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any good e-feds out there?


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I know this may not be the best place to post this, but does anyone here belong to an e-fed that they would recommend? I've never tried e-wrestling before, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;433245]I thoroughly recommend [url]http://iwc.fwrestling.com/[/url] It's only just started so you've got the best chance of getting in at the ground floor and standing an equal chance. Hope to see you there.[/QUOTE] I'd suggest this one too, as it does have the unique honor of being the fed that has me in it. *cough* What?
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I used to be into E-Fedding back in the day, lost interest about two years ago though. I always say that a good E-Fed starts with the website and it's look - that site is pretty nice and it looks official and professional, which is what an E-Fed needs in my eyes. The next thing an E-Fed truly needs is the OOC environment - if everyone is friendly and gets along, it'll make it that much more fun. Looking at the website I was thinking about the e-wrestling I've done in the past. It brought back some good memories with people I still keep in touch with to this day. :rolleyes: One thing I noticed though, your "Home" link should point to "home.html" and not the original web address - it makes your guests re-enter your website! Also, you should just post your Application on your Forums and have people post it in a certain part of the board. It allows everyone in the E-Fed to see whose applying and even give feedback. I've found it works out nicely.
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[QUOTE=LoganRodzen;433365]I used to be into E-Fedding back in the day, lost interest about two years ago though. I always say that a good E-Fed starts with the website and it's look - that site is pretty nice and it looks official and professional, which is what an E-Fed needs in my eyes. The next thing an E-Fed truly needs is the OOC environment - if everyone is friendly and gets along, it'll make it that much more fun. Looking at the website I was thinking about the e-wrestling I've done in the past. It brought back some good memories with people I still keep in touch with to this day. :rolleyes: One thing I noticed though, your "Home" link should point to "home.html" and not the original web address - it makes your guests re-enter your website! Also, you should just post your Application on your Forums and have people post it in a certain part of the board. It allows everyone in the E-Fed to see whose applying and even give feedback. I've found it works out nicely.[/QUOTE] Actually, it works better if the fed owner gets applications, THEN posts them in a hidden area. Then he can get the roster's feedback, and delete it, so that there's no hard feelings or wars going on over someone saying something bad.
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I used to E-fed back in the day. All I can say is that now there aren't many good E-feds out there. It isn't as popular as it was back in 1997-2005. I think around 2005 most people who actually knew how to write a wrestling Role-play stopped playing the game...or ended up getting into games like TEW. Sadly the only E-feds I know of are full of guys who think they're going to be professional writers one day. I used to run and have worked with a lot of really good Fed heads. Posting applications on a forum for everyone to see isn't the best of ideas. Nobody needs to know who has joined until the Staff add the person to the roster or the person debuts on a show. I always liked how some places have a Developmental RP board for people to post role-plays that aren't counted towards matches, but used for character development. Those seem to get a good reaction and they let those who like to post more than the weekly limit a place to post and continue their story. For those who are interested in Role-playng, want something different than wrestling and like superheros I suggest this place: [url]http://www.empirecityuniverse.com/[/url] That place has been around for several years now and the majority of guys there are all guys who I used to E-fed with. A great group and really good writers. For those who are still into E-feds, check this place out. I don't know if they have a main page, if they do I don't have the link, but I have the forums. [url]http://s4.invisionfree.com/sinempire/index.php?act=idx[/url] SIN has been around for a long time. I'm not sure if they run like a normal E-fed anymore, but they still run shows. They generally have a good group of people. If anyone is looking for E-feds I still keep in touch with a lot of guys who still play the game. The game is addicting though. Be warned.
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I used to do a crap load of e-wrestling, but recently, it seems that if there are any feds, they are filled with people who write long RPs that don't really have much creativity (OR CORRECT GRAMMAR!!!), and they all have the same gimmick: a ****y (it annoys me that it says ****y instead of the word) thug. All the people that I RPed with have grown up, had kids, and gotten married. I was always the young one of the bunch, and I'm only 20 now, so I'm just not RPing because I work too much and I haven't met anyone that I like anymore OOC (or IC for that matter).
