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any good e-feds out there?


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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;434020]The troubel with a lot of e-fed characters is that too many people operate in the "grey" area - they want to be the Austinesque anti-hero so their character has a cool edge or the ****y but cool nWo style heel that people love in spite of their heelishness. Not enough people want to be an utter bastard of a heel character or a genuinely sympathetic babyface. It's a sad reflection of what's wrong with wrestling. I still miss it, though. :([/QUOTE] I understand what you mean here. Everyone wants to be that one really over guy. No one wants to show weakness. No one wants to lose...ever. It's not about a good story anymore. It's not about psychology or putting together a program for fun. Nowadays it's just, "im the besst thug in teh world, playa. I was five time world Champion in AFw, for time champ in GWF, and eighteen thousand time champ in AFGEHBTFVH BDFVSFSGDGV." Like, first off, no one in this fed cares about those other feds. Secondly, all those other feds were most likely full of 12 year olds who you could easily beat. Geez. Also, Afro is right, sometimes you have to job. It's good to win and all, but like I said in the beginning of the post, you have to make a good program.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;434012]I had fun in the TCW E-Fed. I like that I basically started from the bottom of the barrel and took myself a nice steady but long path to main event stardom. I enjoyed take the underdog character slowly growing him into a kind of fan's own character. Plus going out as the last TCW champion was kinda nice too.[/QUOTE] To be honest, I never had any intentions of your push ending up the way it ended up. You did all that yourself with consistent quality roleplays, a character that stood out and by never once complaining. So many roleplayers forcibly favor those who bitch everytime they job even it makes for the better storyline just because they felt they roleplayed better that week. I weigh them, but when a storyline NEEDS a loss, you're gunna take the loss. I appriciate that you saw the bigger picture. And I mean, who wouldnt root for a sympathetic underdog who never gave up, cried when he read fan letters, and ran to his momma when he had to face Marat Khoklov? (Or C0ck-love... as I used to call him) [QUOTE=Crychon;434017]I agree that TCW was definitely a good time, and the level of competition there was very nice, people always seemed to give it their all, and most of the time pretty much everything was a fun read. I know I kind of got burned out toward the end, as did a lot of people, but if it reopened, especially if it was just for a short while, I'm sure it'd definitely be fun.[/QUOTE] You guys are making me consider this one off event... And who wouldnt want to see one more month of Cranshaw? That was a character who was meant to be heel but you just couldnt hate. I only took the title off of you and put it on me because I felt people were starting to feel you were getting unbeatable in the Hulkamania sense... [QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;434053] Also, Afro is right, sometimes you have to job. It's good to win and all, but like I said in the beginning of the post, you have to make a good program.[/QUOTE] Jobbing is part of the... job. Esspecially as owner, I needed to make sure that everyone was happy, that everyone had a storyline and that everyone looked like a threat to win a championship. And that meant someone had to give a rub to someone lower then them. Even if you suck you will win in my fed if you atleast show an effort. You wont become heavyweight champion but you wont be a jobber. I've seen so many improve drastically as I let them win. Jason Gaspard was a no one when he entered but was a legit threat by the end of TCW. As was Trent Cobain who won the Hardcore title and ended up gaining a heap of momentum. I despise seeing those owners who just throw the belt on themselves and make themselves undefeated gods. Thats boring and well... lame. My character atleast was able to beleivably lose matches, as he was just me, a 5'9, 170 pound nothing. He was also a born hunter and not the hunted so the term "close but no cigar" was something he was able to have tagged to him. Plus, I can gain all my heat back in an instant. My feuds with others always end up being career changers for the opponents because of how deep and personal I get. I've beat up family members, and long time friends while calling them by my opponents name, used a hot woman (Fern Hathaway) as a pawn in order for me to win the title without anyone expecting it. I've fake retired twice only to return the first time as the owner of the company and the second time as the worlds champion. And I've demeaned the hell out of my opponents, saying theyre as crucial to my company as "Coke Cans are to a convinience store." Ofcourse, after saying that, I HAD to lose the match or they'd end up looking worthless.... like Coke Cans.
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That's true, and I wish more roleplayers would watch what they say in their promos. Owners need to carefully read and remember them too. I can't tell you how many people I beat who had their characther take this match so seriously (even though we weren't in a feud at all) that they would put their career, or their pay, or etc. on the line. Then I beat them, and that promise they made in their RP is suddenly gone, and they're ready to face someone else. Save big talk for big matches...or characther development. It's awesome that we are having an in-depth talk about e-wrestling, but I think really it is about wrestling. Because that is what e-wrestling mainly is, the story side of wrestling. A lot of people seem to forget that. They seem to forget that even though this is all fake with a bunch of people that will never exist, you have to make it believable, and having a roster full of people with the same gimmick, same number of world title reigns, same records, etc. doesn't make it believable.
