again real soon (D) Kirk tells us he has his doubts about Fox (D) MAIN EENT: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. Fox & Kirk in twenty-two minutes when Fox turns on Kirk and leaves him lyingg on the canvas (D-) Show rating: D Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The final build is here, and we try to figure out why a storylien is set up wrong... but is it too late to do damage control?
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Where sometimes, the amazing this is that we look like we know what we're doing... this ain't one of those times. WElcome to the Coastal Zone! CWWF fall to Local; SAISHO up to Regional. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2010, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA Kirk and Fox are in the ring, informing us that tonight is a Pick Your Poison night... they've both got the other's opponents ready to go (D) Extra does a quick rant on Lauren (E+) FIRST MATCH: Four Corners Remmy Skye def. Extraordinario, Snap Dragon, and Jimmy Foxx in eighteen minutes (C-) Fox announces his selection for Kirk's opponent: Ultimate Phoenix (D-) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty minutes via pinfall (C-) Kirk then announces his choice for Fox: Lauren the Lion (D-) MAIN EVENT (Non-Title) Fox Mask def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-five minutes after interference from Extraordinario via finisher (D+) Show Rating: D+ Finally, something above a D. That's good to see. Now, time for the go-home show, and then we have to decide if we're actually goingg to do any title changes on this show... CZCW Coastal Tour August 2010, week 4, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Fox and Kirk in the ring, agreeing that neither one off them will beat the other in ten minutes... so tonight, a ten-minute exhibition to scout each other out (D) FIRST MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Masked Cougar in ten minutes via DQ, Lauren-ference (D-), followed by a brutal beatdown of Extra (E) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eighteen minutes, Extra-ference and Dragon-ference (D) Dragon cuts a promo on Foxx (D-) THIRD MATCH: 10-minute exhibition Fox Mask draws Kirk Jameson (C) Kirk then says, he's not done with Fox left... let's get everyone in the ring! (D-) MAIN EVENT: 6-Man Tag Kirk / Dragon / Extra def. Fox / Foxx / Lauren in twenty-two minutes, Extra finisher on Foxx (D+) Show rating: D+ Now that's a good way to lead into a big show... On the next Coastal Zone: Reach For The Sky! And if you can't name our three main matches, you haven't been paying attention.
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Welcome to CZCW Reach For The Sky! September 2010, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Foxx and Dragon brawling backstage before they get seperated (E+) OPENING MATCH: Triangle Tag Titles Apollo & Speedball def. J4 and Remus & Patriot (c) in seventeen minutes (D-) Extra taunts Lauren, saying her time with the belt is almost over (D) SECOND MATCH Snap Dragon def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in nineteen minutes via finisher (D) Lauren responds to Extra's promo (D), and Kirk hypes the main event (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Extraordinario Jr in nineteen minutes (D) Fox hypes the main event (E+) Obligatory Main Event Hype Video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Kirk Jameson with use of a stick with 'Mig-25' ... yes, the worst pun in TEW, the dreaded FoxBat, has returned! (C) Show rating: D+. Oh, c'mon, that was C- at least! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: You better believe Kirk wants redemption... especially if that can continue to pull off C matches. Where does that leave everyone else?