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[quote=TheJoshRollins;433482]All the people that I RPed with have grown up, had kids, and gotten married. I was always the young one of the bunch, and I'm only 20 now, so I'm just not RPing because I work too much and I haven't met anyone that I like anymore OOC (or IC for that matter).[/quote] I'm in the same boat as you, except I'm 19 and not 20. I made a lot of friends through e-fedding and I still communicate with them occasionally (MySpace, AIM, etc). The biggest reason I stopped RP'ing was because I didn't have fun writing them anymore. The feds I joined - people didn't seem interested in other peoples characters, just there own and the OOC environment was horrible. Also, posting applications on the Forums is intended for the staff to handle, not the members - but it also allows members to give feedback to those trying to join. It also lets people get to know each other a little better OOC. I've seen people apply and not get accepted because of something. Then someone in that fed turned around and helped them get better at where they were weak and that's the reason they ended up being accepted. I was always in an E-Fed where people gave constructive criticism - never started wars by saying something inappropriate. I guess I was fortunate enough for that to happen.
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[QUOTE=jesterx7769;433468]I am surprised no one has started a GDS or TEW efed[/QUOTE] There was a TEW e-fed until like... March I think. It was based on TCW and was pretty fun until I took over, and promptly couldn't handle it. [QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;433482]I used to do a crap load of e-wrestling, but recently, it seems that if there are any feds, they are filled with people who write long RPs that don't really have much creativity (OR CORRECT GRAMMAR!!!), and they all have the same gimmick: a ****y (it annoys me that it says ****y instead of the word) thug.[/QUOTE] Yeah. 90% of people play that role, and don't do anything interesting with it.
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[QUOTE=Self;433539] Yeah. 90% of people play that role, and don't do anything interesting with it.[/QUOTE] I totally agree. There always seems to be the generic ones that never change. Most seem to lack any creativity at all.
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I used to have some fun at wrassle.net, it's one of the more organized E-Fed games out there and has a sim engine to determine match outcomes. It was one of the better places for having a variety of gimmicks and some creative people there. Not crazy about some of the people running the site though, but then maybe I am just bitter because I did get banned for some of the stuff I did with a character called "MacGayver" ... he was like MacGyver, only way more homoerotic. All that said, E-Fedding is a pretty major waste of time and writing talents.
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If it's fun it's never a waste of time... unless you go overboard. I was perfectly happy writing a short backstage skit about Edd Stone every week. I basically played him as a young kid finally getting away from his parents for the first time in his life, eager to experience what the world had to offer. Only he was completely irresponsible, had no idea how the world worked, was completely dependent on having a tag team partner, and had an IQ of about 40. Those promo's are best thing I've ever written. MacGuyver sounds interesting. I enjoy a bit of homoeroticism now and then, but the name does come off a tad childish.
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[QUOTE=Self;433736]If it's fun it's never a waste of time... unless you go overboard. I was perfectly happy writing a short backstage skit about Edd Stone every week. I basically played him as a young kid finally getting away from his parents for the first time in his life, eager to experience what the world had to offer. Only he was completely irresponsible, had no idea how the world worked, was completely dependent on having a tag team partner, and had an IQ of about 40. Those promo's are best thing I've ever written. MacGuyver sounds interesting. I enjoy a bit of homoeroticism now and then, but the name does come off a tad childish.[/QUOTE] I gotta say, I loved your Edd Stone character and it killed me that I couldnt push him to the moon. Really made me like that character that in the real cornellverse, was a prick. [QUOTE=TheJoshRollins;433482]I used to do a crap load of e-wrestling, but recently, it seems that if there are any feds, they are filled with people who write long RPs that don't really have much creativity (OR CORRECT GRAMMAR!!!), and they all have the same gimmick: a ****y (it annoys me that it says ****y instead of the word) thug.[/QUOTE] I must admit, my character had the basic premise of being the typical c*cky heel. But he developed quickly into so much more. He was, deep down, a nice guy being controlled by his power hungry girlfriend Willow into doing her bidding. And while it was his dream to become a wrestler, it was hers to find success and power in it. Both characters got over extremely well and I think part of that was because I never dominated the efed. I always jobbed to people who deserved the rub. Plus his rantings were typical smarkish nonsense. It was my best writing too, and I wanted to end his story like Scarface in that he got too much power, it got to his head and he lost it all under his own foolishness. Unfortunately I burnt out before I could do any of that. But I would be interested in reopening it eventually... just not for a while.
