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[QUOTE]Rufas, what did u think about my idea to have a power struggle between keith and cornell, leading to Keith with the Revolution and Wolf questioning his mentor and eventually trying to over-take him for his first run as TCW champion[/QUOTE] Its highly likely I will use it so I like the idea very much. I want them to have face runs eventually anyway and this is the perfect vehicle for it. A few minor changes I personally would make (not necessarily better, just different). I probably won't have Keith desire to lead The Syndicate but rather to be an almost equal partner who doesn't feel respected. I'm really sold on the idea of Tornado leading The Revolution (and I'm trying to work in the theme of pennance for his breaking up of Painful Procedure but I got nothing much at the moment) but Keith would be a more respected member there (as opposed to a member of "Team Cornell") so he switches sides. Keith also wants to prove himself against Cornell. I might even make Keith an honorary member of The Revolution as opposed to a regular member. Tornado and the boys seek out his help, adding to that respect level Keith never got with The Syndicate. As far as Wolfy goes: One of the keys in this is to build up a relationship between Keith & Hawkins. Almost a stable (or a pair) within a stable. Then add in jealousy from Cornell over Wolf's rising star and even some sabotage of Wolf's career on Tommy's part (which Keith helpfully points out) and now you've got Wolf back as a face but a bigger star than before. So the short answer to the question is I think very highly of the idea.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;433201]A few minor changes I personally would make (not necessarily better, just different). I probably won't have Keith desire to lead The Syndicate but rather to be an almost equal partner who doesn't feel respected. I'm really sold on the idea of Tornado leading The Revolution (and I'm trying to work in the theme of pennance for his breaking up of Painful Procedure but I got nothing much at the moment) but Keith would be a more respected member there (as opposed to a member of "Team Cornell") so he switches sides. Keith also wants to prove himself against Cornell.[/QUOTE] Here's the turn for Tornado. Don't even tease his return right before he gets back have Painful Procedure start getting into it with The Machines. They take a few beatings and then on his totally unannounced return Tornado shows up at one of their matches. The Machines are really hammering PP and Cornell is out their keeping the ref distracted. Tornado comes through the crowd and lays out The Machines and pulls Hopkirk over for the pin. He slides out of the ring and comes around to attack Cornell. The ref sees Cornell is busy and turns back to the match only to see Hopkirk over either machine and counts the win. Later Ronnie V. Pain confronts Tornado backstage and gets in his face asking him what this is all about. Tornado says he's turned a new leaf and although he knows PP the stable can never be brought back he at least wants to make amends. Pain scoffs and walks off. His first match the next week is against Pain and he takes the win. He tries to make up and shake Ronnie's hand but Pain lays him out. PP (the team) comes out and Pain walks off but they don't phsyically help Tornado up. Troy Tornado is in the back trying to get Hopkirk and Shearer to forgive him when they are all attacked from behind by The Machines. After they are laid out Cornell walks out and tells them next week it's gonna be three on three. Painful Procedure back for one night only against The Syndicate. Next week Tornado tries to pump up Hopkirk and Shearer but they still aren't ready to bite. Tornado and PP win their three on three match mainly because the budding revolution has issue with Cornell from earlier in the evening. At the end of the match Tornado offers Hopkirk and Shearer a handshake and they finally accept. Tornado tell s them he's not looking to bring PP back together but he hopes they can truly forgive him. Tornado is now turned and he has heat with Cornell. Cornell will challenge him to a PPV match and this is when the revolution come seeking him out to help them rid TCW of The Syndicate.
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Sounds great. After I do all that, can I fire Painful Procedure?!? LOL It is a very good storyline and addresses the idea of pennance very effectively.but the one snag for me is that I have no use for PP. Don't get me wrong, a rock band stable is just awesome and I love big teams but all of PP's segments have sucked rating wise for me. Tell me how to get some good ratings out of them and I'll be happy to use them. I love their size and gimmick. Maybe I'll try again with them.
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Well, if you were going to fire PP anyway, it's probably best not to screw the Machines (and Cornell, of all people!) by having them lose a 3v3 match to a team with Randall and BJ on it! Even with 3v3's lesser effect on pop and momentum, that's still gonna wreak some pointless havoc on a vastly higher-ranked bunch of workers. The PeePs should lose the match, and then come out on top of a post-match brawl, IMO.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;433233]Sounds great. After I do all that, can I fire Painful Procedure?!? LOL It is a very good storyline and addresses the idea of pennance very effectively.but the one snag for me is that I have no use for PP. Don't get me wrong, a rock band stable is just awesome and I love big teams but all of PP's segments have sucked rating wise for me. Tell me how to get some good ratings out of them and I'll be happy to use them. I love their size and gimmick. Maybe I'll try again with them.[/QUOTE] Keep there match lengths short and give them some wins. You may have to bolster your tag team division a bit. In 2007 I had them feud with The Machines and they lost mostly but even with no chemistry they could pull B- matches. They aren't that bad they just can't go that long. If you luck out like I did and find great chemistry if they fight The Machines in singles you'll get a lot out of them. Also I'd give them maybe a manager for angles but I couldn't keep Hopkirk or Shearer out of the upper midcard and they lost almost all their tag matches to the machines. Have them take wins over The Tag Team Specialists and maybe bring in another low level heel team for them to beat.