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Where sometimes, you have a build-up of stuff... other times, you realize you gotta play the game for a bit. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hrm. Stretch the Chicken Boy is looking for work. Tempting... and we have a few technical people on the roster... but do we really want to be known as the home of Stretch, the Chicken Boy? But we really should hire someonoe new... we'd decided Raphael didn't fit in, and Fumihiro Ota was getting too expensive for what he delivered... So, we had two months until Showdown at Sundown, and we were having some difficulty in deciding what to do for the next few weeks. We had one big match we knew we could rely on for a C rating; but we only had one more use of it in the next five months or we'd start overworking it. We might want to hold off on the rematch for now. Well, let's consider this a spin-our-wheels week or two, until some new negotions go through... CZCW Coastal Tour September 2010, week 1, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Apollo & Speed (c) def. J4 in ten minutes via submission (D-) Fumihiro Ota comes out to announce the ending of his contract, and Lauren comes out to offer him a title shot... but if he wins, he has to stay. (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Fumihiro Ota in twenty-seven minutes (D) Fox comes out and offers Ota a title shot next week. Ota reminds Fox he's got a triple-threat match tonight, and Fox blows that off (E+) MAIN EVENT: Triple Threat CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Kirk Jameson and Remmy Skye via flash roll-up after Kirk and Remmy trade finishers in twenty-four minutes (D+) Afterwards, Kirk and Skye argue and set up a match at Showdown at Sundown (E+) Show rating: D Annnnd signings are made. With Ota and Raphael leaving, we've managed to sign a replacement main eventer and a replacement enhancement talent; both will conform to our "Animal gimmicks are required for newcomers" rule. No, not Lobster Warrior; TCW just stole him away from SWF. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2010, Week 2, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-two minutes via Birdbrainbuster (D+) Fumihiro Ota hypes up the main event, saying if fhe wins the title, he'll stay (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Flying Jimmy Joxx in sixteen minutes (D-) Lauren then makes an open challenge for Showdown at Sundown... prefereably to be accepted by someone she hasn't faced before (D) Fox cuts a promo on Ota (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Fumihiro Ota in twenty-six minutes via Foxhunter (C) After the match, Matt Sparrow comes out and tells Fox that lately, Fox has been all about respect. Well, it's respect time. Sparrow has performed in front of crowds that are larger than two entire months of Zone shows, he's gone out and travelled the world with SWF... until they shrank... but now, he's got some free time on his hands, so he wants to do something that will be a great stepping stone on his bigger career... win the CZCW Title. So at Showdown at Sundown, he'll show Fox the respect of beating him quickly. (D+) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: The birdman is back! We introduce our new resident jobber! Who will face Lauren? And how long will things stay civil between Kirk and Remmy?
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We Are Murloc! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Right to the action this post... CZCW Coastal Tour September 2010, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Team J4 def. Jeremiah Moose & Spirit of the Lizard in seven minutes (E+) Backstage, Remmy and Kirk are insulting each other, quickly getting into insults, yadda yadda... (E+) SECOND MATCH Genio Verde def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eighteen minutes via finisher (D-) Matt Sparrow does some Fox-taunting (D+) THIRD MATCH: Tag Remmy Skye & Lauren the Lion def. Kirk Jameson & Ultimate Phoenix in ninteeen minutes, Skye pulls Kirk's tights (D+) Lauren announces she's looked over those who wanted to accept her challenge, and picked one she hasn't faced since January... Masked Patriot (D) MAIN EVENT Matt Sparrow def. Fumihiro Ota in twenty-three minutes via DQ when Fox Mask interferes (C-) Show Rating: D. Oh, come on, the first match wasn't bad enough to drag us down like that! Well, maybe it was. And with that, Fumihiro Ota left the Zone with a better match than most of the ones he was able to put on when he came in. But at his farewell party after the show, new guy Lizard pulled a prank on Jackpot Jordan... We gave him a slap on the wrist and chalked it up to not knowing American customs yet and just slapped him on the wrist. Hopefully he'd snap out of it. We need to start checking personalities when we hire people... CZCW Coastal Tour September 2010, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Genio Verde def. Jackpot Jordan in twelve minutes via finisher (D) Promos time! Remmy (D-), Fox (D), and Patriot (E+) SECOND MATCH: 10-Man Mayhem Snap Dragon def. Ace, Dragon Americano, Extraordinatio, Moose, Cougar, Panda, Remus, Dragon, Lizard, and Bailey in twenty minutes (D-) More promos! Kirk (D-), Sparrow (C-), Lauren (D-) MAIN EVENT: 6 Man Tag Sparrow, Lauren & Skye def. Fox, Patriot, and Kirk in thirty minutes, Birdbrainbuster on Fox (D+) Showw rating: D+ Okay, a little too much Patriot, but otherwise a good show. Not a great show... didn't raise our popularity any. But if we do a month in the Midsouth and then run Showdown at Sundown in the Southwest... at this point, there's no way that show'll do bad. ... dammit. I jinxed myself, didn't I... On the next Coastal Zone: We swing through the Midsouth!