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[QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;434375]They seem to forget that even though this is all fake with a bunch of people that will never exist, you have to make it believable, and having a roster full of people with the same gimmick, same number of world title reigns, same records, etc. doesn't make it believable.[/QUOTE] I agreed with you till that last one as I always tried to keep everyone looking like a threat. Anyone who roleplayed regularly that is... RPing seem to be a gathering of the worlds flakiest people, so if they're here today promising to set the world on fire, go undefeated, sleep with every diva and win the world title, it wont nessesarily mean he'll be here in the morning. So I reward the effort with wins. And if you suck... its okay, because I have enough fake jobber wrestlers on my roster for you to beat in the meanwhile as you hone your craft. Everyone who atleast tries will have a winning record and will get the occasional title match, be it a lower level title, the tag team title or if you're good, the world title. Gimmicks and title reigns is a different story. In the TCW efed it seemed as if every newb was a c*cky heel and every face was Stone Cold Steve Austin with poor grammer. Variety wins here. And as for title reigns, You'll only win the heavyweight title if you truly deserve it. If I can truly picture you as the head of my promotion. But if I let you hold any title, it meant I liked your work and you were going somewhere.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;434155]You guys are making me consider this one off event... And who wouldnt want to see one more month of Cranshaw? That was a character who was meant to be heel but you just couldnt hate. I only took the title off of you and put it on me because I felt people were starting to feel you were getting unbeatable in the Hulkamania sense...[/QUOTE] Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Cranshawmania runs wild on you?! To be honest though, I was actually pretty glad you took the belt off of me when you did, I mean, having the belt was awesome and everything, but I just felt so much more pressure when I had it, and was instantly less satisfied with every RP I put out because I wasn't sure if it was my best and whatnot.
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E-Feds The Best e-fed i known is Full Metal Wrestling. I've been a member for a little bit now and it's outdid all my old e-feds 100 times over. Full Metal Wrestling is an e-federation created in late 2006 and it's amazingly well run. They're so powerful they just created their own wrestling news site (one of the best out there as it really keeps pace with sites like Wrestleview or PWinsider) and new forums. In fact they hired their own Graphic's designer to create some wrestling wallpapers ([url]http://www.fullmetalwrestling.com/wrestling-wallpapers/[/url]). The skill level is really high at the FMW e-fed. Most of the roster members are creative writers and what not, so the promos are at an excellent quality. They also have some pretty good real wrestling forums. They just transfered from their old forums but already the new site is exploding with people. The cool thing is that FMW don't force a show out for every week. Instead they take about 2 weeks to put up a really well written show and also that takes off the pressure to force a promo before a deadline. FMW has a roster size of about 50 strong e-fedders, most of them veterans, but they always welcome new comers. Yeah, so i really recommend FMW. [url]http://www.fullmetalwrestling.com/forums/index.php[/url] That's the forums [url]http://www.fullmetalwrestling.com[/url] That's the cool news site.
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I have a tag team that I took from a friend of mine and turned into a comedy group known as The Gorditas. The team is made up of 2 white brothers from West Virgina who went to Mexico to train to become Luchadores. The problem is, as good as they are, no one takes them serious. Los Gringo X never removes his mask and oddly enough dresses like Rey Mysterio Jr. His brother Chico Loco, who looks very much like Eminem, stopped wearing the mask because it made his face itch too much. He is the bad ass while Gringo is the idiot. As a team they're awesome, but they learned that while it's great to win, it's easier to lose! So I ran a storyline where they found a job as enhancement talent... since then I've used them as a comedy jobber team instead of a normal serious comedy team. As with all my characters if the feud needed it I'd let my opponent win if it enhanced what we were doing, or if I wanted to put someone over. I had a friend I feuded with for 6 months where our 3 big matches were death matches that we created and we decided to make the series even going into the third match so that we could really RP against one another. Luckily I came out on top and we had a great ending to a fun feud. Needless to the say the guy that wrote all three of our matches wrote very detailed and graphically. I never knew I could feel nauseous after reading a fantasy match. It's not easy finding people who are willing to lose these days. That would be another reason to stay out of E-wrestling.
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[QUOTE=falleneagleftw;433402] For those who are still into E-feds, check this place out. I don't know if they have a main page, if they do I don't have the link, but I have the forums. [url]http://s4.invisionfree.com/sinempire/index.php?act=idx[/url] SIN has been around for a long time. I'm not sure if they run like a normal E-fed anymore, but they still run shows. They generally have a good group of people. If anyone is looking for E-feds I still keep in touch with a lot of guys who still play the game. [/QUOTE] [url]www.sinwrestling.com[/url] It's a good place, ran by a good fed head.
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When I used to be into E-Wrestling, my character was a bit of a drama queen. He had manic depression due the loss of his older brother at the age of 14 and the death of his wife and unborn child at the age of 23. He lost touch with his parents after he decided to lead the life of a wrestler (which he decided to do because it was his brothers dream to wrestle). He wasn't very talented in the ring, but had more heart than most wrestlers and had unique charisma. He was a fan favorite because of the horrible things that happened to him. It's interesting to note that when I began, my character was teamed with a comedic ladies man, we formed Team SeXtreme and later he turned on me - adding to the depression. :)
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[QUOTE=jagilki;439509]I'm currently inactive. Just lurk the boards here and there. Was known as "Xander Gates" there.[/QUOTE] The name sounds familiar. I handled Jimmy Jackson, Joey Jackson and The Gorditas...for the 3 different runs I believe I had. Two with Jimmy, one with Joey... and the Gorditas jobbed.
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