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PSW: One Last Stand

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I’m a pretty strange guy… Well, besides the fact that I’m a wrestler (you heard me, a wrestler), I’m a masked wrestler, my actual name is Masked Avatar, yeah, that’s the name that shows on my ID, well…maybe it isn’t…but I’m talking kayfabe here. Besides being a wrestler (which, I must say, I’m no slouch at), I have no clue on how to run my savings: imagine that you inherited 5 million dollars from the death of your grandparents, rich snobs, they actually gave the biggest part of the cake to my sister, but that’s not the point, imagine that scenario. What would you do? Would you spend all the money in a casino, would you buy all the tickets to the Supreme Challenge? Would you try to revive DAVE? Well, I can say, that what I did wasn’t that far off from the latter, in fact, I injected that entire money on Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, Mitch Naess’ baby, the spiritual successor of DAVE, the last hardcore promotion (yeah, screw Warriors Engine Whatever). Why? Well, I've always been a fan of hardcore wrestling, and I think I'm a pretty damn good booker...besides...bribery's a good thing...oh, and by the way, it's possible that the "I'm a strange guy" factor might've played in. And my "Personal" section says that I'm considered to be a selfish person...tsk... [B] Mitch Naess:[/B] I’ve seen your work, good brawler, decent chain wrestler, and I know that you regularly pitched ideas to Nemesis [B] Masked Avatar:[/B] Yeah, me and John constantly exchanged thoughts, when I came up with something good, he’d usually call me a f*cking lunatic or something along those lines. [B]Mitch Naess: [/B]Although you never wrestled for DAVE? [B] Masked Avatar:[/B] Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t… [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] How can you use that mask all day long? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] I somethings ask the same question to myself, it’s kinda itchy… [B] Mitch Naess:[/B] Oh well, I don’t know about the booking job but you would definitely be a great addition to our roster. [B] Masked Avatar:[/B] Oh, and I forgot to mention, my filthy rich grandparents left me 5 million dollars that I could spend at will, now I was hoping on investing them in PSW, but…since I’m not the booker… [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] Congratulations for becoming the newest wrestler AND head booker of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, you have to report to duty at the first day of 2008 and be sure to present your project to PSW. With that he shook my hand and left the office, his office, damn, I was hoping I didn’t had to use the 5 million dollars, then again, if I’m rich, why am I wrestling and risking some serious injuries in a hardcore promotion? Meh, I’m a strange guy anyways…who in the hell do you know that sleeps with a mask?
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Well, you've definitely justified the extra investment here, and in style [QUOTE][B]Mitch Naess:[/B] Oh well, I don’t know about the booking job but you would definitely be a great addition to our roster. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Oh, and I forgot to mention, my filthy rich grandparents left me 5 million dollars that I could spend at will, now I was hoping on investing them in PSW, but…since I’m not the booker… [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] Congratulations for becoming the newest wrestler AND head booker of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, you have to report to duty at the first day of 2008 and be sure to present your project to PSW. [/QUOTE] Possibly the funniest booker into I've ever read. Will be interesting to see how you do here, although 5 mil seems a bit much to me.
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[SIZE="5"][CENTER][B]The Meeting...[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] OOC- Since I'll be using real world dates instead of January Week 1, keep in mind that each month will have 28 exact days. [SIZE="3"]January 1st, 2008[/SIZE] I've just entered the PSW headquarters AKA Mitch Naess' house, it was a relatively big house, I guess that being Vibert's errand boy actually payed out. It actually had a wrestling school in the basement, complete with a gym, a ring, and a pharmacy, yes, I just low blowed the entire wrestling world. And when I got the the meeting room, a small room in the basement with a huge window from which we could observe the entire workout area, I immediately noticed a huge shelf filled with DAVE DVDs and VHS, tons of papers, and a old post-it apparently saying "Fire that ****** Tank Bradley, signed Nemesis". Oh the irony. And I almost forgot, the entire PSW roster was there, yes, even Tank Bradly [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] So let's get this started, I'm Mitch Naess, former errand boy of Phil Vibert- At least he's honest [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] -And this is the first meeting of 2008, we've got a full year ahead of us, now everyone knows that our first event: Hardcore Revival, held August 2007, was a sucess, we were immediately thrusted to "Regional" status according to Pro Wrestling Hits, but the following months, we began losing money, and although we never stopped growing, things were getting staler, as the buzz created from our first show was begging to disappear. Everyone was lostening carefully, I was still trying to figure out how the entire roster plus the staff could