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[url]http://www.twistedexperience.com/forum/index.php[/url] [url]http://www.411mania.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=12[/url] here's two really well run e-feds. Nice communities nice sites, and some of the top tier guys are really good writers.
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I have handled a bunch of characters. I find the creative part of E-wrestling to be a lot of fun. When I ran my own E-fed I worked with a guy to get better and he did. Even though his character was a replica of the Rock, I loved it. Not many people can pull off a good Rock impersonation in the game...even in Real Char feds most people are horrible and just used whatever the Rock said on the previous weeks RAW. I just lost the ability to want to write. As one person pointed out, a lot of people write long winded RPs that are horrible. I LOVE a good RP that is long, but it has to keep my interest. What I've observed is that a lot of people are starting to cut the wrestling out of their stories...and people let these guys win. I've always argued and have always brought controversy to every E-fed I've been in. I refuse to believe people can easily throw logic out of the window. E-wrestling is about wrestling, not the last hooker some thug did the night before the show. I agree that these days everyone wants to have the same gimmick. It's so bad that a lot of people start up E-feds where 98% of the people are thugs or Emo characters. On the upside, they're fun to rip apart. OOC atmosphere is important. If there are a few A holes that doesn't make the atmosphere horrible. Get to know people through Email or Instant Message because a lot of guys who are A holes on the OOC boards are generally really cool off the boards. The A holes keep E-feds free of the people who complain about every little thing that happens to their character. I'm sorry, but I don't have to tell anyone that I'm sending in a strat to beat down their character backstage. BTW - A lot of the people I used to RP with were married and had kids. I know guys that are in their 30s and 40s that play the game. Those are the people you want to work with in E-wrestling. The more mature the roster is the more fun you can have. Then again, writing gets boring when people start only caring about their own characters and no one else... or you stop caring in general when everyone has the same gimmick or writing style. Heh...I could go on and on with this topic. lol. This is definitely a topic I could discuss for hours.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;433750]I gotta say, I loved your Edd Stone character and it killed me that I couldnt push him to the moon. Really made me like that character that in the real cornellverse, was a prick.[/QUOTE] I tried to tell the story from the other side of things. Internet wrestling fans tend to be very "Technical wrestling good, gimmicks bad" and Edd Stone tends to come off as the villain of the Stone family because of that. On the other side however, we have this young kid who doesn't want to follow exactly in his father's footsteps, who is trying to establish his own identity, and that has created a lot of conflict with the rest of his family, who are very stoic and traditional. In a Hollywood movie I can easily see Edd as the hero of the Stone Family. That's the story that Edd was telling in his early video packages, and later on that I started telling, when I realised I was more comfortable playing a babyface. Or maybe I don't quite 'get' how Adam wanted him portrayed. Oh, and there was no way Edd could be pushed to the moon. Failure was an integral part of the character. :) [QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;433750]I must admit, my character had the basic premise of being the typical c*cky heel. But he developed quickly into so much more. He was, deep down, a nice guy being controlled by his power hungry girlfriend Willow into doing her bidding. And while it was his dream to become a wrestler, it was hers to find success and power in it. Both characters got over extremely well and I think part of that was because I never dominated the efed. I always jobbed to people who deserved the rub. Plus his rantings were typical smarkish nonsense.[/QUOTE] You were a good ****y heel because unlike a lot of people playing that role, you actually did things. You weren't just saying "I'm going to win because this guy sucks and I rule." you had plots, schemes, interactions with other characters. You did heel-ish things, rather than just bragging. Plus with your anti-gimmick, wrestling-is-wrestling stance, a feud with Edd Stone, the most over-the-top joke on the roster (even more so than Captain Cranshaw in some respects) could have ruled. [QUOTE]But I would be interested in reopening it eventually... just not for a while.[/QUOTE] What I would love to do in the future is to do like a one-month e-fed tournament thing. No long term commitment. Just have fun for a month. 