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As much fun as a garage sale at a house with no garage: WElcome to the Coastal Zone! It's time, yet again, for Inconsequential Relationship Theatre! It appears Queen Emiliy doesn't like... Pee-Wee Germaine. No wonder our creative meetings are so full of fun... CZCW Coastal Tour October 2010, week 1, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open with Fox in the ring, talking about Matt Sparrow, and how he doesn't think Sparrow deserves a shot. Out comes Snap Dragon, saying -he- deserves a shot. Fox replies, "You? Weren't you messing in the tag team ranks for the last few years?" We decide that if Dragon can beat Fox in a non-title match tonight, he'll get a shot laater. (D-) OPENING MATCH Jared Johnson def. Ace Youngblood in nine minutes, to show how wmuch of a buttmonkey Ace has become (E-) Matt Sparrow cuts a promo on Fox, telling him to make sure he shows Dragon respect, he'll be at ringside for their match tonight (D+) Dragon taunts Fox (D-) SECOND MATCH: Non-Title Snap Dragon def. Fox Mask in twenty-two minutes via finisher after Matt Sparrow interferes (D) Fox xrants and raves, telling Dragon he'll pull out all the stops next week (D-) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Ladder Match Lauren the Lion (c) def. Remmy skye, in twenty-seven minutes, interference from Patriot and Kirk, pretty standard stuff really (D+) complete with a four-way post-match brawl (E+) Show rating: D Well... turns out Fox and Dragon don't click at all. Did we know that? I don't think so... nope. They've only faced each other twice, and it was in a tag and six-man tag. That's somewhat dissapointing. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2010, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open with Matt and Fox in the ring, going over what happened last week, and Fox says that it won't happen again... tonight, Matt's have his hands full in a triple-threat match agaisnt Ultime Phoenix and Genio Verde. Matt is taken aback a bit by this (D) OPENING MATCH: Tag J4 def. Panda Mask II & Spirit of the Lizard in six minutes (E) Hype video for Lauren v Patriot (E+) SECOND MATCH Masked Patriot def. Kirk Jameson in seventeen minutes via Patriot Slam after interference from Remmy Skye (D). Remmy then cuts an in-ring promo on Kirk, and how Remmy is sick of him (D-) THIRD MATCH: Triple Threat Matt Sparrow def. Genior Verde and Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-six minutes (D) Dragon hypes up the main event, saying that the Day of the Dragon is now begining (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Snap Dragon in eighteen minutes via Foxhunter (D-) Show rating: D- Wow. Fox was off his game. Add that to bad chemistry, and that was a forgetful mini-storyline. Let us never speak of Fox vs Dragon again... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks left until Showdown at Sundown! Fox vs Sparrow is the obvious main event, but Kirk and Remmy are getting more heat than Lauren and Patriot -- whoch will be the co-main event? Can Lauren generate some more heat? And what will we fill the rest of the card with?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;485537]Well... turns out Fox and Dragon don't click at all. Did we know that? I don't think so... nope. They've only faced each other twice, and it was in a tag and six-man tag. That's somewhat dissapointing. [/QUOTE] It's also pretty impressive, when you consider that the dynasty has been going for nearly three years, and those two have been on the roster for the entire time. :p
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;485540]It's also pretty impressive, when you consider that the dynasty has been going for nearly three years, and those two have been on the roster for the entire time. :p[/QUOTE] See, it's stuff like this that won me the 'Best Utilized Roster' award in the 2007 Diary of the Year voting. Or was it 2006? I forget. The ability to set up "First Time Ever" matches even after three years of them co-existing... It's also the ability to be fate's kicking bag that that match I've held on to for three years turns out to have bad chemistry...