fit in such a small room. [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] That's why I decided to shake things up in 2008, I tried time and time again to contact John "Nemesis" Campbell, but, as you heard from Ash, he's enjoying the hiatus and has no intentions to come back in the near future. So bringing the hardcore icon is not an option, the option I found the most viable, was to step down from my head booker position, and find someone that can bring in fresh new ideas and to overhaul the entire roster. I could now hear Bradley breathing heavily [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] And I found the guy. This man standing next to me, Masked Avatar, is our new head booker and the newest wrester in PSW, as a competitor, he is extremely solid and versatile, as a head booker, he shows a creative flare that could helps us a lot, besides, Mr Avatar has decided to give us a generous donation of 5 million dollars in order to achieve our main goal: grow and prosper, I now give the word to Masked Avatar. Everyone started looking at me, I wasn't that nervous, but, just to relax a bit... [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Thank you Mitch, now, as my first order of business, I will read a list of the people I've decided that need to pack their stuff and leave in a promptly fashion, let's see... I grabbed Nemesis' post-it that was placed near the March into Battle '99 VHS [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Let's see...um...John "Nemesis" Campbell...you're...not wait...ah...there it is...Tank Bradley, you're fired, thank you for your contributions, if they ever existed, to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. I could feel Alex Braun tearing a hole through me, even though that could be a look of utter joy, as Tank Bradley quickly left the room [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] With that out of the way, and I mean THAT, let me start out by saying that our roster is a pretty complicated one, on one hand, we've got the established stars like Johnny Martin, JD Morgan, Ace Freeze, does anyone of you sense a pattern? Most of our main stars, bar Steven Parker, are old, past their prime, wrestlers. One the other hand, the young guys, the guys with potential, are in the bottom of the card and still need to develop a lot before they leave the opening act. We don't have a mid term, we don't have young prospects that are ready to carry the promotion besides Steven Parker, and even Parker hasn't quite reached the main event zone! That's what I'll be focusing on: bring in people that are near the main event, and that can slowly phase out the established old geezers, no offense. Everyone was listening carefully, wow, even I am surprised [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Regarding the 5 million dollar thing, yeah, I did buy my way to this job, but I have a very clear plan on what to do with the money: over the next month or so, we will begin trying out a weekly event format, a weekly hour and a half show, so that we can rapidly develop into more financially secure promotion. This'll only be a test period though, keep that in mind. [B]Ash Campbell:[/B] Um...sorry Mr Avatar...but I have a doubt...is it true that you sleep with that mask? Then, the cold, harsh reality confronted me: I'm a strange guy [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Nah, I actually take it of in the intimacy of my home I'm also a liar [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Well that's about it, I'm sure you'll soon be informed when will the first show be, I'm aiming for Wednesday, but we'll see, the webmaster of pcw.com [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] That would be me. [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] Will post the info about the show, you will all be warned, except Brimstone, yeah I know you're young and all and you have a slight shred of potential to become a spot monkey, but anyways, you're fired. And that ended my first roster meeting, and no, I didn't have a hangover today because I didn't drink last night on New Year's Eve, I'm a pretty strange guy remember?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/PSW_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents....[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Hardcore Rebellion[/B][/SIZE] Come to The Ministry to experience the best hardcore action in the world as PSW's new weekly show: Hardcore Rebbellion, promises to kick off 2008 in style! The first PSW match in 2008 is sure to be an interesting one: Hardcore Fatal Fourway! Four men, the winner will face PSW champion Johnny Martin later in the show in a Steel Cage for the PSW Championship! The participants in this exciting match up will be: National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker, "Ice Man" Alex Braun, JD Morgan, and debuting superstar The Masked Avatar. Teddy Powell made a promise at Xtreme Xmas last December: to dethrone the tag team champions by all means necessary. He's scheduled to face The Wolverine and The Punisher this Wednesday, but who will be his partner? Powell promises not to take a step "Bach" and choose a lazy, coward, mercenary partner. "Whoever tags with me, will be someone that I can truly trust. A whole lot of questions to answer in Hardcore Rebbellion's first edition! And a whole lot of action in store for the lucky 1000 that will be watching in The Ministry! Tickets only cost 8$, so don't miss Hardcore Rebbellion! Quick Picks: Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs Alex Braun vs JD Morgan vs Masked Avatar PSW Tag Team Championships The Deadly Alliance (c) vs Teddy Powell/??? PSW Championship, Steel Cage Johnny Martin (c) vs Winner of the Fatal 4 way
