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You're lookin' at the Real Deal now!


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[QUOTE]According to [URL="http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/7254616"]WWE.com[/URL], former Intercontinental and European Champion D-Lo Brown has signed a Superstar contract with WWE. No other details are availible at this time. [/QUOTE] Source: 411mania.com, but that link goes to the "article" on wwe.com So yeah, D'lo's back! What are people's thoughts?
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;433070]Yay! I was a big fan of D-Lo back in the day.... Then again, I doubt he still performs like the D-Lo from around that time period. All in all though, He'll be a good underdog character to put out there. Maybe on Smackdown? Very cool though.[/QUOTE] If his Japan work is any indication he is bigger but he is still great and still has the best splash in the business. D-Lo is one of my top 5 favorites of all time. So I am pumped.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;433070]Yay! I was a big fan of D-Lo back in the day.... Then again, I doubt he still performs like the D-Lo from around that time period. All in all though, He'll be a good underdog character to put out there. Maybe on Smackdown? Very cool though.[/QUOTE] He performs BETTER now, though you're not likely to see it in his WWE work given their stylistic restrictions. It's like saying "I doubt Lion Heart performs like the Lion Heart from that time period.". Uhh, he performs BETTER because he's had more varied experience. He's been the top dog in a promotion, he's had Match of the Year candidate matches (see: Styles, AJ), he's worked different styles (puro, catch, modern/X-Division, garbage, etc). That's bound to make any worker better. I dunno, I'm kinda torn here. Personally, I would've preferred seeing he signed with TNA but I guess for his financial well-being, signing with the 'E is the equivalent of getting a government job (in the U.S.).
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D'Lo is gonna kick someone's sorry ass out on the street! I'm thinking he'll either be a top competitor on "[i]ECW[/i]" or an upper-midcarder on [i]SmackDown![/i] in either the U.S. Division or a Tag team of some sort...
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