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The name is Zone. Coastal Zone. Welcomed, not introduced. Yeah, Goldeneye is on right now, so I'm in a Bond mood. I remember when that movie came out... and damn, it looks old now... CZCW Coastal Tour October 2010, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Lauren in the ring, Genio comes out and says she won't ave the title by the big show, yadda yadda, main event (D) OPENING MATCH: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Extraordinario Jr in ten minutes via Foxhunter (D+) Fox cuts a promo on Sparrow (D) SECOND MATCH Masked Patriot def. Marc Speed in twelve minutes via Patriot Slam (E+) Lauren comes out and she and Patriot have a face-off (D) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in eighteen minutes via Skye Diver (D+) Remmy cuts a promo on Kirk (D-) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Title Lauren th eLion (c) def. Genio Verde in twenty-five minutes via finisher (C-) Show Rating: D+. Oh, come on!!!! Well, at least it raised popularity. Slow news week. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2010, week 4, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Fox and Lauren in the ring, teasing a Champion vs Champion match tonight, but the fans don't deserve it... out come Sparrow and Patriot to make the traditional Challengers vs Champions match. (D) OPENING MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Panda Mask II in five minutes via finisher (E+) Kirk cuts a promo on Remmy (D-) SECOND MATCH Marc Speed def. Jared Johnson in seven minutes via submission (D) Matt cuts a promo on Fox (D+) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes via pinfall (D) Lauren promo on Patriot, just having to outdo Sparrow's excellent promos (C-) MAIN EVENT: Tag Patriot & Sparrow def. Fox & Lauren in twenty-seven minutes via DQ, Fox chairs Sparrow (C) Show rating: D+ Oh, come on! We can't -buy- a C- show, can we??? On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown! What will the co-main event be?
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Welcome to CZCW Showdown at Sundown! November 2010, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Arena, Southwest USA SPECIAL DARK MATCH: Battle Royale Genio Verde def. Everyone Else Not On The Card (D) We open with Kirk cutting a promo on Remmy (E+) FIRST MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. Panda Mask II in three minutes via finsiher (E... of all the matched for horrible chemistry...) Fox cuts a promo on Sparrow (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 def. Apollo & Speed in eleven minutes via blatant choke/passout (E+) Lauren promo on Patriot (D-) THIRD MATCH Remmy Skye def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-four minutes via flash rollup (C-) Sparrow promo, showing he can cut better than Lauren some nights (C-) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Cage Masked Patriot def. Lauren the Lion (c) in twenty-five minutes via escape (C-) Obligatory main eevent hype video (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow def. Fox Mask (c) in twenty-seven minutes via DQ (C-) Show rating: D+ Okay, we had two matches with bad chemistry... Phoenix/Panda wasn't that bad... BUT OUR MAIN EVENT???? That could have been a C match, easy... should have been a C match! If not C+! Of all the rotten luck... well, it looks like we won't be having them meet again in January...
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Never give a diary an even break: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, that was a dissapointment... also dissapointing? Spirit of the Lizard, who pranked Genio Verde at the last show. He's promised not to do that again... so we read him the riot act. It's not like we couldn't find another jobber and give him an animal name, after all... one more strike and he was out. And for a while, I'm going to try doing one-show posts... we'll see how that turns out. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2010, week 1, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA We open with Remmy Skye, claiming that his victory gives him the right to challenge Fox Mask next. Lauren comes out, saying that as former Xtreme Champion, she gets next shot. "Waitaminute, babe, didn't you just lose to a guy with the flag over his face?" You guessed it, main event tonight! (D) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked Patriot (c) def. Bradford Peverell (on loan from RIPW) in fourteen minutes (E+) Patriot then makes an open callenge for anyone, from any cocmpany, to come face him (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. TJ Bailey & Spirit of the Lizard in seven minutes (E) THIRD MATCH JD Morgan (on loan from PSW) def. Rod Remus in seventeen minutes (D-) and then shakes his hand (E+) MAIN EVENT Remmy Skye def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-six minutes after Matt Sparrow provides a distraction (D) We announce Remmy vs Fox (E), and then Sparrow explains why he's out here... he's in the Zone because of Lauren. he wanted to face her for the Coastal Zone hampionship... but she lostit before he got here. And even now, she's lost the Xtreme title. And Sparrow is very dissapointed in her. "Why? Even if I had a title... -you- couldn't take it from me." It looks like they'll meet in January as Year In Review (D) Show rating: D, even with those two bad matches. Cool. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We've got two matches. Do we try for four? Why not. Also, I try to justify Patriot holding a title... nevermind knocking off a dominant champion.