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Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs Alex Braun vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs Masked Avatar PSW Tag Team Championships [B]The Deadly Alliance (c)[/B] vs Teddy Powell/??? PSW Championship, Steel Cage [B]Johnny Martin (c) [/B]vs Winner of the Fatal 4 way
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[QUOTE=Guerrerofan] Quick Picks: Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs Alex Braun vs JD Morgan vs [B]Masked Avatar[/B] - Avatar seems like the kind of guy who could super-push himself. PSW Tag Team Championships The Deadly Alliance (c) vs [B]Teddy Powell/Ash Campbell[/B] - Teddy and Ash could be an awesome team. PSW Championship, Steel Cage Johnny Martin (c) vs[B] Winner of the Fatal 4 way[/B][/QUOTE] - Like I said, uber-push by Masky - hell, for 5 million dollars, he can probably hold every belt, go unbeaten for 3 years, and reretire Nemesis when he finally returns to wrestling. :)
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Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs Alex Braun vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs Masked Avatar PSW Tag Team Championships [B]The Deadly Alliance (c)[/B] vs Teddy Powell/??? PSW Championship, Steel Cage [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs Winner of the Fatal 4 way
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Quick Picks: Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] vs JD Morgan vs Masked Avatar PSW Tag Team Championships [B]The Deadly Alliance (c)[/B] vs Teddy Powell/??? PSW Championship, Steel Cage [B]Johnny Martin (c)[/B] vs Winner of the Fatal 4 way
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Hardcore Fatal 4 Way, winner faces Johnny Martin: Steven Parker vs Alex Braun vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs Masked Avatar PSW Tag Team Championships [B]The Deadly Alliance (c)[/B] vs Teddy Powell/??? PSW Championship, Steel Cage Johnny Martin (c) vs [B]JD Morgan[/B] JD will scoop up the victory and face Johnny. Johnny - JD will rock and JD will steal the title to begin the feud. The Deadly Alliance will keep their belts in a hard fought battle after several near falls.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Pre Show Talks...[/SIZE][/CENTER] There I was, walking backstage, reading through the script for my opening promo, seemingly ready for my (not so) big debut in PSW, and I was wondering: would everything go down right? Would people rave about this show afterwards, and, most importantly, would any of my precious 5 million dollars still be left of the first show? So much questions, and my head was aching already... [B]Alex Braun:[/B] Hey Avatar! I turned to see Alex Braun sitting on a crane backstage, he seemed like a strange guy as well [B]Alex Braun:[/B] You ready for tonight? [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] I'm relatively ready yeah. [B]Alex Braun:[/B] Wrong! No, you aren't, you're far from being ready, and you know why? Because no one is ready when their debut match is in The Ministry. I know everything going down tonight, I'm still a part of the creative team, and to be honest, I love it, you have a great mind and sh*t, but be prepared for the reactions from the drunk fans that paid 8 dollars to see us, they usually make their opinion heard very loudly. And when I first went to RPW, it was nothing like SWF, I was used to sports entertainment crowds, the smarks were a minority, but in RPW and DAVE...damn...in my first match for RPW, I face Chris Rockwell, and I got distracted by the chants, the match ended up going horribly wrong. Don't be ready, you'll never be ready for tonight. [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] I see what you're trying to say, and even though I'm an *******, I give credit where credit's due, thanks for the tips, and don't worry, I've wrestled in places like this before, I'm ready. [B]Alex Braun:[/B] You have? Where? [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] If I told you I would have to kill you. Wow, that was awkward... [B]Alex Braun:[/B] You're a f*cking lunatic! [B]The Masked Avatar:[/B] If I had a dollar every time I heard that, PSW would probably be even better financially... Braun laughed at my comment, and left, perhaps to warm up for his match, perhaps to have a soft drink, or perhaps to call the asylum to bring me in, who knows? What I do know is that I was nervous, preeeety preeeeeety nervous...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/PSW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Presents....[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Hardcore Rebbellion![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/MitchNaess_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/DocMessing.jpg[/IMG] [B]-Mitch Naess-[/B] Welcome to the first edition of Hardcore Rebbellion! Mitch Naess alongside Doc Messing, and The Ministry is once again the home of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling! [B]-Doc Messing-[/B] And it will remain that way for the foreseeable future, as Hardcore Rebbellion! Will be held every week right here! Now let's get on with the show! [B]-Mitch Naess-[/B] And what a great show this is gonna be, a fa- Some cheesy music plays, and out comes a masked individual [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] The crowd doesn't react much, but they know who he is, and Masked Avatar's arrival had been hyped for two weeks, clips