4 TV shows and a PPV. Sort of like the Mafia games, where you can join one, play, and there's a definite end point. [QUOTE=falleneagleftw;433785]I just lost the ability to want to write. As one person pointed out, a lot of people write long winded RPs that are horrible. I LOVE a good RP that is long, but it has to keep my interest. What I've observed is that a lot of people are starting to cut the wrestling out of their stories...and people let these guys win. I've always argued and have always brought controversy to every E-fed I've been in. I refuse to believe people can easily throw logic out of the window. E-wrestling is about wrestling, not the last hooker some thug did the night before the show.[/QUOTE] Oddly enough that was the type of thing I loved doing with Edd. Backstage segments where the "24 hour party animal" would arrive at the arena, often hung over, and go into this rambling account of what he's 87% sure happened the previous night. You always have to keep in mind that the best wrestlers would usually win matches though, and Edd had a pretty poor win/loss record. Which the character deserved, even though I, as a writer perhaps didn't. [QUOTE=falleneagleftw;433785]BTW - A lot of the people I used to RP with were married and had kids. I know guys that are in their 30s and 40s that play the game. Those are the people you want to work with in E-wrestling. The more mature the roster is the more fun you can have.[/QUOTE] I agree with this. The dependability you get with people in that age bracket in very nice. [QUOTE=falleneagleftw;433785]Heh...I could go on and on with this topic. lol. This is definitely a topic I could discuss for hours.[/QUOTE] Me too :)
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Yeah it was hard to hate Stone with the way you portrayed him. Adam probably goes for the Edd Stone who wrestles hungover if he even bothers to show up at all. He drinks, he smokes, he no-shows and he breaks the Stone tradition in so many ways. Whereas you portrayed him as a person who was being suffocated under old tradition that was being followed for the sake of following it. He did drink and smoke but he just a clumsy oaf that stood out from the pack. Hard to hate that person and my job as owner was to get a feel of what you were doing and roll with it during shows. It was my intention to have you eventually get cat jemson and push you to maybe the International title but you seemed adamant about losing. Whether be it with cat or in the ring. It irked me at first that I couldnt push you but in the end I appriciated the fact that their was one guy who didn't bitch when I job him once a month. And it made for a better character cause it was different. BPK was just like that. I mean he was the top heel in the efed but not because I shoved him down peoples throats. But because he had such a good character. He wasnt dominating, he was clearly flawed, insecure, way too wrapped up in pleasing his girlfriend and outside of her, he was a loner. He was also desparate to accomplish that unreachable dream of perfection, very much like me. But on the outside he was cunning, quick witted, elitist and quite a schemer. I made it a point though to not ever win a feud. Winning the title only by surpise. Which was another thing with him. I wanted to be differed, just like Stone. So if you expected something involving my character to happen based on usual wrestling stereotyp, then you would be surpised often. It came to the point that people were questioning my real departure as another trick. Kinda hoping I would pop up a third time and steal the title. To me that's when you suceed as a writer.
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yeah reopening it for a month or so doesn't sound so bad. I just need to free myself from 5 day work weeks, friends that need to hang out everyday, an oncoming summer class and a budding relationship... So I really wouldnt hold my breath for too long.
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I had fun in the TCW E-Fed. I like that I basically started from the bottom of the barrel and took myself a nice steady but long path to main event stardom. I enjoyed take the underdog character slowly growing him into a kind of fan's own character. Plus going out as the last TCW champion was kinda nice too.
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I agree that TCW was definitely a good time, and the level of competition there was very nice, people always seemed to give it their all, and most of the time pretty much everything was a fun read. I know I kind of got burned out toward the end, as did a lot of people, but if it reopened, especially if it was just for a short while, I'm sure it'd definitely be fun.
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The troubel with a lot of e-fed characters is that too many people operate in the "grey" area - they want to be the Austinesque anti-hero so their character has a cool edge or the ****y but cool nWo style heel that people love in spite of their heelishness. Not enough people want to be an utter bastard of a heel character or a genuinely sympathetic babyface. It's a sad reflection of what's wrong with wrestling. I still miss it, though. :(
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