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Logic? You're soaking in it! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yeah... Masked Patriot, CZCW Xtreme Champion. When we picked him up, he was a brawler with a gimmick. Honestly? In the time we've had him... a semi-active tag team with Rod Remus and a few random singles matches... he's improved quite a bit. In the last year, he's gotten up to E_ Aerial, C- Flashiness, E/D/E- in the three Technical skills, He's gotten tougher, his mic work is flirting with the D range, and we figured that pushing him into the limelight might help him improve even quicker. And apparently he's one of the Destined Ones, so he has that going for him. But then, we once thought Ace Youngblood would be useful too, based on his skills... so, yeah, this could wind up sucking. Who knows? CZCW Coastal Tour November 2010, week 2, Sunday Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Fox Mask saying he'll make an example of anyone tonight; Rod Remus comes out to say he took the best that PSW had to offer last week, so nothing Fox can do will phase him (D-) OPENING MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Marc Speed in eleven minutes (E) Dueling promos from Rod and Fox (E, D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Masked Patriot def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in seventeen minutes via finisher (D-) Afterwards, out comes Island Boy Apollo, declaring that he wants to take up PAtriot's open challenge for Year In Review (D-) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles J4 (c) def. Snap Dragon & Kirk Jameson in thirteen minutes when Kirk turns on Dragon after a hard tag and then gets rolled up (D) Afterwards, Dragon and Jameson have words, which leads to an exchange of slaps, whicch degenerates into a brawl (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Rod Remus in twenty-one minutes via flash rollup (D) Show rating: D- Okay, not the star-powered spectacular we're used to seeing. Well, we'll fix that. On the next Coastal Zone: Main eventers complaining about not being used? Well, we've got the solution...
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;488415]Victor St. Hubbins![/QUOTE] I'm trying to make it a policy not to hire people I hired in old games... especially randomly-generated people who don't actually exist in the Cornellverse anymore. :) That, BTW, is why the XDW guys and a good handful of others haven't shown up in this game yet... and why Rod Remus isn't getting the to-the-moon push he got last time around.
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It's sacrilige for infinity to answer a post with a post that does not contain a show! The true infinity only answers posts in the beginning spiel of the next show. Victor St. Hubbins is real in our hearts. He may not be a real character but he's a photograph in Fox Mask's locker room.
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Doing a very rare not-done-beforehand, yes-this-is-being-done-live post: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeap, we've killed our backlog. So, uh, let's read the last few to try and remember where we were... hrm. Okay. Right. What the hell was I thinking? It helps that this is the definition of 'slow week'... we just multi-advanced from Monday to Sunday without stopping for anything. We should probably check the news ticker... Yasunobu Masuno, 28, extremely nice guy, retires due to injury. I think he was one of the guys who got caught up in the Severed Spinal Column Plague of 2009. Ah, yeap, October 2009. Guess recovery didn't go so well for him. So... um, show, I guess. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2010, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Genio Verde saying he's heard someone new is in town... well, he wants to be the first to welcome this newcomer to the Zone, and deliver him his first loss. Out comes the newcomer: 'Mosquito' Mercutio Sleep, who informs Verde that the only way he's losing tonight is if Verde gets lucky (D) OPENING MATCH Genio Verde def. Mosquito Sleep in eighteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Fox Mask rants about Remmy Skye (D-) SECOND MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Spirit of the Lizard in six minutes via squash (E) Apollo then hypes up his Xtreme Title Match (D-), and Snap Dragon tells us a bit about why he's challenging the upstart, Kirk Jameson (E+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Masked Patriot (c) def. Remmy Skye in sixteen minutes when Fox Mask interferes and keeps Remmy tied up (D+) Hype video for Sparrow vs Lion (E+), followed by Kirk Jameson telling us his match against Snap Dragon will, after tonight, be a CZCW Title Match (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Fox Mask (c) def. Kirk Jameson vs DQ after being attacked by Remmy Skye, and then Snap Dragon showws up, and everything just breaks down into ugliness (C-) Show Rating: D+. Oh, c'mon, D+??? But, hey, increasing popularity is increasing popularity... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With four matches to promote, are we going to be able to balance them all? And with one month to go in 2010, will anything strange come up?
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