of the masked man wrestle had been circling the net, and the crowd knew his worth, he grabbed a mic [B]-Masked Avatar-[/B] Good evening to all of the ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, and to the drunken *******s that always seem to get front row tickets. My name is- The shut the f*** up chants begin to be heard [B]-Masked Avatar-[/B] Actually, I'm not saying my name, because you people don't deserve it, neither do you deserve the 5 million dollar donation I gave to this company! [B]-Doc Messing-[/B] WHAT? That is huge!! Did you know anything about this Mitch? [B]-Mitch Naess-[/B] Of course I did, I'm the owner of PSW after all, unfortunately it's true. [B]-Doc Messing-[/B] What do you mean by unfortunately? [B]-Masked Avatar-[/B] I don't know if my friend Mitch Naess told you people anything about it, but along with the 5 million dollar and a great wrestler donation, came some conditions, some conditions that myself and Naess discussed, and even though he is, and will always be, the owner of PSW, some things are going to change around here. Number one: he cannot fire me in any circumstances, unless I assault him or the company's numbers go negative. Number two: I get full control of the hirings and firings that I see fit. Lastly, a new position of power in PSW is created: the Commissioner, besides having the power to hire and fire anyone, I have the match making power, I now call the shots around here! Huge ammount of boos [B]-Masked Avatar-[/B] And if anyone backstage has something to say about it, they can kiss my white, or black, or asian, because no one knows actually knows my identity, and because I want to keep the anonymity, since it's cool, ass! [B]-Mitch Naess-[/B] I'm sorry Doc, I had to do this in order for PSW to grow [B]-Doc Messing-[/B] I'm not complaining, I like his attitude! [B]Rating[/B] C [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/MitchNaess_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]-Mitch Naess-[/B] Anyway, coming up, the first match of 2008: Hardcore Fatal 4 way, Alex Braun, JD Morgan, Steven Parker, and this man we just heard, Masked Avatar, will clash for a shot at the PSW Championship later tonight, in a Steel Cage! [B]Rating:[/B] C- [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG][SIZE="3"] VS [/SIZE][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG][SIZE="3"]VS [/SIZE][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][SIZE="3"]VS [/SIZE][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] And here we go! This match was a really good opener that set the mood for the show to come. Lots of hardcore action right from the get go, as Alex Braun quickly used a chain to knock everyone down. Steven Parker battled it out with Braun for a while with a steel chair, apparently JD Morgan and Avatar preferred not to use weapons and battled it out at ringside in a mat wrestling showdown, with one notable spot being Morgan catapulting Avatar into the steel steps, and applying the Cross Atlantic Stretch, which was broken up by a baseball slide, courtesy of Steven Parker. Nearing the end of the match. Braun was already out of the picture after a vicious piledriver by JD Morgan, while Parker was out cold after getting hit with his Mystery Dropper (Back Driver) onto a steel chair, Avatar was taunting the fans and didn't see JD Morgan ready to hit him with a sledge hammer, Morgan knocked Avatar and went for the pin, but, surprisingly, Braun got up, entered the ring, and broke the pin, after a brief struggle, Morgan ended up putting Braun in the Cross Atlantic Stretch, to which he tapped. [B]JD Morgan defeated The Masked Avatar, Steven Parker and Alex Braun in 17:33 when JD Morgan defeated Alex Braun by submission [/B] [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] Post match, JD Morgan is celebrating, while Avatar is getting up, he grabs a mic [B]-Masked Avatar-[/B] Hold it right there tea bag! This is far from over! I'm about to make my first act as Commissioner! You will have to win another match if you want to face Johnny Martin, you will have to beat ME! Right now! And if I win, I get the shot at the PSW Championship! Now ring the bell! [B]Rating[/B] C [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG][SIZE="3"]VS [/SIZE][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] This was also a good match seeing that both the participants had just participated in a brutal 17 minute hardcore match. Avatar was the aggressor early on, as he delivered a brutal pounding, with powerful elbows and knees, he hit a snap suplex to confirm his dominance. He keeps Morgan down with a keylock, but not for long. Two minutes later, it's now Avatar that's on the floor, being restrained with a body scissors, he tries to get up, but Morgan swiftly puts him in a rear naked choke. Morgan is firmly in control. Various submission maneuvers and the occasional suplex dictate the match, until Morgan tries a Triangle Hold. Out of nowhere, Avatar reverses into a Jacknife Pin and with the foot on the ropes, steals a win. [B]The Masked Avatar defeated JD Morgan in 12:47 by pinfall[/B] [B]C-[/B] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] Teddy Powell is in the ring [B]-Teddy Powell-[/B] Weeks ago I made a promise: to become the tag team champion, I've done it before, I could do it again, and prove that I was always the true leader of my former team. As of tonight, not one step "Bach", I've chosen the best partner possible, he is the future of PSW, he is Ash Campbell! Ash Campbell comes out, as they prepare for the upcoming tag team match [B]Rating[/B] E+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/PSW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/PSW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheWolverine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/AshCampbell.jpg[/IMG] The new tandem of Powell and Campbell proved to be an effective one. They had youth, speed, and stamina on their side, and managed to keep the champions at bay with quick tags and speedy assaults. Teddy Powell even managed to hit the Motion Censor, Powell's stiff Chuck Norris like Roundhouse Kick, which promptly left Punisher lying on the floor, but Wolverine quickly went to aid his partner, avoiding losing the tag titles for now. As the match entered the 10 minute mark, both tag team champions were already exhausted, and Campbell looked to capitalize on that, but the second generation superstar got c0cky and gave an opening for the champs: he had Wolverine grounded, but Punisher sneaked in the ring and landed a clothesline to the back of his head. Powell tried to intervene but Punisher ws on fire and clotheslined Powell to the outside. Wolverine got up and hit The Maul on Campbell, thus retaining the gold. [B] The Deadly Alliance defeated Ash Campbell and Teddy Powell in 10:56 when The Wolverine defeated Ash Campbell by pinfall. The Deadly Alliance make defence number 1 of their PSW Tag Team titles.[/B] [B]E+[/B] The Deadly Alliance are given the PSW Tag Team titles and have their hands raised up high, Powell re enters the ring to check on Campbell, but he is immediately assaulted by the champions, getting hit with the belts. Punisher then lifts Ash up and grabs him, while Wolverine hits him with the title belt [B]Rating:[/B] D- Johnny Martin appears on the small SteelTron [B]-Johnny Martin-[/B] Up next, I have to defend my title in a steel cage... Sure looks interesting. Especially considering that my opponent is a man making his debut on PSW, not bad for a debut: losing a fatal 4 way, performing some dumb ass bullsh*t in order to get to the main event. I'm sure JD Morgan must be pissed. Even though if Avatar hadn't use his power to reach the main event. I'd beaten Morgan just like I beat him last August in the finals of the championship tournament. So Masked Avatar it is. Now listen "Mr Commissioner", my scars tell a long story, they tell a story of a man that during the course of his near 20 year career has done it all. I've bled in this ring god knows how many times, I beat two men to unify four belts and put an end on the East Coast wars, it's not my first title defense, much like it's not my first steel cage match! Tonight Avatar, not even your bullsh*t Commissioner position will stop me from once again retaining the PSW Championship! [B]Rating[/B] C [SIZE="4"]Steel Cage Match[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/PSW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG] Avatar was visibly bruised after participating in two grueling match ups. And Martin took advantage of that right from the start, working on his back by throwing him into the cage and using his various knee strikes and clutches to inflict pain. The visible psychology these two showed throughout the match really pleased the crowd, who was cheering Martin, and launching extremely "unpleasant" chants at Avatar. The Masked Avatar gained control after Martin missed a turnbuckle smash and went face first into the cage fence. You guessed it, he started bleeding. Avatar quickly started bruising Martin, hoping to get enough time to escape the cage. But everytime he started climbing, the bloodied champion got up and prevented the escape. Even after Avatar hit his patented right hand of doom~! (a rib on Bradford Peverrell, who had been jokingly telling everyone backstage that his left hand punch is far from being a gimmick) Martin always got up to fight. Avatar then took another approach, relying on chin locks, key locks and leg locks, to soften the champ up. But Martin's fighting spirit rose above, and after a misplaced boot, he hit the Twist on the Rocks, and covered Avatar...1...2.....2.9!! Avatar kicked out! Martin couldn't believe it! He tried another Twist on the Rocks, but Avatar's feet quickly grabbed the rope, preventing the suplex, but Martin was smart and quickly converted it into a DDT. He began to climb the cage, but Avatar quickly followed him, and there they were, on the border of the cage, throwing punches at each other, each one tried to throw the other inside the ring. Avatar poked Martin in the eye and eventually managed to throw him into the ring, but with extra strenght, which made the ring break! While Martin was "buried" in the canvas, a groggy Avatar tried to regain his awareness, after a minute or so, he began climbing down the cage and eventually he touched the ground, new champion! NO! Wait! Martin had crawled from under the apron to eventually reach the floor! Does this mean he retained? After a close look and a photo finish, it was determined a draw, therefore Johnny Martin retained! Avatar looked livid! [B]Johnny Martin drew with The Masked Avatar in a Cage Match in 22:38 when both competitors reached the floor at the same time. Johnny Martin makes defence number 1 of his PSW Championship title.[/B] [B]C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Final Rating:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Sienna"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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The show write-up was excellent, I think. As for booking, I don't know PSW that well, but it seemed pretty good. One question though: how popular is Masked Avatar? Cos you seemed to use him quite a lot.