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You're right about that but I might try to make it work. I have one addition. This is due to my love of the dramatic and the idea that true pennance and redemption usually comes with suffering. The 3 on 3 match will have the following stip: if Tornado & PP win PP gets the tag titles. PP is very suspicious of this stip and suspects a Tornado double cross. So they decide not to leave the arena, thus avoiding the trap. Tornado knows this, Cornell announces that the stip is still good, if Tornado can beat the three of them PP will be the tag champs (we need a Commish to stop this nonsense but I digress ... besides who cares). If Tornado doesn't win, The Machines won't be granting any more title shots to PP. Tornado goes out to his certain doom to at least try to win the titles. He takes a horrible beating (after a valiant effort) to his previously injured back. PP eventually speed back to the arena to make the too late save (I guess someone called them on their cell phones and told them what was happening). PP lean over the broken body of Tornado with deep regret etched on their faces.
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[QUOTE=rufas2000;433276]You're right about that but I might try to make it work. I have one addition. This is due to my love of the dramatic and the idea that true pennance and redemption usually comes with suffering. The 3 on 3 match will have the following stip: if Tornado & PP win PP gets the tag titles. PP is very suspicious of this stip and suspects a Tornado double cross. So they decide not to leave the arena, thus avoiding the trap. Tornado knows this, Cornell announces that the stip is still good, if Tornado can beat the three of them PP will be the tag champs (we need a Commish to stop this nonsense but I digress ... besides who cares). If Tornado doesn't win, The Machines won't be granting any more title shots to PP. Tornado goes out to his certain doom to at least try to win the titles. He takes a horrible beating (after a valiant effort) to his previously injured back. PP eventually speed back to the arena to make the too late save (I guess someone called them on their cell phones and told them what was happening). PP lean over the broken body of Tornado with deep regret etched on their faces.[/QUOTE] I like this this works too. You'll need to give PP some kind of a build before Tornado gets back to so they'll have at least equal overness to the machines for this story to really work.
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In my TCW game, I worked MAW in as my development territory and I'm in the process of building a bunch of young lions there (See Mikey James, some former MAW guys like Rayne's tag team, and a few guys from Canada I brought over to the states). I've brought in a couple veterans like Acid and Black Angel (who I've considered renaming Black Rayne), so I could possibly team them up in a tag team called "Acid Rayne." Also in my Revolution Stable, I've considered bringing in Nemisis (who's serving as my trainer in MAW) as a Pro-Revolution Commissoner type to battle the soon to be self appointed and Pro-Syndicate Commissoner: Ricky Law. What do ya think? I've also considered building up the Young Guns and throwing them into a small stable with Texas Pete.
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ive been getting so confused in this thread? am i right in assuming that every single TCW player is doing a Revolution stable going up against the syndicate? cos ive seen so many names thrown around and im not sure whos doing what... but whoever is doing the Rick Law turn to join the syndicate...ku-fricking-dos to you....THAT is good tv!
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Greg, I came up with the idea to work a Revolution stable against the Syndicate. Rufas and I have been bouncing ideas off of each other to refine the idea for TEW 08. I'm considering turning Ricky Law as a pro-Syndicate Commish-Type. The "New Sheriff in Town" so to say. I'm also throwing around the idea of bringing Nemesis (My current developmental trainer) in as a pro-Revolution Commish-Type to battle for TCW control with Law.
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[QUOTE]ive been getting so confused in this thread?[/QUOTE] I think Jared already addressed most of your questions. Here's some added input: [QUOTE]am i right in assuming that every single TCW player is doing a Revolution stable going up against the syndicate? [/QUOTE] Jared came up with the idea and I'm stealing it (and I will say I'm adapting it for my purposes and hopefully growing it a little). Some others have commented to help the idea along but they aren't necessarily going to do it in their game. [QUOTE]but whoever is doing the Rick Law turn to join the syndicate...ku-fricking-dos to you....THAT is good tv! [/QUOTE] Well thank you.
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[QUOTE]How many matches should a weekly show / event have in order to try and do a A-B ?[/QUOTE] A or a B grade, right? The easy answer is that if the show balance is not being met the top bar on the screen will tell you. The one that says "You have booked 33 minutes so far you need to book another 87 minutes". It'll say something like 'the fans expect 90% of the time devoted to matches, right now you are at 57%'. It does not show up if the ratio is OK. If you are not getting that message then there is not a match / angle ratio problem as far as I know. Anybody, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
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