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER]I'm actually good...I think[/CENTER][/SIZE] My first show in PSW ended with a huge main event. And we managed to minimize the losses by using less talent than usual. We gained popularity. We gave some good matches. All in all, a success, I'm starting to think that I'm actually good at this. [B]Little Bill Something:[/B] Oops, sorry Mr Avatar While I was triumphantly walking around backstage, day dreaming about the day I'd headline Supreme Challenge 28 and defeat Jack Bruce for the title. Little Bill Lebowski, a young fire-plug of a fighter, ran into me, thus destroying my excellent dream, just as I was hitting the Death Call, my Uber Finisher, on Jack Bruce. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] I won't tolerate outside interference! [B]Little Bill Something:[/B] Uh? Wait, what did I just say? I better find a way to get out of this quickly...how can I make this fireplug of a fighter forget my awkward moment of self praising... [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] You're fired! [B]Little Bill Something:[/B] Hey that's not nice! I'm a genious! [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] I've got to make room for the new signings I have in mind, and you're not needed in this roster. Pack your stuff and go to DAVE...oh wait... What a closer. Little Bill Something received the hammer, and off he went to unemployment. But there was some truth to my statement, PSW was a crap filled roster, and I needed to weed out some of the crap to make room to young, talented, new faces, faces like [B]BullDozer Brandon Smith[/B] and [B]Frankie Perez[/B] and, of course, gods like [B]Steve Flash[/B], these are some of the new additions to the roster, of course, I had to fire at least two more people. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Hey Mitch! Mitch Naess was talking with Doc Messing, I tried not to make any smart ass comments regarding Doc's sexuality, mainly because he was a very good color commentator, and because I might piss the boss [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] Avatar! I've been looking for you. First of all, congratulations! [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] What? I'm pregnant? I'm really a strange guy...how could I impregnate myself without being involved in a relationship? [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] No, you're not pregnant. But you did book a very good show, and I've seen some of the signings you made, excellent calls, but it seems that the roster is a bit stacked... [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] That's why I came to you. I've already fired Little Bill Lebowski, and I was thinking of asking you who should I fire next? [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] Well, you have green light to fire anyone you see fit, so yeah, take your pick. [B]Doc Messing:[/B] Did you fire Tank Bradley? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] I'm not that dumb to keep him on the roster, yeah I did... [B]Doc Messing:[/B] That's a good start... maybe Lazy Joe? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Who? [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] He plays a cranky insomniac. [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Consider him fired, one more... [B]Dead Bolt:[/B] Hey boys...watcha up to? Planning on givin' good ol' Dead Bolt a Nahtionah Titwe run? I doubt he could spell National, besides, he had a stupid accent and various missing teeth... [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Close, we were talking about you actually [B]Dead Bolt:[/B] You was? Great! So, ah ain' askin' for tha PSW Championship, ah ain' tha pushy, don't git the wrong image... [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Don't worry, my picture of you is pretty well gotten Wait...is retardness contagious? [B]Dead Bolt:[/B] Wait wuh? [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Never mind that, do you know how to spell fired? [B]Dead Bolt:[/B] Weeelll, it starts with an F, then with a Y, then [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Never mind, you're fired. He immediately stopped and glared at me, I could see smoke coming from his nostrils, maybe due to the cigarette we was smoking, even though in his "Personal" there's no sign of smoking, his picture shows him with a cigar, and that's suffices. [B]Dead Bolt:[/B] Dat's coo, besides, I alreeeedy had a offuh from tha S dubbya F to join them so, good riddenze [B]Mitch Naess:[/B] It's riddance, pack your things and go to the SWF [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] Hey, if you're lucky, you'll get sent to Development and help train other people! He quickly left, maybe to pack up his stuff, even though he looks like a bum [B]Masked Avatar:[/B] I rule at Human Resourcing.
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